Helot: Embrace the Unknown

by ControlZero

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With a distraught look in her eyes, the gaunt human that looked older than her years shuddered, then opened her mind to the horrors that she had once tried so hard to forget.

With a roar, the dwarf seemed to lose all traces of civility. He let out a wild, primitive shout before plunging into the fray.

Helots are erstwhile victims of their own hardship that now use it to give them power in battle, often at a cost. Fueled by torment, they fight with an often reluctant but powerful force.

Unrestrained Power

Helots ("hell-its") are the embodiment of increasing, at times uncontrollable power driven by ancient, unknowable forces. However, not everyone subject to these forces is a helot. Helots are extraordinary because they can, to some extent, comprehend the thoughts and actions that come upon them.

By the keenness of their minds, helots understand and even harness their inner power where an ordinary person would simply succumb to it. While they may seem uncontrollable in the heat of battle, helots are only capable because they are able to restrain themselves.

In fact, a vast majority of the time, helots can and do have complete control over their actions, allowing them to act more or less like rational people when they choose to.

Born From Upheaval

Helots did not start off this way. At some point in their life, they had a lifechanging ordeal. And, while the circumstances can differ, the event they went through left an indelible mark. Over time, helots learn to deal with the changes, but some still consider it a curse, and have made it their goal to hunt down and destroy the cause. Others embrace it, turning their perceived burden into a blessing, either to themselves or to those they can aid with their newfound powers.

The Helot
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Affliction, Eerie Presence, Uncanny Stance
2nd +2 Delirium and Fixation, Hardened Mind
3rd +2 Affliction feature, Forbidden Knowledge
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Desperate Attack, Unpredictable
6th +3 Improved Fixation, Pursuit
7th +3 Affliction feature, Evasion
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Divided Mind
10th +4 Embrace the Void
11th +4 Affliction features
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Affliction feature
14th +5 Improved Pursuit
15th +5 Frenetic, Improved Eerie Presence
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Affliction feature
18th +6 Improved Divided Soul
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Affliction feature

Creating a Helot

As you create your helot character, consider where your powers came from. Also, keep in mind that your choice of affliction has a very large impact on character outlook.

Were you tortured constantly, causing you to be driven mad before regaining a semblance of sanity? Maybe you were once a soldier in the imperial army, and now the faces of your lost comrades haunt your memories.

Perhaps you were a cleric, but you failed your god and were punished accordingly. Now, the only way you still feel connected to your past is through reliving those same punishments. You could even have simply cracked in the face of stress, becoming wild before slowly regaining your civility.

If none of these strike you as compelling, check out the "Alternative Power Origins" text box on the next page.

Quick Build

You can make a Helot quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Dexterity your highest ability score, followed by Intelligence. Second, choose the hermit or sage background.

Class Features

As a Helot, you gain the following class features:

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Helot level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per helot level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Simple weapons
  • Tools: None
  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Acrobatics, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, or Sleight of Hand


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) leather armor or (b) cloth armor and a simple ranged weapon with 20 ammo
  • (a) a simple melee weapon
  • (a) two handaxes or (b) two daggers
  • (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a scholar's pack


There are times when you force enemies to make spell saves. In those scenarios, your spellcasting ability is Intelligence:

  • Spell save DC = 8 + proficiency + Intelligence

Also, for any spell gained through a Helot feature, you do not require a Spellcasting Focus or material components.

Note: (save ends) indicates that a condition can be dropped by rerolling the save at the end of each turn until it's gone.

Condition: Despair

Some Helot-related features can lead to a special condition called despair. Comparable to exhaustion for the soul, it is measured in six levels. An effect can give a creature one or more levels of despair, as specified in the effect’s description.

Despair decreases by 1 level after a short rest providing you spent at least 30 minutes recollecting your thoughts without interruption. You must finish a long rest to remove all levels of despair at once. Each effect stacks with prior ones.

Despair Effects
Level Stacking Effect
1 Overwhelmed: You have disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma ability checks and saving throws.
2 Lethargic: You have disadvantage on Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity saving throws.
3 Fatalistic: Attack rolls against you have advantage.
4 Fearful: You become frightened of hostile creatures.
5 Doomed: All damage you deal is halved, and you have disadvantage on all saving throws.
6 ???: Roll a d20. Go eternally mad if you roll below a 10. On a 10+, set your despair back to level 5.
Alternative Power Origins

A Helot's powers do not necessarily have to have their origins in harsh experiences or madness. For example, you could just as well be possessed by a spirit or demon. Sometimes the demon expresses itself directly, while other times it provides passive benefits through its possession.

Or perhaps you probed too deeply in search of knowledge, and after pouring over one too many ancient tomes, the forbidden words inside nearly destroyed you. Now, you have discovered how to live with this eldritch power, allowing it to flourish within you and manipulating it as best you can.


Choose an affliction that reflects the way you harness, and are harnessed by, your power. Pick between Harlequin, Mongrel, Savage, or Supplicant, all detailed at the end of the class description. The affliction grants features at 1st level and again at 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, and 20th level.

Eerie Presence

Beginning at 1st level, your presence can make others feel uneasy. You can use Intelligence as your ability modifier for the Intimidation skill.

You can amplify your presence as a bonus action to gain advantage on Intimidation checks against humanoids within 10 feet of you until the end of your next turn.

At 15th level, you become even more unsettling. When you amplify your presence, you also give each humanoid within 10 feet disadvantage on its next Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom roll before the end of your next turn.

Uncanny Stance

Also at 1st level, you fight with a perplexing style. You can wield any simple melee weapon as if it had the versatile property, increasing its damage accordingly.

If you are holding only simple weapons and no shield, you can position yourself shrewdly, anticipating incoming attacks. When you are hit by a creature within 5 feet, you can predict the blow, adding your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) to your AC against the attack as a reaction. If this causes it to miss, you can attack the creature as part of the reaction.

You can react this way a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and must finish a long rest to regain all uses. At 2nd level, you regain one expended use of this feature whenever you enter Delirium.

Delirium and Fixation

Starting at 2nd level, it is often advantageous for you to enter a state of Delirium, granting you increasingly powerful bonuses at the cost of clouding your mind. See your affliction for the specifics of how to enter and continue your Delirium, as well as the unique, stacking benefits granted by it.

As a negative side effect of entering or increasing your Delirium, you must gain a fixation. If you do not attack your fixation on a round, you do not gain the benefits of Delirium until you do. After you hit your fixation on a number of rounds equal to your current stage of Delirium, the fixation vanishes.

Gaining a Fixation

At times, your Delirium takes over your mind, compelling you to focus on a specific target. Choose one fixation from the list below. You can swap your fixation after finishing a long rest.

1d6 Fixation You must attack...
1 Achieve Retribution Any hostile creature that attacked you or dealt damage to you since your last turn.
2 Charge Backline Any hostile creature that has used a ranged attack during combat.
3 Confront Leader The leader. If there is no leader, then the strongest hostile creature, using CR.
4 Defend Ally Pick a friendly creature to defend. Anyone who attacks or deals damage to it.
5 Leap into Action The hostile creature closest to another hostile creature (pick between either).
6 Annihilate The weakest hostile creature, using CR.

You innately sense which creature meets the requirement, unless it is purposely hidden from you. If no creature seems to meet it, choose the creature closest to you.

At 6th level, roll 1d6 on the above table whenever you enter delirium and gain the result as an additional fixation. You can pursue either one. If you roll your chosen fixation, roll again.

Hardened Mind

Also at 2nd level, the war inside your own mind has hardened you to the turmoil outside of it. You become immune to the frightened condition, and have advantage on Wisdom saving throws against spells and magical influences. You do not gain these benefits if you have 3 or more levels of Despair.

Forbidden Knowledge

At 3rd level, you are able to open your mind to what was once thought to be unknowable. Whenever you roll an Intelligence skill check relating to matters of the occult or forbidden, such as aberrations, you are considered proficient in that skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Desperate Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you gain the ability to make an all or nothing attack. After you use an action, you can make a single weapon attack for free; if the attack is against a fixation, roll it with advantage. If both this attack and any attacks granted by your chosen action miss, gain a level of Despair.

If you are in Delirium, you can instead add one round to your fixation, or gain a new fixation that ends after hitting it in one round if you don't currently have one.


Also at 5th level, your varied attack patterns leave your enemies bewildered. When you use an action that you did not use last turn and either attack or use Desperate Attack along with it, you can reroll the attack after seeing the die roll but before knowing the result. After using this feature, you must either finish a long rest or enter Delirium to use it again.


At 6th level, your enemies cannot seem to shake you! Once per turn, if you run out of movement after moving within 15 feet of a hostile creature, you can move up to 10 feet in its direction without using an action.

At 14th level, you can respond to being hit by charging towards the attacker. If a creature deals damage to you, you can use your reaction to move up to your speed in its direction. If the creature is a fixation, you can use your Uncanny Stance feature against it as part of the reaction.


At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Evasion or Desperate Attack doesn't fit your helot? Check out Alternate Features on page 10.

Divided Mind

Starting at 9th level, you split your mind in two, gaining the ability to ignore both physical and mental strain for a time. Ignore all effects of both Exhaustion and Despair when they are at level 1. They are both still tracked normally, and all effects are applied for the condition once it reaches level 2.

At 18th level, your ability to divide your thoughts becomes increased. You can ignore all effects of Exhaustion and Despair until they reach level 3, and have advantage on saving throws against effects that grant Exhaustion or Despair. This includes the Intelligence save rolled at the end of Delirium.

Embrace the Void

Starting at 10th level, you gain the ability to rush headlong into battle without needing to ramp up, but at a cost. As an action, enter into stage 2 Delirium without gaining a fixation.

After your Delirium ends, gain a level of both Exhaustion and Despair. After you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.


Starting at 15th level, you can dodge while dishing out damage. If you move 30 feet as well as use the Attack action and hit twice as part of it, gain the effects of the Dodge action.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


Different Helots have different paths that led to their current state, and varying means of realizing their inner power. And, while all helots share many traits, they differ greatly based on how they acquired these powers. Each affliction is very distinct from the others, and has its own unique identity.


While they may seem unaware of their surroundings, there is method behind their wordless madness. Harlequins allow themselves to become lost in their own thoughts, becoming oblivious to the real world.

Extra Proficiency

Gain proficiency in the Performance skill. In addition, you can treat the scimitar as if it were a simple weapon, including gaining proficiency with it.

Mute Cry

Starting at 1st level, you can let out a silent scream to boost yourself or torment an opponent.

Psych Out. If there is a hostile creature within 5 feet, you can give it disadvantage on its next attack roll as a bonus action. However, if the attack hits you, your speed is reduced to 0 until the end of your next turn.

Psyched Up. As a bonus action, add your Intelligence modifier to saves versus one type of damage or condition of your choice until the end of your next turn.

At 7th level, you affect all enemies within 5 feet if you use it aggressively. If you use it defensively, you can add your Intelligence modifier to saves against two conditions and/or damage types of your choice instead of one.

In addition, you can cast the 2nd level spell enthrall as an action. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

Unhinged Delirium

Starting at 2nd level, you can enter or increase your Delirium at the start of your turn as long as you have no ongoing Fixation. You gain the benefit from both the previous and current stages.

Stage Stacking Benefit
1 Frozen in Place: When you use Mute Cry, both you and a creature within 20 feet roll an Intelligence save. On a failure, the roller is restrained until the start of your next turn. A creature can't be restrained this way 2 rounds in a row, succeeding on the save automatically on the 2nd round.
2 Quiet Before the Storm: Gain resistance to psychic damage. If you don't use an action on your turn, gain an additional action on your next turn. (This applies even if you can't take an action on your turn.)
3 The Storm: Once per turn when you hit a creature, deal a number of d6 equal to half your Helot level in psychic damage to all other creatures within 20 feet, or half that if they succeed on an Intelligence save. The creature you hit rolls the save at disadvantage. Attacks against you have advantage until your next turn.

Delirium ends if you did not attack, use a benefit of your Delirium, or take damage since the start of your last turn, or if you go a minute without increasing it.

When your Delirium ends, you must make a DC 5 Intelligence save. On a failure, gain one level of Despair. The save DC increases by 5 every time you succeed on the saving throw, and resets after a long rest.

At 11th level, your Delirium becomes even more powerful.

Stage Improved Benefit
1 Frozen in Place: Stuns instead of restrains
2 Quiet Before the Storm: Immune to psychic damage. Now grants both an action and a bonus action
3 The Storm: Allies take no damage on a successful save and half on a failure

Unleash Delirium

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to summon a physical manifestation of your psyche during Delirium if you have no ongoing fixation. It uses your Initiative.

As a reaction to taking damage, your body becomes frozen in time and an otherworldly Headless Puppet is summoned next to you. The Puppet can be found at the end of the class.

Your body is incapacitated and immune to damage while the Puppet is alive, and causes all creatures that end their turn within 20 feet of it to make an Intelligence spell save or become restrained until the start of their next turn. You must finish a long rest before using this feature again.

If the Puppet reaches 0 HP or a minute passes, revert to your normal body with your previous HP and no Delirium (make Intelligence save normally).

At 13th level, in addition to all previous features, the aura around your body now stuns instead of restrains. The Puppet also becomes improved.

Supernatural Infusion

At 11th level, you gain the ability to reverse near certain death. When you fail a death save, instead gain a level of Exhaustion in order to become conscious with 1 HP. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Maniacal Stare

Starting at 17th level, when you use the Attack action, you can stare directly into the eyes of a creature you're attacking. If the target does not succeed on a Wisdom save, it becomes blinded and deafened (save ends). If it succeeds, it becomes immune to this feature for the next 24 hours.

Beyond Reality

At 20th level, you can transcend time, but at a cost. You are able to rewind time up to a day, as if it had all been a dream. Successfully transcending time also causes you to gain 1 level of Despair as you contemplate what you've lost, which remains until a week has passed, regardless of rest.

This feature requires 1 minute to take effect, and can be interrupted (treat as Concentration). You must wait a week before you can attempt to use this feature again.

The Mongrel

The mongrel lives off of their own fear, but also loathes it. In combat, they bring their fear to the forefront, causing both themselves and others to experience its full power.

Extra Proficiency

Gain proficiency in the Insight skill. In addition, you can treat the short sword as a simple weapon, including gaining proficiency with it.


Starting at 1st level, you can torment another creature along with yourself. As a bonus action, both you and an enemy within 5 feet make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, become frightened of the other creature (save ends).

If the creature is immune to being frightened (as you will be at 2nd level), it rolls the saving throw at advantage. If you fail the saving throw, you still become frightened. If another creature fails, it is unable to comprehend the extent of your turmoil. You gain advantage on attacks against it (save ends).

Beginning at 7th level, you can target all creatures within 5 feet. If more than one fail, you can choose to make them afraid of each other instead of you.

In addition, you can cast the 1st level spell Cause Fear. You must finish a long rest before you can use it again. You are also able to cast the 3rd level spell Speak With Dead as a ritual, but gain a level of Despair upon doing so.

Haunted Delirium

Starting at 2nd level, you can enter or increase your Delirium at the start of your turn as long as you have no ongoing Fixation. You gain the benefit from both the previous and current stages.

Haunted Delirium
Stage Stacking Benefit
1 The Will to Overcome: Once per round, use your Intelligence save bonus for a Wisdom save.
2 Lash Out: Once per round, if a creature within 5 feet deals damage to you, your inner beast attacks it. Use the Cadejo's "Nuzzle" attack against it.
3 Between Worlds: At the start of your turn, become immaterial for one round and roll a DC 12 Wisdom save. If it fails, gain a level of Despair or Exhaustion.

Delirium ends if you did not attack, use a benefit of your Delirium, or take damage since the start of your last turn, or if you go a minute without increasing it.

When your Delirium ends, you must make a DC 5 Intelligence save. On a failure, gain one level of Despair. The save DC increases by 5 every time you succeed on the saving throw, and resets after a long rest.

Nuzzle. Melee Weapon Attack: 4 + prof to hit, reach 5 ft; one target. Hit 1d4 + 4 necrotic damage. If target is frightened, it gains a Despair level (ends if fright ends).

Note that Lash Out does not require a reaction. Picture it as your inner beast briefly attacking, then fading away just as fast.

At 11th level, your Delirium becomes even more powerful.

Improved Delirium
Stage Stacking Benefit
1 The Will to Overcome: Applies to all Wisdom saves. Gain resistance to necrotic damage.
2 Lash Out: Alternatively, the "Snarl" attack can be used on a creature within 15 feet that damages you.
3 Between Worlds: Now grants invisibility as well

Unleash Delirium

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to transform into a physical manifestation of your psyche during Delirium if you have no ongoing fixation. It uses your Initiative.

As an action, you can turn into a Black Cadejo, a vicious undead dog that preys on fear. If the Cadejo reaches 0 HP or a minute passes, return to your normal form in its place with your previous HP and no Delirium (make Intelligence save normally). You must take a long rest before using this feature again. The Cadejo can be found at the end of the class.

Starting at 13th level, your Unleash becomes more powerful. You can become a Dread Cadejo whenever you Unleash Delirium.

Sow Hopelessness

At 11th level, gain the ability to cause another to feel your hopelessness. As an action, touch a creature. If it fails a spell Wisdom save, it starts incrementally gaining Despair, once per turn. It can roll a Wisdom save at the end of each turn to end the effect and all Despair levels accumulated. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

The Horror...

At 17th level, hostile creatures frightened by you also becomes restrained until the fright ends.

Accept Fear

At 20th level, you become immune to fear and Despair from all sources. Also, the fear that caused you many sleepless nights now manifests itself as a welcome companion.

Gain a familiar that is immune to all types of damage with the stats of a Nightmare. Treat it as if it were summoned by Find Greater Steed. It only disappears when you fall unconscious, die, or dismiss it.

Condition: Immaterial

Gain resistance to all damage besides psychic, and the ability to move through solid objects. If you become material while in an object, die. Just kdding. Take 6d6 bludgeoning damage and move to the nearest open location.

The Savage

The savage draws their power from the cunning of their precursors. Savages search for every advantage they can muster, sometimes putting themselves at risk to do so. However, when things go their way, they can be unstoppable.

Extra Proficiency

Gain proficiency in the Athletics skill. In addition, you can treat the war pick as a simple weapon, including gaining proficiency with it.


Starting at 1st level, you can make an unarmed strike against an enemy within 5 feet as a bonus action. It does not require hands, and does 1d4 + Strength bludgeoning damage. You are considered proficient with this attack.

If it misses, the enemy can use their reaction to attack you. If you hit, the creation is unsettled, gaining disadvantage on its next ability check before the end of your next turn.

At 7th level, you can unarmed strike each creature within 5 feet. Also, all return damage dealt is halved.

In addition, you can cast the 2nd level spell blur as an action. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

Unbound Delirium

Starting at 2nd level, you can enter or increase your Delirium at the start of your turn as long as you have no ongoing Fixation. You gain the benefit from both the previous and current stages.

Unbound Delirium
Stage Stacking Benefit
1 Instinctive Analysis: Once per turn, add your Intelligence modifier to a melee damage roll.
2 Growing Chaos: You become a size larger and your damage dice are increased by 1 tier (e.g. from 1d6 to 1d8). Also, gain advantage on Strength ability checks against creatures smaller than you,
3 Primal Outburst: When you Dash as an action, you attack each creature you pass within 5 feet of until the end of your turn. If you hit a creature while it has a reaction, it can't use its reaction to attack you. You can't use this attack twice on the same creature

Delirium ends if you did not attack, use a benefit of your Delirium, or take damage since the start of your last turn, or if you go a minute without increasing it.

When your Delirium ends, you must make a DC 5 Intelligence save. On a failure, gain one level of Despair. The save DC increases by 5 every time you succeed on the saving throw, and resets after a long rest.

Not Enough Simple Weapons?

Consider asking your DM if you could use a crude version of a martial weapon, which would be represented by lowering the damage dice by d2, such as from 2d6 to 2d4, or 1d10 to 1d8. Another option is using this document by reddit user /u/KibblesTasty to make custom simple weapons. The helot is designed without variant simple weapons in mind, so they are not necessary.

At 11th level, your Delirium becomes even more powerful.

Improved Delirium
Stage Stacking Benefit
1 Instinctive Analysis: Add your Intelligence modifier to all damage rolls.
2 Growing Chaos: Add your Intelligence modifier to attack rolls against creatures smaller than you.
3 Primal Outburst: When you take this action, if you use Ferocity as a bonus action you can attack each creature you pass by with it as well. A creature hit by either of your attacks can't use its reaction until the start of its next turn.

Unleash Delirium

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to transform into a physical manifestation of your psyche during Delirium if you have no ongoing fixation. It uses your Initiative.

At the start of your turn, you can disburse into a number of Savage Spirits equal to your stage of Delirium. If the final Spirit reaches 0 HP or a minute passes, return to your normal form in its place with your previous HP and no Delirium (make Intelligence save normally). You must take a long rest before using this feature again. The spirit can be found at the end of the class.

Starting at 13th level, your Unleash becomes more powerful. Spirits now become harder to hit and gain more potency.

Unrestrained Aggression

Also at 11th level, you can force a hit to go your way. When you miss an attack, you can instead gain a level of Exhaustion and change the die roll to a natural 20. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Beat Down

Once per turn starting at 17th level, if you hit 3 attacks on the same turn , then you can use Ferocity once for free.

Torrential Power

At 20th level, you can finally tap into unmitigated power. Add 1d8 to all your damage rolls. Also, when you deal damage from melee attacks, you can choose to make it Force damage.

The Supplicant

The Supplicant draws on pain to keep themselves going in battle, harming both themselves and their enemies indiscriminately. Instead of dealing massive damage, they grind the enemy down while taking a beating themselves.

Extra Proficiency

Gain proficiency in the Religion skill. In addition, you can treat the Whip as a simple weapon, including gaining proficiency with it.


Starting at 1st level, whenever you hit a creature with a melee attack you can deal additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier + weapon die damage to the creature as a bonus action, but you also take damage equal to half the result.

At 7th level, deal the damage to all creatures you hit this turn when you use this feature.

In addition, you can cast the 2nd level spell crown of madness as an action. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

Crazed Delirium

Starting at 2nd level, you can enter or increase your Delirium at the start of your turn as long as you have no ongoing Fixation. You gain the benefit from both the previous and current stages.

Crazed Delirium
Stage Stacking Benefit
1 Ascetic Sensibility: When you take damage, you can set your temp HP to your Intelligence modifier + half Helot level or to half the damage you took, whichever is higher. You can't use this feature again until the start of your next turn.
2 Encourage: As a reaction to taking damage, taunt an enemy in your melee weapon's range. If it fails an Intelligence save, it has disadvantage on attacks against targets besides you (save ends). You can taunt one creature at a time.
3 Deaden: Once per round, if a creature that dealt damage to you last round also deals damage this round, then gain resistance to all damage dealt by it until the start of your next turn.

Delirium ends if you did not attack, use a benefit of your Delirium, or take damage since the start of your last turn, or if you go a minute without increasing it.

When your Delirium ends, you must make a DC 5 Intelligence save. On a failure, gain one level of Despair. The save DC increases by 5 every time you succeed on the saving throw, and resets after a long rest.

At 11th level, your Delirium becomes even more powerful.

Improved Delirium
Stage Stacking Benefit
1 Ascetic Sensibility: Can now be used twice between turns.
2 Encourage: Now taunts all creatures of your choice within your melee weapon range. Lose all previous taunts outside your weapon range.
3 Deaden: Now grants immunity to the damage if it's the same type as the final type of damage you took last round.

Unleash Delirium

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to transform into a physical manifestation of your psyche during Delirium if you have no ongoing fixation. It uses your Initiative.

As a bonus action, morph into a Diseased Scourge. Your gear, armor, and weapons do not carry over. If the Scourge reaches 0 HP or a minute passes, return to your normal form in its place with your previous HP and no Delirium (make Intelligence save normally). You must take a long rest before using this feature again. The scourge can be found at the end of the class.

Starting at 13th level, your Unleash becomes more powerful, increasing the potency of your poison.

Sacrificial Transfer

Also at 11th level, you gain the ability to take on the burdens of others. As an action, transfer any number of ongoing effects from one willing creature to yourself, and (if applicable) make a save against each. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Babbled Prayer

Beginning at 17th level, your incomprehensible muttering is finally heard. As an action, fall prone. For the next minute, once per turn when you roll for damage, you can change the damage type to radiant, and can also gain hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier. If you use this effect again before a minute is up, then refresh the minute timer.

Joy in Suffering

At 20th level, your righteous suffering gains power. Whenever you take damage, you can gain vulnerability to it and gain one of the following benefits:

  • The damage dealer makes an Intelligence save. On a failure of over 5, it becomes paralyzed. On a failure, it becomes frightened (both save ends)
  • Gain advantage on all attack rolls made against the damage dealer until the end of your next turn
  • Increase Delirium by 1 stage, regardless of Fixation

Unleash Creatures

Each Affliction has a distinct Unleash form.


Headless Puppet

Harlequin-sized aberration

  • Armor Class 15 (unnatural armor)
  • Hit Points 1/2 Harlequin Max HP
  • Speed fly 30 ft (hover)

  • Condition Immunities All
  • Senses none
  • Languages None

Puppet Master. Has the same Ability Scores and proficiencies as its controller. Must end turn within line of sight of its controller, or health goes to 0.

Ultimate Salvation. Automatically succeed on all saving throws


Lurching Grasp. Melee Weapon Attack: INT + prof. to hit, reach 10 ft; one target. Hit (number of d6 equal to Delirium stage) + INT psychic damage.

Rattling Leap. Melee Spell Attack: INT + prof. to hit, range 5ft; all nearby targets. Hit Knock the target prone. As part of this action, fly up to 30 feet before landing at target location.

Level 13 Upgrades

Lurching Grasp. Double the number of d6s being rolled for damage.

Rattling Leap. Increase hit range to 15 ft.


Black Cadejo

Mongrel-sized undead

  • Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 5 * Mongrel level
  • Speed 40 ft

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Despair, Frightened
  • Resistances Necrotic, Poison, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Weapons
  • Senses passive Perception 14 + prof., Darkvision 60
  • Languages All languages known to the player

Mongrel-esque. Gain Mongrel's proficiency bonus.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in directly sunlight, the Cadejo has disadvantage on Attack rolls, as well as Perception checks involving sight.

Acrid. The smell of sulfur eminates within 30 feet of the Cadejo. Enemies that can smell the Cadejo maintain the effects of fright even if they can't see it.

Bite Back. When a creature hits you, you can either Nuzzle or Snarl at it as a reaction.


Multiattack. Use Cause Darkness. Then use any two of Nuzzle, Snarl, and Ensnare:

Cause Darkness: Place a shroud of darkness in a 15 ft radius. The Cadejo must be in it, and can see through it. Other creatures can see 5 feet in all directions.

Nuzzle. Melee Weapon Attack: 4 + prof to hit, reach 5 ft; one target. Hit 1d4 + 4 necrotic damage. If target is frightened, it gains a Despair level (ends if fright ends).

Snarl. Ranged Attack: Reach 15 ft; one target. The target makes a Wisdom save of 12 + prof. On a failure, it becomes frightened (save ends).

Ensnare (Recharge 5-6). Force all frightened creatures in the Cadejo's darkness to make a Wisdom save of 12 + prof. On a failure, they cannot leave the darkness until it ends or their fright ends.

Level 13 Upgrades (Dread Cadejo)

Multiattack. Choose any three of Cause Darkness, Nuzzle, Snarl, and Ensnare. Nuzzle can be used twice.

Ensnare. No recharge necessary.

Finishing Bite. Special Melee: 4 + prof. to hit, reach 5ft; one target. Hit Paralyze for one minute if the creature has over 3 levels of Despair. Otherwise, no effect.


Savage Spirit

Savage-sized elemental

  • Armor Class Savage AC + proficiency bonus
  • Hit Points 1
  • Speed fly Savage Speed

  • Condition Immunities Prone, Frightened, Charmed
  • Senses Savage senses
  • Languages Roaring

Part of a Whole. When one Spirit takes an action, all other spirits must take the same action. If they can't, then their HP falls to 0 and they disappear.

Still Savage. Uses the Savage's Ability Scores and proficiencies.

Shifty. When an ability would do half damage, it does none instead. Also, can Disengage as a bonus action.


Lock Down. Melee Spell Attack: As a bonus action, force a nearby enemy to make a Constitution save. On a failure, the enemy becomes restrained until the end of your next turn.

Attack. Melee Weapon Attack: same to hit and damage as Savage. Upon dealing damage, become immune to next damage taken (does not stack).

Level 13 Upgrades

Shifty: Attack rolls against the Spirit are made at disadvantage.

Multiattack. Can attack twice instead of once with the Attack action.

Lock Down. Now stuns instead of restrains.


The helot has some features that are very abusable when mixed with other classes. If you still insist on multiclassing in or out of helot, it requires 13 Dexterity and 13 Intelligence, and grants proficiency with simple weapons and light armor. Also, consider adding the following condition to Delirium:

  • You cannot cast spells while in Delirium


Diseased Scourge

Supplicant-sized monstrosity

  • Armor Class 10
  • Hit Points Supplicant HP
  • Speed Supplicant Speed

10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities Frightened, Charmed
  • Senses passive Perception 10
  • Languages Gibberish

Diseased. At the end of each of your turns, take damage equal to your supplicant level.

One Purpose. Has same spell attack and save DC as the Supplicant. All other rolls have +0.

Toxic Body. upon taking damage from an enemy, they take the same amount back as poison damage.


Goad. Bonus Action. Each opponent moved past this turn must succeed on an Intelligence spell save or must use its reaction to attack at advantage.

Rotting Fingers. Touch Spell Attack: Constitution spell save, reach 5ft; one target. Poison the target and deal 1d6 per Delirium level of poison damage.

Level 13 Upgrades

Increased Toxicity. When dealing poison damage, ignore enemy resistances. If an enemy is immune, they still take half-damage.

Spew (Improved Diseased). Whenever you deal self-damage, all creatures within 10 feet take the same amount in poison damage, or half as much on a successful Constitution save.

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Optional Features

These were cut, but could be interesting. Use with caution.


You have developed a beneficial mutation as a result of stress. However, it has also sapped some of your natural ability. Choose one of the following, but subtract 1 from an ability score at random by rolling a d6.

Alternatively, you can gain a mutation and a single +1 to an ability score in place of a normal Ability Score Improvement.

Oozing Blood

  • Thick Blooded: when your health drops below half, gain temporary HP equal to your Helot level. You can use this feature once per short rest.
  • Blood Brace: when your health drops below half, you can use your reaction to make a save at advantage against one effect that a save can end once per long rest.

Flexible Bones

  • Bendable Features: you can move through and squeeze into spaces as if you were one size smaller than you are.
  • Rubbery: if you take bludgeoning damage, you can use your reaction to make a DC 10 DEX save to resist it.

Keen Eyes

  • Darting Vision: gain proficiency in Perception.
  • Alien Eyes when you would otherwise be blinded, as a reaction you can make a DC 10 CON save to avoid it.

Foul Health

  • Disease Carrier: as an action, touch a creature and give it Cackle Fever. You can use this feature once per long rest.
  • Rotten Core: when you would otherwise be charmed, as a reaction you can make a DC 10 WIS save to ignore it. In addition, become immune to all nonmagical diseases.

Nurturing Skin

  • Faint Glow: as a bonus action, you can cause 10 feet of dim, yellowish light to emanate from your body indefinitely.
  • Beget Followers: you can use an action to summon a glowing swarm of insects for 1 minute. They can't attack, and they swarm around you in combat, taking damage meant for you. In noncombat, you control them and sense through them. You can use this feature once per long rest.

Reptilian Glands

  • Chameleon Pigment: once per long or short rest, you can attempt the Hide action when next to a solid background.
  • Clingy: as an action, gain the effects of Spider Climb for the next minute. You can use this feature once per long rest.

Multilayered Stomach

  • Strong Stomach: eat rotten food with no ill effects and ignore consequences of drunkenness if you so choose.
  • Iron Appetite: digest anything that a beast would consider edible. Also, become immune to ingested poisons.

Ponderous Frame

  • Dense: considered one Size larger against movement effects. As a bonus action, can double your weight for 1 minute.
  • Wide Stance: when you would otherwise fall prone, as a reaction can make a DC 10 STR save to avoid it.

Oddities (descriptive)

When you enter Delirium, you take on a certain trait, which becomes more pronounced as Delirium increases. Choose from the following, or roll a d4.

Oddities (no mechanical benefit)
1d4 Oddity Description
1 Altered Visage Your eyes become a single color, and your face takes on a static, frozen expression.
2 Shifting Form Your body slightly bends in shape at all times, as if something is trapped inside.
3 Constant Muttering You exude a stream of incomprehensible words, even if your mouth is not moving
4 Fractured Body You break into loosely connected pieces, but your body still moves as one.

Alternate Features

At level 5, you gain the Desperate Attack and Anticipate features. If your character is more of an able fighter than a varied attacker, consider using the following features instead:

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.


Also at 5th level, you surprise even yourself with your ability to bounce back. When you miss a creature, you can make an additional attack against it as part of the same action.

You can only use this feature if you used the same action in the previous round. You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.

At level 7, you gain the Evasion feature. If you feel as though your character is more interested in taking damage than avoiding it, considering using the following feature instead:

From Weakness to Strength

Starting at 7th level, you take one blow to lessen the bite of the next. When you take damage, you can become vulnerable to it, regardless of any other source of resistance.

After the damage is dealt, gain resistance to one type of damage that was dealt for the next minute. You can have more than one resistance from this feature at once.


Made by ControlZero, with help from friends, as well as everyone who has given feedback on the internet (thanks!).

Other Stuff I've Made

  • Goon: rogue subclass that mixes its trickery with force.
  • Way of the Eternal Spirit: monk subclass that taps into the thoughts and feelings of past members.
  • Trailblazer: martial class based around perseverance fueled by either Charisma or Intelligence. Complicated.
  • Cildraphytes: race of plant-like humanoids that alternate generations. Shadowfell Dragonborn variant also listed.
  • The Bond: prestige class about an outside entity or presence being attached to you. Written quite casually.

Design Philosophy

The helot is designed to be a frontline disruptor that grows increasingly powerful as the battle rages. While it doesn't have powerful base damage or defenses, much of it's utility comes from it's ability to deflect or harass the enemy.

Inspiration and Creation

The helot was partially inspired by the game Darkest Dungeon, with some other lighter influences, like like the movie Apocalypse Now. The initial concept went something like this: Using a source of untapped power that was only accessible after experiencing a traumatic event, the helot is able to break the normal boundaries of humanoid ability.

So how do I express this? I settled on 3 aspects.

Power Beyond the Ordinary

I wanted the helot to be... weird. It's a class about using weird power, so the stuff it does should be strange too, right? This means none of the normal stuff: no martial weapons, no fighting styles, no spell progression, no extra attack.

However, this naturally pushed the abilities into more of a control-y style. If the class doesn't do tons of damage or dodge lots of attacks, it has to be good at something. There are still some nods to survivability (Uncanny Stance), but even when the helot is doing damage or protecting itself, it does so in extraordinary ways.

Meaningful Drawbacks

I wanted the class abilities to not just feel weird, but also dangerous. After all, you're not really controlling this power, you're serving as its conductor. The question is: how do I make that into an engaging mechanic?

The only class in the game with a meaningful drawback is barbarian, specifically, the berserker, which inflicts mandatory exhaustion. Coincidentally (or not), it is not very fun for many people to play. I came up with a milder form of exhaustion called despair, and gated ability usage behind the chance of gaining despair.

Each affliction also has a specific, situational bonus action that on average leads to a positive outcome, but can backfire.

Distinct Choices

I wanted to offer choices that defined not only the play style of the class, but also how the character itself felt. I prototyped each affliction along with the main class, since I decided very early on that how the helot's power was gained should have a major impact on how it plays and feels.

For example, here are quotes I made for each affliction:

“You’re not crazy, you just find humor in everything.”
“Fear is your drug: awful to live with, impossible to live without.”
“What breaks you can still make you stronger.”
“You suffer for it, but it always wants more. And so do you.”

I had a bunch of ideas for what each affliction should grant, many of which I eventually lumped into either the base class, the Affliction features, or the Unleash feature.

I also created the Mutation feature, which is now optional, as a secondary choice to define the helot.

Case Study: Delirium

Each of the previous aspects is obvious in one feature that I have avoided mentioning so far: Delirium, the core mechanic.

  • Delirium is strange. It ramps up over time, going from a small-ish benefit at stage 1 to a very powerful stage 3 feature. While it does offer raw power on occasion, the way it grants it is still not quite normal.
  • Delirium is full of drawbacks. To use delirium, you have to deal with a nagging fixation which becomes more bothersome as you power up. It also has a potential downside when ended, making it a risky ability in general.
  • Delirium is a distinct choice. Each affliction has a very different delirium load out. In game, choosing when to enter or increase delirium leads to choices, since it is not gated by a number of uses, but instead by consequences.

Balance Philosophy

This class is not very balanced. Let me rephrase. I did not make the helot with the specific math of 5th edition in mind. Instead, I used a rough framework (barbarian), came up with features I liked and fit my design goals, and then made sure the class wasn't (1) obviously overpowered and (2) strictly better at doing something that is a major theme of another class. If this method scares you, I totally understand, but I also think using math as a baseline leads to blander features compared to inventing stuff that's cool and balancing after.

Feature Changes

The helot's first iteration mirrored the barbarian's progression much more, and also had a few features that were later either removed (Terrifying Presence, which frightened people), redone (Desperate Attack), or moved to optional (Mutations).

It also had a much greater focus on lingering insanity or madness being the driving cause behind each affliction's power. While I still think this is a valid way to play the class, I wanted to open it up to a larger array of ideas, which I think both the features and the flavor now reflect.

You can see an earlier version of the class here.

A Design Page is a Cool Idea

Shoutout to /u/revlid for this final page idea, which I am shamelessly stealing from his Slayer class. If you want to see a cool take on a skirmisher/striker inspired by the Blood Hunter, then check it out.


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