
by Kindelar

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What is Okazia?

Welcome to Okazia, where high fantasy meets the high seas, and politic conflict is brewing. It's a world with three moons: Raxia, Aumpora, and Utalis. It's a magical land with underwater wonders, flying islands, and an entire sea atop a seabed of shimmering prismatic glass. It's a world where a powerful arcane rift has been harnessed to power a network of arcane and technological wonders.

Okazia explorers many concepts; from the technomagically advanced citiies of Lucidia to the piracy of Blacktide bay, there are many stories to be told in Okazia. Lapidontis stands like a glowing beacon of progress, but the scars of the Alabaster conquests have yet to heal. Political disaster looms, as Jakar, Shab Ah, and Enthala are on the brink of war. The ever present fear of a united Ax'Aria lingers at the back of the minds of most citizens of Arducia.

This introduction explains the core themes and concepts that can affect the stories of character you create in Okazia.

  • High Magic. From the Flux network and Flux siphons to the whisperwood aeroships, high magic influences every facet of Okazia.
  • The High Seas. Piracy abounds in the lawless Blacktide Bay. Whether its joining a roving band of pirates or enlisting with those who aim to stop them, there's plent of swashbuckling action to go around.
  • Political Conflicts The military has seized control of Shab Ah. Illegal colonization and logging is angering the elves of Jakar. The tribes of Ax'Aria seem to be settling their differences. Geopolitical conflict is brewing in all corners of the Shards.
  • Storied Pasts Lucidia prides itself on the bonds that strengthen them, while ignoring those still unhappy from the conquests. Tormire thrives on industry, while ignoring that fact that the mines are yielding less and less. Every corner thrives off Flux, but what would happen if something were to happen to the Network?

While the themes above ring true for all corners of Okazia, this introductory chapter mainly breaks down how the themes affect life in the Shards. Further lore expansions may elaborate on the intricacies of life on the other continents of Okazia.

High Magic

In Okazia, magic is both high and wide. While magic is a large part of life in all corners of Okazia, nowhere is it more prevalent than in the Flux-empowered lands of Arducia.

Harnessed Magic. One hundred years after Maxime Enthulas discovered pearlstone in 263 CRA, the Archmage Azula Laguna harnessed the innate arcanically conductive properties of the rock to channel magic out of the Conflux. Flux power influences every corner of life in the Shards: from transportation to commerce and even the arcane abilities of casters.

Magic in the Land. The land of Okazia is radiates with the arcane. In places where these arcane properties are intensified, unique features and properties take hold in the land. For instance, in the lands of Jakar and Vayune, crop growth is enhanced and bountiful. In the far off continent of Aoen, the Whisperwood Forest is fabled to be connected to the planes of the afterlife. And in the Great Glass Sea, the connections to the Astral Plane lie deep in an abyss.

The High Seas

While islands and continents take up a sizeable portion of Okazia, the world is primarily sea.

Piracy and Sailing. In Okazia, you're likely to spend a lot of your time in a ship of some sort, whether is be one on the sea or one in the sky. Life on the sea isn't always easy, but it can be rewarding in its own right. Whether its the honest life of a merchant or dealing with the Storm Lords of Blacktide Bay, there's plenty of excitement to be had on the ocean.

The Wonders of the Sea. The oceans of Okazia are truly, truly vast. And this expanse paves the way biodiversity and wonder. Shapeshifting aquatic dragons lurk in the murky depths and sirens lure sailors to their demise. The Great Reef of Aquaas harbors life of all shapes and colors. In the heart of the Crimson Ocean lies the Scarlet Sunder, named after the red rock seabed; What mysteries lurk in its depths? Those who dare to venture past the Umbralands may find new wonders in the Sunless Sea.

Political Conflicts

For the past thirty or so years, the lands of Arducia have basked in relative peace. However, this world is not free from those with agendas.

The Board is Set. In all corners of Arducia, political trouble is brewing. In Jakar, settlers fleeing from the Conquest in the now Lucidia country of Aegis were welcomed warmly by the native elves. In the century that followed, the settlers have continued to overstep their bounds and anger the elves by declaring themselves a new nation. In Shab Ah, the military, angry at pacifist policies of the old government, has taken control. All signs point to more raids on Enthala. In Ax'Aria, the once scattered and unaligned orc tribes are starting to form bands. A united Ax'Aria is on the horizon.

The Fedaration. The nations of Lucidia, Nyon, Tormire, and Vayune formed the Fedarated Union of the Shard Lands. Born from an alliance of necessity originally between Nyon and Lucidia, it has evolved into a great power structure in the Shards. However, some of the member nations question how much they get out of this. Most feel that the policies and structure work to benefit the Fedaration capital in Pratieum Meridianum.

Storied Pasts

Most empires of present day Okazia enjoy relative peace and civility, but life wasn't always so easy.

Forged in Blood and Sweat. Queen Enthulas has worked tirelessly to improve the life of her people. Lucidia was born out of the conquests of King Alabaster of Invictus. The native nomadic beastfolk tribes of Nyon and Vayune were eliminated by human settlers. History has been forged and it has consequences and effects.

The Pillars that Hold Society. Infrastructure is the bond that holds together society. Most of the technologically advanced cities of the Shards rely on Flux. Precious metals and manufacturing come from Tormire. Enthala provides precious arcana that supplies the world. What if something important became compromised?


Chapter 1: Welcome to Arducia

The Heart of Civilization

In northwest Okazia, nestled under Frigidus, between the Crimson Ocean and the Great Glass Sea, lies the continent of Arducia, known to most as the Shard Lands or simply the shards. Rumored to be formed from the carcass of a long dead ancient and massive dragon, these lands serve as the heart of civilization for a majority of Okazia's denizens.

Diversity exists everywhere you look in Arducia; whether it be in the rough and tough tribes of Ax'Aria or the inventive and hardworking populous of Lucidia, culture is flourishing.

The Conflux

In the heart of the Shard Lands lies a massive whirlpool some 50 to 100 miles wide surrounding an arcane rift of pure magical energy.

The origin of this arcane rift is unknown, with some arcanists and scholars saying the very dragon who died to birth the Shard Lands gave life to it with its dying breath.

Mythical Past, Bright Future

Nobody is quite certain where the first people in the Shards divulged from, but one thing is for certain: civilization is booming. Whether it be from the high magitech city of Lapidontis or the rough tides of Blacktide Bay, history and culture can be found in every nook and cranny of the the populated Shards.

While the legends of the past and the myths of creation may differ from culture to culture, there's one thing everyone in Arducia can agree on: the future looks promising.

The Nations of the Shards


Largest City: Ax'Regaal
Leaders: Warlords Gell the Defiler and Nyev the Mad
Noted For: Hunting, fishing, pillaging, The Gauntlet

Ax'Aria is a land that is the unfortunate product of it's local fauna. Due to the ferocious and unforgiving nature of the beasts and reptiles that roam its lands, there is risk to those outsiders foolhardy enough to brave the inner plains and upper plateaus. Unfortunately, the risks involved in building permanent infrastructure have had a big effect on this shard.

Those outsiders who dare venture forth into the untamed plains and plateaus of Ax'Aria may find some meager reward in it, but the real action lies in The Gauntlet. The bravest warriors from the Shards and most of the known world journey forth to test their strength and cunning in this truly outrageously sized battle arena. Thousands each month are brave enough to even come witness this spectacle, but many, many fewer are brave enough to partake in it.

The warlords of Ax'Regaal and Ax'Oloth often dream of uniting the tribes and creating a truly powerful force to be reckoned with. However, the constant infighting and petty skirmishing may prove this a harder challenge than worth.

Interesting Things About Ax'Aria

  • In Ax'Aria, there is no official government. There are a collection of tribes and smaller cities with no overarching authority.
  • Ax'Arians believe that burying their dead is a waste of their body, and by extension, a disgrace to their memory. A keepsake of the dead is commemorated but their bodies are usually turned into fertilizer.
  • While travel in the rest of Ax'Aria comes with risk, outsiders are permitted into Ax'Regaal in order to facilitate trade.


Capital City: Pearlport
Sovereign: Queen Maxime Enthulas
Noted For: Pearlstone, arcana, invention, fashion

Previously an unclaimed landmass, Enthala was founded almost 400 years ago when explorer Maxime Enthulas set out looking for unfound glory and wonder. And when she found it, she leveraged her position to unify the gnomish and halfling tribes of the Shard and start a new nation.

In the next 400 years, Enthala grew into an economic powerhouse. The quality of living for those who had previously lived nomadic or tribal lifestyles improved dramatically. And with it, culture followed. The citizens of Enthala spent their wealth on their craft, and the quality of their labours shows in every stitch and every cog of their creations. Pearlport's opulence glows like a beacon in the north.

Unfortunately, not all beacons attract only wanted attention. In the past, Shab Ah has conducted numerous raids on Enthala in an attempt to gain a foothold for pearlstone production. While no significant attacks have occurred in the past 30 years, the rise of militarism in Shab Ah leaves many Enthalans on edge.

Interesting Things About Enthala

  • The Tinkerer's Guild in Tinkerton offers and upholds patent protection on unique contraptions.
  • Pearlport is the fashion capital of Arducia. Aspiring designers and models flock from the civilized lands to revel in the newest looks.
  • Giant otters are native to the river lands of Enthala.


Capital City: Orange Tree / Omyvelian
Sovereign: High Priestess Thia Cerys
Noted For: Emberwood, theology / Logging, impunity

It's true that there is contention over land ownership in Jakar. When settlers from Lucidia arrived, they were welcomed by the sun elves with open arms, Unfortunately, the mostly human settlers leveraged this generosity and began to cut away at the Ember Expanse. Additionally, the colonists have declared their half of the island as their territory. The High Priestess in Orange Tree does not recognzie this declaration.

Life in East Jakar, or Jakar, as the original inhabitats call it, is one filled with piety and the arcane. Most residents are expected to attend weekly worship, and you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who wasn't practicing. The lands of Jakar and the Ember Expanse are arcanically enriched, offering unusually fertile lands and the wonder of emberwood.

In opposition to this, life in West Jakar is wholistically human. They live meager and mundane lives, taking whatever opportunities they can to disrespect the unofficial border to cut deeper into the Ember Expanse. They've used this industry to form a pact with Shab Ah, sending precious emberwood back across the strait in exchange for Flux connection.

The true Jakarians are justifiably angry at these circumstances, and tensions between the two sides have escalated in recent years. Will Shab Ah come to West Jakars defense in the growing conflict? Only time will tell.

Interesting Things About Jakar

  • Emberwood, found uniquelly in the forests of the Ember Expanse, is highly aesthetic and burns uniquely well.
  • The Jakarian Forest Defense handles patrol and defense of the forests of the Ember Expanse.
  • The lands in eastern Jakar feature unique arcane properties, including increased growth rates and crop yields, and even areas where the connection to the Feywild is thin.


Capital City: Scarborough
Sovereign: King Randal Silverlake
Noted For: Textiles, lumber, agriculture, architecture

The average Nyonian way of life is a simple one, but sometimes the simplest things in life bring you the greatest pleasures. Most citizens of Nyon spend their time farming or down at the pub, but there's nothing wrong in a mundane life.

Conversely, life in Scarborough is an interesting one. Due to being situated on Blacktide Bay, Scarborough enjoys all the negatives of piracy which seem to negate almost all of the positives a bay city should offer. Trade is hamstrung by this imbalance. Nevertheless, Scarborough reflects a higher level of economic boon than the rest of Nyon, and its unique style of brickwork architecture makes it an attractive site for tourism.

Is it better to live in the mundane or try to strike out your own fortune in the big city? Are the risks worth an escape from normality? These are the questions that plague the average Nyonian.

Interesting Things About Nyon

  • Nyon, and Scarborough in particular, is world renowed for its fantastical brickwork architecture. Tourists from all over come to see the Great Cathedral of Vanderburg.
  • This shard is home to most of the textile industry in Arducia, and its weavers are renowed across the shard lands for the quality of their stitching.
  • The infamous gang of pirates known as the Stormborn originated from the ports of Scarborough.


Capital City: Lapidontis
Sovereign:: Kings Alexander and Silas Hallivard
Noted For: Mining, arcana, technomagic, art

A man in brightly colored robes strolls down the causeway, a mechanical eyepiece affixed to his head. Around him, the towering skyscrapers of the Everlights glimmer in the reflection of the southern sun. He heads downtown, passing by clockwork guards to enter into a travel pod to whisk him away to work on the other side of the city.

For the average Primarian, this way of life is a reality. Lucidia enjoys an advanced quality of life, due mostly in fact that they were the first shard to receive connection to the Flux Network. High fantasy and tech join together in this cultural mixing pot. Cogwork guards, magic skyscrapers, and public transporation are an average sight thanks to Flux Batteries.

However, every great empire has its dark past. Most citizens know of the Alabaster Conquests, but less remember what it was like to life in the times when Lucidia was still three states. Fewer weren't so happy in the change of leadership. Regardless, the diarchs of Lucidia work hard to repair relations and strengthen the bonds that make this region unique.

Interesting Things about Lucidia

  • Lucidia is the seat of the Federated Union of the Shard Lands.
  • Lucidia is ruled by two kings, also known as a Diarchy.
  • Lucidia enjoys a high concentration of magitech infrastructure, including things such as vending machines.

Shab Ah

Capital City: Yon Varkal
Sovereign: General Drathori Gra-Ah
Noted For: Militarism, mining, pride, strength

Strength, Honor, Unity; these are the tenets that the average Shaban lives by. If you live honorably, show no weakness, and are prepared to die for your country, you will fit in just fine in Shab Ah.

This shard has suffered the economic consequences due to lack of resources, but most of its citizens are too proud to admit they've been defeated - Especially by the land! Most would die in squalor then move away, as giving up would be a shame to their ancestors and to their family.

The military in Shab Ah recently grew tired with the previous governments pacifist policies, and have overthrown the government. A new age of hope dawns in Shab Ah - one penned in blood.

Interesting Things About Shab Ah

  • The Wyvern Riders of Shab Ah are a unique aerial military unit renowned for their combat prowess.
  • Sulfur, used in the production of black powder, is found in high quantities in the hills of The Tail.
  • Dragonborn frequently use the scales of deceased family members to turn into armor as a sign of respect and remembrance.


Capital City: Portsmouth
Sovereign: King Thorin Holderhek
Noted For: Mining, industry, family

If there's one thing a Tormirian knows, its that family comes first. You would be hard pressed to find someone more devout, caring, and considerate of those they call their kin than your average citizen of Tormire. And this shows in every fiber of their society, as generations of families live together in unity, perfecting their craft and increasing their industry.

When Cornelius Tormire first arrived in this land some thousand odd years ago, he brought with him the dwarven spirit and ingenuity. Burrowing deep into The Teeth, he discovered veins of adamantine and mythril so rich they continue to drive industry in the region to this day.

The dwarven spirit and bonds truly make Tormire a prosperous nation. And Tormire will never forget the enormous debt they owe to Vayune for bailing them out from the effects of Blightwinter.

Interesting Things about Tormire

  • Deepcrag, the industrial mining center of Tormire, is a vertical city built around a massive cylindrical mineshaft.
  • Tormire suffered heavy consequences from the Blightwinter, a particularly rare and devastating winter season, and thanks to the generosity of Vayune, they were able avoid starvation.
  • Portsmouth is the western-most city in the Shards, which benefits from unique trade activity from Ondrestria.


Capital City: Blackport
Sovereign: King Tamlin Blackthorn
Noted For: Agriculture, fishing, joviality, the arts

A lust for life makes an incredibly big mark on the Vayunan way of life, and this is evident in every facet of their culture. All work and no play makes Johnny a sad boy, but not a happier boy you'll find than one from this shard. Vayunans know how to work hard and play harder, and after working all day in the fields, they like to kick back, relax, and have a casual festival.

"It may be a pirates life for you, but it's not a pirates life for me."" "They may steal our gold, they can never steal our spirit." These are common phrases you may overhear a Vayunan say, a reflection of their attitude. Like most cities on Blacktide Bay, Blackport is no stranger to piracy. While some may turn to a criminals life, most people are happy enough to go about their day, preferring the life of a labourer or a musician.

Vayune is a highlight of some of the best the shards have to offer. Their good will, their indomitable spirit, and their jovial nature make the citizens of this shard a true wonder to be around.

Interesting Things About Vayune

  • Vardonne's College of the Arts in Zancaster offers unique learning experiences in music, art, and theater.
  • Vayune benefits from magic energy in the soil in much the same way as Jakar for increased crop yield and reduced growth times.
  • The Port Authority, a joint effort between Vayune and Nyon, headquarters in the capital of Blackport. They attempt to enforce maritime control over Blacktide Bay.

Everyday Life

There are many other facets to culture that you may not need to know, but you may want to know. Here are some fun tidbits about some of the differences of life in Arducia, including things like calendar and coinage.

The Okazian Calendar

The previous age of man, the Age of Discovery, saw humanoids rise to great heights of power and invention. Unfortunately, that all came to end on 000 SA when attempts to harness the Phlogiston proved cataclysmically fatal. It sundered the continent of Arducia into shards, taking with it the most intelligent life on the continent and ending the First Age of Man.

The calendar denotes years since then in SA, standing for the Second Age of Man. The current year is 1304 SA.

The months of the year are named after a variety of things; from mythological figures, to certain seasonal attributes;

  1. Aumpori
  2. Penumbra
  3. Frosmelt
  4. Raxil
  5. Blossomtide
  6. Highsun
  7. Solari
  8. Utali
  9. Redleaf
  10. Harvest
  11. Harrowing
  12. Chillwind
  13. Lastlight


While most of the nations of the Shards once had many different currencies, trade metals, and coinage, an economic standard has arisen due to ease of trade. While each country's mint may imprint coins differently, the values, weights, and metals have standarized across Arducia.

  • The copper flake (CP) is the lowest denomination of currency used in the Shards.
  • The silver chip (SP), worth 10 flakes, is what an unskilled labourer could expect to make for a day's work.
  • The golden shard (GP) is usually imprinted with the faces of the various sovereigns of Arducia.
  • The platinum chunk (PP), valued at one hundred silver chips, is used mainly by the wealthy and merchants. It is unlikely that the average peasant would ever handle one of these precious coins.


When Maxime Enthulas first ventured forth into land that would eventually become Enthala, she had no idea what impact her discovery would have on civilization. When archmage Azula Laguna began experimenting with the technology to draw energy out of the Conflux, Pearlstone, arcanically conductive rock which runs richly through The Claws, became a vital component of the Flux Network.

Channeling Stations, located in Imperium, Pearlport, Yon Varkal, and Hardar, siphon concentrated magical energy from the Conflux for distribution through the Flux Conduits. This highly volatile magical essence is distributed across most of Arducia, breathing life to machines and constructs, powering magical inventions, and even enhancing the arcane abilities to those who are allowed to attune to it.

Access to and management of the Flux Network is handled by the Flux Authority, founded in 164 CRA by none other than the archmage himself. To become licensed to access the network, one must

  • Have not ever committed any grave crimes, and not been sentenced to any minor crimes in the past three months
  • Show arcane skill
  • And pass a knowledge test of all the rules and regulations of the Flux Network

Once licensed, you are entitled to a Flux Attunement Bracer, or fab, which allows you to establish connection to a Conduit within range. Connection to a conduit grants enhancements to your spells or abilities at the Dungeon Master's discretion.

Flux has many other uses besides empowering personal spells. Siphon batteries affixed to automatons, machines, vehicles, and buildings allow them to draw energy from the network to empower them with a multitude of magical effects. These allow for various magical properties, such as animation, levitation, speed, and countless other ways to change the arcane properties of whatever theses siphons are attached to.

Not everyone plays by the rules, however, and the Flux Network is no stranger to nefarious activities. Criminals frequently break into storehouses of bracers in attempts to circumvent the law. And while these bracers have no effect until properly attuned to the network, some criminals have become uniquely skilled at hijacking connection to the Network in a process called Node Jacking. A criminal is dangerous enough on their own, but a criminal with Flux Power is not a force to be trifled with.

Distant Lands

This document focuses mainly on Arducia and its core culture, but Arducia is just one continent of many on Okazia, and some adventures may be tempted to visit these distant lands. Here is so interesting information about the other lands of Okazia.


In Aoen, one might...

  • Visit the Whisperwood Forest to commune with a long dead ancestor.
  • Visit the gravity-defying great falls of Aoen, which cascade both into and out of the ocean below.
  • Learn about the culture of the mysterious Elowarin elves who inhabit this land.

The floating continent of Aoen is the ancestral home
of all elves on Okazia, and the only home to the mysterious Elowarin elves. Its lands are home to the strange and mystical Whisperwood, bioluminescent trees which
are fabled to contain the souls of long dead elves. This continent's largest and most unique city, Aethori, is built around the base of an ancient and massive Whisperwood tree. The light quality of this wood makes it an excellent material for the construction of aeroships, but due to its cultural significance, harvesting of whisperwood is highly regulated and protected.

In Aoen, spirituality and connection to the land flow through every part of their civilization. They hold the land sacred, and those that defile it carelessly hold no respect in the eyes of an Aoen. Civilization in Aoen is older than most, and they're much more keen on keeping out of the affairs and conflcits of others. Because the last time they got into conflict, they had to pull their island from the sea.


In Aquaas, one might...

  • Discover the secrets of a lost civilization
  • Meet fabled races and creatures
  • Visit the beautiful coral reefs that surround Aquaas

What little is known about Aquaas comes from the legendary accounts of those who managed to find it. Like most who come back from adventure, those who returned from Aquaas had great things to say about its features.

Some accounts say that Aquaas is a land that marveled in technological and arcane prowess, having contraptions and inventions that would turn the heads of even those in Lucidia - without flux aiding them. Some explorers talk of the Grand Reefs that surround Aquaas, the breathtaking amount of biodiversity and mythological creatures that existed within its expanse. Mermaids, tritons, even sirens were a commonplace occurrence.

Unfortunately, those who've returned after visiting have not been able to accurately map the location of Aquaas, despite swearing they took adequate notes. Are these explorers mistaken, or is Aquaas truly a land of mystery?


In the Umbralands, one might...

  • Explore the ruins of collapsed settlements who made the bold choice to try to harsh the Umbras.
  • Fight the horde of the undead, or try to avoid getting consumed by the Umbra beasts.
  • Find the Dread Lord's lair and try to bring down the corrupt lord of the Umbralands.

Far south of Arducia, deep in the Noctis Ocean lies a land of ruin and hopelessness. Adventurers beware, for all those who have tried to strike out an existence here have ended up dead or fleeing. Still, if you are brave enough to venture on forth, you may discover treasures of adventurers or settlements of the past.

For up to three months of the year, the entirety of the Umbralands is plunged into endless night. Undead and horrifying aberrations roam the land, but none truly match the terror of the Umbra Beasts. Accounts of these horrifying creatures vary, as few have ever survived an encoutner with one.

If the dreaded populous of the Umbralands wasn't enough to drive you away, the hostile conditions might. Pools of acid and necrotic liquids dot the landscape, which in turn make for some pretty dreadful storm conditions. The Umbralands are not for the faint of heart.


In Dwemderia, one might...

  • Visit the Dwarven port city of Deep Harbor and learn about the origins of Dwarven culture.
  • Explore the scorching sands of the Ashurum Desert or get lost in the Arid Badlands
  • Take a trip to the mythical gem of the desert, Oasis. Is it real, or are all tales hallucinations?

Once home to a dense jungle rivaling Ordrestria, the Dwemderian mainland have been mostly cleared out over the centuries from the expansion of the dwarven kingdom. Most dwarves in Okazia originated from Dwemderia, and culture here is recognizable to any who have experienced the culture of Tormire. Other than dwarves, Dwemestria is home to various nomadic races, including: gnomes, halflings, and humans.

In the southern half of Dwemderia lies the Arid Badlands. Scorching heats and lack of water make venturing into the sands dangerous. Tales speak of a wondrous city deep in the Badlands, but nobody be can certain if its not a mirage.


In Frigidis, one might...

  • Die from the cold
  • Discover what secrets lie in the frozen tundra
  • Track a white dragon to its lair and hope to best them.

It's really, really cold. The days are chilly, the nights are frostier, nd nothing but the vast expanse of white stretches into the horizon. Can you brave the tundra for long lost secrets, track down a white dragon and hope that your blade swings true, or will you succumb to the cold?


In Ordrestria, one might...

  • Get lost in the jungle searching for crystals that make exceptionally good siphon batteries.
  • Explore the Ordrestrian Jungle and discover the ancient tribes of Yuan-Ti, Kamelon, and other dangerous jungle dwelling races.
  • Attempt to find the long lost jungle palace of Ozuril the Demilich

Underneath a dense jungle canopy lies the continent of Ordrestria. Home to a variety of lizards, snakes, and other beastfolk, Ordrestria is a land of intrigue and exploration. Those who ventures in the jungle can explore ruins and temples, or go on the prowl for rare crystals that break through the ground into the jungle floor.

However, horrors lurk deep within the jungle. The wildlife is dangerous, and sometimes it feels like even the jungle is trying to kill you. But above all else, the evil lair of the Demilich Khazrak is hidden here. What horrors lie within, and could the Demilich still be alive?


Image Page 1 - Artist Name Missing


Image Page 2 - https://longfordpc.com/explore/ship-clipart-caravel/

Image Page 3 - Map, mine, generated by Wonderdraft

Image Page 5 https://www.pngkey.com/detail/u2e6a9w7w7e6a9q8_fepr-wyvern-rider-dragon/

Image Page 6 https://www.onlinelabels.com/clip-art/lute-2-109429.htm

Image Page 8 Kwanbo Kim - Yggdrasil The Elven City https://aristol.artstation.com/albums/936418

Image Page 10 https://kiikiibee.tumblr.com

Image Page 11 http://clipart-library.com/clipart/742112.htm


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