Evolutionist Changelog

by Chocolate Thunda

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The Evolutionist - Changelog

Version 3.2 Changes

Base Class

  • Changed Arm Ignition formula to reduce early damage, while keeping the late damage the same.
  • Changed Leg Ignition to dodge opportunity attacks always, not just during your turn.
  • Changed Head Ignition to only work when you don't have disadvantage.


Method of Fleshstitching

  • Earth Tremor > Inflict Wounds
  • Clarification, Stitch ignores recharge attacks.
  • Re-added a size limit to dreadful consumption.

Method of Mutation

  • Clarified how aug. flask works with more than one.
  • Made all creatures considered ignited under flasks for 18th level feature, for upgrade flask combos.

Method of Symbiosis

  • Symbiotic Defense resistance clarification
  • Wrathful intent ends when you are incapacitated.
  • Removed initiative bonus feature for prof. in wis saves.

Method of Worship

  • Removed initiative bonus, added religion expertise.
  • Shuffled 1st level features
  • Faithful sacrifice now works on attack rolls and ability checks, but requires a bonus action to use.
  • Influence of the otherworldly now works for ability checks.
  • Removed rolling double Hit Dice feature from 18th level.
  • Spell List: Shield of Faith -> Guiding Bolt, Raise Dead -> Hold Monster


  • Fiery Form and Noxious stench now state "other than you", as intended.
  • Twin Striker: Melf's Minute Meteors -> Vengeful Cleave
  • Supreme Force: nerfed greatly, moved damage to once per combat (after initiative) to balance with Savage Weapon
  • Fixed a few spell-level mistakes


  • 5 feet range spells and Elemental Wrath are now Touch.
  • Shattering Strike: 2d6 + 5 changed to 2d4 + 10.

Miscellaneous / Thematic Changes

  • Fixed a few wording issues

Version 3.1 Changes

Base Class

  • Changed the wording on Growth Augmentation to balance it with Arm Augmentation.
  • Made some clarifications to Metabolic Ignition's damage
  • Made Core Ignition based on Augmentation Stage and CON mod.
  • Made immortality as per undying warlock and druid, moved full immortality to 20th level.


  • Made some improvements to the story / lore sections

Method of Fleshstitching

  • Reworked Stitch.
  • Altered Supernatural Fortitude for new Stitch
  • Reworked Dreadful Consumption for new Stitch

Method of Infusion

  • Spell List: Magic Missle > Chromatic Orb

Method of Innovation

  • Clarified how stable overclocking functioned with relentless combustion (added "final")


  • Changed the wording on Elemental Cannon for clarification
  • Primal Ferocity - added that you are unaffected by healing.
  • Echolocation does not work while deafened, buffed range to compensate.
  • Modification Employment: skill checks > ability checks (clarification)
  • Added a DC calculation for Whirling Weapon


  • Added a size limit to Destructive Launch.
  • Reworked Unstoppable Onslaught.

Miscellaneous / Thematic Changes

  • Fixed a few wording issues

Version 3.0 Changes

Base Class

  • Constitution is now the Core Class Ability, followed by Strength or Dexterity, followed by an ability based on your subclass. Quick Build now reflects this.
  • Hit Die: 1d8 > 1d10
  • Profs: Perception & History removed, Medicine added.
  • Starting equipment altered, added options for no armor (exterior augmentation) and artisan tools, made shield mandatory (as its used on both natural weapon and sword and board builds)
  • Upgrade feature moved to 2nd level and changed once again. (See next section)
  • New 1st level feature: Augmentations and Augmentation Stage, preliminary upgrades that scale.
  • Ambitious Sacrifice Removed, replaced with new feature: Metabolic Ignition. Metabolic Ignition is a core feature that runs throughout the entire class.
  • New 11th and 20th level feature: Relentless Combustion and Final Form, which interact with Metabolic Ignition. Perfect Form removed to make room.
  • Visceral Surge changed to Half-Pact Casting gained at 2nd level, with Constitution as the spellcasting ability. More uses at 5th and 13th level, and spell tiers at levels (2/5/9/13/17)
  • New 14th feature: Reconstruct
  • Freakish Reconstruction Feature Removed.
  • New 20th feature: Immortality.
  • Custom evolutionist spells added.


  • Entirely new system. (again)
  • Removed entire enhancement frame system, returning upgrades to higher powered, single abilities. No more skill trees.
  • Augmentations replace enhancement frames (upgrade categories)
  • Total Upgrades 25 -> 10, power increased dramatically
  • Removed Upgrade ability. All upgrades use Constitution if an ability is required.
  • Each Upgrade now has 3 spells, which are added to the evolutionist spell list.
  • You can no longer switch upgrades each level (conflicts with spell list, and makes upgrades feel more permanent).
  • Various upgrade changes for the new system.


  • Method of Symbiosis Added.

All Subclasses

  • Each subclass now has a core ability (WIS / INT / CHA) to make the class MAD and have three core abilities. This was previously done with upgrade ability, but its removed.
  • Changed subclass Visceral Surge feature to a spell list for new spellcasting feature. (gained at 2nd)
  • 14th level feature > 15th level
  • Added additional feature at 18th level.
  • Altered many abilities and removed gaining / switching upgrades from all subs, making the upgrades feel more permanent and the subclasses less complex.
  • Removed "Transformative Approach" feature from all subclasses.
  • More structure between subclass abilities (Order & Power)

Method of Assimilation > Fleshstitching

  • Renamed (Method of Fleshstitching)
  • Method now grants expertise in Leatherworker's tools.
  • Stitch reworked, made to steal attacks from dead creatures. Uses / rest now scales of Wisdom modifier.
  • Supernatural Fortitude reworked, now regains hit points.
  • Dreadful Consumption reworded
  • Added 18th level feature: Inconceivable Horror

Method of Infusion

  • Completely overhauled. Now focuses on granting more spells to the class (since it already has spells)

Method of the Cyborg > Innovation

  • Completely overhauled. Now focuses on making the evolutionist more tanky.
  • Method now grants expertise in tinker's tools.

Method of Mutation

  • Method now grants expertise in alchemist's supplies
  • Upgrade Flask -> Augmentation flask, using new Augmentations.
  • Painless Potions -> Mutative Concoction (mimics old upgrade flask)
  • Purifying Potions -> Mutagenic Rush (Now grants THP and a burst of movement, to make the flasks seem more chaotic / crazy)
  • Added 18th level feature: Alchemical Perfection

Method of the Cultist > Worship

  • Completely overhauled. You no longer spend hit points, only hit dice. Less spellcasting focus, more sacrifice focus.

Miscellaneous / Thematic Changes

  • Document Moved to GMBinder.
  • Altered Cover Page, removing D&D Logos and changing picture.
  • Rewrote and expanded the lore (With a bunch of amazing help from Letters!)
  • Purple is now the main colour scheme.
  • New Footer based on class icon
  • Reformatted Completely, Changed Images, etc.
  • Added The Evolutionist and Game Tone sidebar
  • Refined background tables, added a new Class Origins table and changed Mistakes to Modification Style
  • Added Emulating Other Creatures sidebar
  • Added Your Augmentations sidebar
  • Refined and moved other sidebars.
  • Removed subclass feature list from each subclass.
  • Added WotC Fan Content Policy (Whoops!)
  • Updated Credits

Version 2.0 Changes

Base Class

  • Added the following proficiencies to the main class: Medium Armor, Martial Weapons.
  • Altered base equipment to match above
  • Revamped the entire Upgrade system, see next section
  • Added new Ambitious Sacrifice feature at 2nd level, which works similar to Fighting Styles.
  • Removed Adaptation Morph, Replaced with Viseral Surge, which is a channel divinity-like ability where each subclass has a different use for it. Upgrades also gives you additional options to use it on.
  • Added Extra Attack
  • Changed perfect form to increase an ability score to 22 for a minute each time you use your Viseral Surge. Also gives a charge back on initiative.
  • Changed Multiclassing requirement to Strength or Dexterity 13 and Upgrade Ability 13.
  • Added Medium Armor and Martial Weapons to Multiclassing proficiencies. Removed shields.


  • Sorted Upgrades into Enhancement Frames (Like Skill Trees) which allows more poweful upgrades to be put further down the trees and allows choices between upgrades, helping balance issues when mixing and matching upgrades.
  • Removed Evolution Points in favor of having all upgrades cost 1
  • Changed the amount of Upgrades you get at each level
  • Made it so you can change Upgrades each level
  • Removed all spell upgrades
  • Added new Upgrades, most of which interact with the Viseral Surge feature
  • Made upgrade feature less powerful overall (In theory) and added more restrictions.


  • Golem, Hollow and Vampire have been Removed. Golem and Hollow might come back in later versions, but at the moment I'm not planning to re-add Vampire.

All Subclasses

  • Subclass features are now gained at 1/3/6/14 rather than 1/6/14/18
  • Added a new feature at 3rd level, which gives another option for your Viseral Surge.
  • Removed bonus weapon, armor, and skill proficiencies from all subclasses that had them.
  • Added a bit of flavour to each.
  • When a subclass gets a tool proficiency, they also get the tool for free.
  • Gave all subclasses a way to interact with upgrades (mostly swapping upgrades or temporarily gaining new ones.)

Abomination -> Method of Assimilation

  • Stitch now gives 2xlevel temp hp and gains a temporary upgrade instead of granting Con mod to damage.
  • Horrid Plunder moved to Viseral Surge at 3rd level.

Magus -> Method of Infusion

  • Added new Viseral Surge ability to change spell slots into upgrades, and vise-versa.
  • Changed Arcane shield from Con Saves to 1-3 AC (1/2 prof bonus)
  • Primordial Body now makes your weapon attacks your chosen damage aswell.
  • Removed Alter Spell

Mutant -> Method of Mutation

  • Since the Upgrade System changed, this subclass has been completly revamped.
  • Subclass is now focused on Upgrade Flasks, allowing you to give upgrades to others. It is not primarily a support subclass however, as you can do just fine using your Flasks on yourself.

Cultist -> Method of the Cultist

  • Added Spells they can't learn (Animate Dead, Create Food and Water, Divination.)
  • Changed Arcane Focus to Holy Symbol
  • Added new Viseral Surge that gives an upgrade at the cost of current and max hit points.
  • Removed Devout Follower
  • Reworded things to make expending hit dice clearer

Cyborg-> Method of the Cyborg

  • Added new 1st level feature which acts like the old adaptation morph.
  • Added restriction to Integrated weapon, can't use somatic / material with the same hand.
  • Made integrated weapon short rest switching
  • Moved auto defence to Viseral Surge
  • Removed Robotic Body
  • Upgraded Weapon -> Modular Weapon; now lets you add weapon properties and increase your weapoins die by one stage.

Miscellaneous / Thematic Changes

  • Added cover page
  • Added PHB style class symbol to upper right of first page
  • Added XGtE style class background tables and missing body parts sidebar
  • Changed quick build
  • Added prefix to Evolutionary Methods: "Method of ___"
  • Changed the name of some methods
  • Updated Credits, moved to last page.
  • Altered most formatting and images in the document.
  • Miscellaneous flavour text alterations
  • Added indexes for document and enhancement frames (you can only click on them if you download the PDF)