Exotic Races of Andrem

by PlatinumSketch

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Exotic Races of Andrem

New Races by platinumsketch









Intelligent plants, the Feur would seem relatively dull and docile upon initial contact. They are, however, highly carnivorous; often hunting in the forests they inhabit for sport. Feur also build large, sprawling cities by shaping the plant life around them into the likeness of homes. Most civilizations don't know about them though, and instead treat their territory has haunted ground. Furthermore, their home shapes their physicality, altering their forms severely.

Feur Traits

Your Feur character has numerous abilities due to their mixture of humanoid and plant traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Most Feur mature at about 10 years old and will live until about 50, though they can live until 100 in perfect conditions.

Alignment. Due to their proclivity towards nature and their favoring of their own kin, Feur are Chaotic Neutral.

Size. Feur can stand between 5 and 7 feet tall depending on their purpose in society, with their weight being between 80 and 280 lbs. Your size is medium.

Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30.

Hybrid Nature. The strange nature of your form alters how the world around you reacts. You have the Humanoid and Plant typings.

Speech of Swaying Leaves. The innate connection you have to nature allows you to communicate basic ideas to plants and animals, as well as understand basic ideas they communicate back.

Subrace. The abilities and forms of a Feur is often changed by the nature around them, resulting in the Plain Walker, Marsh Swimmer, Tree Strider, and Reef Diver. As such, you must choose one of these four subraces that best fit your character.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan, though your Common is likely more archaic than the ordinary people's.

Plain Walker

Avid hunters, Plain Walker Feur often travel in groups of three to fifteen, as they attack and chase down their chosen prey. Being that they are the largest of all the Feur, alongside their life in the plains, means that they are often struck by lightning during storms. As such, they have developed a resistance to lightning, with the ability to occasionally use it to heal themselves.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Plain Walker Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the Spear, Javelin, Shortbow, and Pike.

Thrive in the Strom. You have resistance to lightning damage. Additionally, when you take lightning damage you can use your reaction to instead take no damage and heal for half the amount of damage that would have been dealt. You may do this once per long rest.

Marsh Swimmer

Tall and slim, Marsh Swimmer Feur often slowly stalk their chosen prey; remaining hidden until the most opportune time to strike appears. This has lead to them developing the ability to fold in on themselves and move with extremely little noise, as well as see in pure darkness, thus making them excellent hunters.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Darkvision. You have 60 feet of Darkvision, as the murky depths of the swamp from which you come have forced you to change to survive.

Natural Camouflage. Your style of hunting has lead to you being adapt at sneaking around your prey, reading a deadly blow. You can hide even when only lightly obscured by natural phenomena, and you have proficiency in the Stealth skill.

Tree Strider

The most common of the Feur, Tree Striders have the strongest innate tendency towards druidic magic. They use this magic to help guard themselves, as well as take care of the forest around themselves.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Druidic Magic. You know the Druid Craft cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast Goodberry once per long rest using this feature. When you reach 5th level, you can cast Barkskin once per long rest using this feature. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Reef Diver

By far the most friendly, Reef Diver Feur have had to learn how to properly empathize with other humanoids, as their inhabitation of coastlines has led them to repeated contact with humanoids. However, their life under the waves allows them to easily escape from, or occasionally trade with, nearby land inhabitants.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Darkvision. You have 60 feet of darkvision, as you have adapted to your life in the deeper waters of the coast and reefs.

Amphibious. You can breathe underwater, and have a swim speed of 30 feet.

Art Credit: Even Mehl Amundsen, aka MISCHEVIOUSLITTLEELF


Strange hybrids of aberration and man, the Indowa's home is in space as roaming bands of traders. With no face, one may wonder how they feed or communicate. Though this remains a mystery to most scholars, the Indowa have thoroughly study themselves and know that they gain nutrients from the deciphering of thoughts from nearby intelligent creature; communicating by altering these thoughts they've consumed to mimic their own, and then redirecting them back at the individual who they took them from, yet it still seems as if they are only speaking.

Indowa Traits

Your Indowa character has the following traits as a result of their strange nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Age. Though they mature within 15 years, they can live up to one thousand in the right conditions; though they rarely do so.

Alignment. Often by themselves and always under existential threats, the Indowa have to spend most of their time learning to fend for themselves. As such, they are predisposed towards true neutrality.

Size. Indowa tend to be well over 7 feet tall, though only about 230 lbs. Your size is medium.

Speed. Being meant to traverse space, Indowa move strangely. You have a fly speed of 40 and a base walking speed of 15. You can not fly while wearing medium or heavy armor however, as it restricts the movements necessary to do so.

Unnatural Physique. You have four hands, any of which may be used to carry or wield items, weapons, and shields. However, no more than two hands can use a shield or weapon at any given time, as the connection of each arm to one another imposes restraints on the others movement if you are not careful.

Born to the Void. Your natural disposition towards space gives you strange abilities. You do not need to drink or breathe, though you require 10 hours of sleep and must be around another creature with an intelligence of 8 or higher for 4 hours once a day to eat. Additionally, the frosty reaches of space and the exposure to ultraviolet radiation have tempered your body. You have resistance to Cold and Radiant damage.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Deep Speech.

Art Credit: Blues-Design


Forced out of the Cycle of Souls, Kuolout are living dead once more on the material plane. Their form is akin to that which they previously had, with their size and looks being akin to the body they once held; with the exception of their skin turning a lifeless greyish white and their eyes giving a soft, blue glow. Their purpose in returning from there dead, if their is one at all, determines the strange, spectral abilities they have.

Kuolout Traits

Your Kuolout character gains the following traits because of their mix of living and dead form.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. The age of a Kuolout depends on the age they were when they died. It takes a hardy body and mind to survive coming back to life though, so they are most often twenty or older.

Alignment. From different backgrounds and realms, Kuolout vary greatly; and have no representative alignment.

Size. From as short as Gnomes to as tall as Goliaths, Kuolout can be Small or Medium.

Speed. Returning from death takes a toll on one's body, and though you're lifeless form grants unique benefits, speed is not one of them. You have a base walking speed of 25.

Darkvision. The realm of spirits has conditioned you to see even without light. You have 60 feet of Darkvision.

Grave Walker. Your semi undead nature grants you resistance to Necrotic and Poison damage. Additionally, you have advantage on saves against poison and disease.

Living Dead. You do not have to eat, drink or breathe, as your partially decayed form is sustained through your soul alone. Additionally, you have the Humanoid and Undead typings. Healing spells effect you as if you were Humanoid, but all other spells work as if you were Undead.

Subraces. Kuolout are divided into three subraces, the Lost, Tasked, and Avenger, from which you choose one for your character.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.


Jutted out of the cycle for no reason, Lost Kuolout are more ethereal than physical. Due to having no purpose and their soul being constantly damaged from the world around them, the Lost are highly susceptible to going mad; yet they also retain the most of their previous memories and personality.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Ephemeral Form. You can pass through the spaces of other creatures no matter their size, with such movement acting as if it were difficult terrain. Additionally, once per long rest, you can cause yourself to be able to move through solid material using your movement for one turn. This takes your action, and if you end your turn in solid material, you are ejected out into the nearest unoccupied space, taking 1d10 damage for every 5 feet of material.

Grasp from the Grave. You can extend your presence so as to attack other creatures. You know the Chill Touch Cantrip, for which Charisma is your spellcasting modifier.


Tasked are among the rarest of the Kuolout, and are specially chosen for an express purpose; given knowledge to complete their appointed task. This task often involves securing some great artifact or destroying a great, evil force.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Eternal Knowledge. The information you were given allows you to guide yourself and allies. You know the Guidance cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast Bless once per long rest using this feature. When you reach 5th level, you can cast Aid once per long rest using this feature.


Returned to life for vengeance alone-be it theirs or someone else's-Avenger Kuolout have great martial prowess and tracking skills, which they use to relentlessly hunt down their designated target.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Teachings of the Damned. You have proficiency in Medium armor, and two martial weapons of your choice. Additionally, you have proficiency in the Survival skill...1

Spirit's Hunt. You can manifest your desire to slay you target as a magical effect. Once per long rest you can cast Hunter's Mark at 1st level, with the spellcasting modifier being your Wisdom score.


Created by powerful mages to act as elite couriers and retrievers, Levend are the quickest race. This speed allows them to easily out pace most other creatures, as well as defend themselves by dodging and parrying alone. They were formed by combining arcane energies and humanoids, cauing magic to effect them slightly differently..

Levend Traits

As a result of your formation from arcane energies, your Levend character has the following traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Age. The Levend mature at about 15 years old, and live can live until they are 80.

Alignment. Made to obey direct orders and carryout complex, dangerous task, Levend have a tendency towards lawful neutrality.

Size. Ranging from 5 and a half to 6 feet tall, and weighing between 100 lbs and 160 lbs, Levend are as tall as, though more wiry than, humans. Your size is medium Medium.

Speed. As the quickest of all races, you have a base walking speed of 40 feet.

Arcane form. You have the Elemental typing in addition to the Humanoid typing.

Lightning Fast. You can Dash as a bonus action.

Extreme Agility. You have proficiency in Acrobatics. Additionally, you have a natural AC of 11 + your Dexterity modifier.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial.

Art Credit: Dzhovanna Sallama


Crafted to guard the plane of Limbo, Warforged are mechanical and eternal; dedicated to any duty they are given. Constructs by nature, they are created for a specific role and rank in the ranks of the Dusk Guard. Yet they are not entirely machines, as the imbuing of a their mechanical form with a soul is what gives them their often sparkling intelligence and reasoning abilities; as ell as what allows healing spells to latch on and have an effect on them.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. Due to that they are constructed, Warforged are mature at the completion of their creation, and live so long as they are properly cared for.

Alignment. Though they were constructed to follow orders, they wear not reared and are instead shards of preexisting souls. As such, Warforged have a tendency towards law, with neutrality and good more common than evil.

Size. Warforged tend to stand at about 6 feet tall and weight around 220 lbs, though this can change depending on the type they are.

Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.

Ghost in a Shell. Due to your mechanical nature and the addition of a soul into your form, you have the Construct and Humanoid typings. If a spell heals, it ignores that you are a construct, otherwise you act as for all other spells and magical effects.

Eternal Fuel. As you more machine than human, you don't have to eat, drink, or breathe air. However, you do have to go into a powered down resting state if you take a long rest.

Haywire. Electricity can overload your system and cause large amounts of damage. You have vulnerability to Lightning damage.

Mechanical Weapon. Due to your mechanical form, you naturally hit harder than most. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.

Subraces. As a Warforged, your abilities and purpose is determined by your model, or subrace, as such, choose one of the four subraces below that best fits your character.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

High Guard

Made to act as the front line fighters, High Guard Warforged are the first in battle, and often the last out. They have enhanced armor are extremely strong, though this size and weight leaves them slower than other Warforged.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.

Speed. You have a base walking speed of 25.

Natural Armor. The strong metals your body is made out of makes you highly durable. You have a natural AC of 16, though you can not wear armor unless you get it specially crafted due to your body's shape.


Designed to act as leaders on the field, Commander Warforged easily direct their allies, granting them aid and insight on tactics.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Quick Aid. Your insight allows you to quickly help allies. You can take the Help action as a bonus action.

True Leader. Forged to lead in the front lines, you have particular resistances to magics that may impede your leadership. You have advantage on saving throws against being Frightened and Charmed.


Agile and quick, Scout Warforged act as skirmishers and spies, as well as scouts. They form and mobility alows them to nimbly run in and out of combat and dangerous areas.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Speed. You're quicker than the Warforged, giving you a base walking speed of 35 feet.

Skirmisher. Due to your nimble form, you can quickly get out of combat. You can Disengage as a bonus action.

Forged Agility. You are extremely agile and quick, allowing you to gain pproficiency in one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.


Infused with an arcane core, Arcanist Warforged were made to utilize spells to lay waste to large number of foes at a time; something they do extraodinarily well.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Energy Overflow. The constant flowing of arcane energy throughout you causes magic to have a lessened effect on you. Once per long rest, you can give yourself advantage on a saving throw against a spell or spell like effect.

Arcane Core. The Arcane Core within you allows you to create lesser magical effects. You know the Shocking Grasp cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast Magic Missile once per long rest using this feature. When you reach 5th level, you can cast Shatter once per long rest using this feature. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.

Artificial Intelligence. Though your sentience is granted through a soul, some knowledge you possess can be attributed to the machines you are made of; especially your knowledge of the arcane. As such, you have proficiency in the Arcana skill.

Art Credit: Ben Wootten