Satyrs (race)

by astrarche

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By @homebrewlesbian

Satyrs are one of the more well known races that originate from and live in the feywild. With a penchant for chaos and celebration and a knack for getting into mischief, Satyrs often become folk heroes or adventurers.

Wild At Heart

Satyrs are wanderers by nature. They crave entertainment and relish in storytelling and revelry. They are one of the few Fey derived races that have not been greatly effected by the Planar Collission and in fact, quite enjoy venturing into new territory.

Racial Traits

All Satyrs share the following racial traits:

Ability Score Increase. You can increase your Dexterity score by 1 and your Charisma by 1.

Size. Satyrs are humanoids with hoofed legs; your size is Medium.

Speed. Satyrs are quite nimble, and have a base walking speed of 35 ft.

Age. Satyrs can live into their early 300s.

Alignment. Satyrs tend towards chaos, much like other fey entities.

Languages. You can speak Common, Elvish, and Sylvan.

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Pan's Blessing. You may have proficiency with one musical instrument of your choice.

Art Credits

Voyaging Satyr by Tyler Jacobson.

You may additionally choose one of the following subraces:


When one pictures a Satyr, it is typically a Mainades that comes to mind. They possess goat legs, a wide smile and an aptitude for revelry and are the most common breed of Satyr.

Ability Score Increase. You can increase your Charisma score by 1.

Revelry Casting. You know the Vicious Mockery cantrip and can cast Charm Person at 1st level once per long rest with this ability. Your spellcasting modifier is Charisma.

Life of the Party. You gain proficiency with your choice of Persuasion or Performance.


Highland Satyrs are a more recent evolution of the race, whose origins begin after the Planar Collision, when Satyr migrated into Bliyr and adapted to the rocky landscape. They have legs akin to sheep and horns akin to rams.

Ability Score Increase. You can increase your Constitution score by 1.

Sturdy Gut. Adapted to harsh cuisine and copious amounts of alcohol, you have advantage on Constitution saving throws against being Poisoned or to avoid becoming intoxicated.

Hardy. You gain proficiency with your choice of Athletics or Survival.


Fauns are a strange variant of Satyr that posses deer legs, most of which are spotted. They are nimble and tend to be slighter than Highland or Mainades Satyrs, and favor a nomadic lifestyle in deep forests.

Ability Score Increase. You can increase your Dexterity score by 1.

Surefooted and Swift. You can make a running long jump or a running high jump after moving only 5 feet on foot, rather than 10 feet. Additionally, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement.

Nimble. You may take the Dash action as a bonus action.


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