Angel Race

by RogueKnight47

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Angels, were celestials that hailed from any of the upper planes. Powerful entities of light and goodness, they were the traditional enemies of all manner of fiends and served as the warriors, stewards, and proxies of the divine powers. While properly, the term "angel" referred to a subset of celestials, those on the Material Plane helped by any celestial being might claim to have been "visited by an angel".
“We had the town under siege for two months, draining their resources. When we finally breached the walls, one of the first places we started looting was the cathedral. That was our last mistake. The moment the first soldier approached the altar, its silverware left bare and ready for the taking… we all heard a great horn blow. That’s when we knew it was too late. An entire flight, over five hundred angels, had arrived. We were slaughtered en mass and failed to take even a single one of them down. They left a single survivor to warn the world. So, the next time you’re in a church with winged humans depicted on stain glass, think twice about doing anything… wrong. They’ll know, and if you cross the line, you will die by their spears.”

-Maveth Scourge Survivor, Last of the Thenalelo Clan

Creation and Ascendance

Angels were created by the will of their deities from the spirits of select petitioners. The gods or goddesses simply formed new bodies for these chosen followers in their afterlife, making them into Guardians.

Guardians who served faithfully as warriors in the holy armies could be promoted and transformed into celestial apprentices in a process called "ascendance". Such a promotion involved a change in physical form, magical power, and status. Typically, Guardians were promoted into demi, who were in turn transformed into storms and finally solars. The powers considered the good deeds performed by the angel when deciding when and how to promote him or her. An angel retained all memories when ascending; it was only the physical form and powers that were changed.

The angels of Mount Celestia were not formed directly from petitioners but were instead promoted from trumpet archons or other archons, who had already risen through the ranks of those celestials from the lowly lantern archon.

Devas are the lowest of the celestial apperentices, yet they were not formed from the ascendance of Guardians; instead, they were created from the spirits of greater angels who had been slain on other planes in the course of their missions. For this reason, they were held in reverence by other angels of greater power.

Ascendance was always offered, not required. If an individual angel desired to remain in his or her current form rather then transform into a higher being, there was no shame attached to this decision. Nevertheless, the great majority of angels accepted promotion, seeing it as a chance to obtain an even more virtuous state of existence.

Some more modern scholars refuted all of this and claimed that angels were in fact formed from fragments of the "astral essence" of the good gods themselves. Even if true in some cases, it is certain that at least some petitioners were made into angels by the powers.

Bred for Military

Angels are born to be the servants of a God or Goddess, and this commonly causes angels as a whole to become an army of sorts. Although not all Angels are truly warriors, all of them have some degree of combat ability, magic or otherwise. This also means they are raised m taking their own spin on them. Although there is one thing certain about angels, whenever they appear, they represent a great interest from their deity, and dismissing that off-handily is a dire mistake.


Angels lived primarily in the Upper Planes and were permitted to travel freely among them from one to the other, likely by means of the World Tree. They could also enter the Astral and Material Planes if directed by their divine masters, to support the purposes of good.

In the Upper Planes, angels served as defenders and protectors of their homes, repelling any invasions. They sometimes acted as guides and guards to any mortal visitors of their realms.


The angels were divided into two main groupings: warriors and celestial stewards. The warriors were called upon to fight for the good gods and to defend the borders of those deities' realms. Some sources held that angels were more likely to fight other angels from other good planes than fiends from the Lower Planes. The only commonly known type of angel to serve as a warrior was the Guardian. In contrast, the celestial stewards were those angels who served as the direct hands of the gods. Each type had a particular purpose to serve.

Angel Names

Male: Albo, Alexander, Auriel, Azrael, Calidon, Castian, Castiel, Demetry, Destian, Gabriel, Helel, Izunal, Jacob, Michael, Orion, Perisis, Raemond, Raphael, Samual, Tyriel

Female: Aysa, Camisa, Elisa, Gavrial, Hannah, Iris, Itherael, Jane, Jordan, Keyrea, Lucky, Lucy, Meryn, Teryn

Some are here to protect, some are here to destroy, and some to guide.
Angel | Background


Angel Traits

Angel's are mostly warriors for their god, and as such, they receive these abilities.

Ability Scores Increase. As an Angel your Strength score increases by 2.

Appearance. Angel's are mostly humanoid but can look like any other race in order to blend in.

Age. Angel's are immortal, living from the day they were created until the end of time.

Alignment . Angel's are holy beings created by a divine being. While their god may be of the evil side of the balance, the Angel's tend to stay toward the lawful or neutral side of things, but there have been cases in which Angels are chaotic.

Wings. Angels have a flying speed of 30 feet, but you cannot use this flight speed when you have heavy armor equipped.

Dark Vision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray

Size. Angels are Medium, and can nearly pass as simply tall humans or other races. Angel's are at least 6 feet, but are no larger than 10 feet.

Language. You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.

Speed. Your walking speed is 30ft.

Proficiencies. You are proficient in light armor and shields. You are also proficient in Longswords, Longbows,

Godlike Wings. With your wings you can use an action to attack with them. To hit is 1d20 + Str Mod, the damage for this attack is 1d4 + Str Mod dealing slashing damage.

Subrace. There are different types of angels that live within the worlds of DnD: Light Angel, Revenge Angels, Protector Angel, Fallen Angels. Choose one of these subraces.

Light Angel

Light Angels, also known as Pure Angels are those with the purest of hearts. You fight for what is right and will always try to help those who need it.

Ability Score Increase. As a Light Angel you can choose two other scores to increase by 1.

Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from the Warlock Spell List. Your Charisma will be the spellcasting ability for it.

Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage.

Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write in one language of your choice.

Revenge Angel

Revenge Angels, also known as Vengeance Angels are those who destory everyone that stands on the wrong side of what they believe.

Ability Score Increase. As a Revenge Angel your Dexterity increases by 1.

Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage.

Vengeance Strike. As a Revenge Angel, using your reaction, when you take damage you can make an attack roll adding on your constitution modifier to hit. On a hit, you deal 1d6 fire or radiant (choose one) damage. The die becomes a d8 at 5th, and a d10 at 10th. On a miss, your next attack you gain 1d4 damage of either fire or radiant damage. You can use this a total of once per short or long rest. You also gain an extra use of Vengeance Strike at 5th level.

Extra Language. You can read, write and speak in another language of your choice.

Protector Angel

Protector Angels, those who will do anything to keep people alive by healing them or fighting for them.

Ability Score Increase. As a Protector Angel you choose another score to increase by 1.

Celestial Touch. You can use an action to heal a creature by touching them. They regain a total of hit points based upon your level. You can use this once per short or long rest. You gain another use of Celestial Touch at 5th level.

Light Bearer. You learn the Light Cantrip. Your Charisma is your spell cast ability for this spell.

Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage.

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angels, also known as Dark Angels are those who have lost sight of the light and hope in the world trading it in for chaos and destruction. You don't abide by most laws and hardly care for breaking them, you do what you want.

Ability Score Increase. As a Fallen Angel your constitution increases by 1.

Superior Darkvision. Your dark vision has a radius of 120 feet.

Fallen Celestial. You have resistance to necrotic damage.

Necrotic Shroud. Starting at 3rd level, you are able to use an action to turn your wings into skeletal ghostly wings, your eyes fill with black. Once you use this every creature within 10 feet of you, that can see you must make a Charisma Saving throw, to avoid to not be frighten of you. This save will go against your Charisma DC (Charisma Mod + Prof Bonus + 8). You can use this once per long rest.

Language. You are able to speak, read and write in Infernal.

Wing Colors

Wings. Purest of pure your wings are white with streaks of gold within the feathers.

Wings. Sweet Revenge your wings are red with streaks of white within the feathers.

Wings. Protecting those who need it your wings are Gold with streaks of white.

Wings. Turning from a pure to a dark your wings go black with streaks of blue within the feathers.

Angel | Racial Traits

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