Gambit's Magic Deck of Cards

by Annarian

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Gambits' Deck of Cards

Wondrous item, Legendary (requires attunement)

This seemingly ordinary deck of 52 playing cards is packed with explosive magic. When they called into action they glow with magnificent purple energy.

You can use an action or bonus action to make a ranged attack. Each card has a magical range of 60 feet. The cards explode on impact and are destroyed. Each creature within a 10 foot radius of the cards explosion must succeed on a DC 15 dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 force damage. Each card is considered a charge and the deck contains 52 charges. The deck regains 5d10 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn, never exceeding the limit of 52. If you expend the decks last charge the deck simply no longer exists.

Card Drawing Techniques

  1. Royal Flush: Five cardsglow purple and magically leap into the air. At your command they can be fired in any direction, at any number of targets. (charges: 20)
  2. The Straight: Five cards glow purple and are propelled in a straight line towards one target. (charges: 20)
  3. Pocket Rockets: two cards glow purple and soar toward one target at your command. The damage is doubled and the attack roll is made with advantage. (charges: 10)
  4. The River: one card glows purple magically leaping into the air. It flies towards a target dealing 5d4 force damage. When you roll to attack a 19 or 20 results in a critical and the deck regains 1 spent card draw technique of your choice and 20 charges, not exceeding the decks threshhold of 52 charges. (charges: 2)

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