A prosthetist is an expert at crafting artificial limbs from magical materials. These limbs are controlled with threads, while being powered by the wielders life force and other forms of energy. Prosthetist's craft their limbs to aid them in whatever trade they practice. Some craft sleek dexterous limbs to aid them on assassination contracts, others craft large powerful limbs to aid them in carrying unwieldy burdens, and even more craft a multitude of limbs that can help them multitask within their artisanal pursuits.
Tools of the Trade
By the time you adopt this specialty at 3rd level, you're deeply familiar with employing its tools.
Proficiencies. You gain proficiency with weaver's tools, and woodcarver's tools, assuming you don't already have them. You also gain those tools for free----the result of tinkering you've done as you've prepared for this specializations.
Crafting. If you craft a magic item made of wood, it takes you a quarter of the normal time, and it costs you half as much of the usual gold. This includes all prosthetic parts and upgrades regardless of the materials used.
Prosthetist Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Prosthetist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
Prosthetist Spells
Artificer Level | Spell |
3rd | Burning Hands, Zephyr Strike |
5th | Silence, Pyrotechnics |
9th | Conjure Barrage, Lightning Bolt |
13th | Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility |
17th | Skill Empowerment, Legend Lore |
Flavoring Spells
Feel free to flavor your spells as being hidden upgrades and features you have added to your prosthetics.

At 3rd level, you learn the complex methods of crafting and using prosthetics as described on page 3. Also, all prosthetics you craft gain one additional upgrade slot which you can use to fit one upgrade that has a selling price of 300gp or less free of charge. In addition, you can craft one rare prosthetic limb for free (not including upgrades, but consisting of a rare skeleton, a rare frame, and a rare transistor), and can craft an additional rare prosthetic limb free of charge when you reach 5th, 9th, and 15th level in this class.
Finally, you learn how to properly utilize multiple arms and legs. For every additional arm you have above two, you can make one additional object interaction per turn, and for every additional leg you have above two, you gain a +1 to checks and saving throws against being pushed or knocked prone. You can augment other creatures with prosthetic limbs, but they do not gain these benifits or any prosthetic skills unless they already have them.
Prosthetic Skills
At 5th level, you learn prosthetic skills. Prosthetic skills allow you to use your limbs to accomplish tasks unfeasible with their organic counter parts. These skills are outlined on page 5. You can use a prosthetic skill so long as you meet the prosthetic skills requirements.
Expert Prosthetics
At 9th level, you can craft all upgrades that have a selling price of 300gp or less free of charge. In addition, any upgrade that has a recharge trait, recharges on a 3+ while you are using it.
Masterwork Prosthetics
By 15th level, you learn how to operate prosthetics to a degree that others struggle to maintain.
You can improve any part of any prosthetic limb you craft form rare to very rare free of charge. Additionally, you can now perform the masterwork prosthetic skills found on page 5 so long as you meet their requirements.

Crafting Prosthetic Limbs (Kusstnechts)
Every prosthetic consists of three integral parts: A skeleton, a frame, and a transistor. Without one of these parts a prosthetic cannot function. Other upgrades may be added to a prosthetic, but you must have the upgrade slots required for such upgrades to fit.
A prosthetic limb requires both weavers tools and wood carvers tools to craft. If you wish to improve one of the three integral parts of a prosthetic to its next higher rarity, you can subtract the cost of crafting the next higher rarity by the selling price of the integral part you currently have. Improving an integral part does not effect the upgrades you currently have on the prosthetic. Prosthetic upgrades take one hour to craft. Once you craft an upgrade you can remove it from a prosthetic or place it in any empty upgrade slots.
Powering and Wearing Prosthetic Limbs
Prosthetic limbs use the creatures HP it is placed on as a source of power. The amount of HP required to power a prosthetic limb is determined by its transistor. If you replace a missing limb with a prosthetic limb the cost of powering the prosthetic limb is halved (rounded up), while if the prosthetic limb is used as an additional limb the creature wouldn't otherwise have, the cost of powering the prosthetic remains unchanged.
Some upgrades require the use of charges to function. To fuel such upgrades you must either expend hit dice or spell slots and convert them into charges. The amount of charges you get from converting a hit dice is determined by the transistor the upgrade you are using is placed on. For example if you are fueling an upgrade that is placed on a prosthetic with a rare transistor you would be able to convert one hit dice into two charges. The amount of charges you get from converting spell slots is equal to the level of the spell slot. For example if you convert a 1st level spell slot into charges you would get 1 charge, while if you convert a 5th level spell slot into charges you would gain 5 five charges.
Recharge X-Y
The trait "Recharge X-Y" means that after the upgrade is used it cannot be used again until it recharges. It has a random chance of recharging during each subsequent round of combat. At the start of each of your turns roll a d6 for each upgrade that was used on your previous turn with the recharge trait. If the roll is within the range of the recharge trait, you regain the use of the upgrade. The upgrade also recharges when you finish a short or long rest. For example, "Recharge 4-6" means you can use the upgrade once. Then, at the start of your turns, you regain the use of the upgrade if you roll a 4, 5, or 6 on a d6.
Prosthetic Parts:
Uncommon Skeleton (125gp): This limb has 1 upgrade slot.
Rare Skeleton (1,250gp): This limb has 2 upgrade slots.
Very Rare Skeleton: (12,500gp) This limb has 3 upgrade slots.
Uncommon Frame (125gp): This limb deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage when used for unarmed attacks.
Rare Frame (1,250gp): This limb deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage when used for unarmed attacks. In addition you gain a +1 to hit and damage rolls with weapons stowed upon this limb.
Very Rare Frame (12,500gp): This limb deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage when used for unarmed attacks. In addition you gain a +2 to hit and damage rolls with weapons stowed upon this limb.
Uncommon Transistor (250gp): You can reduce your maximum HP by an amount equal to your level (minimum of 1) to power this limb until the beginning of your next short or long rest. Additionally, when using your hit dice to fuel an upgrade, each hit dice you expend counts as 1 charge.
Rare Transistor (2,500gp): You can reduce your maximum HP by an amount equal to half your level (minimum of 1) to power this limb until the beginning of your next short or long rest. Additionally, when using your hit dice to fuel an upgrade, each hit dice you expend counts as 2 charges.
Very Rare Transistor (25,000gp): You can reduce your maximum HP by an amount equal to half your level - your proficiency bonus (minimum of 0) to power this limb until the beginning of your next short or long rest. Additionally, when using your hit dice to fuel an upgrade, each hit dice you expend counts as 3 charges.

Prosthetic Upgrades
Some prosthetics upgrades can only be used on an arm while others can only be used on a leg. A weapon hidden within a prosthetic can only be found by completing a successful DC 15 investigation check on the prosthetic. An upgrades saving throw DC is equal to your artificer spell save DC.
Hidden Melee weapon (1 upgrade slot, price: The weapons cost + 2gp): You can hide one melee weapon that lacks the reach or two handed property on this prosthetic. You can draw this weapon from this prosthetic at will without requiring an object interaction.
Hidden Reach weapon (2 upgrade slots, price: The weapons cost + 10gp): You can stow one melee weapon that has the reach or the two handed property on this prosthetic. You can draw this weapon from this prosthetic at will without requiring an object interaction.
Hidden Hand Crossbow (1 upgrade slot, price: The weapons cost + 10gp): You can draw this weapon from this prosthetic at at will without requiring an object interaction. If this limb isn't an arm, you suffer disadvantage on attack rolls with the hand crossbow.
Grappling Hook (2 upgrade slots, recharge 4-6, price: 50gp) As a bonus action or action you can use this grappling hook. Choose a point on an object you can see within 30ft of you. You move in a straight line to that point, if there is anything obstructing this movement, you instead end your movement when you reach the point that is obstructed. For every 500lbs you weigh, you need one additional prosthetic with this upgrade to be able to move with the grappling hook which you can use simultaneously as part of this action. You can also target creatures with the grappling hook instead of objects. Make a ranged weapon attack against them with the grappling hook, on a hit, they take 1d6 piercing damage and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure you can move them up to 10ft towards you in a strait line, or you can move up to 30ft towards them in a straight line. So long as one grappling hook recharges, they all recharge.
Shield (2 upgrade slots, price: 10gp) As a bonus action or as a reaction when you are hit with an attack, you can unfold the shield stored on this limb. While the shield is unfolded you gain the purposes of the shield and cannot use any other upgrades that require 2 or more upgrade slots upon this limb. You can only have a maximum 3 shields unfolded at any given time.
Blood Siphon (1 upgrade Slot, price: 300gp) While you are at half or below your maximum hit points, whenever you expend a charge on an upgrade placed on this limb, you gain 1 additional charge to spend on the upgrade.
Arm of Dexterity (1 upgrade slot, price: 100gp + 200gp per point of dexterity higher then your own.) This arm gains its own Dexterity score. You cannot raise this arms dexterity score above 20. This arm uses the dexterity score assigned to it instead of your own for attack and damage rolls and gains proficiency with any finesse weapons and thieves tools it holds.
Flame Spitter (2 upgrade slots, recharge 4-6 price: 350gp,) As an action you can expend 1 charge to sprout a cone of fire from your flame spitter. Each creature in a 15ft cone originating from you must make a Dexterity saving throw. Taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save. For every additional charge you expend the damage increases by 1d6, to a maximum of 6d6. They take half damage on a successful save. You can spend 10x the amount of gold on this upgrade to be able to use it as a bonus action.
Limb Krovska (2 upgrade slots, recharge 4-6, price: 350gp): As an action you can make a ranged attack with a mini force cannon. The mini force cannon has a range of 150/800ft. Expending 1 charge as part of this action causes the attack to deal 2d6 force damage. For every additional charge you expend the damage increases by 1d6, to a maximum of 6d6. You can spend 10x the amount of gold on this upgrade to be able to use it as a bonus action.
Amplifier (2 upgrade slots, recharge 4-6, price: 350gp): When making a melee attack with this prosthetic you can expend charges to deal additional damage. Expending 1 charge as part of this action causes the attack to deal 2d6 additional force damage. For every additional charge you expend the damage increases by 1d6, to a maximum of 6d6.
Leg of Springing (1 upgrade slot, price: 300gp) Your jump distance and jump height are tripled. Once per turn if you hit a creature with a weapon attack directly after jumping, they must succeed a dexterity saving throw or are knocked prone. The majority of your legs must have this upgrade to gain its effects.
Leg of Stealth (1 upgrade slot, price: 300gp) You gain proficiency with stealth checks. The majority of your legs must have this upgrade to gain its effects.
Leg of Balance (1 upgrade slot, price: 250gp) Difficult terrain does not slow your movement, and standing up only requires 5ft of movement. The majority of your legs must have this upgrade to gain its effects.
Arm of Strength (1 upgrade slot, price: 200gp, and a further 200gp per point of strength higher then your own.) This arm gains its own strength score. You cannot raise this arms strength score above 20. This arm uses the strength score assigned to it instead of your own for attack and damage rolls along with determining its carry weight. You gain proficiency with martial weapons held in this arm.
Limb of Mending (1 upgrade slot, recharge 4-6, price: 200gp) As an object interaction, you can expend charges to heal yourself or an ally within reach of this limb. Each charge you expend heals the target 1d6 hit points, to a maximum of 6d6 hit points.
Overflow Refluxer (1 upgrade slot, price: 300gp) Whenever you expend charges on an upgrade located on this limb, any charges left un spent after the upgrade is used grant you 1d6 temporary hit points per charge as part of the same action.

Leg of Speed (1 upgrade slot, price: 300gp) Your movement speed is increased by 10ft to a maximum of 60ft. The majority of your legs must have this upgrade to gain its effects.
Arm of Length (1 upgrade slot, price: 100gp) Your reach with this arm increases 5ft. It also can bend at a 90 degree angle to reach hard to grab things.
Limb of Climbing (1 upgrade slot, price: 250gp) If you don't already have a climbing speed you gain a climbing speed of 15ft. If you already have a climbing speed your climbing speed is increased by 5ft to a maximum of 60ft.
Injector (1 upgrade slot, price: 100gp) You can stow up to three liquids or potions within this injector. You can inject any number of the liquids or potions into your bloodstream or an ally within reach of this limb at will as an object interaction. If you wish to inject it into an enemy you can do so as a melee weapon attack. On a hit, the creature takes 1d6 piercing damage and is injected with any number of the liquids or potions. It requires one object interaction to stow a new liquid or potion into the injector for later use.
Leg of the Bull (1 upgrade slot, price: 500-1000gp) Your speed isn't reduced if you are encumbered or wearing Heavy Armor. Your carrying capacity is increased by an amount equal to the price of these legs to a maximum of an additional 1000lb. If you move 15ft or more in a straight line towards one creature and hit them with a melee weapon attack directly afterwards, your weapon attack deals +5 damage of the weapons damage type and both you and the creature must roll a contested athletics check. If you win, you may choose to either push the target up to 10ft away from you or knock the target prone. The majority of your legs must have this upgrade to gain its effects.
Art Credits:
Page 1,: Michael Maurino, League of Legends.
Page 2: Jesse Welch, Sekiro fan art.
Page 3: Casper Konefal, Dragon Age 3.
Page 4: redrobuster, Sekiro fan art.
Page 5: Games Worckshop, Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus (8th Edition).
Written By: James Rathwell
Prosthetic Skills
Multi Limb Attack When you take the attack action, you can make one weapon attack with each prosthetic limb you have powered on. If you make two or more attacks as part of this attack action, all of the attacks you make after the second suffer disadvantage, suffering one additional advantage dice on each following attack.
Legs of Spider Climbing If you have four or more prosthetic limbs with the Limb of Climbing upgrade, you can can cast the spider climb spell at will without requiring concentration.
Shield Wall If you have unfolded two or more prosthetic limbs with the Shield upgrade, you can combine the shields, forming a shield wall. You and creatures within 5ft of you gain three quarters cover against ranged attacks and melee attacks made with reach weapons while the shields are unfolded.
Dexterous Prosthetics If all of your prosthetic limbs have the Arm of Dexterity, or Leg of Speed upgrade, you gain expertise in acrobatics.
Strong Prosthetics If all of your prosthetic limbs have the Arm of Strength, or Leg of the Bull upgrade, you gain expertise in athletics, and you unarmed strikes with these prosthetics deal an additional 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
Siege Prosthetics If one of your prosthetics has the Arm of strength and the amplifier upgrade, melee attacks with the prosthetic deal double damage against structures.
Masterwork Prosthetic Skills
Maneuverable Prosthetics If all of your prosthetic limbs have the Grappling Hook or Legs of Springing upgrade you can cast far step at will without expending a spell slot.
Masterwork Multi Limb Attack When you use the multi limb attack prosthetic skill, you suffer disadvantage on every weapon attack made after the third instead of the second.
Moblile Artillery Platform When you use an action to use a Flame Spitter or Mini Force Cannon upgrade, you can shoot one other Flame Spitter or Mini Force Cannon you currently have as part of the same action.
Stealth Prosthetics If all of your legs have the Leg of Stealth upgrade, you can cast the spell invisibility at will without expending a spell slot.
Accurate Prosthetics If you have three or more prosthetic arms, once per turn when you miss an attack roll with a prosthetic upgrade you can make one attack roll with a different prosthetic upgrade. Also, if you have four or more prosthetic legs, you can add +1 to all attack rolls you make during your turn for each prosthetic leg you have so long as you don't move during your turn.