Ethereal Genasi

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Ethereal Genasi

As an ethereal genasi, you are descended from cultures of humans who have traversed the Ethereal Plane and the planes that are connected to it for generations, long enough to establish a permanent race of their own making. The evolution of this race is in part due to the disconnect ethereal genasi generally have with the Material Plane. Since ethereal genasi frequent the Ethereal Plane, they often exhibit a culture of lonely nomads, rarely bothering to approach other civilizations, and it is not uncommon for an ethereal genasi to feel disoriented in a crowded area.

Ethereal genasi typically have pale, blue, turqoise, but otherwise human colored skin, and show white, black, blue, turqoise, or even purple, but otherwise human colored hair. Eye color may be of any color, and tend to appear prominent and luminescent in contrast, maybe even distracting. Some ethereal genasi may display runic lines and patterns in their flesh, which are not tattoos but are rather developed naturally during adolescence.

An ethereal genasi also tends to have an impression that can be especially noticeable to certain groups of people or during certain situations. This impression is associated with the genasi's appearance or character, which the genasi has

little control over, and tends to have a spectral connotation to it. You may select, roll for, or adapt an impression from the Ethereal Genasi Impressions table, and you may use it to aid in how you portray your character.

Ethereal Genasi Impressions
d6 Impression
1 Your voice sometimes has a ghostly echo, particularly when you are sick or when your throat is sore. This echo can also be heard whenever you cough.
2 Your hair waves on its own, and wind has little effect on its wavy course.
3 You tend to dream of other planes, be they calm or chaotic. You also tend to sleeptalk in a language associated with the plane you are dreaming about, even if you do not know how to speak that language.
4 Your eyes glow, and you emit a misty aura, whenever you are under stress.
5 Your skin is cold to the touch, despite your body temperature remaining the same as a human.
6 When you are in a state of bliss or mental high, your foot and hand prints leave spectral imprints that dissipate over a few seconds.

Ethereal Genasi Traits

Your genasi character has certain characteristics as a subrace of the genasi race, which can be found in chapter 1 of the Elemental Evil Player's Companion.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score increases by 1 (your choice).

Darkvision. Accustomed to otherworldly sight, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Planeswalker. You are naturally adapted to the Transitive planes and their dangers. You have advantage on saving throws against environmental obstructions on the Transitive planes, such as psychic winds and ether cyclones.

Watch with Spirits. You know the sword burst cantrip. You can also cast the see invisibility spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way again when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


  • The Planeswalker trait was partly inspired by the inbetween race on DnD Beyond by Astromancer.

  • Art Credit. Palette 04: Shaardet by Exellero from ArtStation.

  • Eleazar Detect Balance score: 6 (decimal). If you believe that this impedes on the air genasi's score of 5 and the earth genasi's score of 4.75, feel free to adopt a revision of the air and earth genasi that appropriately scores them at or around a 6. For example, this version may work.
Genasi Subraces | Ethereal Genasi

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