Gifts from Ravnica

by u/waldorf6
Tome of the Guildpact
Wonderous Item, Rare
This withered book is one the of few remaining physical copies of what was once known as the guildpact until the living guildpact was accepted as the new rule in Ravnica.
The book contains the basic information about the guilds, connections, guild leaders (some might have changed) and general history of Ravnica as a whole. It also contains the magical binding rules of the guildpact that prevents war between the guilds (the magic is now transferred to the living guildpact).
When you make any intelligence check to find information relevant to Ravnica, you gain advantage and a +5 bonus to the roll if you hold the book in your hand (the book opens a relevant page to your desired topic to aid you).

Mizzium Armor Coating
Wonderous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement)
The pulsating orange semi metallic orb with textures moving on the surface surges with unstable power.
Can be applied to a heavy or medium armor, or applied directly to skin. When used in this manner, the orb is consumed an can not be used again.
When applied to the armor, it becomes a Mizzium coated armor. The armor and coating only requires one attunement. While you're wearing the armor, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. In addition, when you are subjected to a magical effect that allows you to make a Strength or Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw.
When applied to skin, it offers the same bonuses but it is known to have some unexpected side effects.

Prophetic Prism
Wonderous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement or needs to be merged with a staff that requires attunement)
When you cast a spell of first level or higher, the spell is cast at one level higher than the level of spell slot you have used. This does not stack with similar effects.
The Propethic Prism can be upgraded by combining it with a Sol Ring. When the Sol Ring rotates around the prism, your spells are cast at three levels higher than the spell slot you have used to cast the spell.

Sol Ring
Wonderous Item, Legendary (requires attunement or needs to be merged with a staff that requires attunement)
When you cast a spell of first level or higher, the spell is cast at two levels higher than the level of spell slot you have used. This does not stack with similar effects.

Fleetfeather Sandals
Wonderous Item, Rare (requires attunement or needs to be merged with boots that requires attunement)
While you are attuned to the sandals and wearing them, you have flight speed equal to twice your walking speed. When merged with the boots, the boots and wings only requires single attunement.

Black Lotus
Wonderous Item, Legendary
As an action, you can consume the black lotus to regain your highest level expended spell slot.
Alternatively when you consume the black lotus as a part of casting a spell, the spell is cast at 9th level. If it requires a saving throw, the targets have disadvantage on the saving throw. If the spell requires an attack roll, you have advantage on the attack roll.

Golem's Heart
Wonderous Item, Rare
When crafting a golem, Golem's Heart can be used as a core that counts as half the material cost for the construction of the golem. Alternatively, you can attach the Golem's Heart to an existing construct. The target gains sentience if it does not already have it. At the beginning of the construct's turn, it regains 2d10 hit points.
Elixir of Immortality
Wonderous Item, Legendary
When consumed, the target is paralyzed for 1 week. At the end of this duration, the target makes a constitution saving throw (DC:15) On a failure, the target dies and an orange rose blooms inside it's heart. The rose can be used to brew a new elixir of immortality. On a success, the target gains the following properties.
- Target regains 1 hitpoint every minute.
- If the target loses a body part, it regrows within 1d4 days.
- The target is immune to disease and poisoned condition and poison damage.
- Target stops aging and can not be aged by magical means.
- If target dies, it returns to life within 1d4 days with any missing limbs regrown. If no body is left, a new body regrows randomly within one mile of the location of death in 1d10 days.
- The target no longer requires food, water or air.

All the credit on the artworks belongs to the respective artists and Wizards of The Coast, Magic the gathering.
More info about the artists on: Art of MTG