Heroic Spirit - Fighter Archetype

by Gilldreas

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Heroic Spirit - Fighter Archetype

The Fighter who possess a Heroic Spirit bolsters their growing strength with the soul of a warrior that lives inside them. Heroic spirit fighters are at times descendent from these warriors, at times the spirit chooses them as a host to suit their purposes. The spirit grants the fighter power in return for fulfilling a desire of some kind, and at times a person summons these spirits for the express purpose of fusing their powers. Regardless, an unearthly power flows through their veins. As the fighters power grows, so too does the power of the spirit, until they are reborn in the body of their host. A player choosing this archetype should decide on the name, general appearance, traits and personality, as well as weapons and combat style of the warrior spirit once they choose the subclass. These spirits are heroes of legend and would be well known throughout some parts of the world.

Phantom's Proficiency

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level the ancient warriors spirit inside you has awakened and started to meld with you. It's possible that you didn't know it was there until this moment, but now it makes itself very well known to you. A host of memories not your own flood into your mind, and you gain knowledge of skills that would have otherwise been foreign to you, and with those memories comes a new guiding voice, the spirit inside you now guides you as you travel. You gain proficiency in one skill you are not already proficient in. You gain an additional proficiency at 7th level.

Ancient Armament

At 3rd level you are able to manifest the legendary weapon of the ancient warrior whose spirit dwells within you, though only for an instant. As a bonus action when you take the attack action on your turn, you may materialize this weapon and use it for the attacks. It functions as a +3 weapon, and deals an additional 1d6 damage of a type you and your DM choose based on the nature of the warrior spirit inside of you. Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you take a long rest. At 10th level you may use this twice per long rest.


At 7th level your appearance begins to take on some traits of the heroic spirits form in life. Perhaps your eyes or hair change color to match theirs, or your facial features shift to become more sharp or soft depending.

When you use your Action Surge feature, the energy of the heroic spirit surges through you violently, propelling you towards your target. Upon using your Action Surge, you may immediately move up to 10 feet in any direction. Alternatively, if you do not move the full 10 feet, any leftover distance can be forced onto your target. They must make a strength saving throw against a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your strength modifier, on a failed save the creature is pushed away from you however many feet of the 10 you haven't moved. At 15th level the number of feet you may move or push a creature increases to 20 feet.

Hero's Historia

At 10th level The heroic spirit had shared the entirety of their personal history with you. You know about their adventures, trials and tribulations, as well as more secretive details about their private lives, details that many people would not know. You can recall all details of any aspect of their legend, whether the information would be publicly available or not. Additionally the damage dice associated with your Ancient Armament increases from 1d6 to 1d8.

Ethereal Embrace

At 15th level as to take on more of the powers and aspects of the spirit inside you, your connection with the material world weakens while your connection with the spirit world strengthens. You can travel at will between the material and ethereal plane. As an action, you can cast Etherealness on yourself without the need for verbal or somatic components. Once ethereal, you may use your action again to return to the material plane.

Additionally, the damage dice associated with your Ancient Armament increases from 1d8 to 1d10

Ultimate Manifestation

At 18th level the warrior spirit inside you begins to powerfully influence your form. You take on even more of their physical features, some of them being dramatic changes. Perhaps you grow taller or shrink in size to match the height of the heroic spirit, your face becomes theirs entirely, or your body becomes as their body was in life.

Create a second character sheet for the warrior spirit inside you. They are 20th level and are a martial class (either Fighter, Barbarian, Rogue, or Monk) and are any subclass of the class of your choosing. They have all of the class and subclasses normal features and proficiencies, however you ignore Ability Score Increases. Instead, use the following numbers for their ability scores. 20, 20, 18, 16, 12, and 10. You may distribute them however you like. Additionally, they have two feats of your choice, if your game does not use feats, increase two different ability scores from the given numbers by 2. They also have a background as normal. Two of your proficiencies from either your background or the class features must match the two you gained from Phantoms Proficiency.

Decide on what equipment they have with your DM. A possible template for items could be three uncommon magic items, two rare magic items, one very rare magic item, and a legendary quality magic weapon or set of magic weapons. Design this (or these) legendary weapon(s) in conference with your DM.

Once per day, you can spend one minute concentrating to allow their spirit to completely take over your form. Your body becomes theirs for one hour, and you use their character sheet for that time. You fully take on their speech, personality, and mannerisms. They have their own health values that are dependent on what health you may roll for them as well as their constitution modifier. If they're reduced to zero hitpoints, you revert to your original form at zero hitpoints unconscious and making death saving throws. When the hour runs out, whatever hitpoint value you were at carries over back into your normal form. If your value was higher than your normal hitpoints, you return to your maximum hitpoints. You cannot end the transformation early except by being reduced to 0 hitpoints.

Art by Nikolai Ostertag for Paizo Publishing (Artstation)
As well as Art by Ashley Walters (Lithriel) for Paizo Publishing (DeviantArt)

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