Monk: Way of the Assassin's Fist

by kingstarman

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Way of the Assassins fist

Karmic Manipulation

At 3rd level, you have trained in the art of the assassins fist and how to manipulate the karma of another creature. When you successfully hit a creature with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon you can sway their karmic destiny in the form of placing a Karma Point on that creature. Each creature can hold a number of Karma Points equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. You can place Karma Points on a willing creature that you can touch by using an action to infuse up to 3 Karma Points on that creature. Karma Points last for 1 minute before disappearing from a creature.

You can spend Ki points to influence the karma you have instilled into your foes. When you use these techniques the amount of karma required to active the technique disappear from the creature after the technique is used.

Death Mark: When a creature has at least 2 Karma Points you can spend 1 Ki point as a bonus action to mark that creature for death for 1 minute. While a creature is under the Death Mark you gain the following benefits;

  • You deal an extra 1d4 necrotic damage to the target whenever you hit it with an attack.
  • You always know the location of the creature as long as it is within 100ft of you.

Yin Techniques

At 6th level, your studies and manipulation of karma has given you insight into the opposing forces of fortune and misfortune. You can use this wisdom to manipulate the karma in your foes to cause misfortune and gain the following techniques.

  • Joint Locking Technique: When a creature has at least 1 Karma Point you can spend 2 Ki points to force a creature to make a DC10 Strength saving throw or become restrained. For every Karma Point you spend after the first the DC is increased by 1.
  • Body Hemorrhaging Technique: When a creature has at least 1 Karma Point, as an action, you can spend 2 Ki points and choose a number Karma Points on that creature. That creature takes necrotic damage equal to your martial arts die equal to the amount of Karma Points you chose.
  • Throat Crushing Strike: If the target creature has 2 Karma Points, as an action you can make an unarmed strike against it and on a hit the target creature takes additional damage equal to your martial arts die and can no longer speak or make sound through their mouth for 1 round.

Yang Techniques

At 11th level, Your training gives you control over the positive aspects of karma allowing you to use the following techniques.

  • Soul Healing Technique: When a creature has at least 1 Karma Point, as an action, you can spend 2 Ki points and choose a number Karma Points on that creature you want to use to give that creature 1d6 temporary hit points per Karma Point spent
  • Karmic Sway: When a creature you can see makes a saving throw and before you know the result of the die roll and has at least 1 Karma Point, you can as a reaction, choose a number of Karma Points on that creature and spend 1 Ki point to reduce or increase the number rolled by the number of Karma Points you chose.


At 11th level, you have reached the pinnacle of mental discipline and focus. You are no longer affected by the surprised condition. Additionally, you gain blind sight for up to 10ft.

No Second Strike

At 17th level, you have reached technical perfection. You have honed your strike to such a fine point that it is indistinguishable from magic or divinity. As an action you can make an unarmed strike and if you hit the target creature you do 4d10 + an additional 1d10 necrotic or radiant damage for each Karma Point the target creature has. You can do a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Art credit

Lê Long - Masashi Kishimoto - Naruto


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