The NPC With a Thousand Faces

by Firgof

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Forgotten Workshop's

"the npc with a

thousand faces"

A System and Setting Neutral Approach to Making Dynamic Characters Fast

(DevTalk Edition)

What Makes Character

The NPC With a Thousand Faces builds characters 'from idea to full concept'. With each step your character will take on more detail, contrast, and gain history and stakes in the world they live in. This is deliberate as some characters you might want a full work-up for - and others you may just want to throw together something fast and loose.

For your first character: work through all Six steps. This should take anywhere from 15-45 minutes, depending on how complex your character is, how quickly you read through the sections for your first time, and how detailed you want them.

The Steps of Creation and the Spheres of Information

1 Character Flaw(s)
2 Struggle(s)
3 Prop(s)
4 Connection(s) to the Larger World
5 Attributes
6 Hook(s)
Social Sphere
1 Closest Allies
2 Family
3 Friends
4 Acquaintances
5 Strangers
6 Rumors

If you read the steps from 6 to 1, you'll be moving from the most public social circle to the most private. The more private the information, the more dangerous, precious, and trusted it becomes. There's one exclusion to this (props) because those can be readily hidden some of the time.

If you're building a complex character (or this is your first time), start with Step 1. Elsewise, I'd start with 3, then move to 2, and then 1.

What you'll need

All the tables in this book use a percentage-based approach (notated as a 'd100' which standards for 'The Result of a One-hundred Sided Die's Roll).

To use these tables it's recommended you either use an online dice roller or two ten-sided die (one die standing in for the tens value and the other standing in for the ones value, e.g. [9] and [1] would be '91', assuming 9 was the die rolled first). Tables are semi-weighted so that more common results are 'toward the center' and less common results are 'towards the edges'. By dice statistics, that makes 2d10 closer to the intent of the tables than a d100 which treats all 100 results as 'equally likely'.

The following URLs link to some useful dice rollers in that respect:

  • - "AnyDice" (complex, shows statistical likelihoods)
  • Search "Online Dice Roller" in Google Search (click on D10 twice to roll a d100; '0' takes the place of '10'. '10, 10' is 100)
  • - "Wizards of the Coast's Online Dice Roller" (simple, uncomplicated, loads fast)
Author's Note

Please be aware that you are in full control of your character's creation. If you feel they don't need a Prop, don't give them one! Don't think their Flaw suits them? Roll again or pick another! If you'd rather use this book as a reference and inspiration source rather than a tool, that's fine too! Thanks and Happy Character Creating!

- James, Curator of the Forgotten Workshop

Step One: Flaws

All great characters are flawed: perfection is boring.

A Flaw is a rooted imperfection that runs so deep that it is the Source of most characters' Struggles. Even if a character doesn't like their Flaw, it nonetheless defines them. In the rare occassion a character triumphs over their Flaw, typically it's either a false victory or the time they gained a new Flaw.

For example, let's consider a Superhero whose parents were gunned down in an alleyway. The trauma of that event changes their youthful Flaw of Innocence to becoming Easily Angered. They could spend the rest of their life stuck in that moment as they build mental walls and a rigid Code of Ethics to keep their anger in check and bury it so deep you'd question it was ever there to begin with. Yet the Flaw never went away, it just became more complex. You should think in this way in respect to characters; not everybody wears their Flaw on their sleeve but everyone (at least all interesting characters) has Flaws.

Some Flaws are controversial for the community the character lives in and others may be embraced. If this Flaw is embraced then this character (and those who share their Flaws) may be held as a 'Pillar of the Community': a standard by which others are measured.

Good Characters can still have Bad Flaws. A character doesn't have to accept how they were raised or accept a part of themselves they're ashamed of. Some of the best heroes have flaws they constantly are Struggling against - and are made richer and more interesting from those Struggles.

Table of Flaws
d100 Flaw
01-03 extremist
04-07 conspiracy theorist
08-11 traumatized
12-15 forgetful
16-19 extremely stubborn
20-23 bigoted
24-27 irrationally fearful
28-31 exceptionally religious
32-35 depressed
36-39 lustful
40-43 greed-driven
44-47 excessively proud
48-51 vain
52-55 altruistic
56-59 sacrificial
60-63 honor-bound
64-67 innocent/pure
68-71 easily angered
72-75 classist
76-79 rebellious
80-83 guilt-ridden
84-87 miserly
88-91 single-minded
92-95 gluttonous
96-97 quixotic
98 serial liar
99 exceedingly inattentive
100 strange moral/ethics

Step Two: Struggles

Struggles are like Quests for Flaws.

Ever wonder how a character's Flaw evolves over time? It's through Struggles! Struggles are how characters find new and interesting angles for their Flaws. Let's see how one might play out for a Conspiracy Theorist.

  • The Conspiracy Theorist is saddled with setting up a pie eating competition for the Mayor and becomes Restless.
  • While setting the competition up, which prevents them from continuing to research the Conspiracy Theory they've been trying to unravel for the last few months, they stumble upon a late-night discovery: the pies are being filled with rotten apples!
  • Do they seize on the opportunity and indulge their Restlessness or do they press their Struggle down and continue their work?
  • Regardless of their internal conflict, was the conspiracy real and, if so, does that make them regret their decision in regards to their Struggle? Do they no longer feel Restless as a result?

As you can see, Struggles are ways for characters and your audience to 'get to know your character and their Flaw better'. The best stories are ones that make characters work through many Struggles to better understand and be able to embrace or reject their own Flaw -- as well as playing the Flaws of multiple characters against each other.

Window into the Soul

Not every Struggle has to be something recent; some Struggles are life-long and are due to the character's choices in life or their outlook rather than a struggle to conquer a particular inner demon or outward foe. If you'd like to leave how recent these Struggles are up to the roll of the die, you may roll against the How Recent table.

Some Struggles are ones that the character has simply accepted as part of their personality, a deserved punishment, or even simple fate and see no need (or perhaps not even the glimmer of possibility) to change themselves. In either case, these Struggles are what sit before the character's Flaw: they must be dealt with, used, or discarded to make progress in contesting or developing their Flaw.

Struggles come in two categories: Projections and Problems. Projections are Struggles that happen because of the character's Flaw. Problems are situations the character finds themself in regardless of their Flaw (e.g. being robbed/mugged, etc.). There's a few subcategories beyond Projections and Problems. Let's explore them!

Internal Struggles (Projections)

An Internal Struggle is about something in that character's life that doesn't sit right with them. These Struggles are more private and secret; difficult to discover at a glance or without knowing them. Even struggles such as 'always intoxicated' or 'poor hygiene' are issues the character's likely to try and mask, hide, or play off as a deliberate choice rather than a problem. Due to their more private nature, characters often struggle with this Projection because getting help means exposing themselves. Few like to air their dirty laundry to others, even amongst friends, for fear that it might change how others see them.

Mundane Struggles (Problems)

Mundane Struggles are your typical, walkabout, every-one's-problems. This is the stuff of romance, coin, and ambition that find their way into songs, poems, and art. Most folk have quite a lot of mundane struggles to deal with but a rolled Mundane Struggle takes center stage: a romance turns from flirting into dating. A lack of coin turns from annoying to dangerous. Ambitions long held back finally have the opportunity to be explored and developed -- but at a cost or risk.

External Struggles (Projections)

These are Struggles a character might enlist others to help fix. Unlike Internal Struggles, External Struggles aren't typically secret as most are hard to keep hidden. Whether the character even cares who hears or sees their Struggle is at your discretion.

Most characters that have an external struggle externalize their problem - which is often why they find it difficult to resolve. "It's not my fault I'm surrounded by incompetence that I've become a Perfectionist," the Perfectionist might quip. An External Struggle doesn't have to be something that can be solved through sheer will or 'realizing their mistake'; sometimes Struggles come from birth, by family curse, or by the thunderous crack of a hammer upside the skull. Unlike Internal Struggles, External Struggles often have clear solutions that are nonetheless hard for the character to reach: properly confessing their nervous love; accepting imperfection when they've a pathological need for order; confronting what's driving them crazy by getting help or taking it head-on.

Putting it Together

Use the following tables to discover how this character struggles or what they struggle against to build a solid skeleton for the rest of the character.

d100 Struggles to Roll
01-12 2 External
13-25 1 External, 1 Internal
26-37 1 External, 1 Mundane
38-50 1 Mundane
51-62 2 Mundane
63-75 1 Internal, 1 Mundane
76-87 1 Internal, 1 External
88-100 2 Internal
d100 How Recent
01-12 A Few Hours
13-25 A Number of Days
26-37 For Some Weeks
38-50 Over a Handful of Months
51-62 Since the last Season
63-75 Since their last Birthday
76-87 For a Few Years now
88-100 Since they were Young

Internal Struggles

d100 Internal Struggle
01-05 dark obsession
06-10 poor mental/physical hygiene
11-15 overstressed
16-20 emotionally frozen
21-25 insecure
26-30 eccentric
31-36 eternal optimism/nihilism
37-42 over-inquisitive
43-48 guilt-ridden
49-54 lack of individuality
55-60 dark impulses
61-66 crowd-fearing
67-72 overshadowed/abandoned
73-78 anti-social/talkative
79-85 romantically restless
86-91 trapped in their role/job
92-96 confidence-lacking
97 defeated
98 lazy
99 neglectful
100 romantically shy/modest

Mundane Struggles

d100 Mundane Struggle
01-10 poverty
11-20 uneducated/seeking forbidden knowledge
21-30 romantic pursuit
31-40 ambition (Table: Ambition)
41-50 relationship with (Table: Family Member)
51-60 embarrassing illness
61-70 (Table: Nefarious Act) criminal/victim
71-80 oppressed
81-90 attempts to win (Table: Competition)
91-100 internal ethical/moral dilemma

External Struggles

d100 External Struggles
01-07 stutter
08-14 addiction
15-21 owes favors to the wrong people
22-28 perfectionist
29-35 kleptomaniac
36-42 bloodthirsty
43-49 maimed/lost-limb/lost-sense
50-56 impulsive
57-63 paranoid
64-70 romantic (ideas/persons)
71-77 adrenaline-seeking
78-84 narcoleptic
85-91 nightmares
92-98 crisis of faith/confidence
99-100 grave/potentially fatal illness

Step Three: Props

"Props" doesn't just refer to the iconic gear the character wears, it's also eye-catching conditions, maladies, and simple 'auras'. Props are things other characters would pick up on and identify the character with, even if they say nothing and pass by in a flash.

Props are often openly displayed or used rather than hidden unless the character wants to be anonymous. If someone only catches a glimpse of this character they would likely take note, first, of the Character's Props.

As an example your character might be a miserable Misanthrope who is both Paranoid and has a life-long Struggle with obtaining more and more Knowledge -- but a random passerby will notice the necklace of fingers around your neck rather than your Struggles or your Flaw first and - if they know of you - might make the deduction that 'that's that miserable Misanthrope passing by' due to the ring of digits you're carrying about.

The Props are not necessarily who your character is but it is what people will identify your character with if they're unfamiliar with you personally; that said, a character could readily identify themselves by incorporating their identity into their Props as well. A passerby might direct others to you by saying 'look for the man who's always walking around town looking like he wants to punch the snot out of everyone he sees' if you've got a 'Severe expression' for your Prop.

Characters are often keenly aware of their Prop if they didn't deliberately acquire it. Some Props are given, found, or earned rather than made or bought; a small detail for the character's background to fill in at your leisure. For example:

"Sure, you're a miserable Misanthrope -- but why in the world are you wearing a necklace of fingers?"

"Well, my wife told me once she'd cut the fingers off any woman who dared lay hands on me. It was poor fortune that, in fact, my family suffers from a curse where gifts given to a suitor aren't easily returned and that curse just so happens to believe that even touching my skin is 'a gift'. It turns out she did cut their fingers off and, though it's terrible and my wife has since left the world by the rope, I'm still trying to find the maidens to whom these fingers belong so that I may return them. Also, people tend to leave the man traveling with a necklace of fingers alone and I prefer the company of beers to people."

d100 Prop
01-04 ornate ring
05-08 multiple piercings
09-12 trophy or medal
13-16 necklace of fingers/ears/teeth
17-20 large scar
21-24 missing limb/digit
25-28 huge/unorthodox (e.g. frying pan) weapon
29-32 lucky charm
33-36 (See Table: Tattoos)
37-40 (See Table: Armor)
41-44 (See Table: Eyewear)
45-48 (See Table: Hair)
49-52 Portrait/Statue/Locket of (Table: Family Member)
53-56 (See Table: Walking Stick)
57-60 Severe expression
61-64 Unibrow
65-68 Distinctive Perfume / Smell
69-72 (See Table: Clothing)
73-76 Missing Digit/Limb
77-80 Piercing glare
81-84 Honest/Innocent face
85-88 (See Table: Holy Symbols)
89 (See Table: Tomes)
90 Kit of tools strapped to their back
91 Small rack of (See Table: Potion Bottles)
92 Strange pet
93 Distinctive-looking Coin
94 Worn Piece of Technology
95 (See Table: Musical Instrument)
96 Facial Tic
97 (See Table: Strange Growth)
98 Weird magical aura
99 Minor temperature/weather effect
100 Reroll on this table another time and add both Props

Step Four: Connection to the Larger World

Few characters exist in isolation or without some iconic past event that's forged them and, perhaps, may have even given rise to their current Flaw or Struggles. Even if well-hidden, there is a connection that exists between this character and some larger or larger-than-life aspect of the world. Their connection defines a lot of who they are (or were) and can provide an easy path for you, their creator, to add some depth beyond personality and prop to this character.

This connection is almost always noteworthy and known to at least those who were around when it happened and can even be immortalized in song or poetry; those who conceal their connections generally have a hard time doing so.

If you haven't been struck with a good idea for a Source for the character's Struggles or Flaws, make this a key part of how those came to be. If this Connection is connected to a Flaw then it is a Flaw that's a product, inspiration, or development of their past and, accordingly, can only really be dealt with or permanently changed by dealing with the Source of the Flaw. Usually, that means dealing with whatever has caused this Connection to occur in the first place.

If you're developing a character in a system that provides Backgrounds, you may want to consider this connection to be 'supplementary' or a 'prelude' to the character's present circumstances. An Heir to an Old Estate might have rebuked their Family and hit the road to find themselves later as a Thief. A character raised by magical or strange creatures might have lived an otherwise mundane life until recently when their powers awakened and they became an alchemist-in-training.

You do not have to make this Connection the only interesting part of your character's life -- just bear in mind it has had the most impact. Sure, you may have been a Heroic Adventurer for some 12 years before you retired for a quieter life but these days it seems all anyone wants to talk to you about or associate you with is how you were rescued by the Prince's Royal Retainer.

d100 Connection to the Larger World
01-05 Ex-Member / Member of a strange cult
06-10 Ex-Member / Member of an unseemly guild
11-15 Ex-Member / Member of a secret society
16-20 Formerly Popular / Popular Societal Figure
21-25 Infamous Societal Figure
26-30 Adventurer or Former Adventurer
31-35 Veteran Soldier
36-40 Cursed or Formerly Cursed by the Gods
41-45 The Result of an Experiment (See Table: Experiments)
46-50 Possessed or Formerly Possessed by a Spirit
51-55 Property or Former Property of a Lich / Dragon
56-60 Former or Current Slave
61-65 Former or Current Knight
66-70 Survivor of a Horrible Plague
71-75 Has been risen or resurrected from the Dead
76-80 Heir to an Old Estate
81-85 Bastard of a Noble House / Guild
86-90 Former or Current Criminal
91-92 Recovering Addict
93-94 Rescued by a Notable Figure
95 Orphaned at Birth, then Adopted
96 Exiled from a Foreign Kingdom / Society
97 Suffering from a life-long Family Curse
98 Raised by Magical / Strange Creatures
99 Member of a party who failed its Quest (See Table: Plot Hooks)
100 Roll twice and combine the two connections

Step Five: Attributes

Particularly noteworthy characters may have physical and mental attributes that range outside the norm. These traits may be physical, mental, or even both.

Please note that no particular modifier or statistic is given here - nor are system-specific terms used: this is to allow you, the Creator, to choose what appropriate malus/bonus works for the system, setting, and character.

Attributes are all about appearance as well, not only defining what attributes (if any) are particularly high or low but what sort of effect that attribute has on the character's personality, appearance, health, or knowledge.

How to Roll Attributes

First roll on the Attribute Type table. For each High/Low result, roll once on the Attribute Table and then look up the Table for that Attribute and roll once on it, assigning either the High or Low value listed.

d100 Attribute Type
01-16 2 High
17-33 1 High
34-50 1 High, 1 Low
51-66 Unremarkable
67-83 1 Low
84-100 2 Low
d100 Attribute
01-16 Power
17-33 Flexibility
34-50 Fortitude
51-66 Intelligence
67-83 Awareness
84-100 Charm
Table of Power
d100 Result (High / Low)
01-25 Brawny / Lanky
26-50 Muscle-bound / Weak
51-75 Hairy / Old
76-100 Powerful / Rotund
Table of Flexibility
d100 Result (High / Low)
01-25 Lithe / Clumsy
26-50 Flamboyant / Scarred
51-75 Gaunt / Stunted
76-100 Graceful / Bulky
Table of Fortitude
d100 Result (High / Low)
01-25 Impressive / Sickly
26-50 Unearthly / Flushed
51-75 Exceptionally-fit / Fat
76-100 Scarred / Freckled
Table of Intelligence
d100 Result (High / Low)
01-25 Refined / Young
26-50 Old / Forgetful
51-75 Well-equipped / Poor
76-100 Scholarly / Ragged
Table of Awareness
d100 Result (High / Low)
01-25 Immaculate / Smelly
26-50 Wild-eyed / Lazy-eyed
51-75 Has pet on them / Missing sense
76-100 Spiritual / Grey-eyed
Table of Charm
d100 Result (High / Low)
01-25 Cute / Unnerving
26-50 Exaggerated / Monstrous
51-75 Sultry / Ugly
76-100 Arresting / Dull

Step Six: Hooks

Hooks are the things that allow other characters to more easily attach to your character's history and actions. They sit somewhere between a Struggle and a Connection in this system as you're looking for a solution to a problem you're having but the problem you're having is far from normal or even 'heroically mundane'.

As with most heroic tales, a 'Hero's Quest' begins with a disruption (a 'hook') to their normal, everyday, life that puts them on the path of a Journey. This disruption does not need to have happened recently, either; just because you're host to a deadly and terrible sickness doesn't mean you'll find a cure or solution to your problem in a week. However, unlike a 'Hero's Quest', a Hook isn't for the character, it's for the characters that encounter them. They're not the Hero of their own story.

Why these Hooks are happening, who or what is responsible, and how they might be resolved: none of that is defined here. That doesn't mean I can't pass along useful advice on how to come up with answers to that though!

The Art of Hooks

So you've rolled a Hook, now what? How do you attach it to characters? How do you weave it into stories?

First, let's get organized. A hook can be categorized in two ways: Major Story Hooks and Minor Story Hooks. The Hooks themselves don't change but how you're using them does.

Major Story Hook

A Major Story Hook is a Hook that tries to advance the story that was going on before this character was encountered. If you're in the middle of an adventure or campaign, it should lead to a side-scene or major advancement in the plot when it's resolved. It's the sort of Hook that finds the players of the game rather than one that waits to be discovered.

Minor Story Hook

A Minor Story Hook leads the story to an exploration of this character's circumstances. You can treat this as, effectively, a 'sidequest'.

When generating a Story Hook, I find it's easiest for me to roll the Hook and then decide whether it fits the Major Narrative Thread I want the story to go down or whether it's best as an optional sidestory for players who really get engaged by the NPC. I let myself be surprised and ambushed by ideas when a creativity strikes.

Weaving the Hook

These are some general guidelines for how to weave these hooks into the thread of your game.

  • Keep it short and simple. Remember: A hook is nothing without bait and the more specific the bait, the more difficult it'll be to Hook.
  • "Find the Edges".
    • Why is this Hook relevant to other characters?
    • Where does this Hook place the character in their community?
    • What sort of unique actions/connections does this Hook give them?
    • Give this thought a 'category' and add examples of the above to it.
  • Once you've gotten an idea of their goals and resources, think about how that relates to their Hook
    • What's keeping them from dealing with the Hook on their own?
    • Why do they need someone else's help/resources/time/expertise?
    • Have they tried to solve their Hook before? If so, why did it fail the last time?
    • If they've already failed, what have they done to ensure they'll succeed this time?
  • Example: In possession of a powerful magic relic/weapon; nobody knows how they obtained it.
    • Edge: Intrigue (How they obtained the weapon, where they obtained it, and possibly who from)
    • Edge: Community (The powerful magic relic gives the Character a respected/feared status within the community)
    • Edge: Actions (Threats to use said artifact, Absorbing/Empowering Spells within the town, Summoning a small cadre of magical followers)
d100 Hook
01-03 Being followed by multiple animals at all times
04-06 In possession of a powerful magical relic/weapon; nobody knows how they obtained it
07-10 Obsessed with a nearby (See Table: Beautious Locale)
11-14 Carrying around a large egg of unknown origin
15-18 Seeking help for gathering information on a (race) organization
19-22 They are being haunted by a spectral creature
23-26 Organizing a (See Table: Competition). There is an interesting prize for winning it.
27-30 Looking for help in sabotaging a (See Table: Competition)
31-34 Recuperating after their house was recently destroyed by a mysterious earthquake/fire/flood
35-38 They're a fountain of wild magic and can't control it
39-42 Seeking a lost, precious, trinket
43-46 Their blood has become the cure to a terrible and deadly sickness
47-50 Host to a deadly and terrible sickness
51-54 Seeking the PCs help to tame a nefarious magical creature
55-58 Haunted by the spirit/ghost of their dead (See Table: Family Member)
59-62 Being chased by a band of criminals/slavers who they (See Table: Nefarious Act) and now need protection
63-66 At night turns into a criminal who (See Table: Nefarious Act)
67-70 Being harassed by a magical creature about the possibility of (See Table: Foreboding Event)
71-74 Hired to steal items or collect information on the PCs
75-78 Blackmailed into challenging one of the PCs to a duel to the death
79-82 Enslaved by a demon, spirit, lich, dragon, or fairy
83-86 Seeking revenge for the death of their (See Table: Family Member) (who may or may not exist or who may be already dead, was murdered by the NPC, or who was murdered long ago)
87-90 Trying to figure out how to rid their home of a spirit/fairy infestation
91-94 A shapeshifter looking for acceptance within their society
95-96 Pressured by a local criminal/gang into selling drugs or fencing wares and/or trafficking slaves
97 Rumored to have a secret passage under their house that leads to a (See Table: Lair)
98 Seeking answers after they awoke to discover a (Table: Strange Growth) on their back
99 Followed by day and night by an animal which vocally criticizes their every action
100 Secretly plotting something away from prying eyes... (See Table: Villain Plans)

Detail Tables

You may notice various calls to tables throughout the book; those Tables may be found here in alphabetical order.

Table: Ambition

d100 Ambition How Strong is their Ambition
01-10 Be respected Afterthought
11-20 Survive their disease Whimsical Hope
21-30 Become an expert Dream
31-40 Be adored/loaved Romantic Idea
41-50 See another suffer Passion
51-60 Be left alone Life Goal
61-70 Have a family Rallying Thought
71-80 Rear a child Obsession
81-90 Overcome their flaw Compulsion
91-100 Help someone else with their Flaw Feral Need

Table: Armor

d100 Condition Material/Construction Coverage
01-25 Battered Leather / Cloth / Chain Light Armor
26-50 Cracked Studded Leather / Plate Light Armor
51-75 Unmaintained Scale / Lacquered Wood Medium Armor
76-100 Poorly-strapped Furs / Hide / Bone Heavy Armor

Table: Beautious Locale

d100 Location Feature
01-10 Forest Colorful plants
11-20 Mountains Waterfall
21-30 River Fireflies
31-40 Lake Hot spring
41-50 Plains Geyser(s)
51-60 Grove Whistling stones
61-70 Hilltop Humming crystals
71-80 Rocky outcrop Filtered light
81-90 Cliff Impressive architecture
91-100 Cave Ancient ruin

Table: Clothing

d100 Appearance Style d100 Appearance Style
01-08 Finely-tailored Cloaked/Caped 57-64 Multi-colored Plain
09-15 Exotic Formal attire 65-72 Exotic material Utilitarian
16-23 Gold-trimmed Street-wear 73-80 Thread-bare Experimental
24-31 Furred Leisure-wear 81-88 Faded Foreign
32-39 Fashionable Layered 89-96 Well-worn Skimpy
40-47 Cheaply-made / Patchwork Hooked/Belted 97-100 Custom-fit Heavy
48-56 Hand-tailored Loose

Table: Competition

d100 Host Event
01-06 Village Fighting competition
01-12 Lord Hot coals race
13-18 Lady Javelin toss competition
19-24 Prince Wood-cutting race
25-30 Princess Log-rolling competition
31-36 Champion Foot race
37-42 Former champion Horse race
43-48 Adventurer Obstacle course competition
49-54 Retired adventurer Ring-toss competition
55-60 Shopkeep Ale-chugging race
61-66 Guild Swimming competition
67-72 Church Handoff relay race
73-78 Alehouse Branch-hopping race
79-84 Inn Wagon/Cart-race
85-100 Caravan Auction-game

Table: Experiments

d100 Experiment Purpose
01-17 Arcane Removing a Power or Spirit
18-33 Alchemical Experimental Enhancement
34-50 Divine Cure for a Plague
51-67 Technological To Change your Identity
68-83 Adventurer's Research for a Weapon
84-100 Sociological Deciphering a Curse or Spell

Table: Eyewear

d100 Style Material
01-17 Leather-strapped Iron
18-33 Horn-rimmed Brass
34-50 Rounded Bronze
51-67 Thick Bone
68-83 Thin Green-glass
84-100 Monocular Clear-glass

Table: Family Member

d100 Result d100 Result
01-03 Daughter 52-54 Adopted Daughter
04-05 Son 55-56 Adoptive Father
06-08 Wife 57-59 Adoptive Mother
09-11 Husband 60-62 Birth Father
12-13 Nephew 63-65 Birth Mother
14-16 Niece 66-67 Foster Brother
17-19 Grandfather 68-70 Foster Sister
20-22 Grandmother 71-73 Brother-in-law
23-24 Aunt 74-76 Sister-in-law
25-27 Uncle 77-78 Mother-in-law
28-30 Great Grandfather 79-81 Father-in-law
31-32 Great Grandmother 82-84 Son-in-law
33-34 Father 85-86 Daughter-in-law
35-37 Mother 87-89 Great Aunt
38-41 Sister 90-92 Great Uncle
42-43 Brother 93-95 Friend of the family
44-46 Fraternal Twin 96-100 Reroll and combine
47-48 Identical Twin
49-51 Adopted Son

Table: Foreboding Event

d100 Result
01-12 Crop/Cattle-death
13-25 (See Table: Weather) for 3 nights
26-38 Blood/Ichor running in (See Table: Beautious Locale)
39-50 (See Table: Family Member) becoming a parent
51-63 (Migratory/Sedentary Animal) Early Hibernation/Migration
64-75 (Foreign culture/Race) settling here
76-88 (See Table: Family Member) losing their ancestral home
89-100 A person with (Prop) discovering a (See Table: Lair)

Table: Hair

d100 Style Length Color
01-16 Tightly-bound Cropped Blonde
17-33 Flowing Short Brown
34-50 Frizzy Shoulder-length Greying
51-66 Curly Long Black
67-83 Wild Thin White
84-100 Wind-swept Bald(ing) Red

Table: Holy Symbols

d100 Type Worn/Carried
01-16 Simply-bound Necklace
17-33 Delicate Wrist-band
34-50 Hand-carved Book
51-66 Chain-bound Clothing-pinned
67-83 Ornate-looking Tabard
84-100 Bell-laden Sash

Table: Lair

d100 Type Origin
01-16 Laboratory Discovered by character
17-33 Cave Created by character
34-50 Burial ground Inherited
51-66 Shrine Awarded
67-83 Ruin Reclaimed
84-100 Organization hideout Stolen

Table: Musical Instrument

d100 Appearance Family
01-16 Exotic String
17-33 Unusual Wind
34-50 Expensive Bell
51-66 Cheap Drum
67-83 Family-Inherited Magic
84-100 Self-made Voice

Table: Nefarious Acts

d100 Result d100 Result
01-06 Stole 49-54 Socially devastated another
07-12 Cursed 55-60 Performed an experiment on someone else
13-18 Lied 61-66 Trapped someone
19-24 Sold illegal/poor/cursed goods 67-72 Led someone into danger
25-30 Humiliated 73-80 Bumped into the leader of a group without apology
31-36 Stiffed 81-86 Challenged, and failed to deliver, a promised prize
37-42 Hurled rocks at another 87-92 Impersonated someone else
43-48 Attacked another 93-100 Maimed another

Table: Potion Bottles

d100 Filling State
01-16 Spice-filled Oddly-colored
17-33 Glowing Wax-sealed
34-50 Petal-filled Corked
51-67 Dust-filled Open-top
68-83 Clear Iron-bound
84-100 Oil-filled Bubbling

Table: Strange Growth

d100 Result
01-06 A magical rune
07-12 Moving tattoos
13-18 Stubby feathered wings
19-24 Leathery, stubby, wings
25-32 Hard scales
33-38 Hooked/glowing/smoke-wafting spines
39-44 Glowing mushrooms / Mushrooms
45-50 Moss
51-56 Grass
57-62 Vines
63-68 Teeth
69-74 Fleshy sacs
75-80 Holes of leaking ichor
81-86 Purple scabs
87-92 Bubbling flesh
93-100 Insect-like spines

Table: Tattooes

d100 Location Art
01-14 Face Religious Symbol
15-29 Arm(s) Geometric Pattern
30-42 Back Military Insignia
43-57 Chest Family Saying
58-71 Neck Scarification
72-86 Hand(s) Depiction of Deity
87-100 Unusual Location Animal/Beast/Monster

Table: Tomes

d100 State Material
01-10 Well-worn Leather-bound
11-20 Old Skin-bound
21-30 Pristine Hide-bound
31-40 Ripped Ringed
41-50 Burnt Chained
51-60 Patchwork Plant-bound
61-70 Crumbling Rock-bound
71-80 New Crystalized
81-90 Wagged Brass
91-100 Dog-eared Pressed-metal

Table: Villain Plans (Master)

d100 The Plan to Gain/Create
01-12 Immortality
13-25 Influence
26-38 Powerful Magic
39-50 Mayhem
51-63 Passion
64-75 Power
76-88 Revenge
89-100 Wealth
Villain Plan Sub-tables
01-25 by acquiring a legendary item to prolong their life indefinitely
26-50 by ascending to Godhood
51-75 by becoming Undead or perpetually obtaining a younger body
76-100 by stealing an otherworldly creature's essence
01-25 by seizing a position of power or a title of great repute
26-50 through winning a contest or tournament
51-75 by winning the favor of a powerful individual
76-100 by placng a pawn in a position of power
Magical Power
01-13 by obtaining an ancient or lost artifact
14-25 by regaining their former power/body/legacy/heritage
26-38 by building a construct/golem or a potent magical device
39-50 by carrying out a spirit, demon, or divinity's wishes
51-63 by offering sacrifices to a divine/daemonic figure
64-75 by contacting a lost divinity or power which has been cut off from the world
76-88 by opening a gate to another world, time, or dimension
89-100 by fulfilling another villain's plan ( Villain Plans (Master) )
01-16 by fulfilling an apocalyptic prophecy
17-33 by enacting the vengeful will of their powerful patron
34-50 by spreading a vile contagion
51-67 by overthrowing the current government
68-83 by triggering a natural disaster
84-100 by utterly destroying a bloodline or clan
01-20 by prolonging the life of a loved one through dark or horrific means
21-40 by proving themselves 'more worthy' of another's love
41-60 by raising or restoring from the dead someone beloved or held as a personal hero
61-80 by poisoning or scapegoating their romantic rivals
81-100 by bringing to life a lofty and romantic metaphor to prove their love (e.g. 'bringing them the moon')
Villain Plan Sub-table
01-16 by conquering a region or inciting a rebellion
17-33 by seizing control of an army or group
34-50 by becoming the power backing 'the throne'
51-67 by currying favor with those in power to betray them and seize their strength
68-83 by locating/stealing/forging an object of great religious or historical significance to gather the people behind them
84-100 by the enactment and enforcement of draconian law which benefits only the ruling-class
01-25 by avenging a past humiliation or insult through disproportionate violence and carnage
26-50 by avenging a past imprisonment or injury through vigilante justice
51-75 by avenging the death of a loved one by destroying the accused's beloved things in life
76-100 by retrieving property they feel is rightly theirs through any means available to them
01-10 by controlling natural resources or trade by conspiracy or monopoly
11-20 by marrying into wealth by removing other valid suitors or ensuring the death of the wealthy's fiancee
21-30 by plundering an ancient, dangerous, ruin through others which they shall either murder or deliberately inadequately inform to ensure their death to keep the ruin and its horde secret
31-40 by swindling land, goods, or money through legal loopholes and manufactured or wholly fabricated consent from the rightful owners
41-50 through the theft of a national treasure which is then sold to an enemy or rival state
51-60 through blackmail, gang-pressing, and illegal trade
61-70 by incredibly unfair loans and trade agreements which leaves debtors incapable of paying their debts except through slavery
71-80 by kidnapping foreign travelers and forcing them to work in inhospitable conditions
81-90 through the supply of kidnapped victims to dark guilds, organizations, and cults in exchange for artifacts, coin, and knowledge
91-100 by managing a complex network of illegal activities. (Roll and combine two VP-8 Subtable results)

Table: Walking Stick

d100 Material State
01-12 Oak Worn
13-25 Ebony Cracked
26-38 Olivewood Aged
39-50 Brass Twisting
51-62 Iron Serpentine
63-75 Bronze Recently-oiled
76-88 Steel Engraved
89-100 Roll twice and combine Roll twice and combine

Table: Weather

d100 Temperature Condition
01-12 Freezing Clear
13-25 Very Cold Cloudy
26-38 Cold Foggy
39-50 Chilly Raining
51-62 Balmy Snowing
63-75 Hot Storming
76-88 Very Hot Extreme Condition (Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Meteor Showers)
89-100 Scalding Roll twice and combine

Table: Weird Aura

d100 Color Style
01-12 White Smoke
13-25 Silver Radiance
26-38 Orange Dripping Liquid
39-50 Green Rushing Energy
51-62 Blue Dust
63-75 Red Fiery
76-88 Grey Glowing Symbols
89-100 Black Roll Twice, Combine

Table: Fast Decision Making

d100 Temperature Condition Frequency How Many? Either/Or
01-12 Freezing Clear Never None Yes
13-25 Very Cold Cloudy Rarely One Roll Again
26-38 Cold Foggy Sometimes A couple The Second
39-50 Chilly Raining Irregularly A handful The First
51-62 Balmy Snowing Usually Some The Last
63-75 Hot Storming Regularly A lot Roll Again
76-88 Very Hot Extreme Condition
(Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Meteor Showers)
All the Time Too Many Day: Yes
Night: No
89-100 Scalding Roll twice and combine Constantly Beyond count Neither

Superfast npcs

Need to build NPCs even faster than the by-the-book method? Want to give that innkeep a foundation you can build on to later? Need an emergency cohort for your lich, corrupt CEO, or knight-captain? Look no further!

Rapid Diceless Picking

Instead of rolling dice for the table entries on the pages following this one, look away and jab a finger! Whatever your finger's pointing at (or sometimes closest to pointing at), that's the traits this NPC has.

Building Even Faster

If you don't want to randomly pick but you've only got a few minutes to make an NPC, here's my method for fast-and-dirty NPCs!

  • Start with their Prop
    • This will be the first thing that players see and will be how they remember the character so it always pays to give them a memorable trait or two.
    • What works for wedding rings works for any relationship! If this character is the subordinate or a member of a Force/Guild/etc. that you've rolled a character for: don't even roll! Just give them a similar Prop if they want to keep their relationship 'out in the open'. Note: If their leader has a walking cane, they don't have to also have a physical cane -- but they could have a walking cane pin on their clothing!
    • If you think the players might be interested enough in them to do more than just chat for a few minutes, move on to...
  • Give them 1 Struggle
    • Don't even roll for how long they've had it (choose if it's needed based on their reaction to learning the Struggle of the NPC in question). Here's how I fastroll for Struggles: d100 (0-33 [Internal] 34-66 [Mundane] 67-100 [External]).
  • Stay Flexible
    • Every GameMaster has a plan until it makes contact with an adventurous party. Don't invest too much time in a character that's not the main focus of the game. Let them grow and evolve and deepen as the characters become interested in them. Maybe add a sentence or two to their Struggle if an idea really strikes you -- but don't overtax yourself!
  • Consider Collaboration!
    • Sometimes it's fun to leave it up to the group! If they're wanting to discover a character's Flaw, let them each roll a d100 and then individually vote (secretly!) on what Flaw they'd like it to be.
    • Most Flaws are flexible enough that you don't have to take the straight and obvious path. If a character's Vain, they don't need to have portraits of themselves everywhere or even have a neat appearance. They could be discretely writing propaganda and illicit fiction under a number of pen-names and have filled their library with the writings of all their psuedonyms!

Make a small stock of NPCs

Sometimes you just don't want to roll anything. You need a bit-part; a walk-on role! Those are easy enough. If you just need 'faces to fill in at the pub' just roll the following: Prop, Hook. Once that's done, give them a name, a race, and an age. Add them to your list of 'mill-about characters'.

I keep about 10 of these NPCs in my 'pocket' while DMing. It comes in handier than you might think! Prisoners, barkeeps, random folks flagged down on the street. That little dash of spice from a prop and a little intrigue from a hook can add some interesting flavor to scenes and help your world come alive for the people playing in it.

Create Special Guest Stars!

It can also be fun to get your players involved at the start of an adventure/campaign in the NPC creation process! Let them all roll up one or two NPCs (depending on your group this can be as small as 'prop + hook' or as complex as a full character if they really like collaborative storytelling), give them a name, and then you can keep them in reserve to surprise players with later by their Guest Appearance.

Leaving it to the players takes some of the time-cost off you for prep-work, gives you characters the party might anticipate meeting, and gives you an 'emergency victim/patsy/villain' when you're running out of room/ideas for a scenario if things take a turn for the unexpected.

Recurring Guest Stars

Sometimes players like an NPC so much that they look forward to meeting them again in another game, assuming that game takes place in the same world. But it's boring to run the same character all the time, right? To keep those characters fresh, re-roll one of their Struggles or, if a lot of time or a major event has passed, give them a new Flaw!

Fantasy NPCs

Connection Early Adult Adult Middle-Aged Elder


Chain-bound Holy Symbol
Necklace of Rings
Lucky Tamborine
Struggle: Wealth

Locally Known

Moving Tattooes
Cracked Olivewood Walking-Stick
Forever Complaining
Distinctive Perfume/Smell
Struggle: Relationship with Uncle
Eternal Optimist

Locally Famous

Bandoleer of Oil-filled, Iron-bound, clay bottles
Struggle: Knowledge
Poorly-strapped Scale-mail
Struggle: Oppressed

Widely Famous

Missing Nose
Missing Right Ear
Struggle: Mute
Finely-tailored Streetwear
Struggle: Relationship with Great Grandfather
Piercing Glare
Hurls Rocks at Others


Balding but Wild Brown Hair
Struggle: Dull-minded
Smiling Eyes
Struggle: Penitent
Exceptionally Religious
Struggle: Attempts to win a footrace hosted by a nearby village
Carrying small rack of Petal-filled, corked, glass bottles
Struggle: Relationship with Grandmother

Sci-Fi NPCs

Connection Early Adult Adult Middle-Aged Elder


Leather-strapped Iron Glasses
Engraved-Iron Prosthetic Leg
Emotionally Frozen
Owes favors to the Wrong People
Missing Ring Finger
Always Intoxicated
Exceptionally Religious
Small Belt of Spice-filled, Corked, Bottles

Locally Known

Hand-carved Tabard
Trapped in their Role/Job
Constant Liar
Lock of Black Hair on a Necklace
Emotionally Frozen
Anti-material Rifle
Irrationally Fearful
Bulky Night Vision Goggles

Locally Famous

Glowing Black Symbol projected above their head
Passion: See Another Suffer
Fashionable Leisurewear
Holo-portrait of Niece
Poor mental/physical Hygiene
Wants to win Tech Guru's Ale-chugging Race

Widely Famous

Unmaintained Assisted-Power-Lifting Suit
Lack of Individuality

Cracked Sakura-wood-plated Kevlar

Broken Cybernetic Eye Replacement
Internal Ethics/Morals
Curly Shoulder-length Pink-fade Hair
Exceptionally Religious


Half-melted Burnt Facemask
Victim of Humiliation
Distinctive Perfume/Smell
Relationship with Father-in-Law
Synthetic Ears
Romantically Restless
Delicate Book

Western NPCs

Connection Early Adult Adult Middle-Aged Elder


Ornate Ring
Tobacco Addiction
Distinctive Perfume/Smell
Ambition: Be Left Alone
Lucky Charm
Trapped in their Role/Job
Red Radiance
Grave Illness

Locally Known

Honest/Innocent Face
Poor Health
Multiple Facial Piercings
Steel Serpentine Walking Stick
Conspiracy Theorist
Delicate Wrist-band
Dark Obsession

Locally Famous

Wild, Thin, Brown Hair
Crime: Trapped Someone
Locket of Extended Family
Missing Right Arm
Self-carved Ebony Ocarina
Poor mental/physical hygiene
Ornate Ring
Relationship with Daughter
Irrationally Fearful

Widely Famous

Severe Expression
Addiction: Alcohol
Gold-trimmed Cape
Necklace of Boar Teeth
Ambition: Be Respected
Exceedingly Inattentive
Piercing Glare
Excessively Proud


Patchwork Kimono
Exceptionally Religious
Twisting Oak Walking Stick
Large Scar
Heavy Miner's Clothes
Victim: Social Devastation

Eastern NPCs

Connection Early Adult Adult Middle-Aged Elder


Former Slave
Exceptionally Religious
Missing ring-finger
Noble Bastard
Multiple piercings
Possessed by a Spirit
Extremely Stubborn
Ex-member of a Strange Cult

Locally Known

Crude Wolf-hide Padded Armor
Former Bodyguard
Crystallized Burnt Tome
Former Property of an Ogre
Delicate Wrist-band of Holy Symbols
Heir to a Known Family
Excessively Proud
Wind-swept curly white hair
Exiled from a Foreign Kingdom

Locally Famous

Missing middle and ring-finger
Severe Expression
Former Property of a Demon
Tiny statue of Father
Excessively Proud
Missing Thumbs
Dark Obsession

Widely Famous

Severe Expression
Romantically Restless
Recently-oiled cracked-Oak walking stick
Poor Mental/Physical Fatigue
Distinctive Perfume/Smell
Jade war-medal of Distinction


Serpentine brass walking stick
Heridatery Illness
Large Scar
Conspiracy Theorist
Ornate Ring
Battered bronze chain-shirt
Emotionally Frozen

Horror NPCs

Connection Early Adult Adult Middle-Aged Elder


Ancient Medal
Grave Illness
Exotic Cloak + Missing Hand
Distinctive Perfume/Smell
Dark Impulses
Exceptionally Religious
Large Scar
Conspiracy Theorist

Locally Known

Locket of Adoptive Mother
Hereditary Disease
Huge/Unorthodox Weapon
Gummatous Syphilis
Necklace of fingers/ears/teeth
Severely Shy/Modest
Eternal Nihilist
Distinctive-looking Coin
Promised, and failed to deliver, a particular prize

Locally Famous

Frizzy, Balding, Black Hair
Facial Tic
Poorly strapped scalemail
Attempting to win Royal Fighting Competition
Poor Physical Hygiene
Missing Limb/Digit
Owes Favors to the Wrong People

Widely Famous

Ragged and Skin-bound
Kit of tools strapped to their back
Romantic Pursuit
Large Scar
Emotionally Frozen
Smoke-wafting Spines
Trapped in their Job


Large Scar
Grave Illness
Face Tattoo(Military Insignia)
Hand Tattoo(Religious Symbol)
Romantically Restless
Ambition(Become an Expert)