- **Art:** Starfield of Nyx by Tyler Jacobson
# Heritage and Half-breeds: Startouched
The Material Plane is the sane corner of the multiverse. Beyond its borders lies the Far Realm, the home of the Elder Evils and creatures of madness. Startouched are humanoids cursed and twisted by the influence of these malevolent eldritch forces.
### Twisted by the Stars
Though a startouched may have once been any humanoid race, the influence of the Elder Evil has utterly twisted their nature. They may still resemble a human, tiefling, or elf, but have little else left in common. Their skin typically loses all color, becoming a pallid shade of gray or even translucent. Their eyes glow with the color of their star.
### Corrupted Souls
Many startouched lose their memories from before their corruption, only coming to them in bits and pieces in their dreams. Some make it their quest to find out who they once were, and who they are now.
However, for many startouched, their minds are warped by the madness of the Elder Evils, so they revel in the freedom from morality and their past. Many startouched are fanatic cultists of the stars, and it is not uncommon to find a few among such cults.
### Startouched Names
Some startouched try to hold on to the identity they had before they were twisted by eldritch forces, and thus keep their previous name.
Others have been twisted by the far realm, and take names inspired by the whispers in their minds.