Alchemy Summary

by Streamweaver

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Alchemy Summary

These rule are a summary of potion creation based on the revised rules for Crafting Magic Items as presented in Xanathar's Guide to Everything, modified as per the creation of expendable items. Note that those rules replace the Item Creation Rules presented in the Dungeon Masters Guide. Additoinally, this summary includes modifications made for the Alchemist speciality under the Artificer class.

Arcane Potions

Creating these potions involve skillfully mixing of special ingredients, and imbuing them with powerful magic to achieve the desired effect. Recipies for alchemical potions must be obtained or researched before they can be made and Alchemists typically carry a tome of potions they ave aquired the recipies for.

Table 1. Potion Creation

Rarity Cost (gp) Weeks
Common 25 0.5
Uncommon 100 1
Rare 1,000 5
Very rare 10,000 12.5
Legendary 50,000 25

Table 2. Alchemist Creations

Rarity Cost (gp) Days
Common 12.5 1
Uncommon 50 2
Rare 500 9
Very rare 5,000 22
Legendary 25,000 44

Mundane Potions

There are a number of basic items that can be created with the most simple alchemy skills. These generally do not involve imbuing potions with magical or mystic properties. They follow simpler and less expensive guidelines for creation detailed below.

Table 3. Simple Alchemical Creations

Item Creation Cost Days
Acid (vial) 12.5 gp 0.5
Alchemist's Fire (flask) 25 gp 1
Gunpowder (horn) 17.5 gp 0.5

Table 4. Alchemist Simple Creations

Item Creation Cost Days
Acid (vial) 7.25 gp 0.25
Alchemist's Fire (flask) 12.5 gp 0.5
Gunpowder (horn) 8.75 gp 0.25

The cost to create any of these is half the listed price (a quarter for Artificer Alchemists), and usually take a day to produce (4 per day for Artificer Alchemists).

Part 1 | Tutorial

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