The Pilot Class

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Throbbing with excitement, a gnome pulls the trigger, unloading his new contraption. Screaming with tears of joy as the device seems to work, he sends a stream of lead from the barrel of his repeater straight into the mob of enraged ghouls, putting them to final rest.

With haste, a dwarf shifts the gear of his trusty machine to quickly shove himself in front of a rampaging giant, giving his friends so much needed time to escape. With quick wits he deflects a massive blow, which could be fatal to anyone not covered in a 5 inch layer of brass.

Deafened by the roar of trumpets and war drums, a dragonborn enters her armoured titan. The machine closes tightly and blocks some of the noise, but it still rings in her ears and the cause now is right in front of her, as she commands a charge, to defend her city and her people against hostile invaders.

Sometimes soldiers, other times just explorers or adventurers born with a wrench in their hands. Each and every one of them bound to their towering Colossus. A machine of brass, magic and science combined. They spend their whole lives to become the best in this trade.

Mechanical Menace

Pilot without his trusty machine nearby truly is an uncommon sight and for many good reasons. Trained form ground up to work in tandem with their suit of armour and well versed in both arcana and science they use their knowledge to harness its full potential. Most suits come stocked with heavy weaponry and tailor made equipment to handle any situation. Combining this powerful armament and their experience there is really no challenge those daredevils would not overcome.

Explorers with a Purpose

Most pilots when not actively serving the military forces of their nation become sent as and expedition forces, to scout for new lands and bring reports from around the realm. Thanks to their second skin of brass, they take up and fulfill gravely dangerous missions in places where no one would succeed at, a lifestyle such similar to that of an adventurer. Of course some pilots may be independent, self learned geniuses whose suit of armour was jury rigged and made all by themselves, although this takes place much less often.

Creating a Pilot

As you build you Pilot, think about the event which turned her on this life path. Living as a pilot is a dangerous vocation and you should always keep that in mind. Was she fascinated about the great, shiny Colossus's plates of the local military and decided to join in? Trained her whole life to be where she stands now? Maybe she is a self learned tinkerer, who crafted her first experimental armour in the basement, in secrecy.

Are you tasked with a special mission to be turned over to your supervisor or just a vagabond, an exiled scientist in a tin can, exploring riches of the world? Whatever you choose, remember that pilots are not just warriors. You are a highly skilled technical specialist, who is not afraid to push the boundaries of our knowledge.

Let your character think about Colossus as a person, her best friend. Did she came across it by accident, scavenging forgotten ruins? Someone of importance might gave it to her as a parting gift perhaps?

Quick Build

You can make a pilot by following these suggestions. First make Intelligence your highest score, followed by Dexterity or Wisdom. Second, choose the Soldier or Guild Artisan background.

Art Credit:
Blizzard Entertainment
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Heavy Munitions Auxiliaries
1st +2 Colossus, Pilot Action
2nd +2 Handling Regime, Auxiliary Systems 2
3rd +2 Pilot License, Heavy Ordnance 3 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 2
5th +3 Independent Aiming 4 2
6th +3 License Feature 4 2
7th +3 Plating Efficiency 5 2
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 2
9th +4 License Feature 6 2
10th +4 Auxiliary Systems 6 4
11th +4 License Feature 7 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 4
13th +5 Plating Efficiency 7 4
14th +5 License Feature 8 4
15th +5 Hustle 8 4
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8 4
17th +6 License Feature 9 4
18th +6 Auxiliary Systems 9 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 9 6
20th +6 License Feature 10 6

Class Features

As a pilot, you gain the following class features:

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per pilot level
Hit Points at 1st level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per pilot level after 1st.


Armor: Light and Medium
Weapon: Simple weapons, shortswords, hand crossbows
Tools: Tinker's Tools, one other type of artisan tools
Vehicles: Land vehicles

Saving Throws: Intelligence and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from: Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Perception, Persuasion and Sleight of Hand


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • a leather armour
  • (a) a shortsword or (b) a crossbow and 20 bolts
  • a dagger and a hand crossbow
  • a case with 20 bolts
  • an explorer's pack
  • a set of Tinker's tools
  • a Metal Plating for your Colossus


Starting at 1st level you acquire a basic, steam powered, mechanical land vehicle know as Colossus. You are treated as being proficient in this vehicle. Colossus is a medium sized, humanoid shaped construction of brass, pipes and engines. It is fit for one pilot of size medium or smaller.
Its statistics are as follows:

Hit Points at 1st level: 20 + your Intelligence modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 7 + your Intelligence modifier per pilot level beyond the 1st
Speed 30 feet (walking)
Base Armour Class: 13
Strength: 21(+5)
Dexterity: 10(+0)
Constitution: 25(+7)

While you are inside the Colossus it takes full damage from all attacks and effects that would target you unless its psychic damage, which bypasses the robot's defenses completely and damages the pilot.
While Colossus is a subject to a saving throw you use its physical statistics (Strength, Dexterity or Constitution) when making a save. Saving throws which require Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma use your attributes.
Colossus is immune to most conditions besides Grapple, Restrained, Incapacitated, Petrified, and Prone, but it will reflect some conditions upon you if you fail corresponding saving throw and it makes sense in this situation (for example Blindness or Deafness).
Colossus is also immune to poison damage.

Colossus can hold any single weapon in each of its two appendages as long as it meets the appendage requirements. An appendage cannot hold a shield of any kind. Attaching or detaching a weapon requires Tinker's Tools use and 10 minutes of work (half if proficient). Weapons attached to appendages cannot be disarmed by any means. Your Colossus has 2 basic appendages but certain Pilot License features can change this. Colossus is proficient in any weapon that can be mounted on its appendage.

Appendage Types

  • Light appendage can hold any light weapon or wand
  • Basic appendage can hold any weapon that is not heavy or two handed, can also hold a staff or a rod
  • Versatile appendage can hold any weapon that is not heavy or two handed, Versatile weapons are treated as being held in two hands
  • Heavy appendage can hold any weapon

Colossus's appendages are not suitable for using bows, but can be equipped with wands or staves if pilot is able to attune to them. Any weapon attack your Colossus makes adds your Intelligence modifier instead of Strength or Dexterity to calculate attack and damage modifiers.

When your Colossus falls below 1/4 of its maximum hit points it enters danger zone. At the start of your next turn you and your Colossus suffer 1d4 points of fire damage which cannot be reduced in any way. This damage is then doubled on each turn until Colossus regains hit points over 1/4 of its maximum or is destroyed.

When Colossus's hit points are reduced to 0 while it is in danger zone, it becomes destroyed and explodes dealing 4d6 fire damage in 15 foot area centered on it (double damage to creature currently piloting). All creatures are required to make a dexterity saving throw to halve this damage. Pilot cannot make this save, and is immediately shoved 5 feet away and prone. When reduced to 0 hit points, Colossus does not need to make death saving throws, but it needs basic repairs (DC 15 Tinker's Tools check) before its hit points can increase over 0.

On your turn you can use your action to enter lockdown. During lockdown, Colossus becomes Incapacitated but damage from danger zone stops and it won't explode if destroyed during lockdown. This state can be ended by using an action.
Colossus reacts to magic normally, like any creature allowing it to be healed by spells, but complex magical machinery disallows pilot to use it's spell casting features while remaining inside.

Pilot Action

Also starting at 1st level you can pilot Colossus by spending your actions. By using and action you grant an action to your Colossus, bonus action to grant it bonus action and reaction to grant it a reaction. Entering or leaving it is an action which ends your current turn. While piloting you can always move your Colossus up to it's speed without using your own move, but unless you leave it, your speed is set to 0.

Handling Regime

At 2nd level you fully incorporate a basic routine in your pilot training, reflecting your approach to this vocation. Choose one from below:

Protective polish

You always work extra to keep your machine in top notch condition. Once per long rest you can spend half an hour of work to clean and conserve a Colossus to grant it temporary hit points equal to twice your pilot level.

Cutting edge

You focus entirely on maintaining peak performance of your weaponry. You gain a Performance Die: a d6. Once per long rest you can spend half an hour of work honing and sharpening a weapon or ammunition. When it was treated this way, a Performance Die can be added to weapon's damage on one successful attack. Your Performance Die increases to d8 at 6th level, to d10 at 14th level.


Full speed is all you ever need. Once per long rest you can spend half an hour of work to overclock the movement systems in your Colossus. You can then push your machine to a higher gear during one of your turns and add 5 feet to its speed. This bonus ends at the beginning of your next turn. Speed bonus increases to 10 feet at 10th level.

Auxiliary Systems

Also at 2nd level you upgrade your Colossus with additional hardware. You gain two Auxiliaries of your choice for which requirements you meet from the list at the end of this handbook. Auxiliary Systems are additional components for your Colossus. You can select another two Auxiliaries at level 10th and at level 18th. Each Auxiliary System can only be chosen once, unless it is written otherwise in its description.

Pilot License

After attaining 3rd level your basic training is now over and you acquire your pilot license. This allows you to start upgrading your Colossus to a more popular and powerful model. Choose one from Rattler, Bruiser, Lifter, Firebug, Bastion or Watchman. Your choice grants you additional features at levels 6th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 20th.

Roleplaying your license

Your license might not only be a gateway to new subclass. A set of documents signed by local authorities could be granted to your character, in recognition of her skills. Perhaps after completing an examination of her competence as an engineer and mechanized combatant. Ask your Dungeon Master if any faction within the game world could provide you and respect such license. This could present an opportunity to gain new allies. Or more foes. Being a rightful owner of a mechanized "fantasy tank" could even grant some mechanical boons like advantages on skill checks when dealing with similar machinery. Your character studied to drive a Colossus for their lifetime, just like a wizard studies to become a master of magic. Make this a pillar of your character development.

Heavy Ordnance

Also at 3rd level your Colossus gains a special weapon system, dependent on your choice of Pilot License. You can use one piece of Heavy Munition to activate your Heavy Ordnance. Once per long rest you can spend an hour of work with Tinkers Tools and amount of gold equal to the number of crafted ammunition to craft amount of Heavy Munitions equal to your current maximum, indicated by the pilot leveling table.
Some pilot class features require you to make an attack roll or your target to make a saving throw to resist their effects. Those are calculated as follows:

Heavy Ordnance save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Heavy Ordnance attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Independent Aiming

At 5th level you master basic controls of your robot. Any time you use Pilot Action to make an attack with one of Colossus's appendages or use your Heavy Ordnance feature, you can use your bonus action to attack with one of appendages that wasn't already used in this turn.

Plating Efficiency

Starting at 7th level you start to upgrade your battle hardened Colossus with serious protection to tackle even harder tasks. Your Colossus can now equip Tier 2 Hull. At level 13th when you get this feature again you can equip your Colossus with the best protection – Tier 3 Hull.


At 15th level you've mastered all piloting procedures to get out of the danger as quickly as possible. You can now enter or leave your Colossus as a reaction to it or yourself suffering damage.

Art Credit:
Valve Corporation

Pilot Licenses


Rattler is a popular model amongst novice pilots, thanks to its straightforward and balanced features. Often shunned for its scrappy appearance. This model is especially loved by goblin tinkerers, which spent a collective lifetime in modernizing this machine in their own, mostly dangerous, ways.

Heavy Ordnance: Goblin Repeater

At 3rd level your Colossus gains a shoulder mounted, gunpowder based contraption which allows to carpet battlefield in massive amounts of lead. Goblin Repeater targets a point within 50 feet and then peppers an area of 5 feet radius around it with lightning fast projectiles. Creatures need to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Heavy Ordnance DC or take 2d4 piercing damage. Half of that amount if save was successful. Damage of your Goblin Repeater increases to 4d4 at level 9th, 8d4 at level 14th and to 10d4 at level 20th.

Leaper Module

At level 6th your modernize the bottom of your Colossus to help Rattler in moving on uneven ground. Your Colossus can always jump full distance without moving and increases it's jump length and height by 10 feet.

Pack Rat

At level 9th you accommodate empty spaces in your model for additional cargo. Your Colossus gains additional 100 lbs of carrying capacity.

Strafe Run

At level 11th if your Colossus moves at least 10 feet in one direction you can target a 5 feet wide, 20 feet long line with your Goblin Repeater instead. Starting point of this line needs to be within 50 feet.

More Dakka!

At 14th level you increase the maximum number of Heavy Munitions you can carry by 2.

Scrapyard Shield

At 17th level you can scrap anything that comes by and use it to increase protection levels of your Rattler. When your Colossus takes damage equal to your pilot level or lesser it takes no damage instead. Once you use this feature you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Bullet Storm

At 20th level you've mastered the ultimate technique, passed down by the most grizzled Rattler pilots. By spending 4 pieces of Heavy Munitions and spinning wildly you can target a 50 feet wide circular area around your Colossus and select any number of creatures within this area to make a Dexterity saving throw versus your Heavy Ordnance DC or suffer the usual damage. Once you use this feature you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.


A powerful model designed for offensive, especially close combat fights. It's unique equipment bolsters unmatched fighting versatility and stopping power. Able to carry the heaviest weapons and attack from surprising ranges, Bruiser delivers a final charge with its Pneumatic Hammer to pass through obstacles and swiftly end a fight.

Heavy Ordnance: Pneumatic Hammer

At 3rd level your Colossus gains a heavy duty melee weapon mounted below one of its appendages. Pneumatic Hammer allows its user to make a single melee attack dealing 2d10 bludgeoning damage. Target needs to make a strength saving throw or be shoved 5 feet away or prone (your choice). Pneumatic Hammer always deals critical hits to structures. Damage of your Pneumatic increases to 3d10 at level 9th, 4d10 at level 14th and to 5d10 at level 20th.
Additionally, you can upgrade one of your appendages to versatile.

Heavy Fighter

At level 6th you can upgrade your Colossus's appendages. Choose one: upgrade one basic appendage to versatile or upgrade one versatile appendage to heavy.

Inertia Thrusters

At level 9th you install additional steam throttle to increase mobility of your Bruiser. Its speed increases by 10 feet.

Pneumatic Override

At level 11th your pneumatic technology is so well rounded that you upgraded your Colossus's appendages granting them Pneumatic Overrides. When you make a melee weapon attack with one of your appendages you can spend one Heavy Munitions to increase its reach by 5 feet. When you make a ranged weapon attack, you can instead double its range using Heavy Munitions the same way.

Weapon Expert

At 14th level you are able to optimize weapon racks in your Colossus to instantly switch one weapon. You can now mount two weapons on a single appendage. Colossus can then switch between them with single item manipulation action.

Lightning Charge

At 17th level you are able to utilize momentum to charge your Pneumatic Hammer, When you move at least 30 feet in one direction you can use Pneumatic Hammer without spending Heavy Munitions.


At 20th level when you use your Heavy Ordnance feature to attack with your Colossus's Pneumatic Hammer, you can instead slam it down to pummel the ground and produce a disruptive shockwave. Choose any number of creatures up to 15 feet away from Bruiser. They have to make a Dexterity saving throw versus your Heavy Ordnance DC or be shoved prone and take half of your Pneumatic hammer damage. Once you use this feature you need to finish a long rest to be able to use it again.


This model was originally designed with hauling luggage between cities and manage store rooms. Some controversial modifications were made in certain versions in attempt to weaponize this concept although they are not a common sight. Still, if equipped correctly, Lifter model can excel at battlefield control if such need ever rises.

Heavy Ordnance: Monkey Grip

At 3rd level your Colossus gains a wrist mounted grappling gun. Monkey Grip can target a creature or object within 30 feet and force them to make a Dexterity saving throw versus your Heavy Ordnance DC or become gripped. Gripped creatures are also grappled unless their size is greater than large. Creatures can repeat this saving throw to escape your grip during their respective turns. A successful grip allows you to do one of the following as the part of the same action:
Reel: Move grappled opponent up to 10 feet in your direction.
Dash: Move yourself up to 10 feet towards gripped target.
Gripping with Monkey Grip does not make you lose a piece of heavy munitions unless you choose to Reel or Dash.

You also are able to adapt by acquiring more additional Auxiliaries than other models. Each time a class features gives you an access to two new Auxiliaries, you can choose three instead. You can also select an additional Auxiliary the moment you acquire this pilot license.

Quick Reel

At level 6th you upgrade your Lifter's line system. Reel and Dash actions are increased to 15 feet in length and maximum range within which you can use Monkey Grip doubles.

Heavy Lifting

At level 9th level your Colossus gain a secondary Monkey Grip launcher. If you use your Heavy Ordnance during your turn, you can make a second grip attempt on another target by using a bonus action. This also allows your Colossus to grip up to 2 creatures at once.

Lightning Rod

At level 11th if any creature gripped or restrained by your Colossus, takes 2d6 lighting damage on the beginning of its turn. This damage increases to 3d6 at level 14th and to 4d6 at level 20th.

Working Machine

At 14th level you can push your machine to the extremes and use a bonus action give your Colossus advantage on Strength based skill checks until the end of current turn.

Shackle Shot

At 17th level you can bind multiple targets together. After successfully grappling a creature with your Heavy Ordnance feature you can attempt a Shackle Shot instead of using Dash or Reel. You can choose another creature within 30 feet of the one you have just grappled, expend a piece of Heavy Munition and end the grapple. They both need to make another Dexterity saving throw versus your Heavy Ordnance DC or become restrained. You can also Shackle a single creature to any solid surface within 30 feet.

Monkey Agility

At 20th level you can fluidly operate your Monkey Grip on the move. Your Reel and Dash actions are increased to 30 feet in length. Additionally, you can use your bonus action and one piece of Heavy Munition to move your Colossus up to 30 feet in a straight line.


Firebug model is a fruit of love between magical science and fascination with fire breathing dragons, made metal. Deadly and unpredictable, this Colossus utilizes flaming weaponry to rain hell upon the battlefield. Firebug has been also optimized to protect the pilot against extreme heat to counteract this model's nature.

Heavy Ordnance: Dragon's Breath

At 3rd level your Colossus gains a powerful, appendage mounted flamethrower. Dragon's Breath targets a 15 foot cone. Creatures need to make a Constitution saving throw versus your Heavy Ordnance DC or take 1d12 fire damage. Half of that amount if save was successful. Damage of your Dragon's Breath increases to 2d12 at level 9th, 3d12 at level 14th and to 4d12 at level 20th.

Additionally you gains fire resistance and you also gain fire resistance while piloting it. Firebug's appendages are one light and one versatile


At level 6th your Colossus can burn fuel to propel itself upwards. You can spend one piece of Heavy Munition to grant your Firebug flying speed equal to its walking speed until the end of your current turn. Any creature you fly by takes 1d6 fire damage.

Napalm Launcher

At level 9th you modify Dragon's Breath targeting system to lob blobs of flammable fuel over longer distance. You can use object manipulation to change the fire mode. Your Dragon's Breath now targets a point within 50 feet. Any creature within 5 feet radius around this point needs to make a Constitution saving throw versus your Dragon's Breath feature or take its damage as normal.

Vent Heat

At level 11th you can force your Firebug to radiate excessive heat. You can as a bonus action project a 10 feet radius aura around the Colossus that lasts until the beginning of your next turn. Enemies in this range become vulnerable to fire or lose fire resistance if they have one. Once you use this feature you need to finish a long rest to be able to use it again.

Sticky Napalm

At 14th level enemies damaged by your Dragon's Breath that fail the saving throw catch fire and need to repeat the save at the start of their turns or take additional 1d6 fire damage. Succeeding at repeated save ends this condition.

Molten Shield

At 17th level you can as a bonus action coat your Colossus with a defensive shell of half molten metal. For one minute it gains 40 temporary hit points. While it has those hit points any creature standing within 5 feet of it that hits it with a melee attack suffers the damage of your Sticky Napalm feature. Once you use this feature you need to finish a long rest to be able to use it again.


At 20th level you can burn through all your fuel reserves to channel a devastating explosion. As an action remove all your remaining Heavy Munitions. Your Colossus then deals 1d10 fire damage for each used up piece of Heavy Munition in a 30 feet radius sphere around it. Its radius increases by 5 feet for each used piece after the first one. Creatures can attempt a Dexterity saving throw versus your Heavy Ordnance DC to reduce this damage by half. Once you use this feature you need to finish a long rest to be able to use it again.


Colossus model Bastion is a purely defensive tool used to protect the front line during warfare and draw fire, defending less resilient troops. While lacking in offense, Bastion can withstand great punishment and trap their opponents, forcing them to take up an uneven fight.

Heavy Ordnance: Charged Shield

At 3rd level your Colossus gains a collapsible shield on its arm, which can store up a devastating charge. Charged Shield can be activated as an action to grant your Colossus +2 AC for one minute. During this time, when it is hit with a melee attack, you can retaliate as a reaction, damaging the attacker for 1d4 thunder damage. This damage increases to 2d4 at level 9th, 3d4 at level 14th and to 4d4 at level 20th
Added bulk of this ordnance requires you to downgrade your weapon appendages to two light models.
Additionally, your towering shield grants half cover to any creature standing up to 5 feet behind you when its active.


Starting at level 6th retaliating with Charged Shield does not use a reaction. You can still only retaliate once per attacker, per turn.

Power Slam

At level 9th you can punish unaware foes with surprising discharge from your Charged Shield. When an attack misses you, you can use your reaction to force attacker to make a Strength saving throw versus your Heavy Ordnance DC or take 2d4 thunder damage plus your retaliation damage. Creature takes half the damage on a successful save. Your shield deactivates after this action.

Guard Up

At level 11th if your Colossus's Charged Shield is up, it gains resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage.

Stunning Power

At 14th level when a creature fails Strength saving throw for your Power Slam feature it is additionally stunned until the end of his next turn.

Vigorous Charge

At 17th level any time your Colossus deals thunder damage to a creature with a weapon or it's class feature, you can choose to make it regain hit points equal to damage dealt. Once you use this feature you need to finish a long rest to be able to use it again.

Thunder Dome

At 20th level you can discharge a cage of thunder to trap your foes. By spending 3 pieces of Heavy Munitions and selecting a point within 15 feet around your Colossus's, you can project an impassable obstacle as an action. A 30 feet radius sphere around chosen point becomes impassable terrain. Creatures of your choice that start their turns within 5 feet of its edges take 1d6 thunder damage. While within this sphere you gain advantage an all attack rolls. Creatures inside the dome cannot be damaged from any source outside it. You can allow any number of creatures of your choice to leave or enter the dome anytime. Once you use this feature you need to finish a long rest before using it again.


This special Colossus model was designed with recon troops in mind. Able to support allies with high range artillery shots and complex targeting systems. Watchman utilizes a powerful ranged weapon specialized in laying down suppressive fire and picking off targets from distance alike.

Heavy Ordnance: Railway Rifle

At 3rd level your Colossus gains a shoulder mounted cannon, able to shoot a massive metal spike over large distance. With railway rifle you can, as an action, make a single ranged attack at 100/150 feet that deals 2d8 piercing damage. This damage increases to 3d8 at level 9th, 4d8 at level 14th and to 5d8 at level 20th. Railway Rifle is a complex contraption and can only fire once per combat round.
Additionally, you can upgrade one of your appendages to versatile.

Field Analyzer

At level 6th your modernized cockpit allows to have a greater overlook on the surroundings. While inside your Colossus you can always make an Investigation (Intelligence) or Perception (Wisdom) check as a bonus action on your turn.

Respond with Fire

At level 9th as a bonus action you can designate one creature that you can see to be covered by your Colossus for one minute. During this time when an attack is declared targeting this creature can try to snipe the attacker with your Heavy Ordnance. Make an attack against it with Railway Rifle as a reaction. If you hit, the attack it makes is made with disadvantage.

Artillery Shells

At 11th level you produce special ammo for your Heavy Ordnance feature, each time you use it during your own turn, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Cluster Bomb - on hit deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage in a 10 feet sphere around the target.
  • Piercing Shot - on hit deal 1d8 piercing damage in a 30 feet straight line behind the target.
  • Burrowing Shot - on hit deal 1d8 slashing damage to the target.

Once you use one type of shell it becomes unavailable until you finish a long rest. At level 17th damage of your Artillery Shells increases to 2d8 each.

Steady Shot

At level 14th you can enter an entrenched position with your Colossus to ready up a powerful shot. As a bonus action during your own turn set your Colossus's speed to 0 and gain a cumulative +2 bonus to Railway Rifle's damage and +50/50 to its range. The maximum number of consecutive turns in which you can take this bonus action equals to your Wisdom modifier and you lose all bonus damage and range after the first attack you make with Heavy Ordnance feature.


At 17th level target of your Respond with Fire feature becomes your spotter. When you make an attack using your Heavy Ordnance you can attack the target that has a total concealment to you if your spotter can see it. You still must be physically able to connect this shot. You need to be within 60 feet of your spotter to be able to use this feature.

Critical Weakness

At 20th level you can spot weak points in even toughest of armours. When you make a ranged attack with your Heavy Ordnance feature you can treat the base AC of your target as 6. Once you use this feature you have to finish a long rest until you can use it again.

Hull Platings

Hull is an additional layer of armour, protecting your Colossus. Applying or taking off Colossus's plating requires an hour of work with Tinker's Tools.

Hull Plating Tier AC Damage Reduction Cost
Metal Plating I 15 - 300 gp
Reinforced Armour I 13 2 350 gp
Hardened Metal Plating II 15 + Intelligence modifier (max 2) - 1250 gp
Reinforced Armour II 13 + Intelligence modifier (max 2) 2 1350 gp
Masterwork Plate II 11 + Intelligence modifier (max 2) 4 1500 gp
Supreme Metal Plating III 14 + Intelligence modifier - 3500 gp
Supreme Reinforced Armour III 13 + Intelligence modifier 2 4000 gp
Hardened Masterwork Plate III 12 + Intelligence modifier 4 5000 gp

Auxiliary Systems

Cargo Mule

Your Colossus counts as one size lager for purpose of calculating it's carrying capacity.

Explosive Canister

Your Colossus can, as an action scatter small explosive devices around itself. Any creature in a 5 feet radius sphere which is centered in a point within 30 feet of your Colossus needs to make a DC15 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 force damage per 2 Pilot levels you have. Once you use this system you need to finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Smoke Canister

Your Colossus can, as an action disperse a cloud of thick smoke. Colossus creates a 5 foot radius sphere of smoke centered in a point within 30 feet of itself. Its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for 1 minute or until a strong wind (21 or more miles per hour) disperses it after 1 round. Once you use this system you need to finish a short rest before you can use it again.

Precise Appendages

Your Colossus gets two small appendages mounted on it's chest, which can be used to manipulate objects with great precision. Your Colossus can hold up to 2 medium sized objects. Their weight cannot exceed it's Lift capacity. These objects can be manipulated by appendages as by a human hand.


Your Colossus's speed is increased by 5 feet. This Auxiliary can be installed up to 2 times.

Emergency Extinguishers

You can make a DC15 Dexterity check to negate all effects of danger zone up to 1 minute.

Robust Locomotion

Your Colossus can ignore difficult terrain.

Secondary Hull

By fixating an additional layer of armour underneath your Colossus you can increase its durability in combat. Colossus increases its hit points maximum by 2 per Pilot level.

Bear Claws

Your Colossus gains climbing speed of 15 feet.

Additional Appendage

Your Colossus gains an extra appendage which can be used as per appendage rules. This appendage is of basic quality. This Auxiliary can be installed up to 2 times.

Military Components

Requires: Pilot level 10th
You can upgrade one of your Colossus's appendages by 1 step. Light appendage becomes basic, basic appendage becomes versatile and versatile appendage becomes heavy.

Oil Canister

Requires: Pilot level 10th
Your Colossus can, as an action disperse a pool of slippery oil. Colossus creates a 5 foot radius pool of oil centered in a point within 30 feet of itself. Any creature that moves on this terrain has to make a DC15 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. Oil can be ignited with fire for one minute and deal 1d6 fire damage to each creature standing on it instead. Once you use this system you need to finish a short rest before you can use it again.


Requires: Pilot level 10th
Your Colossus can project a supportive healing device. As a bonus action, choose one creature within 30 feet of your Colossus other than yourself. It regains 1d8 hit points. Once you use this system 4 times you need to finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Chemical Engine

Requires: Pilot level 10th
Your Colossus can now be affected by potions by pouring them in a special grade engine. Any creature that can reach you can pour a potion if you spend a reaction to turn on engine's tap.

Canister Optimization

Requires: Pilot level 10th
Each time your Colossus uses a canister auxiliary as an action during its own turn, it can make a single attack with any appendage as a bonus action.

Anti Psionic Cage

Requires: Pilot level 10th
Pilot gains resistance to psychic damage while inside the Colossus.

Bunker Protocol

Requires: Pilot level 10th
Your Colossus gains resistance to all damage during lockdown.

Increased plating efficiency

Requires: Pilot level 18th
Choose one from the following. Your Colossus increases AC from equipped hull plating by 1 or it increases its Damage Reduction bonus it receives from hull plating by 1.

Gas Canister

Requires: Pilot level 18th
Your Colossus can, as an action disperse a cloud of poisonous gas. Colossus creates a 5 foot radius sphere of gas centered in a point within 30 feet of itself. Creatures standing on this area need to make a DC15 Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 poison damage and become blinded. Gas cloud can be detonated with fire, dealing 2d6 fire damage to all creatures standing within the cloud and ending its effects instantly. It lasts for 1 minute or until a strong wind (21 or more miles per hour) disperses it after 1 round. Once you use this system you need to finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Magical Trace Masking

Requires: Pilot level 18th
Your Colossus's presence cannot be discovered or tracked by magical means, such as Detect Magic spell.

Part 2 | Your Introduction

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