The Beast-Tamer

by TbDnD123

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The Beast-Tamer

A crack of the whip. A lion’s roar. The gasps of countless patrons. A calamitous bang! Then, the deafening wave of applause. The tent shakes from the vibrations as you duck under the flap, heading back to your room. The defeated beast, caged now, rolls in behind you. A limp paw hangs between the iron bars. As soon as the flap falls back to the dirt, the beast hops to its feet. The cage opens and the ferocious predator leaps onto you in a single bound! You wrestle with your long time companion, “What a great show! A little dramatic at the end though, we really sold it!”

Swords clash all around the young elf. Instead of fighting she waits, drawing in her foes, letting them believe they have the upper hand. They cackle at her, they don't hear it. The rustling leaves. She smiles and they pause. Now they hear it, but its too late. Branches crack, and a dark shadow falls over them. An Owlbear pounces, Leaping over its master and mauling her enemies.

Merchants call out to busy city-folk. Wagon wheels spin in the mud, splattering unfortunate bystanders. The carts sludge through the rain puddled road, unperturbed by the storm. A tavern door bursts open and the cacophony from within spills out onto the street. Inside, shouts of laughter and wonder surround a small gnome. He hunches over like he's been struck and the room falls silent. He curls further into himself. And just as a concerned patron approaches... He leaps up! Beneath him a python the size of a man uncoils. The bar erupts in fear. Then in applause as the gnome continues to rise, balancing himself on his companion's head.

The Patient Hand

The Beast-Tamer is a class of patience and training. When training monsters of all shapes and sizes impatience can lead to a few fingers missing... or worse. Their role in combat mimics their training techniques. Rather than rush into battle A beast-tamer waits. Pulling in their enemies, waiting until the precise moment, then striking with a flourish!

While fully capable of stealing the show (and sometimes saving it) a beast-tamer prefers to lift those around them rather than take up all of the spotlight. Although deadly when needed, they find themselves most effective working in tandem with their creature companion.

Creating a Beast-Tamer

When creating your beast-tamer think about how you came upon your bestiary. How did you find this tome of befriending beasts? Perhaps it was passed down to you as a family heirloom. A long forgotten tradition rekindled when you stumbled upon the book of beasts. Were you adopted into a motley crew of circus folk and their tamer took you under his figurative or literal wing?

What is it you want from your beasts? Do you tame them to tests the bonds between tamer and beast and forge a life long friendship? Or Maybe your motivations are more selfish. You bend these creatures to your will to claim power and strike fear in the hearts of your enemies.

Think about why, or how, you came to travel and explore with other adventurers. Are they unwelcome company among you and your beast, merely tolerated as you pursue your true goals? Or maybe other adventurers are welcome company after living amongst the wilds and its inhabitants?

Quick Build

You can build a Beast-Tamer quickly with these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest abilitiy score. Dexterity should be your next highest. Second, choose the Folk Hero background. Third, if your DM is willing, choose a beast type creature with a CR of 1/4 or lower as your starting companion.

The Beast-Tamer

Level Proficiency
Features Spells
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th CR
1st +2 The Bestiary, Companion Combat 1/4
2nd +2 Spellcasting, Tools of the Art 2 2 1/2
3rd +2 Sideshow Specialization 3 3 1/2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 3 1
5th +3 Reach Expert, Deep Connection 6 4 2 1
6th +3 Expanded Bestiary, Companion Comfort 6 4 2 1
7th +3 Sideshow Feature 7 4 3 1
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 7 4 3 2
9th +4 9 4 3 2 2
10th +4 Armored Companion, Companion Reserve 9 4 3 2 2
11th +4 Bestiary Master 10 4 3 3 2
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 10 4 3 3 3
13th +5 11 4 3 3 1 3
14th +5 Companion Switch 11 4 3 3 1 3
15th +5 Sideshow Feature 12 4 3 3 2 3
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 12 4 3 3 2 4
17th +6 Ferocious Alignment 14 4 3 3 3 1 4
18th +6 Reach Master 14 4 3 3 3 1 4
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 15 4 3 3 3 2 4
20th +6 Legend Tamer 15 4 3 3 3 2 5
| The Beast-Tamer

Class Features

As a Beast-tamer, you gain the following class features:

Hit Points

Hit dice: 1d8 per Beast-Tamer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Beast-Tamer level After first.


Armor: Light
Weapons: Reach, Simple, and Finesse
Tools: none

Saving Throws: Wisdom and Dexterity
Skills: Choose two skills from Animal Handling, Persuasion, Performance, Perception, Deception, Insight and Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • A whip
  • Bestiary and Taming gloves
  • (a) a dagger or (b) a rapier
  • (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack
  • Leather armor


At 1st level, you have in your possession the magical tome of beast-taming. In it are the secrets of training and befriending the many beasts of the world. Using the knowledge of the book, Beast-Tamers can tame a creature of the beast type by using the Companion Chart (below). The creature must have a Intelligence score of 7 or below and a CR ¼ of Beast- Tamer level. You can only tame one creature at a time.

At 1st level your bestiary only contains the methods and secrets to taming the beast monster type.

Companion Chart
Level 1st LR 2nd LR 3rd LR (+) Command Damage to Fall
Wary 12 10 8 None Any
Familar 14 12 10 None Any
Trusted 16 14 12 Attack, Flee 50%
Companion N20 22 20 Attack, Flee, Special 100%

Taming a Creature

In order to tame a creature you must approach it and make an Animal Handling check. Its starting trust level depends on the roll. Once per long rest, until the creature reaches Companion, you must make another animal handling roll to see what the creature does. Rolling below the wary level causes the creature to drop one level of trust. Refer to the Companion Chart above when rolling. A creature leaves if it falls below wary.

A creature has four levels of trust with a Beast-Tamer. When at Wary and Familiar levels a creature cannot follow you into combat and if injured by an enemy it will immediately fall one level.

Out of Combat: A companion traveling with the party is bound to turn heads and may cause unwanted attention or even violence. A creature of familiar or higher will take orders to wait or meet at a point it has been to before. If all else fails greasing a guards palm with some gold may be enough.

Rests: Companions don't have hit die and as such do not heal during short or long rests. As their master you can choose to expend one or more of your own hit die to heal your companion during a short or long rest.

Companion Combat

At 1st level you also gain the ability to bring your creature into battle. The creature must be Trusted or Companion to fight alongside you. At the trusted level, if the creature falls below half of its HP, or you fall unconscious, it will disengage and fall to the familiar level.


When rolling initiative the creature can either roll its own die, or move directly after you, its initiative being your roll -1 (refer to your DM).


In combat your creature waits for your command. It will not act without one and will continue the given command until another is issued.

As a bonus action you can command your creature to attack or flee. With the attack command, your creature attacks, your target, or an enemy of your choice within 30ft. of you. With the flee command, the creature disengages and attempts to leave battle. There are also special commands. These commands can only be used at the companion level and depend on class specialization. They are, Perform , Guard , and Charge.


When attacking, a creature can use one action, its most basic action/attack, as it is dependent on your command. For example, an owl-bear that is tamed cannot use its multi-attack and instead will make either a single claw or beak attack during its turn.


By the time you have reached 2nd level your arcane abilities have matured past just taming beasts. Through the arcane secrets of your bestiary you have learned to manipulate not only the creatures of the world but also the fabrics of nature.

Spell Slots

The Beast-tamer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells beginning at 1st level and higher. To cast a spell, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots after completing a long rest.

Spells Known

You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the beast-tamer spell list. The Spells Known column of the table shows when you learn more beast-tamer spells of your choice. These spells must be of level for which you have spell slots, as shown on the table. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of your known spells and replace it with another spell from the beast-tamer spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your beast-tamer spells. You use your Wisdom modifier whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when determining the saving throw DC for any beast-tamer spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your wisdom modifier

| The Beast-Tamer

Spellcasting Focus

As a beast-tamer you use your taming gloves as your spellcasting focus.

Tools of the Art

The Beast-tamer’s weapon of choice is often the whip. Its ability to cue a companion as well as keep foes at bay is invaluable. When using a reach weapon you can use your Wisdom modifier when attacking.

| The Beast-Tamer

Reach Expert

At 5th level you are now an expert with reach weapons. You add your Proficiency bonus when calculating damage.

Deep Connection

At 5th level you access a deeper understanding of your companions. As a bonus action you can choose to expend a spell slot and communicate a more complex direction to your companion. This allows it to use a second action/ more complex ability (i.e. multiattack) on its next turn.

Companion Comfort

At 6th level When using a hit die during a short or long rest add an additional 1d4, your creature also gains the benefits of the rest.

Expanded Bestiary

You have found deeper meaning in the texts and unlocked secrets to taming beasts few if any, many know. At 6th and 11th levels choose one type of monster from Bestiary list and it add it to your bestiary.

Bestiary List
Creature Type

Armored Companion

at 10th level you and your companion are seasoned in the art of battle. You can now create light armor for your companion. Once crafted they receive a +2 to their AC when outfitted in armor. The cost and time to make the armor depends on the monsters size:

  • 100 Gp and 2 hours per creature size, with tiny being the base size, Medium at 200 Gp and 4 hours, and so on.

Reserve Companion

At 10th level you are able to tame a second creature. You can only attempt to tame a secondary creature when your primary creature is at the companion level. Regardless of your companion's trust level only one creature can enter battle at a time and must be declared when rolling initiative.

Bestiary Master

At 11th level you can now tame creatures with an Intelligence of 8 or lower. Additionally, You have advantage on all Animal Handling rolls and saving throws against monster types that are in your bestiary.

Companion Switch

At 14th level you can now tame a 3rd companion. Additionally, once per short rest, you can use your action or reaction to magically switch a companion in combat with a companion reserve.

Ferocious Alignment

At 17th level when you land and a hit without advantage, your companion has advantage on its next attack. If your companion lands a hit without advantage you have advantage on your next attack.

Reach Master

At 18th level when using a reach weapon your proficiency bonus is doubled when calculating damage.

Legend Tamer

At 20th level you have mastered the art of beast taming. You can now use True Connection without expending a spell slot. Having tamed everything in your bestiary you now have your eyes set on creatures thought to be un-tamable:

  • If you chose the Classical Training specialization you can now tame the Chimera.
  • If you chose the Infernal Carnival specialization you can now tame the Vrock.
  • If you chose the Festival of Fey specialization you can now tame the Wyvern.
| The Beast-Tamer

Sideshow Specialization

All beast-tamers are fond of the wild creatures that inhabit their world. But not all want the same thing. Some see the beasts as nothing more than a companion, a trusted spiritual connection. Others see them as an extension of their power. A means to conquer or destroy. The desires of the tamer are often shaped by their youth, the place, or how they discovered their power and by what means they learned to hone their craft.

Classical Training

You take the path of the traditional beast-tamer. As your knowledge increases so does your prowess in combat and taming.


At 3rd level you gain the Perform command. When given the perform command, as its action, your companion will put on a performance of your choice in attempt to distract your enemies.

  • All enemies within a 10 ft. radius must make a wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a success, the target has disadvantage on its next attack and is immune to a performance for the next 24 hours. On a fail, the target is stunned.

Classical Beastiary

At 3rd level Choose a monster type from the bestiary list and add it to your bestiary.

At 15th level you also add the Monstrosity creature type.

Arcane Reach

at 7th level, once per your Wisdom modifier, when you attack you can use your bonus action to double the reach of your weapon and deal an additional 1d6 of force damage.

Entrancing Performance

At 15th level the Perform command now has a range of 30 ft. In addition, on a failed save the target takes 5d8 of psychic damage. The damage is halved on a success.

Festival of Fey

You are learned in the arts of the fairies and fey. Perhaps a chance encounter introduced you to their teachings. Or perhaps you heard the legends of great mystical beasts and pursued them yourself.


At 3rd level you gain the Guard command. When the command is given your companion will aid an ally of your choice. It now targets an enemy within 10ft of the chosen ally or travels with the ally until in reach of an enemy.

Fey Bestiary

When you choose the Festival of Fey specialization add the Fey creature type to your bestiary. At 15th level add the Celestial creature type to your bestiary.

Companion Teleport

At 7th level, once per your Wisdom modifier, you can use your bonus action to teleport to your companion instantaneously as long as it is in sight.

Greater Guard

At 15th level, while your companion is guarding an ally the ally has an additional +1 AC bonus and advantage on ability checks and saving throws.

Infernal Carnival

The path of the dark arts, you seek knowledge on how to tame the beasts lurking in the shadows. To you they are just misunderstood creatures with great power.

Fiendish Bestiary

When you choose this specialization add the fiend creature type to your bestiary. At 15th level add the Aberrations creature type to your Bestiary.


At 3rd level you gain the Charge command. The command allows your companion target an enemy up to 60 feet away and increases its movement by 20 feet.

Flaming Flourish

At 7th level, once per your Wisdom modifier, when you attack with a weapon you are profcient in you can ignite it to deal an additional 2d8 of fire damage.

Wild Charge

At 15th level when your companion is given the charge command its movement increases by 30 feet and deals an additional 1d12 of force damage when it lands a hit.

| The Beast-Tamer

Beast-Tamer Spell List

1st level:

Absorb Elements XGE 150
Animal Friendship PHB 212
Bane PHB 216
Beast Bond XGE 150
Catapult XGE 150
Charm Person PHB 221
Command PHB 223
Healing Word PHB 250
Heroism PHB 250
Jump PHB 254
Long strider PHB 256
Murder of Crows*
Sleep PHB 276
Speak with Animals PHB 277

2nd level:

Aid PHB 211
Animal Messenger PHB 212
Beast Sense PHB 217
Darkvison PHB 230
Enhance Ability PHB 237
Enlarge/Reduce PHB 237
Locate Animals or Plants PHB 256
See Invisibility PHB 274
Shatter PHB 275
Spider Climb PHB 277
Gentle Repose PHB 245
Tamer’s Whip*
Healing Howl*

3rd level:

Catnap XGE 151
Clairvoyance PHB 222
Conjure Animals PHB 225
Daylight PHB 230
Enemies Abound XGE 155
Haste PHB, 250
Meld Into Stone PHB 259
Non-detection PHB 263
Protection from energy PHB 276
Sleet Storm PHB 276
Spirit Guardians
Summon Lessor Demons XGE 167

4th level:

Charm Monster XGE 151
Blight PHB 219
Compulsion PHB 224
Conjure Minor Elementals PHB 226
Conjure Woodland Beings PHB 226
Dominate Beast PHB 234
Find Greater Steed XGE 156
Freedom of Movement PHB 244
Locate Creature PHB 256
Summon Greater Demon XGE 166
Wall Of Fire PHB 285

5th level:

Legendary Command*
Awaken PHB 216
Conjure Elemental PHB 225
Dawn XGE 153
Dream PHB 236
Immolation XGE 158
Modify Memory PHB 261
Scrying PHB 273
Skill Empowerment XGE 165
Steel Wind Strike XGE 166
Wrath of Nature XGE 171
Hold Monster PHB 251
| The Beast-Tamer

Murder of Crows

1st level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 40 feet
Components: V,S
Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute

You summon forth 3 other-worldly crows that surround a target within range that scratch and peck at the target's eyes. The target must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the crows deal 3d4 of piercing damage, and blind the target until the beginning of its next turn.

On a success, the target takes half of the rolled damage. As long as the spell is active the target must make a wisdom saving throw at the beginning of its turn.

At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd or higher, the damage increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.

Tamer's Whip

2nd level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V,S,M (a weapon you are proficient with in your primary hand)
Duration: 10 minutes

You create an ethereal whip within your free hand. As a bonus action you can use this whip to attack an enemy within range. The whip deals 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier slashing damage.

At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or higher, the damage increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 2nd.

Healing Howl

2nd level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action (Ritual 10 Minutes)
Range: 60 feet
Components: V,S,M (a tuft of fur)
Duration: Instantaneous

If your companion is range you let loose a beastly howl, and your companion answers. Your companion regains 2d8 plus your spellcasting ability modifier hit-points. Any friendly creature within 15 ft. of your companion regains half of the rolled hit-points. At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.

Legendary Command

5th level Enchantment

Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V,S,M (a tuft of fur)
Duration: 1 minute

You tap into the deepest reaches of the arcane link between you and your companion and unleash its full power. When you cast this spell your companion gains a legendary action. This ability follows the rules of legendary actions. At the end of an enemy's turn your companion can utilize any one of its abilities/ actions that it would normally use as an action or bonus action on its turn.

| The Beast-Tamer

Credits / Sources

  • Owl Bear image- source link:

  • Chuul image - link:

  • Human Image - link:

| The Beast-Tamer
A special thanks to Mat and Chris N. for letting me constantly badger you guys with ideas.

This document was lovingly created using GM Binder.

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