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## Blood Hunter
Order of the Demon Slayer
Relentless in their pursuit of vengeance, demon slayers seek to purge the world of all that is vile and unholy. Initiates of this order are taught a ranged fighting style, skillfully keeping their foes at bay. Though deemed "demon slayers," they prey upon all that is strange and wicked, be it aberration or monstrosity.
#### Demon Slayer's Rage Upon choosing this archetype at 3rd level, your Hunter's Bane now also includes aberrations and monstrosities, and you learn Rite of the Purged. **Rite of the Purged.** Your rite damage is force type. During your turn, your first attack roll you make with a weapon with this rite has advantage against aberrations, fey, fiends, monstrosities, and undead. #### Adept Arbalest Beginning at 3rd level, you ignore the loading property of crossbows. The bolts fired from your crossbow are treated as silvered, and you don't need a free hand to reload it. You can also treat a net as ammunition for a heavy crossbow with a range of 30/120 feet. #### Vault At 7th level, you learn to maneuver expertly to maintain distance. Provided you are not wearing heavy armor, you can move up to 15 feet while ignoring difficult terrain and without provoking opportunity attacks. You can do this as a bonus action or as a reaction to when a hostile creature moves into a space within 15 feet of you. If used as a bonus action, this costs 15 feet of your movement. \columnbreak Until the end of your turn, your next weapon attack has advantage if it is made against the closest hostile creature within 30 feet of where you ended your Vault. #### Rapid Fire At 11th level, you fuel rage into your attacks, trading accuracy for fire power. If you take the Attack action on your turn and have advantage on a ranged attack roll against against one of the targets, you can forgo the advantage for that roll to make an additional weapon attack against that target, as part of the same action. You can do so no more than once per turn. #### Preternatural Instinct Starting at 15th level you gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws. You can also use your reaction to Vault after succeeding a Dexterity saving throw or when an attack you can see misses you. If you end the Vault out of the area or line of effect of the triggering event, you ignore it completely. #### Lethal Marksman At 18th level, your repeated attacks against your foe exposes its weaknesses. After you've hit the same creature with two ranged weapon attacks since the start of your turn, your next ranged weapon attack that hits it will critically strike.
> Homebrew by [blueisherp]( > > ##### Art by [Atey Ghailan](