The Hollow

by The Lame Lurker

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The Hollowed
A Class Based off of Dark souls


This home brew has been a labor of love and spelling errors over the course of the last Four years (circa 2018). I made it because I wanted to and because it was fun. Its not a perfect port. Unlike some other mad men like the guy who made a near perfect homebrew of Sekiro Shadows Die Twice ; I don't have the time or patience to make hundreds of item cards, Creature stat blocks ,and spell descriptions.

This homebrew was meant to be the easiest way to slot dark souls flavor and mechanics into D&D neatly and efficiently. I did it in this way so that it could actually be implemented in D&D games instead of your DM taking one look at it and saying NOPE. (They might still do that though...)

To this end I will be porting some of the most beloved and iconic mechanics of dark souls into D&D (like bonfires, Estus Flasks, Hollowing and BOSS WEAPONS), and mixing them with tried'n'true WOTC approved mechanics to smooth out where neccesary. Also I made some additions that are not in any way Dark souls lore friendly, but are cool as heck. Either way I hope you enjoy it.

Art credits (In order of Appearence)


  1. Pg 3 The Hollowed
  2. Pg 9 Chosen Soul Path
  3. Pg 10 Soul path of the Warrior
  4. Pg 11 Soul Path of the Rogue
  5. Pg 12 Soul Path of the Divine
  6. Pg 13 Soul Path of the Magus
  7. Pg 14 Soul Path of the Pyromancer
  8. Pg 15 Soul Path of the Hexed

Brainstorm Ideas

  1. Give Cleric and Hexed Special synergy with Cling to life
  2. Make a quick build guide When building a hollow constitution should be your highest stat followed by wisdom. after that level strength if you chose soul path of the warrior or dexterity if you chose soul path of the rogue.

The Hollowed

Hollowed are unrelenting opponents in battle, few face them, fewer survive. The souls unfortunate enough to find themselves of this condition, find themselves unable to die. Though this appears a blessing , that sentiment is far from the truth.

Not much is known as to what causes this affliction, (many scholars suspect a curse must be bestowed upon the individual) but all know the unmistakable curse of the Dark Sign, pitty-able are the fools who make an enemy of this undying breed.

The curse of Undeath

Upon your first death a dark sign will appear on your body. You find yourself unable to die, no matter how grievous the wound or how hard the fall your wounds close themselves with time. Convenient thought this is, you realize it has a price.

The Dark Sign

This mark is no greater than one inch in diameter, a barely noticeable black spot rimmed with cold flickering fire appears some where on your body after your first death.

You gain the Create Bonfire cantrip. Your create Bonfire Cantrip doesn't require concentration and lasts until dispelled, you can only have a number of bonfires active equal to your wisdom modifier, if you exceed this limit you must choose one of the current bonfires and extinguish them.

With every death you suffer, mind & soul bends and contorts under the strain of their binding to your undying flesh. You begin to lose memories of friends and distant relatives, family members and eventually even ones of your self.

With every death, the dark sign grows stronger, increasing in size and brightness. Conversely as your Dark sign grows in strength, yous sanity weakens. You don't know how many deaths you would have to suffer to become one of the hollowed. Those shambling, gibbering, undying abominations; cracked and broken psyches bound to an undying husks of their former selfs; searching for something lost that can never be recovered.

Hollowing level

For every death you suffer you gain a point of hollowing. Once you gain a point of hollowing you are considered undead until the curse is reversed, this effect can only be removed in this way.

Once you are considered undead you cant be healed except by your Estus flask , and others cant be healed by estus flask, you cant be revived by spells. For every point above your current level you lose a memory. If you reach 20 points you lose all your memories become a full hollow, you attack any thing that moves & your alignment changes to Chaotic evil. At best you are openly hostile to anything in your range of attack. At worst you try to kill whatever is bothering you with the enthusiasm of a starving zombie.

Full Hollowing can't be reversed by any means except for the use of a Wish spell.

Your DM may implament a sanity system for flavor (Rules in DM's Guide Page 264 - 266 "Honor and Sanity").

Hollowed Class features
Level Features Proficiency bonus
1st Dark Sign, Hollowed Soul Vessel, Chosen Path + 2
2nd Estus Flask + 2
3rd Chosen Path Feature + 2
4th Riposte + 2
5th Chosen Path Feature + 3
6th Ability score improvement + 3
7th Rite Of Kindling + 3
8th Soul Extrusion + 3
9th Ability score improvement + 4
10th Chosen Path Feature + 4
11th Great soul Vessel + 4
12th Ability score improvement + 4
13th Chosen Path Feature + 5
14th Jolly Cooperation + 5
15th Ability score improvement + 5
16th Chosen Path Feature + 5
17th Greater Soul Vessel + 6
18th Ability score improvement + 6
19th + 6
20th Chosen Path Feature + 6


As a Hollowed, you gain the following features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d4 per level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 4
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4 + your CON mod


  • Saving Throws: CON & WIS saves.
  • Skills: You have proficiency on Survival, Concentration & Intimidation checks.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your chosen path:

a) a locket or b) sentimental trinket.

a) a skeleton key or b) 5 flasks of alchemist fire

a) a CR 3 soul or b) a potion of greater healing

Hollowed Soul Vessel

With your soul and body permanently tethered to each other they both suffer from the constant strain as the ricochet apart only to slam back into one another every time you die. When you die you gain a point of hollowing. Over time and through many deaths you find that by passing through the mortal coil so many times, your eyes have gained the ability to observe soul masses. Eventually you try to interact with these floating will 'o whisps and find that you can take them from the astral plane & into your own undying vessel.

Your vessel can hold an infinite number soul masses. Additionally you can now see 10 ft into the astral plane.

When taking souls you may add them to your own soul mass. You must succeed a WIS saving throw against the soul's DC to aquire the soul mass. Depending on your level & the size of your souls, you may infuse them into your own soul and other objects (different restrictions apply to different abilities, effectiveness/ success rate varies with the soul's DC).

Bonfires and Death

When ever a hollow dies by failing 2 or more death saving throws, their body, along with all their possessions disintegrate and reform in the last place they set a functioning bonfire, gain 1 point of hollowing and stabilize at 1 hit point after 1 minute. You can gain an additional point of hollowing to immediately teleport back to your point of death, you can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per long rest. If a hollow dies and has no functioning bonfire they gain 2 points of hollowing and are teleported to a random location within 10 miles of your point of death.


After your first death you ar considered undead and gain the following features

Ageless. You don't age, and effects that would cause you to age don't work on you.

Revenance. You retain your creature type, yet you register as undead to spells and other effects that detect the presence of the undead creature type.

Cling to life (from guide to wild mount "The Hollow One")if you make a death saving throw and roll a 16 or higher you gain 1 hit point

Here is a chart of suggested soul values.

Soul Mass Chart
Creature CR Soul Mass Wisdom DC
1/8th tiny 1
1/4th tiny 1
1/2 tiny 1
1 tiny 1
2 small 2
3 small 3
4 small 4
5 small 5
6 small 6
7 medium 7
8 medium 8
9 medium 9
10 medium 10
11 medium 11
12 medium 12
13 Large 13
14 Large 14
15 Large 15
16 Large 16
17 Large 17
18 Large 18
19 Massive 19
20 Massive 20
21 Massive 21
22 Massive 22
23 Massive 23
24 Massive 24
25 Gargantuan 25
26 Gargantuan 26
27 Gargantuan 27
28 Gargantuan 28
29 Gargantuan 29
30+ Gargantuan 30

Soul Path

At 1st level, you will choose a path to shape yourself throughout life, This may be influenced by a part of your past that you remembered or a completely new path. Based on what path you chose, at certain levels you will gain the abilities of your Soul path.

Estus Flask

By 2nd level the bonfire becomes your second home, a warm feeling of belonging so alien in your world. From this bonfire you are able to draw in souls similarly lost like you, and draw their power. By dipping flasks into the bonfire you can harness it into liquid flame; Estus. Estus is essentially bottled fire, burning life and when consumed it heals you. Once per (Short? or) long rest you may dip 5 flasks into your bonfire and receive 5 Estus flasks, which when consumed as an action heal whomever consumes it by 2d4+2.


At 4th, If an enemy attacks you, you can use your reaction to make a contesting dexterity check if you win you deftly parry the attack, causing it to miss. If a parried attack misses you, you can attack the assailent as part of the same action.

Rite of Kindling

At level 7, It is likely that you have died more times than you care to recount, you begin to feel alien in your own vessel, forgetting who you once were, but, when sitting around a bonfire you feel at home.

After finishing a short or long rest next to a bonfire created with your create bonfire cantrip, you may spend a number of souls to kindle the bonfire. A kindled bonfire gains features at a rate determined by the caliber of the souls used to kindle it.

When Kindled You may expend souls to your bonfire to give it the properties of a higher soul mass (tiny-Small-Medium-Large-Massive-Gargantuan) and to make it a beacon of rest and reprieve.

Once you kindle a bonfire to a higher strength, all bonfires you have created or create from this point on, share the properties of that Kindled Bonfire. Bonfires of Higher soul mass have all the abilities of lower soul mass Bonfires.

Bonfire Kindling

Kindled Strength Max Estus Estus strength Features Requirements for Soul Mass Increase
Tiny flame 5 2D4+2 Home Ward 5 tiny souls or 1 small soul
Small Flame 8 2D4+2 Hallowed 10 tiny souls or 5 small souls
Medium Flame 10 4D4+4 Spontaneous 5 small souls or 3 medium souls
Large Flame 15 4D4+4 Far reaching 3 medium souls or 2 large souls
Massive Flame 18 8D4+8 Inter Planar 2 large souls or 1 Massive soul
Gargantuan Flame 20 10D4+20 Primordial Flame 2 Masive souls or 1 Gargantuan Soul
  • Home ward: You may as a ritual cast Home Ward; teleport you and any creatures touching you, to a bonfire kindled with a soul and is within 1000 ft, this requires concentration of 1 minute.
  • Hallowed: A bonfire of this soul Mass has a permanenent Hallowed spell centered on it you determine its features. Additionally in gritty realism; while resting next to this bonfire you gain the benefits of a Short rest in 4 hours and a long rest in 24 hours.
  • Far Reaching: The range of which you can warp to a bonfire increases to 4000 feet.
  • Spontaneous: the following only applies when you cast homeward targeting a bonfire with this Feature. You may cast Home Ward as an action or reaction, this doesn't require concentration & is instantaneous .
  • Inter Planar: When targeting this bonfire for teleportation, you may teleport between planes or to any Inter Planar bonfire on the same plane regardless of range.
  • Primordial Flame: Only one Bonfire can have this feature. Other bonfires may have the max estus and estus strngth of a gargantuan flame, but there can only be one Primordial Flame. Kindled Bonfires of this soul mass are permanent, cannot be dispelled by any means, save for a Wish spell or an intervening god. The Bonfire has a 120 ft globe of invulnerability around it. Only creatures you specify can enter the globe, any unspecified creature that tries to enter or starts its turn in the globe takes 10d10 psychic & 10d10 radiant damage.

Soul Extrusion

by 8th level youlearn how to extract the power of souls for a single moment. As a action you may gain the properties of a soul for a limited duration.

  • If it is a passive ability such as a an elf's charm resistance it lasts 1 minute
  • if it is an action such as a Dragons breath weapon it can only be used once.

Regardless after the ability has been used the soul is destroyed forever and cannot be restored except by a wish spell or similar power.

After the soul dies it leaves a lingering memory in your soul. The nature of this memory is up to the discression of the DM. It can be completely innocuous, such as a happy or sad memory from its past. Or it could be related to its death or have relevent information that the character wanted to know.

Great Soul Vessel

By 11th level your mastery over your soul allows you to gain powers unattainable to most mortals. you choose a blessing from the DMG (Pg. 228). This blessing is applied to you for ever even if you die. it cannot be removed except by a wish spell or the act of a god.

At level 17 you may choose another blessing (you cannot choose the same one more than once)

Jolly Co-operation

By 14th level you've no doubt assembled a hoard of souls. With all the souls you store in your vessel you almost feel whole again. It would be perfect if it weren't for their incessant back talk.

As your collection of souls grew, your mental control of them has weakened, spread thin by the vast array of souls, allowing them to communicate their residual thoughts with you....whether you like it or not.

To make peace with these souls you may parlay with them as a ritual lasting 1 hour. During this ritual you retreat into the inner recesses of your soul and are incapacitated and don't respond to & become unaware of outward stimuli for the duration of the ritual. You make a charisma saving throw against the soul's Wis DC every 10 minutes. The number of successes determine the effect . By Parlaying with a soul you help it make peace with its death and befriend it.

Levels of Parlay

Number of successes Emotion Modifier
Zero Hateful Roll With Disadvantage
One Disdainful Strait roll (no Disadvantage)
Two Wary Add half Wis Mod
Three Shaky trust Add full Wis mod
Four Wary ally Add half proficiency mod
Five Friendly Add Full proficiency mod
Six Loyal Friend Roll with advantage


After successfully Parlaying with a soul adds a parlay point to it, you can further parley with the soul or ask the soul to assist you in and out of battle. The above features apply to both soul summoning and parlaying.

Soul Summoning

To summon a parlayed soul into battle as an action;

make a charisma check against the Soul's Wis DC, applying the appropriate modifiers based off of its parley level. On a success you summon the soul from your Vessel and give it form. The soul is allied to you and will act according to the levels of parlay.

Parlay level level of control
0-1 Wont attack you, but wont follow orders & may attack allies
2-3 Requires an action to order, will follow orders, otherwise will protect itself if attacked
4-5 issuing commands requires a bonus action
6 You may issue commands as a free action your turn, additionally can be summoned a bonus action

You can only have 1 parleyed soul summoned at a time Use Its stats from the Monster Manuel and apply the following:

  • It's attacks now does force damage instead of physical, and Psychic instead of elemental damages.
  • Halve its Hp and any damage it would deal
  • it cannot use legendary reactions or saves
  • it cannot induce status effects (not even with spells)
  • If it loses all its Hp its soul is destroyed (doesn't return to your vessel)
  • The soul returns to your vessel if you dismiss it (as a reaction or bonus action), after 5 minutes or if your Hp reaches zero. A damaged soul that returns to your vessel cant be summoned or bound with again for 24 hours.
  • How the summoned soul uses its turn is up to you, you could directly control it during its turn or let the DM control it.

Desperate strength

At ?th level when your Health is below 1/4 of your max health, add 2 damage dice unto your damage rolls

Chosen Soul Path

(work in proggress) :p = not finished, needs reworking, lame, i dont like it ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ =Help
Level Warrior Rogue Divine Magus :p Pyromancy Hexed
1st Warrior's Prowess Rogue's Prowess Divine Soul casting Magus Soul casting Pyromancer's Prowess Hexed Soul casting
3rd Warrior's Armament Rogue's Retaliation Homeward Bound ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Fiery will Mounting Dread
5th Warrior's Assault Rogue's Retaliation Shepard of the Infirmed Homing Soul Mass Undead rapport Vow of Silence
10th Unbreakable Stance Rogue's Finesse Lightning Spear ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Power Within :p
13th Warrior's endurance Deadly Critical Wrath of the gods Crystallize Weapon :P unpredictable strategies Tranquil walk of Peace
16th Warrior's Strength critical strike Divine Weaponry Crystallize Magic Flame Storm Hexed weaponry
20th Warrior Soul Rogue Soul Divine Soul Mage Soul Ashen Soul Hexed Soul

Soul Path of the Warrior

The curse of hollowing is a horrifying fate to others, faced with the prospect of slowly losing their minds, many give up. You face this curse, the way you faced any challenge; you stand your ground and fight through to the end.


Your starting equipment is the same as the fighter's Starting equipment (Pg.72 in the Player's Hand Book).

Warrior's prowess

At level 1 you gain a fighting style, an action surge (Max 1), and proficiency in medium, heavy armor and shields & with versatile, and two handed weapons. Additionally you can make an action surge at the cost of 1 level of exuastion. Lastly you gain the powerful build trait.

Warrior's Armament

At 3rd level, you learn to use your particular armament to your advantage in battle. If you hit a large or smaller sized creature while two-handing a weapon with the two handed or the Versatile Properties it must succeed a strength a saving throw against your Strength DC (8 + Prof + STR Mod) or be knocked 10 feet away & is knocked prone.

Your Poise in battle becomes unshakable; if you are wearing heavy armor and you are hit by a (non-critical) melee attack, you can make a (Melee) attack against the target as a reaction.

Warrior's Assault

At 5th level if you take an attack action (on your turn) you may make a second attack as part of the same action. You gain an additional fighting style (you cant take the same one twice).

Lastly your melee range increases by 5 ft

Unbreakable Stance

By level 10 your battle stance is beyond compare, most enemies find you to be an immovable force. When rolling for poise you have advantage.

Additionally you cant be knocked prone or moved by non magical effects, and you become immune to the Grappled and prone conditions.

Warrior's Endurance

At 13th level you learn how to prolong your combat endurance by using souls. When you use the attack action you may attack 3 times instead of 2, and your max number of action surges increases by 1 (Max 2).

As a free action you can spend souls to create an action surge. You cannot create more than 1 action surge per round, and you cant use the created action surge until your next turn. To do this you must expend either: 5 tiny souls, 3 small souls or 1 medium soul.

Warrior's strength

By level 16 your combat strength rivals that of legend. you may increase you strength score and maximum by 2

Additionally if you are wearing heavy armor you gain +1 to AC in addition to its regular bonus. Your strength is so impressive that you can add your strength mod to any charisma or performance check you make for persuasion or intimidation.

Latly your strength inurres you from certain conditions. While you are wearing heavy armor you become immune to the Restrained condition.

Warrior's Soul

At level 20 as a bonus action you may bind with a Parlayed soul of at least 4th level and at least of CR 15 to gain the following benefits: For the next 10 minutes your Weapon attacks deal an 1 additional damage dice and you can attack 4 times using the attack action.

Also Depending on the soul you bound with you gain its movement speed options (growing spectral appendages appropriate for the movement speed), and if its base strength score is higher than yours, you may substitute it as your own for any roll that would use strength for the duration (your replaced score may exceed 22 and go up to 30).

Soul Path of the Rogue

(Needs Revision) Theme: The curse of Hollowing break most but not you, you only half broke and you learned how to break others. (Needs a rp feature.)


Your starting equipment is the same as the Rogue's Starting equipment (Pg.96 in the Player's Hand Book).

Rogue's Prowess

At 1st level you gain proficiency in light/ medium armor and Light & finesse weapons. Additionally you can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. You also gain an extra 5 feet of movement

Rogue's Retaliation

By 3rd level, Also you get an action surge (max 1), you can make a action surge and gain a level of exuastion. Additionally when you make an attack action you may attack twice as part of the same action.

Evasive Meneuvers

At level 5, When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. Additionally you may take the dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.

Lastly if you successfully parry an attack using your Riposte ability, your attack is made with advantage.

Rogue's Finesse

Beginning at 10th level, if an enemy is focused on another target (flanked, didn't attack you on the current or last round) or is distracted (suffering under a status effect like poison, fear, charmed other than invisible) you may spend a bonus action to move up to your speed, and perform an attack with advantage on that enemy.

(you must not be facing the front of the target, this doesn't work if the target is huge or larger)

Deadly Critical

At 13th level, your critical range increases. Rolling 18-20 counts as a critical seucces for you. Additionally as a free action you may spend souls to give yourself advantage on your next attack roll. To do this you must expend either: 5 tiny souls / 3 small souls / or 1 medium soul. Lastly When you when you make an attack action you may attack 3 times as part of the same action

Critical Strike

At level 16 If you land a critical hit, the target is vunerable to resulting damage.

Rogue Soul

[Bonus Action] At 20th level, As a bonus action you may bind with a Parlayed soul of at least 4th level and at least of CR 15 to gain the following benefits: For the next 10 minutes The binded soul increases your natural stamina, and you gain the properties of the haste spells for the duration.

Additionally while in this state you crit on a roll of 16-20. Depending on the soul you bound with you gain its movement speed options (growing spectral appendages appropriate for the movement speed). Lastly, if the parleyed soul has a higher dexterity score than you, you may substitute it as your own for any roll that would use Dexterity for the duration, up to a maximum of 30.

Soul Path of the Divine

Many who faced the curse of hollowing, in turn cursed the gods for their ill fortune, you however saw the gods as the only cure to this Hollowing which afflicts you.


Your options for starting equipment is the same as the cleric's starting equipment (Pg. 57 in the Player's Hand Book).

Divine Soul casting

At 1st level when you take this path, you gain Proficiency with medium armor, shields and simple weapons. You also gain access to the cleric spell list. (Spellcating ability WIS) (Spell save =8 + Prof + Wis mod).

Soul Path of the Divine: spell slots
Level Cantrips 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st 2 2
2nd 2 2
3rd 2 3
4th 2 3
5th 2 4 2
6th 2 4 2
7th 2 4 3
8th 2 4 3
9th 2 4 3 2
10th 3 4 3 2
11th 3 4 3 3
12th 3 4 3 3
13th 3 4 3 3 1
14th 4 4 3 3 1
15th 4 4 3 3 2
16th 4 4 3 3 2
17th 4 4 3 3 3 1
18th 4 4 3 3 3 1
19th 4 4 3 3 3 2
20th 4 4 3 3 3 2

Shepard to the Infirmed

At 3rd level, When you heal yourself or an ally with spells your range is increased by 30 feet, additionally you may now cast healing spells & use Estus Flasks as a bonus action, if you do, you cant cast other spell except for cantrips, another healing spell, or an spell ability from this sub-class. When you heal a willing creature with a spell or with Estus Flasks you may choose to heal half the max of the healing instead of rolling.

Homeward Bound

At 5th level When casting the homeward ritual you can teleport a number of creatures that you can see equal to your wisdom modifier, they dont have to be making physical contact with you.

Lightning spear

At 10th level, you may cast Lightning bolt a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier with out using a spell slot or components per long rest.

Wrath of the gods

At 13th level you harness the Wrath of the Gods. As a action or bonus action (your choice) you may cause enemies in a 30 ft radius of you to to make a wisdom saving throw against your spell DC or be knocked prone and take Radiant Damage that scales directly with your Wisdom modifier (number of uses & radiant damage D12s are equal to your wisdom modifier minimum of 1).

Divine Weaponry

At 16th level, you can cast Holy Weapon as a bonus action, without using a spell slot or material components & does not require concentration to maintain. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier. It can only be cast on weapons that you are attuned to. Additionally you can cast Chain Lightning once per long rest without consuming a spell slot.

Divine Soul

At 20th level [Bonus Action] As a bonus action you may bind with a Parlayed soul of at least 4th level and at least of CR 15 to gain the following benefits: For the next 10 minutes spells you cast that deal damage deal an additional 2D8 radiant damage. Additionally, at the start and end of your turn you regain 2d8 + your wisdom modifier worth of health, if you so chose you may forgo this healing and give it to a creature that you can see in your healing range. If the bound creature has a higher wisdom score that yours, you may substitute it as your own for any roll that would use your wisdom for the duration. up to a maximum of 30.

Soul Path of the Magus

Though most would consider the curse of undeath a horrible affliction, you are intrigued by it. And now with all the time in the world you set yourself to studying and understanding your 'curse'.


Your starting equipment is the same as the Wizard's Starting equipment (Pg.114 in the Player's Hand Book).

Magus spell casting

At 1st level you can cast from the Wizard spell list (Spellcating ability WIS) (Spell save =8 + Prof + Wis mod). Additionally you gain proficiency with light armor & simple weapons

3rd level ability... ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Homing Soul Mass

You learn and know Melf's Minute Meteors, it doesn't count against the number of spells you know and requires no concentration from yo, they do force damage instead of fire. As an action you may cast Minute meteors this way a number of times per day equal to your proficiency modifier. Additionally you may fire them all at once as a bonus action so long as they all have the same target. lastly if you have a meteor while an enemy is within 20 ft of you all remaining meteors automatically fire on the closest enemy (no action required)

Place holder text (。﹏。*)

At 10th level,

(Reskinned and upscaled melf's minute meateors OR retooled crown of stars at later level)

Crystalize / Soul weapon? ( ̄﹏ ̄;)

At 13th level, (Maybe add the evocation wizard's Overchannel ability Pg. 118 PHB) Maybe call it crystalize magic?

Crystalize magic

At 16th level, you learn how to draw out your magics full potential. The next time a spell you cast would deal damage, you may deal its maximum damage. you can only do this a number of times equal to half you proficiency mod per long rest. Lastly, you may cast Disintigration ray once per long rest.

Mage Soul

At 20th level, as a bonus action you may bind with a Parlayed soul of at least 4th level and at least of CR 15 to gain the following benefits: For the next 10 minutes (Maybe a better signiture spell / spell mastery?) Melf's Minute Meateors ➡ Crown of stars?

Soul Path of the Magus: spell slots
Level Cantrips Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
1st 2 2 2
2nd 2 3 2
3rd 2 4 3
4th 2 5 3
5th 2 6 4 2
6th 2 7 4 2
7th 2 8 4 3
8th 2 9 4 3
9th 2 10 4 3 2
10th 3 11 4 3 2
11th 3 11 4 3 3
12th 3 12 4 3 3
13th 3 12 4 3 3 1
14th 4 12 4 3 3 1
15th 4 13 4 3 3 2
16th 4 13 4 3 3 2
17th 4 13 4 3 3 3 1
18th 4 14 4 3 3 3 1
19th 4 14 4 3 3 3 2 1
20th 4 14 4 3 3 3 2 2 1

Soul Path of the Pyromancer

After you found your self to be undead you reveled in the freedom it allowed you, free from the shackles of mortality, you embrace the inherent flaming chaos of the world, and wish for the world to experience the beautiful and untamed gift nested within your soul.Thematic preamble needs work


Your starting equipment is the same as the Druid's Starting equipment (Pg.66 in the Player's Hand Book).

Pyromancer's Prowess

At 1st level you gain access to the wizard and Druid spell list, but you can only learn and cast spells that do fire damage (unless another ability or feat allows you to) Wisdom is your spellcasting ability, (Spell save =8 + Prof + Wis mod).

In addition you learn and can cast Produce Flames & Control Flames, and Presdigitation (these dont count against the number of cantrips you can know). Lastly your Produce Flame cantrip now uses D10 for its damage dice.

Fiery Will

At 3rd level, you gain resistance to fire damage. Additionally when you cast Spells that do fire damage you ignore enemy resistance to fire damage, and when you roll a 1 on fire damage for a spell, reroll the damage die and take the new result.

Undead Rapport

At 5th level, Your mastery over flame is alluring and irressitable. even to those who are no longer alive, your flame sparks an unquenchable curiosity and fealty in the souls of those who see it. You learn and can cast Charm person without using a spell slot, a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier per long rest, it ignores charm immunity on undead below CR 10.

Power within

At 10th level, as a bonus action you reach deep into your soul and activate the power within. When you activate this feature and for the next minute at the start of each of your turns, you must spend 2 hit dice and take damage equal three times (4 times?) the number rolled. For the duration when you cast a spell that would do fire damage, for every 2 damage dice the spell would inflict you add 1 damage die of fire damage to the roll.

Power within ends early when you run out of hit dice, fall unconcious or drop to 0 HP. You can only use this feature once per long rest.

Unpredictable strategies

At 13th level, you become unpredictable in battle. As a bonus action you may roll a D6 and cast a prepared non concentration spell of a level corresponding to the result (6 is treated as a reroll). If you have no spell slots corresponding to that level, the spell still casts, but you take half the damage dealt by the spell. [replace with an ability that synergises with bonfire kindling? reduced cost for upgrading bonfire level?]

Fire storm

At 16th level, you learn the Fire Storm spell, you may cast it once per long rest with out using a spell slot or material components.

Ashen Soul

At 20th level, As a bonus action you may bind with a Parlayed soul of at least 4th level and at least of CR 15 to gain the following benefits: For the next 10 minutes, Whenever you casts a spell that does fire damage you up the damage dice of the spell by 1 tier (Min d4 => D6 => d8 => d10 => d12 Max).

Your spells and abilities that deal fire damage ignore immunities. And you may add half your intelligence modifier to your spell save DC. If the bound creature has a higher wisdom or intelligence score that yours, you may substitute one of those scores it as your own for any roll that would use your wisdom or intelligence for the duration, up to a maximum of 30. (immunity to fire damage?)

Lastly if the Bound soul had any innate abilities that could deal fire damage you may use each of those abilities once.

Soul Path of the Pyromancer: spell slots
Level Cantrips 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st 2 2
2nd 2 2
3rd 2 3
4th 2 3
5th 2 4 2
6th 2 4 2
7th 2 4 3
8th 2 4 3
9th 2 4 3 2
10th 3 4 3 2
11th 3 4 3 3
12th 3 4 3 3
13th 3 4 3 3 1
14th 4 4 3 3 1
15th 4 4 3 3 2
16th 4 4 3 3 2
17th 4 4 3 3 3 1
18th 4 4 3 3 3 1
19th 4 4 3 3 3 2
20th 4 4 3 3 3 2

Soul Path of the Hexed

When you became afflicted with the curse of undeath, you blamed the gods (needs work)

Hexed Soul casting

At 1st level you Gain the Eldrich blast cantrip. Can cast spells from the warlock spell list & invocations (Spellcasting ability WIS + INT) (Spell save: 6 + Prof + Wis mod + Int Mod) . As a bonus action can cast Hex , if you do you cant cast a spell for you action except for a cantrip

Soul Path of the Hexed: Spells & Invocations
Level Invocations Cantrips Spells Known Spell slots Slot level
1st 2 2 1 1st
2nd 2 2 3 2 1st
3rd 2 2 4 2 2nd
4th 2 3 5 2 2nd
5th 3 3 6 2 3rd
6th 3 3 7 2 3rd
7th 3 3 8 2 4th
8th 4 3 9 2 4th
9th 4 3 10 2 5th
10th 4 4 10 2 5th
11th 4 4 11 3 5th
12th 5 4 11 3 5th
13th 5 4 12 3 5th
14th 5 4 12 3 5th
15th 5 4 13 3 5th
16th 6 4 13 3 5th
17th 6 4 14 4 5th
18th 6 4 14 4 5th
19th 6 4 15 4 5th
20th 6 4 15 4 5th

(maybe nix invocations and treat it like a warlock themed cleric cleric spell slots with warlock spells)

Mounting Dread

By 3rd level, if an enemy is sufffering a status effect or spell from you are considered encumbered and their AC drops by 1 [2?]

Vow of silence

At 5th level you learn that silence can be deafening. You may cast Silence using no spell slots or components a number of times per day equal to your wisdom modifier. If you cast it centered on your self, the spell follows you and does not effect you, unless you want to be. Whilst centered on you, enemies caught within this 20 ft aura have disadvantage on maintaining concentration on existing spells.

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At 10th level Ability once per short rest you may spend a number of souls to give enemies disadvantage on the saves for your spells and abilities for 1 minute (1 round)? To do this you must expend either: 5 Tiny souls, 3 small souls or 1 medium soul.

Tranquil Walk of Peace

At 13th Level, you can weaken your enemies perceptions to aid you in battle. As an action you may cast Slow once per short rest. If you cast it centered on your self, the spell follows you, does not effect you, unless you want to be, and does not require concentration to maintain.

Hexed Weaponry

At 16th level, you learn how to infuse the misfortune of souls into powerful weapons, you gain the following abilities; they add or deal necrotic damage as opposed to radiant and do not require concentration to maintain.

Dark moon Blade You can cast Holy Weapon as a bonus action, without using a spell slot or material components. This ability a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier. It can only be cast in combat on weapons that you are attuned to.

Pursuers You learn to cal upon the vengeful souls of the world, giving them a target for their hatred. You can cast Crown of Stars once per long rest. You may fire all motes at once as a bonus action so long as they all have the same target. Lastly if you have any motes while an enemy is within 20 ft of you, all remaining motes automatically fire on the closest enemy (no action required).

Hexed Soul

As a bonus action you may bind with a Parlayed soul of at least 4th level and at least of CR 15 to gain the following benefits: For the next 10 minutes. You exude a 30 ft aura of Tranquil energy, enemies caught in this effect must make a save against your Spell DC or are weighted down by an overwhelming lethargy.

Attacks against effected enemies crits on an 18, 19 or 20 and have advantage. If an enemy already has or gains another debuff / hex on it, while it is within the aura it is considered heavily encumbered. If the bound creature has a higher wisdom score that yours, you may substitute it as your own for any roll that would use your wisdom for the duration. up to a maximum of 30.

art ripostory (for possible later use)

Commission: Bix + Citalmina By Karniz

Scary Holloween By Ilona Mencner .

Basic Conjuration By Randy Vargas Karniz

Herald of Hadar By Valera Lutfullina

Twin Blade Invocation By Tuan Duong Chu

Soul of a Brave Warrior by Samarskiy

Royal Sorcerer Navlaan by @a_mn

Mage Knight by Halycon450


  1. the rogue soul NEEDS Revision. It is a gimmicky rogue with none of its more fun side aspects. it is a one-trick-pony stereotyped class that exclusivelly focuses on critical hits and sneak attacks.
  2. (Ashen soul ability idea )A 10 foot sphere of flame envelopes you. You shed bright light for 30 feet and dim light for an additional 30 feet. The sphere is considered difficult terrain and obscured to all other creatures (except you) , additionally attacks against you have disadvantage. Any creature that enters or starts their turn in the sphere makes a saving throw against your spell save DC (8 + Wis mod + Int mod + prof) or take 10D10 fire damage and is blinded until the start of your next turn, on a success they take half damage and aren't blinded. the blinding has potential but everything else makes no sense and is simultainously broken and un-synergetic with the class

Screw you Nathan for making me scrap this

Old Soul Infusion

At 8th level your knowledge of soul manipulation further expands, allowing you to Infuse mighty weapons, armor and trinkets with powerful abilities.

You gain Advantage in enchanting weapons, armor, rings, Staffs, Holy symbols and Trinkets. You gain 1 additional attunement slot.

When infusing an item with a soul it will become sentient and gain power relative to the attributes, soul mass, and power of the soul. This is no easy task though, as the soul will most likely object to being imprisoned in a weapon or ring for possibly all eternity.

To enchant sentience and soul into an item make an enchanting Ability check against the Wis DC of the soul using your wisdom as the casting ability score.

On a success the item becomes magical and gains the following traits based on the soul mass, if you fail the soul leaves your vessel and returns to the astral plane.

Soul Infusion Chart

Soul Mass ATK & DMG / AC Bonus Feature Max Charges
Tiny +1 - -
Small +1 1 Random Attribute 5
Medium +2 1 Chosen +1 Random Attributes 8
Large +2 1 Chosen +2 Random Attributes 10
Massive +3 2 Chosen +1 Random Attributes 15
Gargantuan +3 3 Chosen Attributes 20


Attributes are any ability or feature (passive or active) that belonged to a soul when it was still alive. This can include but is not limited to: attacks, spells, speeds, languages, sences, innate abilities, and even racial abilities (such as a Dragon's breath weapon, or an orc's relentless endurance). When assigning attributes, pick features and abiities from the the soul's stat block, in accordance to these rules.

  • Weapons can only store attributes based on innate offensive abilities that require an action to use. (i.e. Actions, attacks [natural weapon attack] & [Legendary actions] or an area of effect [Breath weapon] that cost an attack action). Weapons cannot store spells

  • Staffs & Holy symbols can store only spells known to the soul when it was alive, and can only store a number of spells whose combined levels are equal to or less than the max number of charges that the item can hold. You cast spells using the available charges in the item, each spell will cost an amount of charges equal to its level. The item will regain all its spent charges daily at dawn.

    • 1 Attribute can store a number of spells whose combined levels equals the max number of charges the item can hold.
    • The attack and & DMG bonus are instead applied to your spell attack and Spell save DC
  • Armor, Shields & trinkets can only store attributes based on innate defensive abilities (i.e. spell that target your self [Healing abilities, levitate, fly, ect] ) or status effects and other passive attributes innate to the physiology of the soul; such as swim/ fly/ spider-climb, speeds, resistances, languages and senses. They cannot store legendary resistances, magic resistance or any ability that grants invulnerability .

  • items infused with Soul of CR 10 and above require attunement.

  • Items infused with Soul of CR 14 or lower cant gain legendary actions as an attribute

  • You cant have or chose an attribute more than once if that attribute already exists on the item (except for spells)

When assigning Attributes

  • Random Attributes: The Player may chose up to 6 attributes appropriate to the item they wish to infuse, and rolls a D6 to have one chosen at random. If there aren't 6 appropriate attributes, treat any number not corresponding to an attribute as a re-roll. If the item can hold another random attribute, repeat this process as is necessary.
  • Chosen Attributes: The Player chooses an appropriate attribute for the given item. If the item can hold another chosen attribute, repeat this process as is necessary.

This one was pretty bad though

Old Great soul vessel

Your extensive experience with the astral plane allows you to find roaming souls and take them into your vessel. You must make a DC 15 wisdom (perception) check. if you pass you incorporate 1D6 + your CON mod worth of tiny souls & 1D4 + your WIS mod worth of small souls per day. if an area is particularly barren of life, the DM may raise the DC or reduce the amount of souls gained as they see fit.

You can now Ritual Cast Soul something allowing you to increase base stats to yourself (permanently) and others (temporarily).

Soul something This ritual lasting one hour requires a Large soul or higher to cast. To cast the ritual you must rest at a kindled bonfire to coax out the prepared soul. After which you must convince it to relinquish it power too you willingly (Wis Save) or impose you will upon it through your own vessel (Con save).

(Make contesting Con & Wis Saves Against the DC of the soul. If you succeed one save the ritual succeeds).

If the ritual succeeds touch a willing creature, select a Stat, it increases by 2 or 2 stats and increase them by 1 up to a maximum of 20. This ability can only be used once per long rest. If you cast this on a creature other than you the stat boost only lasts 30 days

If you fail both saves Soul Infusion fails and the soul is expelled from your vessel. If the ritual fails you lose the ability to cast the ritual for 1d4 days. i dont like it needs revision...


Prepare to Die

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