The Sunken

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The Sunken

The Sunken

“Are you... going to bite me?”

Lawrence asked. The vampire cocked its head to the side. It’s lifted a long arm and gently tapped its temple, a small cascade of water pouring from its ear. “I do not believe so. Like any diet, the cravings are worst at the beginning. Eventually you do not miss the sweet treat.” The vampire smiled and it might have been amusing, had the jagged canine teeth not turned it into a leer.”

- halleyscomma,

The fallen undead will rise once again, but it seems their hunger has died long ago. In times long past, vampires were new to the realms and were the best hunters in miles. On cold nights they slashed and pierced men, women, and children alike to satiate their thirst for blood. Now, they take up studying the world they were once cast away from.

Forgotten and Starved

The children of the night were feared from the day Orcus bestowed it upon the first clan. Humanoids cowered in the homes for centuries while they took blood baths. That is until they found a solution that would get rid of them entirely. Large hunting parties were formed to take down a single vampire. After immobilizing it, they would tie them up in chains and other heavy weights then cast them into the deepest darkest body of water in the Shadowfell, The Marrow Sea. Almost 250 years ago, a brave soul; a man who didn’t read up on his shadow history, set sail across the sea. He saw a single chain corroded enough to be used as a fishing line, floating. In a most ignorant manner, pulled up the chain and let aboard what used to be a vampire.

Vampiric Decay

For every day spent in the water they became less and less hungry. Some grew spiteful, others took up peace and quiet. But all looked pretty similar, towering creatures with sharp claws and teeth with pale bluish or white skin, and most mysteriously, glowing pale light blue eyes. Most wizards speculate that it’s the effect of staying in Shadowfell water for too long but others say it’s their humanoid emotions and very soul trying to reconnect with them physically. In Starlight, vampires and sunken are entirely different races than the one you had in life. There are no human vampires, elf vampires, dwarf vampires, etc. All vampires undergo a horrid transformation where they become large, guant, undead figures of many variety. Even small races like the halflings and gnomes grow double if not triple their height.

A Gothic Lifestyle

In modern times, the sunken are not a very common occurrence as there was only a limited amount of them in the sea. However, it has been confirmed that any-- reproduction of sunken results in a sunken child. The race has expanded massively and usually in small towns around the multiverse. Sunken are a strange race that tend to be a bit quirky in mannerisms or speech.

To show this in a character you can roll on the table, pick one, or even make one up to add a little vampriric traits to your character.

d6 Quirk
1 You like to sound elegant in speech, even though you don’t eat them, humans are generally less intelligent than you.
2 After constant acidic abuse, you don’t like bodies of water or even baths.
3 You will never enter a home if they don't invite you in first.
4 All suns could be extinguished for all you care.
5 You love red wine.
6 You feel a kinship with bats and wolves.

Sunken Traits

All Sunken share these lesser vampiric traits.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Age. The death of your undeath has come to a begining. When removed from the waters of the shadowfell you begin an almost humanoid life span. Usually having 300 or 500 years before dying of old age. Born sunken age slightly slower than humans reaching maturity in their mid 20's.

Alignment. Most Sunken want to relearn the world, but there are those who don’t want to join “mortals” and are very barbed about the whole thing.

Size. Sunken retain their vampiric builds, so they usually average 6 -- 8 feet tall and weigh around 200 pounds. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Thanks to your undead heritage you gain a gray-scale darkvision out to 60 feet.

Tooth and Nail. Your bite and claws are natural melee weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, they deal 1d4 + your proficiency bonus instead of your strength modifier. Piercing damage if you bite them or slashing if you use your claws instead of bludgeoning for the two attacks. These attacks cannot benefit from the monk's Martial Arts class feature.

Invoke Supernatural. You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast Charm Person once per day. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast Spiderclimb on yourself once per day. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Running Water Resistance. After years and years of constant acidic pain, you have become used to it. You have resistance to acid damage.

Languages. You can read, write, and speak Common.

  • Created by: u/SparkBlu
  • Inspiration and writer of the the story paragraph: u/halleyscomma (full story in the comments! Well worth the read!)
  • Cover art: Strahd by Felix Ortiz

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