College of Metal

by Mheros

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College of Metal

Bards of the College of Metal are often known as Metal Heads. The drums of war rage as their voices echo across the battlefield. Metal Heads harness the power of Ormagöden, the eternal fire beast, whose scream was said to be powerful enough to shatter worlds, and whose death brought forth the Age of Metal.

Instruments of War

Beginning at 3rd level, you gain the ability to use your musical instruments effectively in martial combat. This is your Instrument of War, reinforced by your magic and channeling your musical power into concussive force.

When you wield your musical instrument, it becomes a weapon that you are proficient with. Attack rolls made with this instrument use Charisma. This instrument is a two-handed melee weapon that deals Force Damage equal to your Bardic Inspiration Die + your Charisma modifier.

Mosh Pit

Starting when you join the College of Metal at 3rd level, your hit point maximum increases by 3 and increases by 1 whenever you gain a level in this class.

In addition, you can expend 1 use of your Bardic Inspiration to make your AC equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier + your Constitution modifier for 1 minute

Power Chord

At 6th level, the power of the metal gods courses through your music.

As a bonus action, you can expend one spell slot to make a special attack with your Instrument of War, dealing damage equal to your Bardic Inspiration Die + your Charisma Modifier as thunder damage for a 1st level spell slot, plus 1 additional Bardic Inspiration Die for each spell level higher than 1st.

Roar of Ormagöden

At 14th level, the Power of Ormagöden flows through your veins. As an action, you can expend 1 use of your Bardic Inspiration to give a creature that can hear you one additional action on top of the creature's regular action and a possible bonus action. A creature affected by Roar of Ormagöden cannot benefit from this effect again until they finish a long rest.


Homebrew created by u/Mheros
Art credit: Double Fine Studios


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