The Inventor

by Aevilok

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The Inventor

Inventors are rogues that have tapped into runic magic and the enhancement of items through it. When an Inventor is faced with a problem, they usually take their sweet time solving it, enjoying the puzzle that is in front of them while they prepare to solve it. Combat is no different,

Magic Item Creation

Starting at 3rd level, your understanding of the inner workings of magic and magic items allows you to craft magic items, despite not being a spellcaster.

In addition, you gain proficiency with a tool of your choice and crafting a magic item using that tool takes you a quarter of the normal time, and it costs you half as much of the usual gold. When you gain the Expertise feature at level 6, you can choose this tool proficiency instead of your skill proficiencies to gain the feature's benefit.

Runic Infusions

Also at 3rd level, you can inscribe a rune on a surface you can touch, over the course of 1 minute. The surface can either be the surface of a wall, a floor, a page of a book, the hilt of a sword, or anything in between but must be at least the size of a playing card.

Once per round, on initiative count 20, you can take a lair action. You can use this action to activate a rune you have inscribed that is within 60 feet of you. In addition, if the rune is inscribed on an item, a creature can activate it by taking an action to touch it. A forceful impact also activates a rune. After the rune's effects end, it fades and can not be activated again. The rune's effects can be ended early by Dispell Magic or a similar spell.

You know a number of runes equal to your intelligence modifier and can replace one of the runes you know with another one whenever you finish a short or long rest. The maximum number of inscribed runes you can have at one time is equal to your rogue level; if you try to exceed your maximum, the oldest rune immediately fades, and then
the new rune is inscribed as normal. When you get the Permanent Rune feature at 17th level, these runes also
count against your maximum. All runes are listed at the
end of this subclass.

You can inscribe a number of runes equal to your Intelligence modifier and can't do so again before you
finish a long rest.

Magic Item Analysis

Starting at 9th level, your experience with magic items allows you to figure out the formula for a magic item you've seen. After seeing a magic item being used for the first time,
over the course of a long rest, you can write the formula down on a parchment, or similar piece of paper. Figuring out the proper formula costs you a number of gold points equal to half the item's original value, as material costs for trial and error. You can use this formula as you would use any other formula.

Empowered Rune

Starting at 13th level, your runes have significantly improved in power. The effects of runes that last for 1 minute now last for an hour and the damage dealt by them is doubled. In addition, you can empower a rune with some of your own energy, by suffering 1 point of exhaustion. Runes empowered this way can last for 8 hours and have their range doubled.

Permanent Rune

Starting at 17th level, your experience with Runic Infusions and your understanding of magic allow your runes to become permanent. Over the course of a short rest, you can enhance a rune you have inscribed, making it permanent. Permanent runes do not fade, but they can not be activated again until the next dawn. Permanent runes that were empowered by you retain their empowered properties.

After you use this feature, you can't do so again before finishing a long rest.

When you die, the rune vanishes after a number of days have passed equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 day). The rune also vanishes if you give up your knowledge of the rune for another one.

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Rune of Rough Terrain

The activation of this rune causes the terrain in a 15 foot radius circle around the rune to become difficult terrain for the next minute.

This rune can not be activated if the surface it is on is not in contact with solid ground.

Rune of Feather Fall

The activation of this rune causes the air around it to become viscous, but remain breathable, slowing the fall of anything in the area. For the next minute, any creature or object that would take fall damage in the 10 foot sphere surrounding the rune instead takes no falling damage and can land on its feet.

This rune can not be activated if the surface it is on is not in contact with solid ground.

Rune of Charred Ground

The activation of this rune causes the terrain in a 10 foot radius around the rune to crack and burn with an extreme temperature. For the next minute, creatures that end their turn within the charred area or enter it for the first time that round take 1d12 fire damage.

This rune can not be activated if the surface it is on is not in contact with solid ground.

Rune of Invisibility

The activation of this rune causes a small illusory sphere to emerge, hiding anything inside of it. For the next minute, the 5 foot radius sphere surrounding the rune appears exactly as it did before the rune was activated. Any creatures, or objects moved inside the sphere after the rune was activated are for all intents and purposes invisible. Moving the rune causes the effect to end early.

This rune can not be activated if the surface it is on is not in contact with solid ground.

Rune of Strong Wind

When you inscribe this rune, you must choose a direction. The activation of this rune causes a strong gust of wind to blow towards that direction, with the rune as its point of origin. All creatures in a 5 foot radius around this rune
must succeed on a Strength Saving throw against
your Spell save DC or be pushed 10 feet towards that direction. If this movement causes them to make a Saving throw, they do so with disadvantage.

This rune can not be activated if the surface it is on is not in contact with solid ground.

Rune of Web

The activation of this rune causes webs to burst forth, covering a 5 foot cube. If there's a creature in the rune's space, it must succeed in a Dexterity saving throw against your Spell save DC or become restrained for 1 minute. A creature restrained by the webs can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. If it succeeds, it is no longer restrained. The webs are flammable, as per the Web spell.

Rune of Luck

The activation of this rune causes creatures around it to become extremely lucky. All humanoids in a 5 foot radius around this rune get a luck point. This luck point can only be used to make a roll with advantage.

Rune of Protection

The activation of this rune causes a shimmering field to appear, surrounding the 5 foot sphere around this rune. Creatures inside this field are granted the benefits of half cover, as the sphere makes it harder for projectiles and attacks to land on them.

Rune of Minor Stored Magic

When you inscribe this rune, you must choose one cantrip from the artificer spell list. The activation of this rune causes the chosen cantrip to be cast. If the cantrip targets an area, that area is centered on the rune. If the cantrip calls for an attack roll, the target is the creature closest to it. Any other effects, such as the effects of a prestidigitation cantrip must be chosen beforehand, during the runes inscription.

Rune of Arcane Armament

The activation of this rune enchants the weapon on which it is on. For the next minute, the weapon's wielder can attack twice, rather than once, whenever they take the Attack action on their turn. Both attacks must be made with this weapon, using the magic of this rune to propel the attacks.

This rune can not be activated if it is not inscribed on a weapon.

Contact with the ground

Runes that state they need to be in contact with the ground to be activated don't necessarily have to be inscribed on the ground; an object carrying such a rune can be simply thrown on the ground to be activated.

Art credit: Riot Games

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