Flumph Playable Race

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Flumph Playable Race

The mysterious flumphs drift through the Underdark, propelled through the air by the jets whose sound gives them their name. A flumph glows faintly, reflecting its moods in its color. Soft pink means it is amused, deep blue is sadness, green expresses curiosity, and crimson is anger.

Intelligent and Wise. Flumphs communicate telepathically. Though they resemble jellyfish, flumphs are sentient beings of great intelligence and wisdom, possessing advanced knowledge of religion, philosophy, mathematics, and countless other subjects.

Flumphs are sensitive to the emotional states of nearby creatures. If a creature’s thoughts suggest goodness, a flumph seeks that creature out. When facing creatures that exude evil, a flumph flees.

Psionic Siphons. Flumphs feed by siphoning mental energy from psionic creatures, and they can be found lurking near communities of mind flayers, aboleths, githyanki, and githzerai. As passive parasites, they take only the mental energy they need, and most creatures feel no loss or discomfort from such feeding.

Consuming psionic energy reveals the thoughts and emotions of the creatures on which the flumphs feed. Since so many of those creatures are evil, flumphs are often subjected to thoughts, emotions, and hungers that sicken their pure nature. When flumphs encounter good-hearted adventurers, they eagerly share the dark secrets they have learned in the hopes of casting down their evil sources of energy, even if doing so means they must seek out new sources of nourishment.

Flumph Society. Flumphs live in complex and organized groups called cloisters, within which each flumph has a place and purpose. These harmonious groupings have no need for leaders, since all flumphs contribute in their own way.

Flumph traits

You have the following traits as a Flumph.

Ability Score Improvements

Your intelligence score increases by 2 and your wisdom score increases by 1.


As an aberration you have unusually long lifespans. Flumphs
reach maturity around the age of 50 but will live for many centuries.


Most Flumphs are Lawful Good, but some are corrupted and can turn evil.


Flumphs are between 1-3 feet tall. Your size Is Small.


Your base walking speed is 5 ft., and you have a fly speed of 30 ft. (hover)

Prone to Headaches

Your vulnerable to Psychic damage.

Telepathic Shroud

You have developed a telepathic shield around your mind. You are immune to any effect that would sense your emotions or read your thoughts, as well as all divination spells.

Prone Deficiency

If you are knocked prone roll a d20, on an odd number you are knocked upside down and incapacitated. While incapacitated you can make a DC10 dexterity check to right yourself at the end of your turn.

Psionic Siphon

Once per short rest you can innately cast the detect thoughts spell. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.


You can speak telepathically to anyone that understands a language that’s within 60 feet, and you understand common and undercommon.


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