A LONE ADVENTURER STANDS BEFORE A GNOLL chieftan, nearly defeated and at death's door. From the shadows, an unknown figure appears. Standing at 7 feet tall with blue hair, a bright red nose, and colorful suspenders, Chuckles the Brave approaches the gnoll and tells it a joke: "Why can't a nose be 12 inches long? Because then it'd be a foot!" Upon hearing this, the gnoll barrels over in laughter, giving the heroes a chance to escape.
--R.A. Salvatore, the Dark Crystal
All clowns hail from a mysterious realm called The Circus. There, a number of clowns pass the time telling jokes and pulling pranks on unsuspecting passersby. Those who leave leave their home do so to spread revelry and mirth across the world. Those who encounter a traveling clown should stay on their good side, lest they seek to become the victim of one of their pranks.
Mystical Tricksters
Clown are strange creatures with a number of innate magical abilities. Unfortunately, many use these powers to create mischief and incite chaos. Clowns who use their power for good, however, make powerful allies.
Colorful and Chaotic
As a form of creative expression, clowns will change certain parts of their body to reflect their emotions, to communicate ideas, or to show allegiance to a cause. As a result, many clowns differ greatly in appearance but there are some traits that unify them: Most clowns have faces that are much whiter compared to the rest of their body and include geometric or curvilinear markings in a wide array of colors and arrangements. Their hair can be any color and any number of colors, usually matching or complementing the colors on their faces. Their clothes are almost always as colorful as they are and often include a set of white gloves.
Clown Names
Clowns can have personal names, nicknames, and a surname. A clown's name is reflective of their personality and aren't restricted to gender. Clowns are free to change their names when they no longer match their personality and are encouraged to so as they grow older. Clown names are two syllables in length and often end in "ie," "o," "s," or "y." Nicknames are created by repeating either the first syllable or first two letters of their given name. These are usually reserved for close friends and family members.
Personal Names: Bingo, Blinko, Bozo, Daisie, Dusty, Frosty, Giggles, Goofy, Gutsy, Happy, Jimbo, Jester, Lucky, Marbles, Mickey, Patches, Scooter, Skippy, Sprinkles, Tipsy, Toodles, Twinkles, Whoopsie, Wiggles, Zany, Zombo
Nicknames: BooBoo, ChuChu, DaDa, GiGi, GoGo, HaHa, JimJim, JoJo, LuLu, MarMar, MiMi, PipPip, SoSo, TuTu
Clown Titles: the Coward, the Fiend, the Juggler, the Mystical, the Pie Slinger, the Squishy, the Tumbling Fool
Clown Traits
Your clown character has a number of innate abilities that distinguish them from their peers.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1, and two scores of your choice also increase by 1.
Age. Clowns mature at the same rate humans do and reach adulthood around 16. They live longer than most humans, many living well past 100.
Alignment. Most clowns are chaotic by nature, valuing freedom and merriment above all else. Many are unpredictable and tend to travel from town to town, spreading chaos and laughter wherever they go.
Size. Clowns tend to be much lighter than the average human but vary widely in height, being anywhere from 4 to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Clown Talents. Having grown up in The Circus, you have picked up some skills that make you naturally entertaining to others. You gain proficiency two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Performance, and Sleight of Hand.
Odd Physiology. Regardless of your actual size, you are able to squeeze into the smallest of spaces. As a bonus action, you can squeeze into and out of spaces a minimum of 1 foot in each dimension and stay there a number of minutes equal to twice your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 minute).
Mischief. You know the hijinks cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the tasha's hideous laughter spell at 1st-level; you must finish a short rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for both of these spells.
Tomfoolery. If you use your action to cast the hijinks cantrip, you can disengage as a bonus action.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Clownish. Clownish is a strange, mostly nonverbal language that consists of various hand signs, laughter, and honks.

Conjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 ft
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting this spell allows you to perform harmless magical tricks intended to entertain, distract, or embarrass others. You cause one of the following magical effects to happen within range:
- You create a spectral flower that appears at a point of your choosing. A creature can choose to inspect the flower. When they do so, you can use your reaction to cause the flower to squirt water in their face.
- You change the color or pattern of an object up to 5 feet in any direction. This change lasts for 1 hour.
- You pull a length of handkerchiefs no longer than 40 feet from one of your sleeves or pockets. These handkerchiefs can be used as a rope and they disappear after 1 hour.
- You can force a creature within range to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature burps or farts loudly. This sound can be heard up to 60 feet away. On a successful save, nothing happens.
- You create a balloon that appears in your hand and shape it as you see fit. You can change its shape as a bonus action. The balloon disappears after 1 hour.
- You summon a spectral pie that appears in your hand. When you cast this spell or as an action on a later turn, you can throw the pie at a creature within 10 feet. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the creature becomes covered in spectral whipped cream.
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss these effects as a bonus action.