Bullywug PC Race

by TehlalTheAllTelling

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“YOU'RE TRAVELLING WITH A BULLYWUG? ARE YOU expecting it to turn out happily ever after?”

-- Jhanki, Knight Errant of Cormyr

Life as a bullywug is nasty, brutish, and wet. These frog-headed humanoids must stay constantly moist, dwelling in rainy forests, marshes, and damp caves.

Bullywugs have green, gray, or mottled yellow skin that shifts through shades of gray, green, and brown, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings. Their tongues are so large they almost prevent them from being capable of speaking common.

Foul Aristocracy

Bullywugs consider themselves the right and proper rulers of the swamps. They follow an etiquette of sorts, subject to the whims and fancies of their leader. Bullywugs introduce themselves with grand-sounding titles, make great shows of bowing and debasing themselves before their superiors, and endlessly vie to win their superiors' favor.

A bullywug has two ways to advance socially. It can either murder its rivals, or it can present treasure as tribute or a token of obeisance to its liege. A bullywug that murders its rivals without cunning is likely to be executed, so it's more common for bullywugs to stage raids against caravans and settlements, with the goal of securing precious baubles to impress their lords and win their good graces. Invariably, such fine goods are reduced to filthy tatters through abuse and neglect. Once a gift loses its sheen, the lord invariably demands that its subjects bring it more treasure as tribute.

Villages prone to bullywug raids often keep ale out, for it is rare for a bullwug to refuse a drink, though only a few can send a bullywug into a coma, if not outright death.

Unruly Diplomacy

Bullywugs love nothing more than lording over those who trespass on their territories. Their warriors attempt to capture intruders rather than slay them. Captives are dragged before the king or queen - a bullywug of unusually large size- and forced to beg for mercy. Bribes, treasure, and flattery can trick the lord into letting its captives go, but not before it tries to impress its "guests" with the majesty of its treasure and its realm. Struck with a deep inferiority complex, bullywug lords fancy themselves royalty, but desperately crave the fear and respect of outsiders.

Amphibian Allies

Bullywugs speak bullywi, a language that allows them to communicate over large areas by croaking like frogs. News of intruders or other events spread within minutes across this crude communication system.

Simple concepts in bullywi are understandable to frogs and toads. Bullywugs use this capability to form strong bonds with giant frogs, which they train as guardians, hunters, or mounts.

For the clueless and the modrons:
art from the 5e Monster Manual .

Bullywug Names

Bullywug Names. Karimsh, Fblippi, Jermaha, Shijaw, Broggar, Shlippi, Mimshigro

Bullywug Traits

Your bullywug character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores each increase by 1.

Age. Bullywugs emerge from their tadpole stage to fend for themselves after 6 to 8 weeks, however only one percent of bullywugs reach adulthood, living up to about 70 years if they don't die a brutal death.

Alignment. Bullywugs do on occasion find themselves allying with powerful figures, but are almost inevitably self-serving.

Size. Bullywugs are usually about the dimensions of a dwarf, but can vary wildly, standing 4'-7', and weighing 100-300 lbs. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet, and you have a swimming speed of 40 feet.

Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.

Natural Weapons. Your crushing jaws are a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Speak with Frogs and Toads. You can communicate simple concepts to frogs and toads when you speak Bullywi.

Sneaky. You are proficient in the Stealth skill.

Standing Leap. Your jump is up to 20 feet long and up to 10 feet high, with or without a running start. On your first turn in combat, you may make a jump as part of your first melee weapon attack. If you use all of this movement, you add +1 to your attack roll and the attack deals an extra 2d6 damage. You can use this trait only once per combat.

Swamp Camouflage. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in swampy terrain.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Bullywi. Bullywi consists of croaks, staccato notes, clicks, etc.


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