The Expeditioner's Guide to Eberron

by DivertedCircle

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Expeditioner's Guide
to Eberron

Table of Contents

Source Abbreviations

DCH = My own homebrew
EEPC = Elemental Evil Player's Companion
PHB = Player's Handbook
GGR = Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica
MorMis = Morgrave Miscellany
MTF = Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
SCAG = Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
TDCS = Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting
TKCAA = Adventurer's Almanac
TTP = The Tortle Package
RotH = Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde VGM = Volo's Guide to Monsters
WGE = Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron


Credit for much of the content here goes to the writers of the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, Morgrave Miscellany, and The Korranberg Chronicles - Adventurer's Almanac. I have paraphrased much of their work, and in some cases just straight up copied it into this document.


and Character



This document, in conjunction with Morgrave Miscellany, The Korranberg Chronicle - Adventurer's Almanac, and Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, will serve as your guide to the specific lore and mechanics of the world of Eberron. The main purpose of this document is to expand on rules specific to our campaign that are not covered in the other sources. These topics will include house rules, specific notes and restrictions for playable races and classes, approved third party and homebrew content, and more.

The Campaign

The campaign I have planned will consist of two official Dungeons and Dragons modules, with potential to continue on into other modules if there is interest. I have been working to adapt the chosen modules to more closely fit the Eberron campaign setting, as well as to tie them more closely together into a larger story arc. The two modules are intended to cover levels 3 through 10, with any additional modules picking up after reaching 10th level. My reasons for starting at 3rd level can be found in the 'Character Creation' section.

Those players more familiar with the Eberron setting may find that some defining aspects the setting is famous for, such as the neo-noir intrigue, are missing. This is because I have chosen modules that were not specifically built for Eberron. Hopefully, this will not be a problem and you will instead find the pulp adventure themes, which Eberron is also famous for, to be the main draw. You may also find that, at times, choices feel forced upon you. This is due to the nature of running modules and I will be working to mitigate such situations.

The World

Eberron differs from other fantasy campaign settings in a few notable ways. As already mentioned, neo-noir intrigue and pulp adventure are two of the main themes of the setting. Another prevalent theme is that magic is everywhere in Eberron. High level magics are uncommon but low level magic is widespread and deeply integrated into the economy and way of life of all creatures. As an adventurer reaches higher levels they may begin to harness magics that the majority of the populace could never hope to obtain.

I ask that everyone please read through 'Chapter 1: What is Eberron?' in Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron. This will give you a brief overview of the setting and what sets it apart from other fantasy world settings. I consider this to be required reading as it also covers the recent history of the continent of Khorvaire. This continent is where our game will take place and, due to the nature of the Last War, will more than likely affect your characters backstory.

Playtest Material

Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron is currently playtest material, meaning some mechanics may change as Wizards of the Coast releases updates. Morgrave Miscellany is brand new third party content that will undergo a similar process and likely see revisions as well. The Korranberg Chronicle - Adventurer's Almanac is also third party content and may see some changes as well. We will implement any applicable changes as they are released. PDF copies of WGE, MorMis, and TKCAA can be found here, here, and here, respectively.

Character Creation

Character creation will be done together as a group to help ensure we have a somewhat balanced party. Specific rules for character creation can be found in the following sections.

Starting Level

Characters will start off at 3rd level, for the following reasons:

  • By 3rd level all classes have access to an archetype. This helps you build a character that more closely identifies with your chosen archetype.
  • At 3rd level full spellcasters gain 2nd level spells and spell slots. Also, 1/2 casters and 1/3 casters gain access to their 1st level spells.
  • At 3rd level you have enough hp to not die because a goblin got a crit. This increases your survivability and also makes encounter balance easier for me.
  • You are still low-level enough that you aren't going to feel overwhelmed with choices.
  • You're still squishy enough for low CR enemies to be fun (and dangerous).


The races of Eberron are varied, and most can be found somewhere on Khorvaire, the continent our campaign will take place. I have put a fair bit of thought into which races are a good fit for Khorvaire. If a race is not listed in the following section then I've decided it's not suitable for the setting and will not be available for player use. Exceptions may be made if you present a good argument for inclusion.

Mechanics for most races will be taken from the core D&D books however cultural information will be taken from WGE, MorMis, and TKCAA. Lore and mechanics for the Eberron specific races can be found in 'Chapter 3: Races of Eberron' of WGE and 'Chapter 2: Cultures of Eberron' of MorMis.

The Races of Khorvaire

Common Races

Race Common Countries
Changeling Breland, Riedra, Any
Dwarf Mror Holds, Karrnath, Any
Elf, Khorvaire Any
Half-elf (Khoravar) Valenar, Any
Half-orc The Shadow Marches, The Demon Wastes, Droaam, The Eldeen Reaches
Halfling, Khorvaire Any
Hobgoblin Darguun, Any
Human Any
Gnome Zilargo, Any
Goblin Darguun, Aundair, Breland, Karrnath, Thrane, Any
Kobold Darguun, The Demon Wastes, Droaam, Q'barra, Any
Orc The Shadow Marches, The Eldeen Reaches, Droaam, The Demon Wastes, Mror Holds

Uncommon Races

Race Common Countries
Bugbear, Ghaal'dar Darguun, Any
Elf, Valenar Valenar
Halfling, Talenta Talenta Plains
Shifter The Eldeen Reaches, The Shadow Marches
Warforged Aundair, Breland, Cyre (The Mournland), Karrnath, Thrane

Racial Balance

I have taken measures to try to re-balance and re-flavor some of the races on these lists in order to bring them closer in line with each other and to ensure each race is a viable option. I have used the acclaimed Detect Balance: a 5e Homebrew Race Guide spreadsheet in order to find the correct balance for the mechanical changes. The cultural flavor has been drawn from the race sections in the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron and Morgrave Miscellany. The changes I have implemented for each effected race are listed in the individual sections that follow.

Rare Races

Race Common Countries
Centaur Talenta Plains, The Eldeen Reaches, Western Aundair
Dragonborn Q'barra
Elf, Aerenal Aerenal
Eladrin Darguun, The Eldeen Reaches, Lhazaar Principalities, Karrnath
Gnoll Droaam, The Shadow Marches, The Demon Wastes
Kalashtar Breland, Any
Lizardfolk Q’barra, The Shadow Marches, Darguun

Very Rare Races

Race Common Countries
Aasimar Any
Bugbear, Dhakaani Any
Child of Khyber Any
Gnome, Deep Khyber
Dragonforged Any
Firbolg The Eldeen Reaches, Western Aundair
Mourntouched (Genasi) Any
Goliath The Demon Wastes, The Eldeen Reaches
Kenku Any
Minotaur Droaam, Any
Shulassakar Talenta Plains
Tiefling Droaam, The Demon Wastes, The Eldeen Reaches, The Shadow Marches

Alignment and 'Monstrous' Races

When reading the individual race sections that follow please keep in mind that the Eberron setting has a different take on alignment and the so-called 'monstrous' races of the world than you may be used to from other settings. Alignment in Eberron is less black and white, leaning toward shades of gray instead. Because of this, monstrous races are relatively common found across Khorvaire, though they are mostly consolidated in the nation of Droaam, which they claimed as their own after the completion of the Last War. Before choosing a race I encourage everyone to read this article about alignment from the creator of Eberron, Keith Baker.


In Eberron, aasimar aren’t a race as such. Rather, each aasimar is a unique individual touched by a celestial power. Celestial races that could have granted an aasimar their power include angels from Syrania, archons from Irian and Shavarath, eladrin from Fernia and Thelanis, and guardinals from Lamannia.

Aasimar have been found on the continents of Khorvaire and Sarlona but in very small numbers on both. Please involve me in your backstory creation process if you choose to place this race.

Mechanics: Base race (VGM), Fallen subrace (VGM), Protector subrace (VGM), Scourge subrace (VGM)

Balance Notes: Aasimar

The base aasimar race is a bit too strong, and has some thematic issues as well. To rectify this for our campaign, it will only be playable with its Necrotic Resistance and Darkvision features removed.


The bugbears of modern day Eberron exist in four different and distinct groups. City bugbears are the descendants of slaves and have been entirely assimilated into human culture. Though no longer slaves, they remain an impoverished lower class, and do not exist in large numbers.

The largest group of bugbears on Khorvaire are members of the Ghaal'dar, residing in Darguun with the rest of the Ghaal'dar goblinoids under the rule of the hobgoblin Lhesh Haruuc. The Marguul bugbears also reside in Darguun, up in the Seawall Mountains. The Marguul bugbears value their freedom and have an uneasy peace with Lhesh Haruuc's Ghaal'dar. The city, Ghaal'dar, and Marguul bugbears all use the stats in VGM.

The final group of bugbears are those of the Dhakaani clans, a group of goblinoids who retreated underground after their defeat at the hands of the daelkyr. This reclusive group of goblinoids have a more martial culture and have only recently started to return to the surface. These bugbears use the stats listed in TKCAA.

Mechanics: Ghaal'dar (VGM), Dhakaani (TKCAA)


Centaurs are typically found on the fringes of civilization. The centaurs are an old race, only now beginning to slowly enter into and accept the modern world. While the majority of centaurs still live in tribes roaming the Eldeen Reaches and western Aundair, many have abandoned the isolationist ways of their ancestors to walk among the more cosmopolitan cities of Khorvaire.

Often, such free-spirited centaurs are considered outcasts and are shunned by their own tribes, making the decision to leave a heavy one. In some rare cases, however, whole tribes under progressive leaders have come to trade with other humanoid communities -- typically elves, but sometimes gnomes, and rarely humans or dwarves. Many races remain wary of centaurs, though, largely due to legends of territorial beastmen and the regular, violent encounters the centaurs have with stubborn settlers and expansionist countries.

Mechanics: Race (GGR)


Changelings can be found almost anywhere on Khorvaire, but only if they choose to make their presence known. Many changelings spend much of their life appearing as a different race, with those who see them being none the wiser. They are often stereotyped as thieves and spies due to their innate abilities but fore many changelings this is far from the truth.

I encourage anyone wanting to play a changeling to approach me when creating their backstory as there are roleplay opportunities to be had by hiding your true nature from the rest of the party.

Mechanics: Race (WGE)

Child of Khyber

Similar to the aasimar race, a child of Khyber is not a true race. Rather, a child of Khyber is someone who manifested an aberrant dragonmark at a young age. This stigma has dramatically altered the course of their life, leaving little joy behind. A player choosing to be this race option is choosing to play a character that has been shunned their whole life for something outside of their control. The dragonmark may still be out of their control. As a child of Khyber your subrace determines which race you belong to but grants altered racial abilities and features.

Mechanics: Base race (MorMis), Aberrant Dwarf (MorMis), Aberrant Elf (MorMis), Aberrant Gnome (MorMis), Aberrant Half-elf (MorMis), Aberrant Half-orc (MorMis), Aberrant Halfling (MorMis), Aberrant Human (MorMis)

Balance Notes: Child of Khyber

The Child of Khyber is a brand new race, having just debuted in MorMis. As such, there has been little playtesting done and it seems a little too strong. I've implemented the following changes:

  • Hard Road removed from base race
  • Dwarven Resilience removed from Aberrant Dwarf
  • Curiosity added to Aberrant Gnome
  • Darkvision removed from Aberrant Half-elf but Skill Versatility added
  • Lucky added to Aberrant Halfling
  • Menacing removed from Aberrant Half-orc but Jhorgun’taal Athleticism and Orcish Ancestry added (see half-orcs for Orcish Ancestry detail)


Dragonborn are commonly found in only two locations on Eberron; their ancient homeland of Argonnessen and the newer territory they've claimed within the jungles of Q'barra. Most dragonborn on Khorvaire hail from the settlements in Q'barra but some rare adventurers may have traveled to Khorvaire from Argonnessen. Dragonborn originating from Argonessen have likely been sent on a quest assigned by the dragons of Argonessen.

Players choosing to be a dragonborn in Eberron should be aware that the scale color of dragons isn't linked to alignment like it is in other settings; chromatic dragons aren't inherently evil and metallic dragons aren't inherently good. This could be a factor when it comes to creating your backstory.

Mechanics: Race (DCH)

Balance Notes: Dragonborn

The dragonborn as written in the PHB are not only somewhat mechanically weak but they're also fairly lacking in draconic flavor. I've created a revision we will use instead, available here. Additional lore for the Dragonborn of Q'barra can be found here.


The dragonforged are a new race in Eberron, created by including dragon scales, sinew, and bone in the warforged creation process. They are a brand new addition to the Eberron campaign setting, having appeared for the first time in Morgrave Miscellany. This means there is little lore to work with for players wanting to play as dragonforged, all of it in Morgrave Miscellany. Please involve me in your character building if you'd like to play as a dragonforged.

Mechanics: Race (MorMis)

Balance Notes: Dragonforged

The dragonforged race seems quite powerful but I could be overvaluing their Forged Scale feature. I'm content to leave the race as it is for now, however if it proves overpowered I may need to make some changes to dial it back.


Dwarves are common on a couple continents, being most populous on Khorvaire. The dwarves of Eberron do not culturally distinguish between subraces, however most are the hill dwarf subrace. The mountain dwarf subrace is an option for a dwarf who is the most naturally gifted warrior to come from the Mror Holds in generations. Dwarves can also bear the Mark of Warding, which is a subrace in its own right.

Mechanics: Base race (PHB), Hill subrace (PHB), Mountain subrace (PHB), Mark of Warding subrace (WGE)

Balance Notes: Dwarves

The dwarf race in the PHB is slightly too strong so the Dwarven Resilience racial has been removed to bring them more closely in line with other races. I have also changed the Mark of Warding subrace to grant only Dexterity or Intelligence for their ability score increase, not both.


The Eladrin of Thelanis, the Faerie Court, are a very old race. The majority dwell within the magical feyspires, grand cities that passed between Thelanis and Eberron, shifting across the planar divide. Following a disastrous conflict in the Age of Giants, in which a fesypire was invaded and the eladrin taken captive, the fey lords employed powerful magic to cloak their cities from mortal eyes. The captured eladrin evolved into the elves of today, and the feyspires became places of legend, rarely seen before they shifted back to Thelanis.

Then came the Mourning. Thelanis was close to Eberron when the disaster struck. The greatest of the feyspires, Shaelas Tiraleth, was in the southeastern part of Cyre. Connected through their planar origin, all seven eladrin cities were rocked with tremors the moment the dead-gray mist rolled over Shaelas Tiraleth. The ancient spells that shielded the cities from the outside world were shattered, and they stood revealed for all to see.

The cities should have returned to the Faerie Court by now, but so far all have remained on Eberron. Some eladrin fear that their cities are stranded permanently. Others—those who have taken an interest in their new home—are afraid that the cities might snap back to Thelanis without warning. Over the last few years, quite a few eladrin have left the spires and spread across Khorvaire. Some are pursuing the interests of their home cities, others search for romance or adventure.

Mechanics: Base race (TKCAA), Feyspire subrace (TKCAA), Wild subrace (TKCAA)

Balance Notes: Eladrin

The eladrin of Eberron are ancestors to the elves so it makes little sense to have them portrayed as a subrace of elves as is done in MTF. Instead, stats for the eladrin can be found in TKCAA, complete with two subraces.


The elves of Eberron are descended from the eladrin of Thelanis , having been taken captive when the giants attacked a feyspire while it was shifted to Eberron. Years spent outside Thelanis caused these Eladrin to adapt to the Eberron plane, fundamentally changing them into the elves. Eventually many elves rebelled against the giants and fought for their freedom. In response, the giants used magic to change the elves loyal to them into the drow; specialized assassins meant to combat the rebels. Eventually the giants and the drow were defeated, due largely to the intervention of the dragons, and the now free elves fled to the island continent of Aerenal.

The elves who fled to Aerenal later broke into two main groups; the Aereni and the Tairnadal, who later became the Valenar when they mass emigrated to eastern Khorvaire. Elves who have left either of these groups in favor of a life on greater Khorvaire are simply known as Khorvaire elves. All three groups have the option to use either the High Elf, Wood Elf, or Mark of Shadow subraces. There are some variant features available in WGE for the Aereni and Valenar elves.

Mechanics: Base race (PHB), High subrace (PHB), Wood subrace (PHB), Mark of Shadow subrace (WGE)


The Firbolg, like their cousins the Goliaths, are descendants of the giants of Xen'drik. Long ago, they were a single race of giantkind, organized into multiple tribes. These tribes, having chosen to flee Xen'drik after the fall of the giant civilization, banding together to build ships and sail across the ocean in search of a land free from the curses and plagues that remained after the end of the Giant-Quori war. After a long time at sea, they landed on the coast of what is now Droaam. Finding the area already claimed by the goblinoid races, the tribes chose to travel inland toward the Byeshk Mountains.

  For many years the tribes wandered across the Byeshk Mountain range. Eventually the tribes split, some continuing north into the Shadowcrags and Icehorn Mountains that border the Demon Wastes, others descending into the forests of the Eldeen Reaches. Those that stayed in the mountains slowly acclimated to the elevation and colder temperatures, becoming the Goliaths of the current era. The tribes that descended into the forests stayed largely unchanged physically but grew to have a close bond to nature. These tribes became the Firbolg. They are wary of the people native to the Eldeen Reaches and largely keep to themselves.

Mechanics: Race (VGM)


Some of the gnolls of Eberron are little more than thralls to demons, savage creatures that roam the Demon Wastes, attacking anyone they come across. The largest group of gnolls however, are the Znir Pact of Droaam. Thousands of years ago, these gnolls purged themselves of demonic influence and swore to never allow any other creature to hold dominion over them. Nowadays they sell their services as soldiers and trackers.

Most of the Pact currently serves the Daughters of Sora Kell in Droaam, but some fought in the Last War as agents of House Tharashk, and Tharashk continues to broker their services. These gnolls could be found almost anywhere on Khorvaire, working as a mercenary. As a rule, Znir gnolls are deeply loyal to those that they consider to be members of their pack, though you may not always need to be a gnoll to be considered part of the pack.

Mechanics: Race (TKCAA)

Balance Notes: Gnolls

Gnolls don't have an official stat block for use as a player race in Fifth Edition so we'll be using a third party option, found in TKCAA.


Gnomes, like the eladrin, originally came to Eberron from the plane of Thelanis, the Faerie Court. Many years ago a group of gnomes emigrated to Khorvaire from Thelanis during a period when the feyspire they lived crossed the planes. These gnomes settled in the region that is now known as Zilargo. Over time they developed a tradition of guile and subterfuge, represented by the Zil subrace. Gnomes that left Zil and settled in other areas of Khorvaire can still use this subrace but may also choose the Rock subrace. Both the Zil gnomes or the Khorvaire gnomes can manifest the Mark of Scribing and choose that subrace.

Long ago, during the Daelkyr War, some tribes of gnomes were taken captive by the daelkyr. These tribes were subjugated and enslaved and still reside deep within Khyber. These gnomes, now calling themselves Deep Gnomes, or Svirfneblin in the gnome language, seek to atone for the heinous crimes of their ancestors. They continue to live deep beneath Zilargo, and remain hidden from sight, believing themselves undeserving to live with their surface brethren. Occasionally, a deep gnome will travel to the surface and seek out life as an adventurer in a way to atone for the past sins of his or her people.

Recently another group of gnomes have joined those in Zilargo. These are the Feyspire gnomes that became stranded when the Feyspire of Pylas Pyrial became stuck on Eberron as a result of the Mourning. These gnomes, having the same curiosity and drive to learn their cousins possess, have begun to branch out from the feyspire and explore the world.

Mechanics: Base race (PHB), Zil subrace (TKCAA), Rock subrace (PHB), Mark of Scribing subrace (WGE), Feyspire subrace (TKCAA), Deep subrace (MTF)

Balance Notes: Gnomes

The base Gnome race is somewhat weak so I've decided to grant them a skill proficiency. Gnomes are innately curious and this manifests as racial proficiency in the Investigation skill. To provide some more Eberron flavor I've also included the Zil and Feyspires subraces from TKCAA. The Feyspires subrace is identical to the Forest subrace from the PHB, except the Minor Illusion cantrip is switched to Prestidigitation. The Forest subrace is not used.


Goblins can be found almost anywhere on Khorvaire. Many goblins are the descendants of slaves that were freed when Galifar united the five nations of Khorvaire. Though Galifars kingdom splintered these city goblins remain a free people, though they're considered a lower class citizen in most cities. They have become fully integrated into human populations.

Goblins are also found in large numbers in Darguun, the new goblinoid nation. These goblins are part of the Ghaal'dar tribes and are subservient to the hobgoblins that rule. Life for the Ghaal'dar goblins is slightly better than the life of the city goblins, but more brutal as well.

The last group of goblins on Khorvaire are those known as the heirs of the Dhakaani Empire. These goblins, along bugbears and hobgoblins, fled underground when their empire crumbled. They've managed to retain the ways of the old empire, including the mindset of all goblinoids working together, using their talents for the greater good. These goblins have only recently began to return to the surface of Eberron.

Mechanics: Race (VGM)


As cousins to the firbolg, the goliaths of Eberron are also the descendants of the tribes of giantkind that emigrated to the Byeshk Mountains in Khorvaire from Xen'drik. Once there, the tribes split with some descending off the mountains, into the Eldeen Reaches, and are now known as the firbolg. Those who stayed in the mountains slowly traveled further north, eventually settling into the Shadowcrags and Icehorn Mountains. There, over time, they would acclimatize to the altitude and cold, becoming the goliaths of today.

Living on the border of the Demon Wastes as they did meant a hard life for the goliaths but they thrived regardless. Not long after settling into the mountain ranges the goliaths made contact with the Ghaash’kala, the orc tribes who fight to keep the fiends and demons contained in the wastes. Trade was established and the goliaths swore to watch for any fiends that slipped by into their mountain homes.

  For generations now the goliaths have done their part to keep the fiends of the Demon Wastes from terrorizing the rest of Khorvaire. Most of the continent is unaware of their efforts, just as they are unaware of the existence of the Ghaash’kala that the goliaths have come to respect so highly.

Mechanics: Race (VGM)


When the elves first came to Khorvaire and began mingling with the human settlers, the first half-elves were born. The half-elves of Eberron are known as the Khoravar, which is an Elvish term for "children of Khorvaire”. They are quite widespread and can be found across the breadth of the continent.

The most common ancestry for half-elves is the standard half-elf from the PHB, which represents half-elves that have been conceived by two half-elf parents. These half-elves can also forgo the Skill Versatility trait and instead take the elf trait Keen Senses.

Half-elves with a full blooded elf parent are more likely to use the High Elf descent or Wood Elf descent subrace options. Half-elves of either union can manifest one of two Dragonmarks; the Mark of Detection or the Mark of Storm, which are their own subraces.

Mechanics: Base race (PHB), Standard subrace (PHB), High Elf descent subrace (SCAG), Wood Elf descent subrace (SCAG), Mark of Detection subrace (WGE), Mark of Storm subrace (WGE)

Balance Notes: Half-elves

Half-elves are widely accepted to be a rather strong race. Part of that is they have Darkvision which I don't agree with. I have removed Darkvision from the race but left it intact otherwise.


Most half-orcs in Khorvaire can trace their ancestry to the Shadow Marches. Thousands of years ago, human settlers reached the west coast of Khorvaire, where they encountered the orcs of the Shadow Marches. Though initial contact was violent, over time the two people grew close, and before long the first Jhorgun'taal, or "children of two bloods" were born.

Nowadays, half-orcs are completely accepted in any civilized settlement, and are rarely looked down upon. A shifter is more likely to draw nervous glances than one of these folk. Unlike the khoravar half-elves, the half-orcs did not create their own distinct culture, instead embracing the position of being a bridge between orc and human peoples.

Mechanics: Base race (DCH), Mark of Finding subrace (WGE)

Balance Notes: Half-orcs

The half-orc player race as detailed in the PHB has distinctly more orc traits than human traits. I've tried my hand at fixing that for our campaign, while also trying to get a more Eberron feel. My variant stats for the half-orc player race can be found here.


Unlike many races on Khorvaire, halflings are actually native to the continent. Hailing from the Talenta Plains in eastern Khorvaire, the halfling race has a long history of nomadic life lived alongside the dinosaurs that share the plains. To this day many halflings still live the nomadic lifestyle on the plains, though many others have chosen city life instead.

Like dwarves, the halflings of Eberron do not typically differentiate between their subraces; both lightfoot and stout halflings can be found amongst the halflings of the Talenta Plains or their more civilization oriented brethren. The Talenta Halfling subrace is also an option for those wishing to play as a halfling raised on the Talenta Plains. Ghostwise halflings are the rarest subrace but they pop up occasionally among both the rural and urban halflings. All halflings also have the potential to bear one of two Dragonmarks; the Mark of Healing or the Mark of Hospitality.

Mechanics: Base race (PHB), Lightfoot subrace (PHB), Stout subrace (PHB), Mark of Hospitality subrace (WGE), Mark of Healing subrace (WGE), Talenta subrace (MorMis), Ghostwise subrace (SCAG)


The ancient goblinoid Empire of Dhakaan once spanned the length and breadth of Khorvaire. The hobgoblins ruled Dhakaan for many centuries and may have continued to the present day if otherworldly forces of insanity and horror had not broken the will of the "dar", the goblinoid people.

When the empire began to collapse in the wake of this nightmare war, some clans saw the end was coming, and secluded themselves in deep caves in order to wait out the savage times they saw ahead. Now with the rise of Darguun, the ghaal'dar hobgoblins are determined to conquer Khorvaire once more, and the Dhakaani clans have resurfaced from history to take notice—or more likely, to seize control.

Mechanics: Base race (TKCAA), Ghaal’dar subrace (TKCAA), Dhakaani subrace (TKCAA), Kech Volaar subrace (TKCAA)

Balance Notes: Hobgoblins

The hobgoblin race is in a good place, the only changes I've made are to allow the subraces from TKCAA to be used. The Ghaal'dar subrace in TKCAA is identical to the regular hobgoblin in VGM except the Legacy of Respect feature has been added and the INT bonus has been changed to STR. Two other subraces are also available in TKCAA that reflect the Dhakaani and Kech Volaar hobgoblins.


Humans are the most populous race on Khorvaire, having been present on the continent since first emigrating from Sarlona almost 4000 years ago. Over time they have come to dominate the continent, managing to live in every country and having control of many of them.

Humans were largely responsible for the Last War as it was a war between five primarily human nations over the succession of the throne of Galifar, the ruler who united the human nations of Khorvaire into one mighty empire.

  Humans are one of the most versatile races, as evidenced by the multiple Dragonmarks they can manifest. Those wishing to play as a human have five subrace options available; the Standard Human race or one of four Dragonmarked subraces.

Mechanics: Base race (PHB), Mark of Handling subrace (WGE), Mark of Making subrace (WGE), Mark of Passage subrace (WGE), Mark of Sentinel subrace (WGE)

Balance Notes: Humans

Due to how powerful starting off with a feat is, the Variant Human race from the PHB is not permitted as a player race. Instead, the Standard Human from the PHB is to be used, however these humans also have the Prodigy feat included baseline.


Born from a merging between Dreams and Reality, kalashtar possess an unearthly serenity. As compound beings, the kalashtar have a both a human mind, body, and soul, and a connection to an incorporeal entity of dreams called a quori. Each quori spirit is divided among a bloodline of kalashtar, making the connection too tenuous to allow perfect communication, though every kalashtar can feel their patron spirit guide them, unlocking the secrets of psionic power and acting as a kind of second conscience.

Driven to battle against Darkness, many kalashtar take up arms in this spiritual war only metaphorically, preferring to meditate on the Great Light. But there are plenty among them who start the life of an adventurer, calling themselves "shadow walkers", taking a more active role in the fight, confronting evil where they can.

Some kalashtar are orphans, raised outside of their culture and heritage, leading to confusion and isolation as their natural powers manifest and set them apart from their human peers. Many of these orphaned kalashtar pursue a life of adventuring to relieve themselves of the feelings of ostracization. Some even become mentally unbalanced, alienated by the influence of their patron spirit, unable to explain or escape the second ego living inside their minds.

Mechanics: Race (WGE)

Balance Notes: Kalashtar

Kalashtar seem to have the potential to be quite strong but I'm unsure it it will be an issue or not. I'm going to leave them alone for now and wait to see if any changes are made in WGE.


The kenku of Eberron were once members of an avian race known as the aarakocra. The aarakocra reside within the realm of Thelanis, the Faerie Court. There, they serve the Chronicler, an archfey of Thelanis who maintains a perfect library. Now, haunted by the crime that robbed them of their voices and wings, a group of young aarakocra wander Eberron as vagabonds and burglars who live on the edge of society. They are the kenku.

Recently, this group of young aarakocra, finding their service boring, aspired to find some excitement. They began to plot a heist to steal a prized possession of the Chronicler. Not much later, the Mourning struck on Eberron, sending shockwaves through all the planes of existence. The group of younglings, thinking this was a chance to pull off an epic theft, made their move.

Unfortunately for them, their master discovered their plan before they could enact it. Enraged, the Chronicler imposed three dreadful curses upon them. First, their beloved wings withered and fell away from their bodies, leaving them bound to the earth. Second, because their ingenuity and skill had turned toward scheming against their patron, the spark of creativity was torn from their souls. Next, to ensure that they could never divulge any of their masters secrets, their voices were taken away. Finally, they were banished to the material plane.

The younglings found themselves stranded on Eberron, where they began to be referred to as the Kenku, a reference to the only sound they could make that was uniquely theirs. These kenku have only been on Eberron for two years; there’s not very many of them and they all know one another.

Mechanics: Race (VGM)

Balance Notes: Kenku

The kenku race is a little weak and it seems odd that they are noted as being proficient in forgeries but lack the skill proficiencies they would need to be effective. To that end, I've added proficiency with Forgery Kits, Calligrapher's Suppliers, and Painter's supplies.


The kobolds of Khorvaire trace their history to the dawn of Eberron. According to ancient legend, kobolds were formed from the drops of blood shed in the battle between Eberron, Siberys, and Khyber. A new generation of dragons descended from Siberys, Khyber brought forth fiends and horrors, and Eberron gave birth to the creatures of nature -- but the kobolds were already there, spawned from the first battle. True or not, this myth is the driving force behind kobold psychology and culture.

Two subraces of kobold exist in Khorvaire: the iredar and the irvhir. These two races share a common appearance, however the key distinction between the kobold subraces is supernatural. Kobolds produce a surprising number of sorcerers, which is a phenomenon they attribute to their supposed bond to the progenitor dragons. Irvhir sorcerers typically possess spells tied to corruption and darkness, while iredar sorcerers usually have powers of defense and binding.

Mechanics: Base race (DCH), Iredar subrace (DCH), Irvhir subrace (DCH)

Balance Notes: Kobolds

The Kobold player race option as detailed in VGM are quite weak and are not very representative of kobolds in Eberron. Instead, we will use my own homebrew take on the race, found here.


The lizardfolk of Khorvaire, called 'scales' by the humans who come into contact with them, dwell in the region known as Q’barra. They are one of the oldest races of Eberron, their origins dating back to the Age of Demons. Most are part of a tribal alliance known as the Masvirik’Uala, or 'Cold Sun Federation' in the common tongue. These are the lizardfolk that players can choose as a character race.

Lizardfolk civilization is ancient, but they are quite primitive by the standards of the Five Nations and they’ve never sought to expand beyond Q’barra. Over the last thirty years humans have begun to settle Q’barra. Treaties have been established with the Cold Sun Federation, but communication is difficult and there have been clashes started by forces on both sides.

Unique to their species is that the the lizardfolk of Q’barra have shared dreams. Their dreams aren’t in any way random: they are lessons. They dream of the battles their ancestors fought, and from those dreams they learn both how to fight. They dream of the tyranny of the Overlord who once threatened Q'barra, and from this they know what they are fighting against. They have no written language because they don’t need one; everything they need to know comes to them in their dreams.

Mechanics: Race (VGM)


Medusas only recently made their presence known on the surface of Eberron, emerging from Khyber only a couple hundred years ago to claim the ruins of an abandoned goblin metropolis in Droaam known as Cazhaak Draal. For two hundred years the medusas seemed content with their kingdom and rarely had contact with outsiders.

This changed in 985 YK, when Sora Teraza, one of the hags known as the Daughters of Sora Kell, came to speak to the Queen of Stone. Sora Teraza spoke with Queen Sheshka all day, and after the hag departed, Sheshka spent the evening in silent contemplation. The next day she told her people to prepare for great change. Over the course of the next year she brought together a corps of medusas, preparing them for service in foreign lands. When the Daughters of Sora Kell assumed power in Droaam in the year 986 YK, representatives of Cazhaak Draal were quickly dispatched to the Great Crag. Today medusa architects direct the ongoing construction of Droaam's capital.

The average medusa is more intelligent and cunning than the average human, and she understands the need to control her behavior among the soft people of Khorvaire. In Sharn, a medusa may move unfettered in the lawless districts, but if she enters a respectable neighborhood, she must wear eyeblinders, a metal visor secured with straps around forehead and chin.

Mechanics: DM Dave blog

Balance Notes: Medusa

The medusa doesn't have a player character stat block but as a common race in Droaam I wanted to make sure to include a way to play as one. To that end, medusa characters can use the stats laid out on the DM Dave blog, here.


Minotaurs are a common sight in the monstrous nation of Droaam, where the Daughters of Sora Kell have granted them a territory to claim as their own. Lead by their warlord Rhesh Turakbar in the worship of the Horned Prince, minotaurs are mainly viewed by the people of Khorvaire as bloodthirsty savages. Minotaurs view the Horned Prince as their overlord and creator, but each individual minotaur has his own view on who or what the Horned Prince is and finds all other opinions inherently flawed.

During the Last War, House Tharashk negotiated with the Daughters of Sora Kell to contract the monstrous inhabitants of the nation as mercenaries. Today, minotaurs can be seen accompanying Tharashk heirs on prospecting missions and as intimidating bodyguards to those who can afford them. Exposure to more civilized and metropolitan views have influenced these minotaurs. These days, it is not uncommon to find minotaurs outside Droaam that identify the Horned Prince with the Dol Dorn, the Sovereign of Strength and War, or Balinor, the Sovereign of Beasts and the Hunt, rather than some darker entity.

Mechanics: Race (GGR)

Balance Notes: Minotaur

The minotaur race is a little weak so in addition to the stats as laid out in Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, a minotaur character also has the Powerful Build feature, allowing them to carry, push, pull or lift more than the average race.

Mistborn (Genasi)

Most of those touched by the magical grey mists that engulfed the nation of Cyre on the day of Mourning were killed outright. Those few who were on the borders of the nation and managed to flee the approaching wall of mist escaped mostly intact. Any that the mist never touched are no different from any other person, however those who came into contact with even the smallest tendril of mist were changed, their bodies drastically altered by the strange magics. These people are known as the mistborn, and they no longer appear quite human.

For the most part the mistborn have retained the personalities they had prior to the changes, though most now suffer from PTSD. Their bodies were changed drastically though, each one being charged with a natural element. Each has had their body attuned to a specific element, either air, earth, fire, or water. They resemble humans still but have unusual skin color (red, green, blue, or gray), and there is something odd about them. Those attuned to earth or water tend to be heavier, while those of air or fire tend to be lighter.

The mistborn have spent the past four years piecing together their shattered lives and coming to grips with the loss of friends and family, and the changes to their bodies. Now, these survivors seek to uncover the cause of the cataclysm and avenge their people against the architects of the Mournland. The mistborn also harbor lingering animosity toward those who threatened or betrayed Cyre during the Last War, struggling daily to harness or put aside this hatred. They refuse to believe that Cyre had any hand in its own destruction.

Mechanics: Base race (EEPC), Air subrace (EEPC), Earth subrace (EEPC), Fire subrace (EEPC), Water subrace (EEPC)

Balance Notes: Mistborn

The mistborn are my own creation for the Eberron setting, however they use the mechanics of the genasi from EEPC. The genasi race however is somewhat weak and some of the subraces were in need of a few buffs. I've detailed the changes I've implemented here.


The orcs are one of the oldest, if not the oldest, race in all the world, dating their history back some thirty-thousand years. Often depicted as savage brutes and ravaging barbarians, the orcs of Eberron are in fact an incredibly diverse and deeply spiritual people. Orcs are a perfect study in nurture over nature as an orc's surrounding and history could mean the difference between a mad, wide-eyed, axe-wielding barbarian and a humble, proud farmer who seeks to protect his family above all else.

Orcs of the Eldeen Reaches are very closely connected to Eberron and the natural world. They are among the most civilized and peaceful of all the orcs and work closely with other druids in the great forests.

The Ghaash'kala orcs of the Demon Wastes are militant and deeply spiritual. They see the Demon Wastes as a tainted land and any who enter into it are forever stained with its touch, thus their sacred duty is to prevent anyone who has entered, or is within the Wastes, from leaving, one way or the other.

The orcs of the Shadow Marches are divided; some exist in a more primitive state, forming loose "tribes" that shun humans and other races and see them as lesser beings who can never possibly understand their way of life. Others are the orc "clans" who allied with refugees from Sarlona over fifteen hundred years ago; they see humans and other races as respectable, albeit smaller, relatives.

Orcs are found in many other places across Khorvaire and receive a warmer welcome than many other less civilized races. Some make their homes in the nation of Droaam and have degenerated to a state similar to their country monster cousins, enslaving weaker races like goblins and kobolds while living out short, brutal lives. In the Mror Holds an ancient and savage horde of orcs known as the Jhorash'Tal (not to be mistaken with the half-orc Jhorgun'taal) wage constant and bloody war with the dwarves of the region for long ago wrongs committed against them.

Mechanics: Race (DCH)

Balance Notes: Orcs

Like half-orcs, I have found it necessary to re-tool the orc player race to be a better fit for the Eberron campaign setting. I've also taken the opportunity to buff up some weaker spots, such as removing the INT penalty. The changes I've implemented to both the half-orc and orc player races can be found here.


Shifters, also known as the weretouched, boast both humans and lycanthropes among their distant ancestors. Shifters possess just a small portion of their forefathers' shape-shifting abilities. They cannot transform wholly into an animal but can instead shift parts of their body to become animal-like for short periods of time. In 832 YK the Church of the Silver Flame led an inquisition to wipe out all lycanthropes in Khorvaire, Shifters included. The inquisition lasted fifty years killing most lycanthropes and driving the survivors deep into the Eldeen Reaches.

Shifters have no land of their own and will often settle in the rural areas of human cities avoiding the crowded areas. Some live in nomadic clans or tribes that can be found all over Khorvaire. Being the most distrusted and persecuted race in Eberron many others are fearful and even hateful of them however, halflings get along well with shifters. The shifters that live near or within human societies make their living as trappers, hunters, guides and military scouts.

Mechanics: Base race (WGE), Beasthide subrace (WGE), Longtooth subrace (WGE), Swiftstride subrace (WGE), Wildhunt subrace (WGE), Cliffwalk subrace (MorMis), Swiftwing subrace (MorMis), Truedive subrace (MorMis)


Shulassakar are descended from loyal humans of Sarlona whose ancestors were transformed by the couatl during the final days of the Age of Demons to serve as guardians over the seals keeping the Overlords in Khyber. The Shulassakar are devotees of the Silver Flame who reject the Church of the Silver Flame as a flawed, human initiative. The shulassakar are intensely proud, and see themselves as the true heirs to the couatl and the Silver Flame, believing humans weak and unworthy. The shulassakar oppose and are opposed by the forces that would threaten the Silver Flame, such as the Cults of the Dragon Below, The Inspired of Riedra, and, foremost among these, the Lords of Dust.

The shulassakar guard the ancient fortresses of the couatl. A community of them reside in a ruined city surrounding the ancient couatl fortress of Krezent in the Talenta Plains, which the plains halflings believe to be cursed.

The shulassakar have serpentine characteristics, reflective of the lasting blessing of their celestial patrons, the couatl. The bloodsworn are the most common type of shulassakar. They do not have feathers, but instead have beautiful, shifting markings that appear similar to tattoos on their skin and change related to their mood. They are capable of passing for human.

Mechanics: 'The Dragon Above' Homebrew

Balance Notes: Shulassakar

The shulassakar are another race that doesn't have a star block for a player race. I could have used the yuan-ti stats however they're quite overpowered and didn't quite give me the right feel for the shulassakar. Instead, players running a shulassakar can use the stats for the shulassakar bloodsworn as made for a blog 'The Dragon Above'. Those stats are found here.


In Eberron, a tiefling isn’t specifically the result of an infernal bargain; but it is understood that tieflings are touched by darkness. Eberron lies balanced between thirteen moons—planes of madness, war, death, and more. The influence of the planes can be seen in manifest zones, where traits of the plane bleed through into the world, and they can be made to manifest in a tiefling child, a living vessel for the powers of one of the malevolent planes, which in turn leads to the fear and prejudice that tieflings face. Through no fault of their own, tieflings are tied to dark powers.

Tieflings are rare, even more rare than people who face similar prejudice through their aberrant dragonmarks. People tend to know of tieflings only through story and folktale, and their rarity only helps to strengthen the superstitions. It is crucial to remember that it’s not a tiefling’s horns that cause fear, nor is it the belief that they have infernal blood, at least no more than a hairless minotaur. They are feared because they are tieflings, and tieflings are known to be touched by extraplanar darkness and harbingers of misfortune.

Mechanics: Kaluun race (PHB/MorMis), Sakah race (MorMis), Dolurrhi race (MorMis), Fernian race (MorMis), Kythri race (MorMis), Mabari race (MorMis), Risian race (MorMis), Shavaran race (MorMis)

Balance Notes: Tieflings

Due to the different nature of tieflings in Eberron, we'll use the player race stats from MorMis. I find these stats slightly weak however, so in addition to the stats listed there I've also decided to grant all tieflings proficiency in Intimidation via a feature called Intimidating Presence.


Warforged are formed from a blend of organic and inorganic materials. Root-like cords infused with alchemical fluids serve as their muscles, wrapped around a framework of steel, darkwood or stone. Armored plates form a protective outer shell and reinforce joints. The typical warforged has a muscular, sexless body shape. Some warforged ignore the concept of gender entirely, while others adopt a gender identity in emulation of creatures around them. All warforged share a common facial design, with a hinged jaw and crystal eyes embedded beneath a reinforced brow ridge. A sigil is engraved into the center of the forehead; this is unique to each warforged.

The warforged were built to serve and to fight. For most of their existence, warforged had a clearly defined function and were encouraged to focus purely on that role. The Treaty of Thronehold gave them freedom, but many warforged struggle both to find a place in the post-war world and to relate to the creatures that created them. Most warforged have no interest in religion, but some embrace faith and mysticism, seeking higher purpose and deeper meaning. Whether due to some flaw in their creation or simple ignorance of how other creatures operate, warforged often acquire an odd personality trait or two.

Mechanics: Base race (WGE), Envoy subrace (WGE), Juggernaut subrace (WGE), Skirmisher subrace (WGE)


Most official class and subclass options will be available for play, as well as some unofficial options. The following sections detail which class and subclass options are available. Lore details for most classes, which can be used when devloping character backstory, can be found in Chapter 1: Classes in Eberron of Morgrave Miscellany and Chapter 2: Classes & Subclasses of The Korranberg Chronicle - Adventurer's Almanac.


Artificers are an integral part of Eberron as they are the creators of many of the magical wonders in the world. The latest take on the Artificer is available via an Unearthed Arcana article here. This is the Artificer we will use for our campaign until such a time as a new version is released. Artificer subclasses are called Artificer Specialists.

  • Alchemists are experts at combining exotic reagents to produce mystical effects. Among artificers, members of this subclass are the greatest healers, as well as the ones most adept at wielding dangerous chemicals.
  • Artillerists specialize in using magic to create explosions and defensive positions, as well as magic-infused sidearms—especially wands— that can be used on the battlefield. Artillerists were valued by all the armies of the Last War.


Most barbarians are defined by their rage: unbridled, unquenchable, and unthinking fury. There are some though, who channel their rage as more of an intense state of focus, mystical communion, or even just a large burst of adrenaline. Subclass options that explore all of these ideas are detailed below. The Barbarian class uses the mechanics found in the PHB, with subclass options coming from multiple sources. Barbarians subclasses are called Primal Paths.

Barbarian Primal Paths
  • Path of the Ancestral Guardian (XGTE) barbarians hail from cultures that revere their ancestors. These tribes teach that the warriors of the past linger in the world as mighty spirits, who can guide and protect the living. When a barbarian who follows this path rages, the barbarian contacts the spirit world and calls on these guardian spirits for aid.
  • Path of the Battlerager (SCAG) barbarians are followers of the gods of war. They specialize in wearing bulky, spiked armor and throwing themselves into combat, striking with their body itself and giving themselves over to the fury of battle. While this path is typically restricted to Dwarves only, I have decided to lift that restriction.
  • Path of the Berserker (PHB) barbarians view their rage as a means to an end—that end being violence. The Path of the Berserker is a path of untrammeled fury, slick with blood. As you enter the berserker's rage, you thrill in the chaos of battle, heedless of your own health or well-being.
  • Path of the Extreme Explorer (MorMis) barbarians, whether driven by a thirst for gold, knowledge, or a love of a good challenge, are an archetypal action hero, ready to face any challenge that Eberron can offer. Rather than being driven by rage, an extreme explorer is guided by remarkable luck and fueled by pure adrenaline.
  • Path of the Juggernaut (TDCS) barbarians are fearsome brutes that can break through any fortification. Honed to assault the lairs of powerful threats to their way of life, or defend against armed hordes, the juggernauts represent the finest of frontline destroyers.
  • Path of the Storm Herald (XGTE) barbarians learn to transform their rage into a mantle of primal magic, which swirls around them. When in a fury, a barbarian of this path taps into the forces of nature to create powerful magical effects.
  • Path of the Totem Warrior (PHB/SCAG) barbarians undergo a spiritual journey, as the barbarian accepts a spirit animal as guide, protector, and inspiration. In battle, your totem spirit fills you with supernatural might, adding magical fuel to your barbarian rage.
  • Path of the Zealot (XGTE) barbarians are inspired by their deity to pitch themselves into a ferocious battle fury. These barbarians are zealots- warriors who channel their rage into powerful displays of divine power.



Blood Hunter



















In our campaign the Warlock class uses Intelligence as it's spellcasting ability instead of Charisma. Reasons for this are:

  • Charisma is already the spellcasting ability for Bards, Paladins, and Sorcerers. Intellect is only used by Wizards, and the Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster subclasses.
  • Warlocks typically seek out power, intentionally trying to make a pact with a higher form of being. This requires intelligence, usually in the form of research or cunning.
  • Switching Warlocks to Intelligence makes it more likely someone in a party will have high rolls in the skills that key off of Intelligence.
  • Dipping into Warlock is a very common multiclass that offers a significant power spike to many of the Charisma focused classes. Switching to Intellect puts a damper on this slightly and opens up opportunities for Intellect focused builds instead.




  • Player’s Handbook: All Classes.
  • Dungeon Master’s Guide: Death Domain Cleric and Oathbreaker Paladin are available under special circumstances.
  • Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: All Archetypes are available.
  • Matthew Mercer’s Gunslinger Fighter Archetype.
  • The Revised Ranger Unearthed Arcana is in use as a replacement for the traditional Ranger found in the Player’s Handbook.


  • Player’s Handbook: All Backgrounds are available.
  • Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: City Watch, Courtier, Mercenary Veteran, Inheritor, Knight of the Order, Urban Bounty Hunter.
Background details should be discussed with the DM to ensure it fits with the world setting (names of orders, if your family is a noble, etc.).


Characters can be any alignment, but clerics and paladins are required to be within one alignment of their deity’s alignment (Ex. Cleric of a CN god can be N, NG, NE, or CN).


All spells from the Player’s Handbook, EE Player's Companion, and Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide are available.


All feats from the Player’s Handbook are available for ASI or Variant Human. In addition “A Bundle of Feats” PDF found in the Google Drive contains other feats that may be used.


Ability Scores

Player's Ability Scores all begin at 6. The player is given 42 points to allocate as desired, with each point increasing a score by 1, up to a max of 18. The character is not allowed to have more than two scores of 18 before racial modifiers.


If you've read this far shoot me a PM citing this note as the reason and your character can start with an extra uncommon magic item.

This section will go over the various extra rules involved in this campaign.

Adventuring/Downtime Rules

Most of the rules provided in this part of the document are found in the Player's Handbook, which goes into better detail than the few extra notes I am adding here.

  • Starting Equipment: Characters will begin this campaign with the Starting Equipment provided by their class and a set amount of gold determined by the DM at the first session. You may also roll a Trinket for your character if you wish.
  • Experience and Leveling will be tracked using the traditional XP values found in the Player’s Handbook.
  • Firearms and Explosives are available in game due to the wide spread use of Magitech. A sheet explaining the available arms and their properties will be found in the Google Drive.
  • Lifestyle Expenses will be used to determine proper maintenance of equipment. Living less than a modest lifestyle may cause harm to equipment being used during that time, causing it to require repairs later on. Consequences listed in the PHB are also possibilities of living the various lifestyles.
  • Carrying Capacity: Armor worn will not count towards carrying capacity so long as you are proficient in the armor. Money will count towards carrying capacity. (50 coins = 1 pound)
  • Ration/Water will be required by characters to ensure survival.
  • Training: Training can include learning a new weapon, tool, or skill proficiency. Days or gold required to train may be adjusted depending on what you are training in. More gold can possibly be used to learn faster if being taught by a master in that proficiency.
  • Crafting: certain tools allow the person to craft items in their spare time, such as the Tinker’s Tools. This may be done instead of training during down time. Specific Crafting rules to be discussed later and in a separate document.

Additional Combat Rules

Several combat rules and actions are being used in this campaign, including…

  • Additional Actions: Climbing onto a Bigger Creature, Disarm, Overrun, Shove Aside, and Tumble.
  • Cover is being used.
  • Flanking is being used.
  • Lasting Injuries will be used on confirmed criticals/misses (explained later), though a custom injury table is in the works. These are special effects that may include breaking bones, internal bleeding, or possibly losing a limb.
  • System Shock may occur to players when fighting bosses.

Special Rules

This section goes over any additional rules not covered in the above sections, mostly game mechanic changes.

  • Confirmed Criticals are a new way to do additional damage in combat. When a player rolls a 20, they double the damage of all dice rolled (except for the dice added by the Barbarian's Brutal Critical or Half-Orc's Savage Attacks abilities). Before rolling damage the player rolls an additional d20. Treated as another attack roll against the target, if the number after modifiers would also hit the target's AC, it is a confirmed critical. On a confirmed critical, the player rolls an additional d20 and the DM consults the Confirmed Critical Table.
  • Confirmed Misses are in the same vein as confirmed criticals, with an equal and opposite result. When a player rolls a critical miss, they then roll an additional d20. Treated as another attack roll against the target, if the number after modifiers would also miss the target's AC, it is a confirmed miss. On a confirmed miss, the player rolls an additional d20 and the Dm consults the Confirmed Miss Table.
  • Downtime Activities Anytime a session ends, the DM will let the players know if there will be downtime, meaning activities such as crafting, gambling, practicing a profession, researching, or training. When this occurs you are to let the DM know, in a written statement (text is fine), at some point BEFORE the next session what you plan to do during the downtime or it will be assumed you did nothing.
  • Shopping When shopping for specific items that might take time for the DM to look up the price or if you plan to have something created/enchanted by an aristian/wizard, please submit a written statement (text is fine) to the DM BEFORE the day of the next session. This gives the DM plenty of time to discuss with you exactly what you want and that the price is exactly what it is supposed to be.




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