Fighter Subclass | Reaver

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With an axe in their hands and malice in their hearts, Reavers are a sight to behold on the battlefield. Trained in the old ways of wild raiders on both land and sea, Reavers unleash their bloodlust against their enemies to bring about carnage and brutality.

Finishing Cleave

At 3rd level, you know to how press the attack when the life drains from your enemy's eyes. When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points with a melee weapon attack, you can choose to have the attack carve into a creature within your reach. Make a second attack, with the attack roll result automatically equaling the original attack roll.

Blood Frenzy

Also at 3rd level, the first time in combat you are reduced to below half of your maximum hit points, you can use your reaction to immediately reroll any failed saving throw made to end an ongoing effect, such as the effects of the hold person spell, or an Athletics or Acrobatics check to escape a grapple.

Reaper's Senses

Beginning at 7th level, when you damage a creature, you mark it as the target of your ire. For 1 minute, the creature can't be hidden from you so long as it is within 120 feet of you, and you are always aware of the direction it is from you during this time. Also, you gain advantage on checks made to track or pursue creatures below their hit point maximum.

Debilitating Blows

Starting at 10th level, you know how to use your weapon to maim and cripple your foes. When targeting a hostile creature adjacent to you, you can use your bonus action to roll a 1d6 to add to your attack roll.

If the attack hits, you roll damage as you would normally. The creature's movement is then halved, cannot take reactions and has disadvantage on all skill checks until the end of its next turn.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Butcher's Charge

At 15th level, when you move across the battlefield, you do so to bring about pain and suffering. You can Dash as a bonus action, and you gain advantage on your next weapon attack or Athletics check if you invoke an attack of opportunity while dashing.


At 18th level, your finishing cleave is perfected. When you use your Finishing Cleave feature, you can make a third attack targeting a different creature within 5 feet of the original target and your reach, replacing the attack roll as normal.

Additionally, creatures hit by your finishing cleave take an additional 1d6 of your weapon's damage type at the beginning of their next turn.

Author Credit: "Fighter Archetype | Reaver" by /u/Valerion

Artist Credit: "Victarion Greyjoy" by Conor Burke. DeviantArt.

Created with feedback from /u/GenuineBelieverer and the Discord of Many Things' Community.

The author of this homebrew is not responsible for any failed reaving attempts. Raid merchant ships at ye own risk.


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