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Black Desert Compendium
\pagebreak (Work in Progress) ## Table of Contents **A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z** ___ *Note:* Unless a creature from BDO is a boss or special in some way, humans are not covered in this guide. To achieve them simply see the back of the Monster Manual. ### Converted Creatures and Classes #### Creatures |Section|Page Number| |:-:|:-:| |Ghosts |Goblins (*Giath*)| |Imps (*Red Nose, Dastard Behg*)| |Karanda| |Khurutos| |Musters (*Giant Mudster*)| |Muraka| |Org| |Quint| |Undead (*Hexe Marie*)| #### Classes |Section|Page Number| |:-:|:-:| |Dark Knight| |Striker| |Mystic| ### Other Creatures and Classes Some creatures and classes from Black Desert Online have no need to be adapted as there are already ways to achieve an approximation of them in D&D already, they are listed below. #### Creatures: **Cultists:** You can achive Cultists and various other human races by using the *Cultist* or other NPC stat blocks found at the back of the Monster Manual. ___ **Fogans:** You can achieve Fogans by simply using the *Bullywug* stat block provided in the Monster Manual. ___ **Harpies** You can achive harpies by simply using the *Harpy* stat block provided in the Monster Manual. ___ **Nagas:** You can achieve nagas by simply using the *Sahugin* stat block provided in the Monster Manual. ___ **Red Orcs:** You can achieve red orcs by simply using the *Orc* stat blocks provided in the Monster Manual. ___ **Saunils:** You can achieve saunils by simply using the *Lizardfolk* stat blocks provided in the Monster Manual. ___ #### Classes: **Warrior:** You can achieve warrior by simply using the Fighter class and choosing the Champion archetype. ___ **** \pagebreakNum ## Ghosts Each of the following creatures are ghosts, spirits that have been trapped or reborn into their material forms. ### Wheat Field Lookout When a hired lookout drinks from their masters home without his permission, they can fall ill and lose themselves without ever realizing it. They will spend day and night watching the fields and if anyone save for their masters enter it, they ruthlessly attack. ### Scarecrow Ghost Scarecrows are made to keep out the birds and other pesky wildlife. When an evil spirit possesses one they turn their duties against humanoids and keep them out instead. They never stray far from their fields unless it is to defend it or chase out others. ### Pumpkin Ghosts It is said that carved pumpkins are more susceptible to the curses places on them by hags but normal pumpkins will do. Once animated by dark magic these pumpkins serve their creatures to the death and left of their own, attack any who come near them with fire. ### Masked Pumpkin Ghost These pumpkins can be easily mistaken for Pumpkin Ghosts but do not be fooled, it is just a small goblin or a mutant imp wearing a pumpking on its head. They hide with only their heads above the ground so as to surprise passing merchants. ### Treant Ghost Tree These dead trees were creepy enough before they were possessed, previously they creaked and looked ominous, now approaching one could spell your death. Wind that passes through their branches sound like the shrill screams of women and their clouded minds are possessed by treants who died to fire. ### Tree Ghost Spider A small tree stumps stands by the side of the bog near the witches hut, all of a sudden it attacks, leaping from the earth on eight spider legs and running after you! Maybe next time you will look twice... \columnbreak > **Wheat Sield Lookout:** Add the following features to whatever creature was placed as the lookout before they became a ghost: > - *Everlasting Work:* The creature becomes immune to exhaustion > - *Past Ties:* The lookout must do whatever their master says without question, no matter what it is. If they are away from their field for more than 8 hours then they must make a Charisma saving throw every 10 minutes. On a failed save the creature takes 6 (3d6) Necrotic damage and is paralyzed until the succeed on one of these saves. ___ > ## Pumpkin Ghost >*Small Undead, C. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** AC > - **Hit Points** 32 (8d6 +0) > - **Speed** 30ft, burrow 5ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|12 (+1)|14 (+2)|11 (+0)|6 (-2)|10 (+0)|6 (-2)| >___ > - **Skills** Stealth +4 > - **Damage Resistances** Necrotic, Fire > - **Senses** 10ft blindsight > - **Languages** Can understand common but doesn't speak > - **Challenge** 3 > ___ > > ***Innate Spellcasting:*** The Pumpkin Ghost can cast the following spells requiring no material components. The spellcasting modifier for these spells is Wisdom (Spell save DC 10, Atk bonus +2). > > *At Will:* Firebolt > *1/Day:* Burning Hnads > > ### Actions > ***Claws.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +4 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 5 (1d6 +2) Slashing damage > **Masked Pumpkin Ghost:** Add the *Innate Spellcasting* feature or the Pumpkin Ghost to a Goblin stat block. \pagebreakNum ___ > ## Treat Ghost Tree >*Large Undead, C. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 12 > - **Hit Points** 60 (10d8 +10) > - **Speed** 10ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|18 (+4)|2 (-4)|12 (+1)|6 (-2)|6 (-2)|4 (-3)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Strength +7 > - **Damage Vulnerabilities** Fire > - **Damage Resistances** Poison > - **Condition Immunities** Frightened, Charmed > - **Senses** 30ft blindsight (blind beyond this radius) > - **Languages** - > - **Challenge** 4 > ___ > > ***Still Life:*** When the Treant Ghost Tree is still, it is indistinguishable from a normal tree. > > ### Actions > ***Branch.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +7 to hit, Range 15ft, one target. *Hit:* 21 (2d12 +7) Bludgeoning damage and a creature that is medium or smaller is grappled and restrained. The Branch attack can restrain up to 4 creatures at once and a *Branch* attack against a creature the Treant Ghost Tree is grappling automatically hits. > **Tree Ghost Spider:** This has the stats of a *Giant Spider* found in the Monster Manual. Add the *Still Life* property from Treant Ghost Tree. *Top to bottom, Scarecrow Ghost, Pumpkin Ghost, Masked Pumpkin Ghost, Treant Ghost Tree, Tree Ghost Spider.*
\pagebreakNum ## Goblins Goblins are small humanoids that resemble humans. They have a strong hate for Imps and will attack on sight but apart from that the two races have much in common. They both build altars and their gods walk among them, they both are also quite low on the food chain. They are outnumbered by the Imps 3 to 1. **Wooden Guardians:** Goblins prefer to build with wood, often carving totems poles outside each of their homes and as a village will carve huge towers made from wood that are kept upright by rope and the like. They are protective of these carvings and no two are the same. **Violent Guard:** Goblin society is very simple, the bigger goblins rule the smaller ones and all goblins respect the shamans who speak with their gods and guide them in all their daily activities. All goblins are expect to never let outsider into their villages unless they are bound at the hands and feet and escorted by at least 5 guards. **Simple Workers:** Many goblins will find themselves unhappy with their lives and go to work for other stronger races, needing little to actually be comfy and not knowing much of money they are often hired as cheap workers among the other humanoids. ___ > ## Goblin >*Small Humanoid (goblin), N. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 10 > - **Hit Points** 3 (1d6 +0) > - **Speed** 25ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|10 (+0)|10 (+0)|8 (-1)|6 (-2)|6 (-2)|6 (-2)| >___ > - **Skills** Animal Handling +0 > - **Senses** 60ft darkvision > - **Languages** Goblin, Sometimes Common > - **Challenge** 1/4 > ___ > > ### Actions > ***Shortsword.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +2 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 3 (1d6 +0) Slashing damage > > ***Boomerang:*** *Ranged weapon attack:* +2 to hit, Range 15/30ft, one target. *Hit:* 3 (1d6 +0) Bludgeoning damage > **Variant:** > - *Fighter:* This Goblin has a CR of 2 and can make two attack with its *Shortsword*. > > - *Shaman:* This Goblin can cast the *Eldrich Blast* cantrip at will and may cast *Hex* once per day. It has a CR of 1. ___ > ## Goblin Elite Soldier >*Medium Humanoid (goblin), C. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 10 > - **Hit Points** 15 (3d8 +0) > - **Speed** 30ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|14 (+2)|8 (-1)|8 (-1)|6 (-2)|6 (-2)|6 (-2)| >___ > - **Skills** Intimidation +0 > - **Senses** 60ft darkvision > - **Languages** Goblin > - **Challenge** 1 > ___ > > ***Charge:*** If the Goblin Elite Warrior moves at least 20ft before making a *Club* attack the attack deals an additional 6 (2d6) Bludgeoning damage on a hit. > > ### Actions > ***Club.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +4 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 7 (1d10 +2) Bludgeoning damage *Elite Goblin Solder (Top)* *Goblin Watchtower (left)* *Gobin Shaman (Bottom)*
\pagebreakNum ### Giath Giath from birth was different than others of his kind, he was larger and more human like than his kin and saw it as a blessing. But as he grew so did his power and this blessing turned into a curse, while he was physically stronger and more durable than the other goblins he felt so much more, his love was stronger, his desire, but so too was his pain. **Chosen Hero** All goblins have a respect for him and will listen to him even above what the shamans say. They believe he is the chosen one of their god and want to follow him. He understands this and has never shown weakness around them. **Hidden Away** Giath has had a large network of caves dug out for himself like a maze. Only a few goblins know the way to the center of the maze and in this day and age only a handful of goblins have seen Giath's face. He stays here because even the sound of a drum or the brush of a bed sheet will send into immense pain. **Decorated Body:** Giath's body is covered in chalk lines to signify his rank and over his face he wears the skull of a Giant Ram that he killed long ago. Around his neck hangs three humanoid skulls as he once saw a huge Imp who had the same and thought that he would do the same.
___ > ## Giath >*Large Humanoid (goblin), L. Neutral* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 12 > - **Hit Points** 110 (30d8 -40) > - **Speed** 45ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|16 (+3)|14 (+2)|6 (-2)|16 (+3)|14 (+2)|10 (+0)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Wisdom +5 > - **Skills** Perception +5, Insight +5 > - **Damage Vulnerabilities** Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing, Force > - **Senses** 60ft Darkvision, 60ft Tremorsense, 30ft Blindsight, Passive Perception +15 > - **Languages** Goblin, Common, Elven, Dwarven, Undercommon > - **Challenge** 5 > ___ > > ***Blessing:*** Giath is blessed by a god although no one knows who exactly. He has advantage on all saving throws made against being Frightened, Charmed, Stunned and Paralyzed. > > ***Mark of the Chosen:*** When Giath is reduced to 50hp his armor burns away and his body is burned black. He has advantage on all attack rolls and may cast *Hex* at will and *Fireball (Necrotic damage)* (Spell save DC 14) with a recharge of 5-6. > > Additionally all of his *Scimitar* attacks deals an additional 6 (2d6) Necrotic damage. > > ### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** Giath makes three *Scimitar* attacks. > > ***Scimitar.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +5 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 11 (3d6 +2) Slashing damage ### Lair Actions While within his lair Giath has a CR of 8 and on initiative count 20 (losing all initiative ties) may take one of the following actions. The same action may not be used two rounds in a row. - Giath calls 1d4 Goblin Shamans to his side and 2 Goblin Elite Soldiers. - Giath focuses on a single creature he can see within range. If they can see him then he makes a Charisma (Intimidation) check against their Wisdom saving throw. If they fail the save then they become frightened of him until the end of their next turn. - Giath calls on his power and all Goblin Shamans within the lair can make one *Eldrith Blast* attack. \pagebreakNum ## Imps The imps are a race of creatures that find their home in grasslands, between boulders or where ever they feel safest. They are passive creatures but can be deadly to common folk if provoked. **Imp Altar:** The Imps will build huge mounds of stone that they decorate with nets, smaller stones or small animal skulls. They for some reason hold these mounds in high regard and if anyone, even their own kin get too near it they will go crazy and attack. **Imp Amulet:** Shaman Imps will often create these, made of a small mound of stones with a long branch sticking out on top, and on the branch is hung an animal hide. On the cloth the shamans will draw whatever they think is the most scary thing and believe these towers to protect them. **Imp Defense Tower:** These tall piles of stone have all the valuables of the tribe hung on them as offering to gods. **Civilization:** Imps like to live near abandoned man made towers, that taller the better! Those who live near these towers are the highest class of Imp. They make wooden wagons for their food, smith iron cages for other creatures they catch that they then decorate their towers, hanging full cages from the highest points. ___ > ## Imp Soldier >*Small Imp, Neutral* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 9 > - **Hit Points** 4 (1d6 +0) > - **Speed** 30ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|8 (-1)|8 (-1)|10 (+0)|4 (-3)|4 (-3)|1 (-5)| >___ > - **Skills** Survival -1 > - **Senses** 30ft darkvision, Passive Perception 7 > - **Languages** Imp > - **Challenge** 1/4 > ___ > > ### Actions > ***Slash.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +1 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 3 (1d6 -1) Slashing damage >**Variant:** > - *imp Raider*: Give the Imp a shield (AC 11) and a Club (1d6 Bludgeoning) > - *Imp Wizard:* Can cast *Firebolt* at will. Change the CR to 1/2 >___ >**Variant:** > - Steel Imp: These Imps wear Hide armor (AC 10). They are treated as the higher class among the Imps.
\columnbreak *Imp Raider (Left), Steel* *Imp (Top), Altar Imp* *Warrior (Bottom)*
___ > ## Altar Imp Warrior >*medium Imp, L. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 11 (natural armor) > - **Hit Points** 16 (4d6 +4) > - **Speed** 30ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|14 (+2)|10 (+0)|12 (+1)|6 (-2)|4 (-3)|2 (-4)| >___ > - **Skills** Athletics +4, Survival -1 > - **Senses** 30ft darkvision, Passive Perception 7 > - **Languages** Imp > - **Challenge** 1 > ___ > > ### Actions > ***Longsword.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +4 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 6 (1d8 +2) Slashing damage or 7 (1d10 +2) > **Variant:** > - *Imp Trainer:* Every tribe of imps has one or two of these, they are imps who train captured animals and ride them into battle. They are *Imp Soldiers* with whip attacks (1d4) Slashing \pagebreakNum **Thief Imp Philums:** These imps have left their lives and live among the Myconids, studying their spores, poisons and ecology. They have no loyalty to the imps of their past and are often found in small groups to which they now give their loyalty. These groups have no one leader but through their magics have grown strong. **Rite of the Shroom:** To become a Philum and imp must undergo a test, he or she is placed in the roots of a poisonous mushroom. There they will wait until the mushroom grows into them and they become closer to the myconids than ever before. **Civilization:** The Philums live in hollowed trees that they shape with their magic, without hurting the tree itself or in similar large mushrooms. From these homes they observe the creatures around them and practice their magics. Many Philums fond their homes deep in the Fey Wild studying the plant life and creatures around their home. ___ > ## Imp Philum >*Small Imp, L. Neutral* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 11 > - **Hit Points** 135 (15d6 +75) > - **Speed** 30ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|10 (+0)|12 (+1)|20 (+5)|14 (+2)|16 (+3)|10 (+0)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Constitution +9, Wisdom +7 > - **Skills** Arcana +6, Nature +6, Survival +7 > - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from nonmagical attacks, Fire, Acid > - **Damage Immunities** Poison > - **Condition Immunities** Poisoned > - **Senses** 60ft Darkvision, 30 telepathy, Passive Perception 13 > - **Languages** Imp > - **Challenge** 9 > ___ > > ***Spellcasing:*** Imp Philums are 5th level casters that have the following druid spells prepared. They use Wisdom as their spellcasting ability (Spell save DC 15, Atk bonus +7). Spells marked with * are cast before combat. > > *Cantrips:* Druidcraft, Poison Spray, Resistance > 1st Level (3 slots): *Charm Person, Detect Poison and Disease, Entangle* > 2nd Level (4 slots): *Animal Messenger, Barkskin**, *Spike Growth, Locate Animals or Plants* > 3rd Level (3 slots): *Speak with Plants, Dispel Magic* > 4th Level (3 slots): *Blight, Grasping Vine* > 5th Level (1 slot): *Awaken, Tree Stride* > > ### Actions > ***Staff.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +4 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 4 (1d8 +0) Bludgeoning damage
\columnbreak **Swamp Imp Bronks:** Unlike the Philums these imps have found their place in poisonous swaps that are home often to only the most poisonous of creatures such as the Kvariak or Grung. They spend their time researching and collecting these poisons, who knows why, maybe an interest? Maybe they work for someone? Who knows? **Rite of Entry:** To become a Bronk an imp must first bathe in poison for 24 hours. When he returns the imp has changed, rid of his darkvision and now with immunity to the poisons he embraced. **Civilization:** Imp Bronks live in large colonies in swamps or the unseele portions of the Fey Wild. Their homes and other appliances are made with dead trees and mud piled together. They comb these areas often looking for intruders and when they find them will attack on sight.
___ > ## Imp Bronks >*Small Imp, L. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 11 > - **Hit Points** 118 (13d6 +65) > - **Speed** 30ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|10 (+0)|10 (+0)|20 (+5)|14 (+2)|16 (+3)|12 (+1)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Constitution +9, Wisdom +7 > - **Skills** Arcana +6, Nature +6, Survival +7 > - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from nonmagical attacks, Fire, Cold > - **Damage Immunities** Poison > - **Condition Immunities** Poisoned > - **Senses** 10ft Blindsight, Passive Perception 13 > - **Languages** Imp > - **Challenge** 9 > ___ > > ***Spellcasing:*** Imp Bronks are 5th level casters that have the following druid spells prepared. They use Wisdom as their spellcasting ability (Spell save DC 15, Atk bonus +7). Spells marked with * are cast before combat. > > *Cantrips:* Druidcraft, Poison Spray, Thorn Whip > 1st Level (3 slots): *Charm Person, Detect Poison and Disease, Fog Cloud* > 2nd Level (4 slots): *Animal Messenger, Barkskin**, *Gust of Wind, Moonbeam* > 3rd Level (3 slots): *Wind Wall, Dispel Magic* > 4th Level (3 slots): *Blight, Control Water* > 5th Level (1 slot): *Antilife Shell, Contagion* > > ### Actions > ***Lantern Staff.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +4 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 4 (1d8 +0) Bludgeoning damage and 3 (1d6) Fire damage. \pagebreakNum ### Red Nose Red nose is a special imp that was born with an abnormally large nose. He hates other humanoid races because they have always laughed at him for it. Using alchemy and dark magics he has grown to a huge size and enhanced his strength. **Tune of a Flute:** Whenever Red Nose is feeling angered or upset, he seeks out the sound of a flute although he himself cannot play. When upset, a successful DC 13 Charisma (performance) check will calm his emotions and restore his mind. **Savage Leader:** Red Nose leads the lower class imps and protects them, they look up to him for his strength and he takes care of them in turn. **Trophy Necklace:** Around Red Nose's neck hangs three skulls and four claws, these claws are the claws of a Behir that Red Nose killed when it attacked his tribe, although it was weakened he now believes himself to be as strong as a dragon. He has two earings that have the same claws on them ad two more hanging on sashes around his otherwise unclothed torso. The skulls belonged to a small group of adventurers that thought they could take his head, and he took theirs as penance. **Serrated Club:** Red Nose's weapon of choice is a huge club made of the bones of the Bheir he killed. It has 5 more Behirs on it. He wields it with primal ferocity in his left hand. It also has an iron chain that wraps around his waist so as to discourage others from stealing it while he sleeps. **Serrated Club (Item):** This weapon is a Two - Handed, Heavy weapon that deals 2d6 Bludgeoning damage on a hit. It can only be wielded by a creature with at least *13* Strength. ___ > ## Red Nose >*Huge Imp, N. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 13 (natural armor) > - **Hit Points** 87 (11d12 +10) > - **Speed** 30ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|18 (+4)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|11 (+0)|9 (-1)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Strength +7 > - **Skills** Athletics +7, Survival +3, > - **Condition Immunities** Frightened > - **Senses** 30ft darkvision, Passive Perception 10 > - **Languages** Imp, Common > - **Challenge** 5 > ___ > > ***Mark of Magic:*** When Red Nose is reduced to 40hp his skin becomes blackened and there are white lines that appears all over his skin. He gains resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage and he deals an additional 2 damage on each of his attacks. He also recharges *Belly Flop* if it on cool down. Additionally his walking speed becomes 45ft. > > ### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** Red Nose makes two *Serrated Club* attacks. > > ***Serrated Club.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +7 to hit, Range 10ft, one target. *Hit* 16 (4d6 +4) Bludgeoning > > ***Focus:*** Red Nose uses his action to psyche himself up. Until the end of his next turn he has advantage on all attack rolls. If someone passes the *Tune of a Flute* check while this is in effect then Red Nose gains no benefits from *Focus*. > > ***Belly Flop (Recharge 6):*** Red Nose leaps up to 30ft forwards and 25ft upwards. Where he lands all creatures are pushed out of his space to the nearest unoccupied space. All creatures that Red Nose lands on must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save taking 46 (7d10 +4) Bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a successful one. After doing this Red Nose is prone. > > All creatures within 15ft of Red Nose when he lands must succeed on the save saving throw or be knocked prone. > **Variant:** > - *Imp Work Supervisor:* Some imps are born the same size as Red Nose but non of them are quite as strong. When using these imps use Red Nose's stat block minus the *Mark or Magic* and *Belly Flop* features.
\pagebreakNum ### Dastard Behg Dastard Behg was born much larger than any other Imps, in a similar fashion to Red Nose. He is less of a bully though and more intelligent that the other over sized Imp. He rules over the Altar Imps and commands a force of over 300 Imps. **No Survivors:** To this day, there isn't a man who can confidently say they have survived a battle with the brute, but people have seen him fight. He does so like a madman, swinging his hooked chain scythe around and cutting down tens of enemies in single swings. **Minotaur Trophy:** Behg wears iron armor that is covered in iron spikes in the form of claws and fangs. On his helm there are two forward pointed horns made from the horns of a minotaur that the he wrestled to protect his tribe's grand tower. **Command Respect:** Even the likes of Red Nose bow before him although reluctantly. He commands the respect of both his subjects and foes alike. **Clawed Chain (Item):** The weapon of Behg is a 45ft chain with a huge fish hook like end on it. This weapon is a two - handed weapon that requires a creature to have at least a *14* to wield it. They must also have a proficiency in all simple melee weapons in order to be proficient with this weapon. It uses Strength to calculate Atk and damage bonuses and on a hit deals 1d12 Slashing damage. When you land an attack with it you may also inflict the grappled condition on your target (Escape DC = 8 + your *Strength* modifier + your *Proficiency bonus*). ___ > ## Dastard Behg >*Huge Imp, L. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 15 (studded leather) > - **Hit Points** 210 (30d12 +0) > - **Speed** 40ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|24 (+7)|16 (+3)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|10 (+0)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Strength +12, Dexterity +8 > - **Skills** Animal Handling +6, Perception +6, Intimidation +5 > - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from nonmagical attacks, Poison, Fire, Cold > - **Condition Immunities** Frightened > - **Senses** 60ft Darkvision > - **Languages** Imp, Common, Goblin > - **Challenge** 14 > ___ > > ***Magic Attack:*** Behg's weapon attack are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities. > > ### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** Dastard Behg makes four *Clawed Chain* attacks > > ***Clawed Chain.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +12 to hit, Targets all creatures within 15ft. *Hit:* 21 (4d6 +7) Slashing damage. When one of these attacks hits a small or medium sized creature that creature must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw, on a failed save being knocked prone. > > Behg may also choose to make the same attack but in a 30ft line or a one target attack somewhere within 60ft. When he uses the one target attack he may choose to grapple his target (escape DC 20), that target is then dragged 15ft towards him and knocked prone, Behg may not make another *Clawed Chain* attack until he releases the grappled target. > > ### Legendary Actions > Dastard Behg can take 3 legendary actions choosing from the options below. Only one action may be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Dastard Behg reagins spent legendary action at the start of his turn. > > **Reel In:** If Behg has a creature grappled by his clawed chain then he reels then towards himself by 15ft. > > **Command (Costs 2 Actions):** Up to three allies that can hear Behg move may move up their speed and make one attack. > > **Roar of Victory:** If Behg reduced a creature to 0hp with a *Clawed Chain* attack on his previous turn he may use this legendary action and make an *Clawed Chain* attack.
\pagebreakNum ## Karanda
Karanda is the queen of harpies, well not THE queen. Hapies choose the strongest female to lead them, this harpy is dubbed the Karanda. The Karanda are very crucial to the existence of a harpy tribe as they are the only one to incubate eggs. The harpies born of a Kranda have absolute loyalty to that Karanda until their dying breath. The song of a Karanda is also the most beautiful and deadly sound a harpy can produce. There is only ever 1 Karanda per tribe when the current Karanda is near death she will choose one of her incubated harpies to replace her.
___ ___ > ## Karanda >*Huge Monstrosity, C. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 17 (natural armor) > - **Hit Points** 225 (25d10 +50) > - **Speed** 30ft, fly 60ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|25 (+7)|19 (+4)|15 (+2)|16 (+3)|12 (+1)|27 (+8)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Strength +13, Charisma +14 > - **Skills** Deception +14, Persuasion +14 > - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from nonmagical weapons > - **Damage Immunities** Thunder > - **Condition Immunities** Charmed, Frightened, Deafened > - **Senses** 10ft Blindsight, Passive Perception 11 > - **Languages** Common > - **Challenge** 16 > ___ > > ### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The Karanda makes two *Claw* attacks. > > ***Claw.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +13 to hit, Range 10ft, one target. *Hit* 19 (2d12 +7) damage > > ***Screech of a Queen (Recharge 5-6).*** Karanda sings a painful melody. Every creature within 600ft of Karanda that can hear the song must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw, on a fail a creature takes 60 (15d6) Thunder damage. A creature that fails the save by 5 or more is stunned until the end of Karanda's next turn. > > A creature under Karands's charmed condition of *Luring Song* automatically fails on this saving throw. Creatures under the effects of another harpy's *Luring Song* has disadvantage on this saving throw. > > ***Luring Song.*** Karanda sings a magical melody. Every humanoid and giant within 1 mile of Karanda that can hear the song must succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until the song ends. Karanda must take a bonus action on its subsequent turns to continue singing. It can stop singing at any time. The song ends if Karanda is incapacitated. > > While charmed by Karanda, a target is incapacitated and ignores the songs of other harpies. If the charmed target is more than 5 ft. away from Karanda, the creature must move on its turn towards Karanda by the most direct route. It doesn't avoid opportunity attacks, but before moving into damaging terrain, such as lava or a pit, and whenever it takes damage from a source other than the harpy, a target can repeat the saving throw. A creature can also repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If a creature's saving throw is successful, the effect ends on it. A target that successfully saves is immune to this Karanda's song for the next 24 hours. > > ### Legendary Actions > > A Karanda can take 3 legendary actions each round and may only take one at the end of another creature's turn choosing from the options below. She regains all spent actions at the start of her turn. > > ***Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions).*** Karanda bats her wings and all creatures within 30ft of her must make a DC 21 Strength saving throw, on a failed save being knocked prone. > > ***Soar.*** Karanda moves up to her speed without provoking attacks of opportunities. > > ***Beautiful Notes.*** Karanda sings a beautiful melody causing all creatures affected by her *Luring Song* to have disadvantage on their next saving throw against this effect. \pagebreakNum ## Manshas The Manshas are an intelligent and warlike folk who cover their faces with wooden masks. They are quite adept at foraging weapons and crafting them out of wood. **Hunters:** The Manshas often use hunting traps as part of their eveyrday lives, they leave these traps all around their encampments and in places throughout their forests. When something triggers it they will converge on that point and stab the creature to death with their newfound advantage. **Example Traps:** *Mansha Lightning Trap:* When a creature walks beneath a branch that is rigged with this trap they must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 Bludgeoning damage and knocked prone on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. DC 17 check to notice the trap. *Mansha Bear Trap:* When a creature steps on this trap they must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save they take 4d10 +8 Piercing damage and are restrained (DC 18 Strength check to get out). A creature that fails the save by 5 or more has disadvantage on all Dexterity saving throws and checks until the end of their next long rest. **Common Living Place:** Manshas often live in forests that are known to herald ogres as the look up to these great creatures, almost in a way that would suggest they think the ogres are gods. ___ > ## Mansha Warrior >*Small Humanoid (Mansha), C. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 14 (leather armor) > - **Hit Points** 25 (5d6 +5) > - **Speed** 25ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|8 (-2)|16 (+3)|13 (+1)|16 (+3)|8 (-1)|10 (+0)| >___ > - **Skills** Survival +2, Nature +6 > - **Damage Resistances** Lightning > - **Senses** 30ft darkvision > - **Languages** Mansha > - **Challenge** 1 > ___ > > ### Actions > ***Shortspear.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +6 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 6 (1d6 +3) Piercing damage
\pagebreakNum ## Mudsters The original mudster was a man who got caught up in his own experiment. When it went horribly wrong he turned into a massive monster resembling a humanoid ooze that flattened his small village to the ground. **Need to Return:** When the Giant Mudster was destroyed its pieces were scattered to the wind. These pieces are the other mudsters and with what little intelligence they possess, wish to return together to reform their own body. ___ > ## Mudster >*Medium Ooze, Neutral* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 9 > - **Hit Points** 40 (10d6 +0) > - **Speed** 20ft, Burrow 20ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|12 (+1)|9 (-1)|10 (+0)|1 (-5)|1 (-5)|1 (-5)| >___ > - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from nonmagical sources, Necrotic, Acid > - **Damage Immunities** Poison > - **Condition Immunities** Poisoned, Paralyzed > - **Senses** 30ft Blindsight (blind beyond this radius) > - **Languages** - > - **Challenge** 4 > ___ > > ***Mud Travel:*** While in loose dirt or mud the muster ignores difficult terrain and has a 50ft move speed. > > ***Drip:*** When the mudster moves he leaves behind a trail of slippery mud. Any creature that steps in this mud must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. This mud lasts for 1 round in this way. > > ***Covered in Pain:*** The mudsters have many sharp objects that they pick up stuck in themselves. When they are hit my a melee attack the attacker takes 3 (1d6) Piercing damage back and if they are using a weapon they must succeed on a DC 15 Strength check or have the wepaon become lodged in the muster until someone pulls it out by attempting the same check as an action. > > If they have a weapon from a party member in them then add that weapon's damage to their *Slam* attack and increase the damage dealt by *Covered in Pain* by 3 (1d6). > > ***Sticky Torso:*** Musters have a naturally sticky torso giving them advantage on grapple attempts and creatures grappled by them have disadvantage on checks made to escape. Additionally each time a creature fails a grapple escape while grappled by the mudster, they take the damage from *Covered in Pain*. > > ***Wet Creatures:*** Musters require no food, air, or rest to live but, they do require water. A mudster deprived of water for 24 hours will die. Shorten this time by 1 hour for each time it takes fire damage that day. > > ### Actions > ***Multiattack:*** The Muster makes two *Slam* attacks. > > ***Slam.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +3 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 5 (1d8 +1) Bludgeoning damage
\pagebreakNum ### Giant Mudster This mudster is the original of his kind. The alchemist named Donatt was originally playing with some semi - dangerous ingredients when he came across a breakthrough and was transformed from himself into this abomination.
___ ___ > ## Giant Mudster >*Gargantuan Ooze, Neutral* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 9 > - **Hit Points** 168 (12d20 +48) > - **Speed** 40ft, Burrow 30ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|26 (+8)|9 (-1)|18 (+4)|3 (-4)|3 (-4)|1 (-5)| >___ > - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from nonmagical sources, Necrotic, Acid > - **Damage Immunities** Poison > - **Condition Immunities** Poisoned, Paralyzed, Charmed, Frightened > - **Senses** 60ft Blindsight (blind beyond this radius) > - **Languages** - > - **Challenge** 10 > ___ > > ***Mud Travel:*** While in loose dirt or mud the muster ignores difficult terrain and has a 60ft move speed. > > ***Drip:*** When the Giant Mudster moves he leaves behind a trail of slippery mud. Any creature that steps in this mud must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. This mud lasts for 2 rounds in this way. > > ***Covered in Pain:*** The Giant Mudster has many sharp objects that he picked up and stuck in himself. When he is hit my a melee attack the attacker takes 9 (3d6) Piercing damage back and if they are using a weapon they must succeed on a DC 15 Strength check or have the wepaon become lodged in the Giant Mudster until someone pulls it out by attempting the same check as an action. > > If he has a weapon from a party member in himself then add that weapon's damage to the *Slam* attack and increase the damage dealt by *Covered in Pain* by 6 (2d6). > > ***Sticky Torso:*** The Giant Mudster has a naturally sticky torso giving him advantage on grapple attempts and creatures grappled by him have disadvantage on checks made to escape. Additionally each time a creature fails a grapple escape while grappled by the Giant Mudster, they take the damage from *Covered in Pain*. > > ***Wet Creatures:*** The Giant Mudster requires no food, air, or rest to live but does require water. When deprived of water for 48 hours it will die. Shorten this time by 1 hour for each time it takes fire damage that day. > > ### Actions > ***Multiattack:*** The Muster makes two *Slam* attacks and one *Surprise Spikes* attack. > > ***Slam.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +12 to hit, Range 10ft, one target. *Hit:* 24 (4d8 +8) Bludgeoning damage > > ***Surprise Spikes:*** *Melee weapon attack:* +12 to hit, Targets all creatures within 5ft. *Hit:* 23 (5d6 +8) Piercing damage > > ***Dive (Recharge 5-6):*** The Giant Mudster dives into a small ball rendering himself prone and spins in the ground. At the start of his next turn all creatures within 60ft of him that are also within 5ft of the ground (walls ceilings etc...) must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save they take 48 (10d8 +8) Piercing damage and are restrained as a black iron spike impales them to the ground. A creature may use its action to free itself or a creature within 5ft may use its action to free another creature. On a failed save a creature takes half as much damage and is not restrained.
\pagebreakNum ## Muraka Not much is known about Muraka, the Ogre King. Deep within a dark wood lies a stone statue of a massive ogre, whose arms are covered in rugged black stones and red hot veins, on his head are two large black horns and across his face is an iron helm. **Dormant King:** Muraka is cursed by the gods, his violence is so dangerous to everything around him that he was sealed away, in the same likeness as the Terrasque. Every few eons he wakes and wreaks havoc on all things until he can be sealed away again. **Standing Tower:** It is said that as long as Muraka stands, he cannot be felled. As long as is knees remain above his feet, he will not yield. **Shiver of Time:** After all these years, ogres wont even approach his statue in fear that he will be released due to their presence. **Sealing:** In order to stop Muraka you must cast *Imprisonment* on him while he is within 300ft of the location where his statue used to rest. Alternatively you can cast *Flesh to Stone* on him turning him into a statue permanently. If these spells are cast on Muraka while he is not prone, he automatically succeeds on the save. Whe Killed Muraka returns to his stone form for another 1d100 x 10 years.
___ ___ > ## Muraka >*Gargantuan Ogre, C. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 24 (natural armor) > - **Hit Points** 480 (30d20 +180) > - **Speed** 30ft, 30ft climb >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|30 (+10)|8 (-1)|24 (+6)|12 (+1)|12 (+1)|15 (+2)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Strength +18, Constitution +14 > - **Skills** Athletics +18 > - **Damage Resistances** Cold, Lightning, Necrotic > - **Damage Immunities** Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from nonmagical, non adamantine attacks, Poison, Fire > - **Condition Immunities** Charmed, Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed, Poisoned > - **Senses** 120ft Truesight, Passive Perception 11 > - **Languages** Ogre, Common, Dwarven > - **Challenge** 27 > ___ > > ***King on His Knees.*** When Muraka is not prone he has a damage threshold of 70. If a single hit does not deal that much damage then Muraka takes no damage at all. > > ***Legendary Resistance (3/Day).*** Muraka may choose to succeed on any saving throw that he fails. > > ***Ancient Weapons.*** Muraka's attacks count as magical and adamantine for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities. > > ***Siege Monster.*** Muraka deals double damage to structures and constructs. > > ### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** Muraka makes two *Stomp* attacks and one *Swat* attack. > > ***Stomp.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +18 to hit, Range 10ft, one target. *Hit:* 26 (2d12 +8) Bludgeoning damage > > ***Swat.*** *Melee weapon attacks:* +18 to hit, Range 15ft, one target. *Hit:* 33 (3d12 +8) Bludgeoning damage. This attack cannot hit creatures on the ground while Muraka is standing, it can do this when he is prone. > > ### Legendary Actions > Muraka can take 3 legendary actions choosing from the options below, only one action may be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Muraka regains all spent actions at the start of his turn. > > ***Writhe.*** While Muraka is prone he rolls around frantically and attacks all creatures within 10ft with his *Swat* attack. > > ***Leap (Uses 2 Actions).*** Muraka jumps 30ft forwards and 10ft upwards and when he lands all creatures are pushed out of Muraka's space and take 29 (3d12 +8) Bludgeoning damage. > > ***Stomp:*** Muraka uses his *Stomp* attack. \pagebreakNum ## Org This Orc shaman is the great leader of his tribe of red orcs. Between his limitless ability to use fire magic and his enormous size the challenge of opposing him seems almost impossible. **Sadistic Flame:** Org loves to watch his foes burn, he often will not finish off trivial foes until they have suffered to his liking. He will call out to his men that he wants a creature to suffer and they will do their best to bring that creature alive, lest they burn as well. **Blessing of the Flame:** The reason that Org has unlimited access to his fire magic is thanks to his blessing from Maegera, who now resides deep in gauntlgrym. He then also stole a single ember from Kassuh's heart which he used to light the flame in his staff. ___ > ## Org >*Large Humanoid (orc), C. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 14 (natural armor) > - **Hit Points** 45 (5d8 +20) > - **Speed** 30ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|18 (+4)|11 (+0)|19 (+4)|16 (+3)|14 (+2)|13 (+1)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Strength +8, Intelligence +7 > - **Skills** Arcana +7, Athletics +8, Intimidation +5 > - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. > - **Damage Immunities** Fire > - **Condition Immunities** Charmed > - **Senses** 60ft Darkvision, Passive Perception 12 > - **Languages** Orc, Common, Ignan > - **Challenge** 11 > ___ > > ***Innate Spellcasting:*** Orog can cast the following spells requiring no material components (Spell save DC 17, Atk bonus +9). > > At Will: *Fireball, Wall of Fire, Flame Strike* > > ***Firey Heart:*** While holding his staff Org regains all his hit points whenever he would take fire damage. > > ### Reactions > > ***Burn Burn Burn!:*** When Org is hit by an attack he may use his reaction to cast one of his innate spellcasting spells. > > ### Actions > > ***Staff.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +8 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 9 (1d8 +4) Bludgeoning damage and 9 (3d6) Fire damage
\columnbreak ___
#### Staff of Fire Quarterstaff, Very Rare (requires attunement) ___ This staff grants a +2 bonus to spell save DCs and Atk bonuses (included in the stat block). **Spellcasting:** This staff has 5 charges. As an action you may expend 1 or more charges to cast one of the following spells: *Fireball* (3 Charges), *Absorb Elements (Fire)* (1 Charge), *Flame Strike* (3 Charges). \pagebreakNum ## Quint Quint is a massive troll but although he is huge he appears to be a bit of a wuss. He, although near indestructible, hates it when people attack him too much and will run when he starts losing or well, taking damage or simply being attacked, even if no damage is dealt. **First Troll:** Quint was the first and original troll, he lives in a secluded part of his wood and keeps mostly to himself but when he needs to hunt every few hundred years or feels like taking a walk the entire surrounding area feels the ripples of his march. Because of this, Quint does not feel he is bound by duty, law or any of the like. **Home Sweet Home:** Quint's home is not as hidden as he might believe, adventurers stumble across it from time to time and live only when Quint doesn't notice them. His hut is situated deep in a wood north a fishing village. **Old Soul:** Quint has survived countless millennium but has not got around much. He doesn't know much except for the way the land has changed. He, unlike many other powerful being has no preference in the weapon he wields, instead preferring to rip out the nearest tree to use as a club.
___ ___ > ## Quint >*Gargantuan Troll, N. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 25 (natural armor) > - **Hit Points** 867 (51d12 +510) > - **Speed** 30ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|30 (+10)|9 (-1)|30 (+10)|7 (-2)|12 (+1)|10 (+0)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Strength +18, Constitution +18 > - **Skills** Athletics +18, Animal Handling, Nature +6, Survival +9 > - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing, Fire, Cold, Thunder, Acid > - **Damage Immunities** Poison > - **Condition Immunities** Frightened, Paralyzed, Stunned, Poisoned > - **Senses** 120ft Truesight, Passive Perception 11 > - **Languages** Troll > - **Challenge** 28 > ___ > > ***Clumsy Feet:*** When Quint moves at least 30ft all creatures within 5ft of him when he finish his movement or within 5ft of him during movement after the 30ft must succeed on a DC 26 Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save taking 50 (6d10 +8) Bludgeoning damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. Failing the save by 5 or more renders the target prone. > > ***Almost Deaf:*** When Quint is subject to an effect that requires him to hear roll a d6, on a 2-6 he cannot hear it and is exempt from the effect. > > ***Ancient Being:*** Quint is immune to the effects and damage of spells that are 6th level or lower unless he chooses otherwise. > > ***Magic Attack:*** Quint's attacks are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities. > > ### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** Quint makes two *Club* attacks. > > ***Club.*** *Melee weapon attack:* +18 to hit, Targets all creatures in a 15ft line. *Hit* 68 (10d10 +8) Bludgeoning damage > > ***Swallow:*** Quint swallows one medium or smaller creature that he is grappling. That creature is blinded and restrained. At the start of each of Quint's turn a creature takes 60 (20d6) Acid damage if they are swallowed. If Quint takes a total of 50 damage in one turn from inside him he must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, on a failed save throwing up all swallowed creatures within 5ft of himself, all these creatures take 3 (1d6) Bludgeoning damage from being spit out. > > ***Steamroll (Recharge 6):*** Quint lays down and rolls up to 60ft in a line. All creatures he passes through must succeed on a DC 26 Strength saving throw, on a failed save taking 120 (30d8) Bludgeoning damage and being knocked prone, taking half as much and not being knocked prone on a successful one. > > All creatures that fail this save must also make a DC 26 Constitution saving throw, on a failed save a creature is winded and has disadvantage on all ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls until the end of his or her next turn. > > ### Legendary Actions > Quint may take 3 legendary actions choosing from the options below, he may only take one action at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. He regains all spent actions at the start of his turn. > > ***Stomping Charge:*** Quint moves up to his speed > > ***Stretch Out:*** Quint rolls to recharge his *Steamroll* action. > > ***Wild Swing:*** Quint attacks all creatures within 10ft of himself with his *Club* attack. \pagebreakNum ## Undead Undead are dangerous, they are often found in hordes, they do not tire, and they have no need to cling to life. ### Hexe Marie Hexe Maria was a powerful wicth that added so much to the current magic that exists today, unfortunately she was burned at the stake and only barely survived. **Fear of Flame:** If Hexe spies flame she will stay away from it, unless she is near death in which case she will mercilessly attack whoever produced this flame. **Necromancer Witch:** Hexe Marie lives in an eerie forest, she erects totems made of humanoid bones in her forest to ward off intruders. She also always has skeleton guards on the prowl while keeping her stringer undead near her at all times. ___ > ## Hexe Marie >*Large Huamnoid, L. Evil* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 12 > - **Hit Points** 144 () > - **Speed** 30ft, fly 30ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|10 (+0)|17 (+3)|11 (+0)|22 (+6)|12 (+1)|14 (+2)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** Intelligence + > - **Skills** skills > - **Damage Vulnerabilities** damage_vulnerabilities > - **Damage Resistances** Resistances > - **Damage Immunities** Damage_Immunities > - **Condition Immunities** condition_Immunities > - **Senses** Senses > - **Languages** Languages > - **Challenge** 13 > ___ > > ### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The Creature Name makes Number and type of attacks > > ***Ability Description.*** *Attack Style:* Attack Bonus to hit, Reach/Range, one target. *Hit* Damage Damage Type damage \pagebreakNum # Classes ___ The classes listed below are adapted from Black Desert as with all things in this compendium. They mimic the abilities given to them in BDO as best they can in D&D. Some classes are not included in this list, they are instead listed in the index with their corresponding D&D classes as they did not need any changing. Please note, the classes here assume that the power granted from the awakening weapons in BDO is part of the character or an extension of their capabilities. If you want the items to play a larger part in this you can find them at the end of the compendium. Subclasses that include spells have any original spells markes in italics and those spells can be found at the end of the class descriptions. ___ ## Berserker *(Barbarian, Primal Path)* ___ Berserkers specialize in savage combat, they fight using melee weapons to execute foes where they stand. Their inner rage bursts forth and consumes their body in a demonic scream. Your rage will be unmatched among all of your kind. ### Fearsome Tyrant At 3rd level your rage bursts forth it explodes out from you in a pulse of anger and madness. When you activate you rage you inflict a Wisdom saving throw on all creatures you choose within 30ft of you. The DC equals 8 + your *Charisma* modifier + your *Proficiency Bonus*. On a failed save a creature is frightened, or not being frightened on a successful save. A frightened creature may repeat the save at the end of their turns, ending the effect on a success. At 11th level you deal 1d6 Psychic damage to all creature affected by this aura. Creatures immune to the frightened condition are immune to this damage. ### Raging Thunder When you are in your rage at 6th level, and after making at least two melee wepaon attacks on your turn, you gain 2 AC until the start of your next turn. You cannot gain this benefit if you are using a shield or wearing armor. ### Titan Syndrome AT 11th level your rage is so fierce that it resembles that of the titans in the war long ago. When you activate you rage you may choose to enter a Titan's rage. When you do this you gain the following features on top of any that your rage already grants: - You reduce all damage taken further by 3 - You gain another 2 points of damage - You may use a bonus action on each of your turns that you are enraged to take the dash action, the shove action, or the grapple action. - Your long jump and high jump distances double - You cannot exit this rage while you are below half your maximum hit points \columnbreak ### Storming Beast At 14th level your rage gives you advantage no mortal could dream of. While you in your Titan's rage you may take any of the following actions or bonus actions. Each action can only be taken once between each long rest. - **Corpse Storm:** While you are grappling a creature you may use an attack action to throw them a number of feet equal to your Strength score x 2 (rounded to the nearest 5). They take 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for every 10th they were thrown. When a creature lands it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw. The DC equals 8 + your *Strength* score + your *Proficiency Bonus*. On a failed save the creature falls prone. - **Fierce Strike:** You may use a bonus action to inflict a Intelligence save on a creature within 5ft of you (Against your Fearsome Tyrant DC). On a failed save you have advantage on the next attack roll you make against them if you make it before the end of your turn. - **Wrath of Beast:** Your rage bubbles forth around you skin as an action. You become immune to nonmagical damage until the start of your next turn. - **Devastation:** You stomp the ground as an action and all creatures within 15ft of you must succeed on a Strength saving throw. The DC equals 8 + your *Strength* modifier + your *Proficiency bonus*. On a failed save they are knocked prone. - **Titan Blow:** As an action you build up tension in your body and as part of that action you release it in a 30ft lone, 5ft wide line. Each creature in that line must make a Strength saving throw. The DC equals 8 + your *Strength* modifier + your *Proficiency Bonus*. On a failed save a creature takes damage equals to 5d10 + your Strength modifier and is knocked backwards 10ft (If they run into a creature then both creatures make an Athletics check with the same DC, on a fail being knocked prone). On a successful save a creature is not knocked back and takes half as much damage.
\pagebreakNum ## Musa (Fighter, Martial Archetype) ___ The Musa are oriental bladesmasters that specialize in creating flame through innate magical prowess to coat their weapons or to swing at foes from far away. If left unchecked, a Musa can deliver powerful blows and reposition to his liking. As a musa your martial prowess will grow like a raging flame. #### Spirit Die You have four spirit die which are d6s. A spirit die is expended when you use it. You regain all spend spirit die at the end of a short of long rest. You gain another spirit die at 7th level and again at 15th level. ___ Musa DC = 8 + your *Strength* or *Dexterity* modifier + your *Proficiency Bonus* ### Fiery Angel As a bonus action starting at 3rd level you light one weapon you are holding ablaze and when you land an attack with it you deal additional fire damage equal to one of your spirit die for the duration. While this is active your walking speed increases by 10ft. This lasts for 1 minute of until you lose concentration. This uses one spirit die. ### Precise Martial Arts When you reach 7th level you martial prowess is growing even faster than you could ever have imagined. Using one spirit die you may use one of the following features. **Musa's Soul.** As an action you may let out a rallying shout that trikes fear into your foes and hope into your allies. All allies within 30ft of you gain a bonus to damage the next time they land an attack or cast a spell equal to your proficiency bonus. All foes within 30ft have disadvantage on their next attack roll unless they are immune to the frightened condition. **Retaliation.** While you are wielding one weapon in two hands that is not a heavy weapon, you may assume this stance as a reaction to being attacked. This increases your AC by 2 against the attack and if the attack made against you misses, you may, as part of this reaction, make one weapon attack against the creature that missed you dealing additional damage equal to one of your spirit die. **Lunar Slash.** When you land a melee weapon attack you may inflict a Strength saving throw on your target. On a failed save the target is knocked prone if they are large or smaller. **Tiger Blade.** As a bonus action to create a flaming sword in your hand. The sword counts as a shortsword or longsword (your choice) and deals damage equal to the die type of your spirit die. The damage it deals is exclusively fire. **Crust Crusher.** As an action you make one melee weapon attack against all creatures within 5ft of you dealing additional damage equal to the die type of your spirit die. ### Musa's Spirit At 10th level you spirit dice turn into d8s and when you reach 18th level they turn into d10s. \columnbreak ___
### One Step Back When your reach 15th level you look back on what you have learned and move ever forwards with it to back you up. You gain access to the following features, each one using 1 spirit die to activate. **Projection.** As an attack you unleash a blazing slash that travels 30ft in a straight line. Each creature in the line must make a Constitution saving throw, on a failed save taking full damage and on a failed save taking half as much. The damage equals 5 of your spirit die. **Counter Assassination.** You open up your defenses baiting enemies in. You lose 10 AC doing this but when you hit you may then expend the spirit die and make an attack as a reaction with advantage that deals extra damage equal to two of your spirit die. **Blooming.** You may make 3 weapon attacks against a creature within 5ft but they deal no damage as an action. After this as part of the same action make three weapon attacks against that creature. For each one of the first 3 attacks that hit you gain advantage on one of the secondary 3 attacks. \pagebreakNum
## Maehwa (Fighter, Martial Archetype) ___ Maehwa are oriental fighters that will use their innate magic to freeze their blades and foes alike. Their icy stabs and lethal thrusts will leave foes shivering in fear and awe. As a maehwa you will embrace elegance and speed in everyday life and on the battlefield. #### Spirit Die You have four spirit die which are d6s. A spirit die is expended when you use it. You regain all spend spirit die at the end of a short of long rest. You gain another spirit die at 7th level and again at 15th level. ___ Musa DC = 8 + your *Strength* or *Dexterity* modifier + your *Proficiency Bonus* ### Sleet Steps Starting at 3rd level you footsteps are fast and silent. You gain advantage on Dexterity (stealth) checks made to keep quiet and when you provoke an attack of opportunity, it is made at disadvantage. ### Precise Martial Arts When you reach 7th level you martial prowess is growing even faster than you could ever have imagined. Using one spirit die you may use one of the following features. **General Apricot.** As an action you may let out a rallying shout that trikes fear into your foes and hope into your allies. All allies within 30ft of you gain a bonus to damage the next time they land an attack or cast a spell equal to your proficiency bonus. All foes within 30ft have disadvantage on their next attack roll unless they are immune to the frightened condition. **Sticky Snowflake.** When you land a melee weapon attack on a creature you may attack a creature within 5ft of that creature as part of the same attack. The damage for the attack also increases by one of your spirit die as cold damage. \columnbreak ___
**Moonrise.** When you land two melee weapon attacks on a single creature during one turn you may use this on the second to increase damage dealt by two of your spirit die. **Petal Bloom.** As an action you charge up ice in your weapon. As an action on your next turn you make one weapon attack against all creatures in a 5ft wide, 30ft long line. On a hit a creature takes damage equal to four of your spirit die. **Stigma.** You inflict a constitution saving throw on a creature when you hit them with a melee weapon attack, on a failed save their movement speed become 0 until the end of their next turn. ### Maehwa's Spirit At 10th level you spirit dice turn into d8s and when you reach 18th level they turn into d10s. ### Royal Rage When you reach 15th level your strikes are smooth and precise and your spirit is as cold as ice. You gain the following features, each one using one spirit die to activate. **Blooming Step.** When you provoke an attack of opportunity you may use your reaction to make one weapon attack against your attacker dealing extra cold damage equal to one of your spirit die. **Chaos: Red Moon.** As an action you disappear in a swirl or bloody petals an whiling slashes. All creatures within 5ft of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save taking full damage or half as much on a success. The damage you deal equals 2 of your spirit die as weapon damage. You also impose disadvantage on attack rolls against until the start of your next turn. **Flow: Moonlight Dash.** As a bonus action you take the dash action two times. \pagebreakNum ## Lahn (Fighter, Martial Archetype) ___ Lahn are fighters who can fly through the sky, running on the air and expanding their combat capabilities. While airborne they can dive to assassinate foes and can more easily land critical hits. As a Lahn you will be a master of the skies and the land alike. ### Nimbus Stride At 3rd level you may take the dash action as an attack action on your turn. When you do this you may run on the air (you may use you full action on subsequent turns to keep running in the air by taking the dash action). While airborne you may use any of the following actions: **Fragrant Stigma.** You dive up to 60ft downwards as a bonus action taking only 1d6 fall damage. When you do this, if you make a weapon attack on the same turn, that attack has advantage and deals an additional 1d6 weapon damage. **Morning Dew.** You dice up to 30ft downwards as a bonus action taking only 1d6 fall damage. When you do this, the next weapon attack you make deals an additional 3d6 weapon damage if it is made before the end of your turn. ### Nirvana Step At 7th level you movement speed increases by 10ft. Additionally while airborne you have advantage on dexterity saving throws and if an effect has you make a dexterity saving throw to take half damage, you instead take no damage on a successful save or half as much on a failed one. \columnbreak ### Furor When you reach 11th level you gain a new bonus action option while you are airborne: **Ethereal Dance.** You dive up to 30ft downwards as a bonus action taking only 1d6 fall damage. When you do this using all remaining attacks you may make one attack roll with advantage against all creatures within 10ft of you. ### Bleeding Hearts At 15th level you become more powerful the closer to death's door you become. When you are under 50% hp you recover an extra 10 hp whenever you use our second wind feature. When you use your *second wind* feature you also gain advantage on your next weapon attack. ### Phantom Dance When you reach 18th level as a Lahn you no longer provoke attacks of opportunity when you use *Nimbus Stride*. You also now land a critical hit on a 19 or 20. When you use *Fragrant Stigma*, *Morning Dew*, or *Ethereal Dance* you gain 1d6 AC until the start of your next turn. Finally, your second wind die increases to a d12.
\pagebreakNum ## Striker *(Monk, Monastic Tradition)* ___ Strikers are warrior who have complete control over the Ki in their bodies and when they need to, can force it out to manifest it physically. They fight with a less refined style than other monks but what it lacks in elegance it makes up for in brutality. Your fists sear with flame and your soul burns bright as the sun. ### Martial Spirit At 3rd level you have been trained to control you inner Ki and let it flow through your fists to unleash devastating strikes on your foes. When you land an unarmed attack you may, once on each turn, use 1 Ki point to use one of the following techniques. You start with two techniques of your choice, you may choose an additional technique at 6th, 11th, and 17th level. **Roaring Tiger:** Your inner Ki roars with ferocity and burst forwards. The creature you hit takes an additional 1d10 Force damage and you may also heal yourself by the number you roll on the die. **Massive Suppression:** You hold back your Ki on your attack and get no damage bonus to this attack but in turn you may attempt to grapple the creature that you hit. You may use an additional Ki point to suffer no damage loss. **Ankle Hook:** You distract your foe with your fists and follow up immediately with a quick shin sweep. Your target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. **Flow: Strike Through:** You punish those who lay down their will to fight with you inner rage. This attack deals an additional 1d6 Force damage. This damage increases to 2d6 Force damage against a target that is prone. **Hidden Claw:** You retreat 5ft backwards and wait. If a creature makes an opportunity attack against you, the attack is made at disadvantage and you may make an attack as a reaction against them as well with advantage. **Flow: Deathstrike:** Your Ki flows through your fist and blasts a weakened target. That target takes an additional 2d8 Force damage if they are Stunned, Paralyzed, Restrained or Grappled. **Fist of True Strength:** You imbue your Ki and your momentum to brutalize your target. If you move at least 10ft in a straight line before using this the attack deals an additional 2d6 Force damage. **Fist Fury:** This can only be used on a Flurry of Blows attack. It increases your damage by 1d6 Force damage and this damage ignores resistances. **Flow: Rock Smash:** On a target that can't run you, you can unleash a fatal blow. When you hit a creature that is prone you may increase damage dealt by 1d10 Force damage and gain +1 AC until the start of your next turn. **Howling Wolf:** You use your Ki and guard against oncoming damage. You gain a +3 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. **Crimson Fang:** Your Ki is sent directly into your target to wreak havoc on their muscles. A creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or suffer from disadvantage on all Strength and Dexterity ability checks and saving throws until the end of its next turn. \columnbreak ### Mountain Aura When you reach 6th level, as a warrior in this world you can punch and beat your way through most foes but when you encounter something that is not so simple you must have a last line of defense. You gain advantage on saving throws made against magical effects. ### Awakening At 11th level you begin to unlock the flame that burns in your soul and manifest it in your fists. You may choose two of the following Ki empowered techniques at this level and may choose a third one at 17th level. Each of these has its own activation conditions and are listed below. **Descent of Fury:** As a Bonus Action using 4 Ki points you unleash your Ki and your strength soars to new heights. For the next minute or as long as you maintain concentration you gain a +3 bonus to melee attack and damage rolls and you have resistance to all damage. **Endless Fight:** Whenever you land a critical hit on a creature you may increase the damage dealt by 2d10 Fire damage for 1 Ki point. **Hell Break:** If you are grappling a creature you may use an attack and 2 Ki points to do one of the following: - *Shred:* You run up to your movement speed dragging the creature along the ground with you. For every 10ft you travel the creature takes 1d8 Bludgeoning damage as he is raked across the ground. At the end the creature is knocked prone and let out of the grapple. - *Slam:* You lift and slam the target into the ground dealing 3d10 Bludgeoning damage to them, releasing them from the grapple and knocking them prone. **Ultimate Crush:** When you attack a creature you are grappling you may use this for 3 Ki to grant yourself advantage on the attack roll and deal an additional 1d8 Force damage. **Infernal Destruction:** As an action for 4 Ki you sweep your leg in a sweep kick letting out a blaze of flame everywhere on the ground 15ft around you. Any creatures on the ground within 15ft of you or just within 5ft of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d10 Fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. A creature that fails the save by 5 or more is knocked prone. **Skull Crusher:** As an action using 5 Ki you leap upwards and land an ax kick on a creature within 5ft of you. That creature takes 2d6 Bludgeoning damage on a hit. All creatures within 30ft of the target must make a Strength saving throw, on a failed save a creature takes 6d6 Fire damage or half as much on a success. **Fallout:** You uppercut and drop your elbow causing fire to pulse upwards and then downwards near you. All creature within 5ft of you must make a Strength saving throw, on a failed save taking 4d6 Fire damage and being knocked prone, or taking half as much damage on a successful save. **Ferocious Assault:** You leap forwards propelled by you rage and Ki as a Bonus Action. You may use 2 Ki points to leap 3oft forwards and 10ft upwards or you may use 3 Ki points to leap 60ft forwards and 15ft upwards. When you land all creature within 5ft of you take 1d4 Fire damage. \pagebreakNum **Spiral Canon:** You leap forwards 30ft in a line for 4 Ki as an Action through any creature that are in your way. All creature you move through must make a Constitution saving throw, on a failed save taking 6d6 Fire damage, or half as much on a success. If a creature fails the save by 5 or more a creature has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws until the end of its next turn. **Endless Explosion:** You may spend 3 Ki points when you us your Flurry of Blows to make an additional two attacks. These attacks deal force or fire damage instead of normal attack damage. **Flow: Crosswind:** When you take the dash Action of use *Spiral Cannon* you may use a Bonus Action and 2 Ki to leap backwards 15ft and 10ft up. Once creature within 5ft of you before you jump takes 3d6 Fire damage. They must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked back 10ft. **Wolf's Fang:** You charge up your Ki in your palms as an Action and expend 3 to 6 Ki. As a Bonus Action you unleash this energy and launch it up to 20ft in a line where it explodes in a 10ft radius sphere. All creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw taking 8d6 Force damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. Using 4-6 Ki increases damage dealt by 1d6 above each Ki point above 3rd that you expend. **Wolf's Hunger:** As a bonus action you use 3 Ki points and until the end of your turn, each time you make an unarmed strike attack roll you may teleport up to 60ft to a location you can see before rolling to hit. **Rage Hammer:** As an action you pound the earth and unleash you pent up Ki in a 15ft radius area around you. All creatures in that area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 6d6 Force damage and being knocked back 10ft on a failed save or taking half as much on a successful save. ### Echo Spirit At 17th level your spirit flows out of you and manifests as a fiery version of yourself. As an Action using 5 Ki or as a Bonus Action using 7 Ki, you summon a fiery double of yourself. When it is summoned it has hit points equal to your hit point maximum and shared all your statistics and you features and traits. The double lasts for 8 Hours or until it is killed. Its mind is linked to your own and it acts on its own initiative and does whatever you want it to do. It can be healed by spells and rests and shares your pool of Ki, it has immunity to Fire and Poison damage. When it is destroyed or its time runs out it restores 3 Ki points to you. Additionally when you use a Ki point to use a Technique from *Martial Spirit* you may make an additional attack roll as long as your double isn't summoned to summon it for that one attack only, on a hit it deals 1d12 Fire damage and has your hit bonuses and damage bonuses as usual.
\columnbreak ## Mystic *(Monk, Monastic Tradition)* ___ The Mystic are warriors and guardians who have spent time in meditation, looking in on themselves and understanding who they are. They guide others and when pushed can lash out like a roaring dragon, their strikes flowing like fierce water rapids. As the sister tradition to the striker your fists can calm even the strongest of storms. ### Infinite Mastery At 3rd level your strikes are calm and calculated landing hits and striking stronger than they appear. When you land an unarmed strike you may expend 1 Ki to use any of the following techniques. Only one technique may be used on each of your turns and you may start with two techniques of your choice. You may choose an additional technique to learn at 6th, 11th, and 17th level. **Roaring Tiger:** You strike with such force that your entire body feels renewed. The creature you hit takes an additional 1d10 Force damage and you may also heal yourself by the number you roll on the die. **Ankle Hook:** You distract your foe with your fists and follow up immediately with a quick shin sweep. Your target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. **Fist of True Strength:** You imbue your Ki and your momentum to stun your target. If you move at least 10ft in a straight line before using this the attack deals an additional 2d6 Force damage. **Fist Fury:** This can only be used on a Flurry of Blows attack. It increases your damage by 1d6 Force damage and this damage ignores resistances. **Howling Wolf:** You use your Ki and guard against oncoming damage. You gain a +3 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. **Soul Basher:** You unleash your Ki into the body of your target targeting their heart. They must make a Constitution saving throw, on a failed save taking 3d4 Force damage or half as much on a successful one. If the target fails the save by 5 or more their speed is reduced to 0 until the end of their next turn. **Thunder Pound:** You release your Ki in a controlled burst to blast the senses of your foe. When you use this it emits a loud peel of thunder audible within 600ft and your target and all other creatures within 10ft of them must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save taking 2d8 Thunder damage or half as much on a success. **Flow: Recoil Slam:** This is a passive technique that allows you to use any of the other techniques you know when you land an opportunity attack even if you have already used your use of *Absolute Mastery* this round. **Flow: Death Clout:** Your Ki fills up the targets system and blocks magic from being released. Any time before the end of your target's next turn if they use magic of any king they must first succeed on a Constitution saving throw, on a fail the magic fails and they waste their action. **Flow: Rib Crusher:** Your Ki explodes out of your target damaging their defenses. As they feel their bones weaken they take a penalty to their Armor class equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). \pagebreakNum **Combo: Splinter Stub:** You release a portion of your Ki and quickly disperse it on your foe. They must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, on a failed save taking an additional 1d6 Force damage and being knocked back 10ft, on a success taking half as much damage and only being knocked back 5ft. ### Mountain Aura When you reach 6th level, you have found a way to counter even foes that you cannot reach, enhancing your durability and safety. You have resistance against spell damage. ### Awakening When you reach 11th level your strikes and fierce and deadly and your mind is always in balance, now you learn to manifest this calm in a physical way to control the fight to an even greater extent. You may choose two Ki empowered techniques to learn at this time and a third when you reach 17th level. Each has its own activation requirements and is listed below. **Tranquility:** Once between each long rest you may steel you mind let it slip into the tides. As an action you regain 1d4 +1 Ki points. **Infinite Fortitude:** Your harness the calm in your soul and allow it to flow through you body, using 3 Ki your body loses its touch with the material. You may channel this for up to 1 minute using an action each round to keep it going. While active you have resistance to all damage and immunity to psychic, poison, acid and fire damage. When you end this effect as a Bonus Action all creatures within 10ft of you take 2d4 Cold damage. **Tidal Burst:** As a Bonus Action using 3 Ki you imbue the strength of the tide into your fists. Until the start of your next turn all unarmed strikes you land deal an additional 1d8 Cold damage. **Rapid Stream:** When you land an unarmed strike you deal may activate this using 1 Ki to immediately make another unarmed strike as a free action with advantage. You may only use this once on each of your turns. **Spiral Torpedo:** As an Action using 4 Ki, your Ki flows out from your like water and encases you in a whirlwind as you leap forwards. Choose a 15ft radius area within 60ft of yourself, all creatures win that area must make a Strength saving throw, on a fail taking 3d6 Cold damage and being pushed 10ft away from you, on a success taking half as much damage and being knocked only 5ft. You also move to the center of that area which must be unoccupied. **Sea Burial:** As an action using 4 Ki, your ki flows from your palm to bury your foes in the depths. All creatures in a 30ft cone must make a Strength saving throw, on a failed save taking 4d8 Cold damage and being knocked prone, on a successful save taking half as much damage. **Rising Dragon:** As an Action using 6 Ki you slam the ground with you fist and rising from the ground comes a roaring dragon of the sea. All creatures within 15ft of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save taking 10d6 Cold damage or half as much on a success. **Wave Orb:** As an Action you expend 5 Ki and unleash a blast of cold force unto your foes. All creatures in a 15ft cone must make a Constitution saving throw, on a failed save taking 6d6 Cold damage and 6d6 Force damage or half as much on a success. **Dragon Shatter:** When you hit a creature that is stunned, paralyzed, or restrained you may activate this using 2 Ki to wreak havoc on their bodies. You deal additional damage to them equal to three of their hit die. **Hurricane Sweep:** As a Bouns Action using 4 Ki you sweep your leg forwards sending a tendril of water spiraling out. All creatures within 15ft of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a fail taking 4d10 Cold damage and being knocked prone. On a success taking half as much damage. **Enhance: Wolf's Frenzy:** As an Action using 4 Ki you leap into action using your Ki to enhance your speed. Make 5 unarmed attacks as part of this Action and before each one you may teleport to a location you can see within 30ft. Each attack is made with advantage if you use an additional 3 Ki points. **Dragon's Rip:** You harness the Ki of others and pull it into yourself as an Action using 4 Ki. Each creature within 60ft of you must succeed on a Charisma saving throw, on a fail they lose a spell slot of 1d6 level or a 1d4 Ki (if they have no resource they are immune to this effect). For each creature you steal a resource from restore 1d10 hp to yourself. **Dragon's Pit:** Your Ki forms the shape of a dragon that flies around in a 60ft sphere centered on point you can see within 120ft. Each creature of your choice in that area must must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, on a fail they take 6d6 Cold damage and 4d6 Force damage. On a fail taking half a much. ### Dragonize At 17th level your Ki flows like a roaring sea or like a calm pond at your command. Now you take it even further. As a Bonus action using 7 Ki you imbue your body with the power of a dragon, your Strength becomes a 27 (+8) and you gain resistance to Cold, Fire, Lightning, Acid and Poison damage for the duration. This ability lasts for 1 minute once activated. While this is active you are constantly under the effects of the *Water Walk*, *Longstrider* and *Jump* spells. Your *Techniques* also use 1 less Ki point while this is active.
\pagebreakNum ## Oath of the Valkyrie (Paladin, Sacred Oath) ___ The valkirie are warriors of the light, they follow deities that teach healing and war. Their magic focuses on healing while their divine smite gains power and can even be channeled to heal. As a valkyrie you will channel the light into your weapon and keep your allies alive and well. #### Tenets of Elion Though your exact pledge may vary, each paladin who walks along the oath of the valkyrie shares these tenets. **Sacrifice.** If you must sacrifice your own life to uphold your oath, do so without question. **Integrity.** You must always act knowing you will influence others, act only with just cause and for just reasons. **Manners.** Never be anything but polite, even when you have been disgraced. **Meditation.** To train your mind, spend one hour each day in meditation. **Pride.** Take pride in yourself, what you become is all on your own will. ### Oath of the Valkyrie Spells |Paladin Level|Spells| |:-:|:-:| |3rd| *Celestial Spear*, Heroism |5th| *Divine Descent*, Calm Emotions |9th| *Breath of Elion*, Blinding Smite |13th| *Sanctitus de Enslar*, Find Greater Steed |17th| Legend Lore , Greater Restoration ### Channel Divinity When you take this oath at 3rd level you gain the following options for your channel divinity. **Elion's Blessing.** As an action you release an aura of peace and tranquility. All creatures of your choice within that are have any charm or fear effect on them removed and they recover hp equal to 1d4 + your *Charisma* modifier. **Judgement of Light.** As an action you target a number of fiends or elementals equal to your Charisma modifier. They must all succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be struck by a beam of light that descends from the sky and incinerates their essence sending them back to their respective planes of existence. ### Noble Spirit As a bonus action once per long rest when you reach 7th level, you may call upon the power of your deity and embody their light. For the next minute, or until you lose concentration you gain these benefits: - You are resistant to radiant damage and may reduce all other damage taken by 3 - All allies within 30ft of you when you cast this gain the above benefit as well (as long as you are able to concentrate). - Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 radiant damage ### Celestial Smite At 15th level you may expend a Divine Smite spell slot as an action to teleport up to 120ft before making your attack. The attack has advantage and has divine smite on it at the level you cast it. ### Divine Power When you reach 20th level, as an action you cause divine energy to flow into your soul. All creatures within 30ft of you when you do this of your choice recover hit points equal to 6d10 + your *Charisma* modifier and all creatures not chosen to recover their hp take damage. The damage they take is radiant and equals the number of creatures you healed (excluding yourself) times 5.
\pagebreakNum ## Archer (Ranger, Ranger Archetype) ___ As an archer you will shy away from more of the straight of spellcsating most rangers dive into, instead preferring to focus more on your range and enhancing your arrows with magic. Your bow string will be laced with magic from the moment you first fire an arrow to the last. As an archer you have a kinship with wolves and are quick on your feet. ### Light's Path At 3rd level, while using a ranged weapon you may increase the maximum and recommended range for the weapon by your *Wisdom* modifier x 10ft. You only gain this benefits while prone or when you do not move on your turn. ### Righteous Fire When you reach 7th level you can imbue your arrows with natural magic. As a bonus action on your turn you may imbue an arrow with power and give it one of the following effects using a 2nd level spell slot. - **Luthraghon's Call.** Your arrow travels through creatures attacking all creatures in a line up to it's maximum range (roll to hit once). It does not pass through objects or even harm them however. - **Piercing Light.** You arrow explodes on impact inflicting a Constitution saving throw (against your spell save DC) against all creatures within 10ft of it's point of impact. On a failed save a creatures takes 3d6 radiant damage or half as much on a successful save. - **Bolt of Radiance.** The arrows target takes an additional 2d10 radiant damage. - **Tactical Strike.** You attack gains +5 to it's Atk bonus but receives a -5 penalty to damage (minimum of 1). - **Full Bloom.** You target two creatures within 5ft of your original target. The additional targets take radiant damage instead of normal damage from the arrows. \columnbreak ### Breath of the Spirit When you reach 11th level you can call upon the spirits around you to do one of three things as listed below. This can only be once before you must take a long rest before doing so again. **Recover:** You and up to two other creatures of your choice within 30ft of you recover hit points equal to 4d6 + your *Wisdom* modifier. **Stun:** Up to three creatures of your choice within 30ft of you must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save they become stunned until the end of their next turn. **Declaration:** Up to three creatures of your choice within 30ft of you must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save they take 5d10 Force damage or half as much on a successful save. ### Ravenous Talon At 15th level you can call forth the spirits of wolves to aid you in your fight. When you land a weapon attack you may use one spell slot to activate the following effect: You summon one wolf spirit to attack a creature within range of your weapon momentarily. Make a spell attack. On a hit the target takes Force damage equal to 2d10 + your spellcasting modifier. When you activate this effect using a 2nd level spell slot of higher you may increase the damage dealt by 1d10 for each spell level the slot is above 1st.
\pagebreakNum ## Dark Knight (Ranger, Ranger Archetype) ___ Contrary to popular belief, Dark Knights are not innately evil. Rather, they have a different outlook on the world compared to the other rangers. Sure they protect nature, but if to protect it they must hurt it or to further an important gain they must destroy the sacred trees, they will without hesitation. As a Dark Knight you draw on nature's darkness and light for a mix of deadly beauty. ### Dark Knight Spells As a Dark Knight you gain access to a new group of spells. You know them automatically and they do not count against your known spells. |Ranger Level| Spells |:-:|:-:| | 3rd | *Vedir's Dogma*, *Imperious Command* | 5th | *Shadow Bullet*, *Nocturne* | 9th | *Corrupt Ground*, *Cluster of Despair* | 13th | *Dusk: Hallucination*, *Shattering Darkness* | 17th | *Trap of Vedir*, *Wrath of Vedir* ### Unveiled Fate At 3rd level you are a force that cannot be stopped. You have advantage on saving throw made against being charmed or frightened. \columnbreak ### Spirit Combustion At 7th level your spirit is volatile and eager to find more power and to walk your path. You gain additional features depending on your alignment (if you alignment changes then so do these benefits). #### Primary Alignment **Lawful:** You gain resistance to radiant damage **Neutral:** You gain resistance to psychic damage **Chaotic:** You gain resistance to necrotic damage #### Sub Alignment **Good:** When you deal radiant damage by any means, increase the damage dealt by your Wisdom modifier **Neutral:** Increases your AC by one until the start of your next turn whenever you cast a spell **Evil:** When you deal necrotic damage by any means, increase the damage dealt by your Wisdom modifier ### Spirit Satiation When you reach 11th level you know who you are and you know your limitations. But nothing is better than pushing past these boundaries and into the unknown. Once per short rest when you fail a saving throw you may choose to succeed instead. ### Overlord At 15th level your manipulation of the light and darkness is unparalleled among men. Choose one 1st level spell and a 2nd level spell, you may now cast those spells at their base levels without expending a spell slot once per long rest each.
\pagebreakNum ## Kamasylvian Ranger (Ranger, Ranger Archetype) ___ Rangers are the elite warriors of the elves. They can stem from high elves or wood elves, even eladrin but they are treated with respect and honor. Some find their comfort with a bow in hand while others enjoy the finely crafted elven blades. As a ranger you will strive to preserve the light in out world and keep balance in nature. ### Wind of the Spirit At 3rd level the sylphs around you bless your movement. Your walking speed increases by 10ft and your long jump distance doubles. Additionally when you take fall damage you may reduce by an amount equal to your level x2. ### Call of the Earth At 7th level you gain the following features: **Evasive Shot:** Whenever you take the disengage action you may make one weapon attack as part of that action. The weapon you attack with cannot have the heavy property. **Wind Step:** When you take the dash action you can run over water or similar substances with ease but you cannot end your turn on them or else you sink like normal. **Spirit Healing:** When you spend hit die during a short rest you recover an extra 1d6 hp for each hit die expended. ### Elven Rage When you reach 11th level you may call upon the sylphs to aid you in your quests. You may call upon them once per day to do one of the following things. **Nature's Tremble.** When you make a melee weapon attack you may inflict a Constitution saving throw on all creatures in a 5ft wide, 65ft line with you as the center of the line. All creatures in that line that fail the save take 10d6 magical piercing damage and have their speed reduced to 0 until the end of their next turn. On a successful save a creature takes half as much damage and isn't rooted in place. **Flow: Disillusion.** When you make a ranged weapon attack you inflict an Intelligence saving throw on your target. On a failed save the target takes 10d6 psychic damage and is stunned. On a successful save a creature takes half as much damage and is not stunned. **Flow: Wings of Wind.** As a bonus action the sylphs guide your movement. You may move up to 120ft in any direction provoking no attacks of opportunity as if you had a flying speed. Your next attack after this has advantage is it is made during the same turn. \columnbreak ### Guardian At 15th level you are a true guardian of the elves. You may now use the following action once before you must finish a long rest before doing so again. **Wailing Wind.** Around you appears thousands of tendrils of light, small pieces of the archfey sylvia's tree. You then launch them in a 120ft long, 5ft wide line. All creatures in that line that are not of fey origin (excluding drow) must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save a creature takes 10d6 untyped damage. On a success they take half as much damage. A creature that fails the save by 5 or more becomes stunned and may repeat the save at the end of each of their turns, ending the stun on a success.
\pagebreakNum ## Tamer (Ranger, Ranger Archetype) ___ Tamers channel the power of a divine beast called the Heilang. They can even summon the beast to fight beside them and ride on its back. When this is not their preferred course of action they can take on the power themselves, channeling it into their attacks. ### Summon Heilang As a bonus action starting at 3rd level you may summon the beast to an unoccupied space within 15ft of you. It acts on your initiative and can understand you and you can understand it. You can find it's stats below. You can summon the Heilang in this way a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier regaining all spent uses when you finish a long rest. The Heilang disappears when it is reduce to 0hp. When you are unconscious the Heilang takes actions that defend its owner but no others. As an attack action once per turn you may command the Heilang to make one of its own actions and use its movement action. You may instead use a bonus action to allow the Heilang to use its movement action. The Heilang gains HP at the same rate that you do and receives half of any stat boosts you receive as well. It uses your proficiency bonus to calculate it's spell Atk bonus and it's Atk bonus. ### Absorb Heilang As a bonus action starting at 3rd level, while you have your Heilang summoned you may absorb it. When you do this the Heilang is reduced to 0hp. You instantly recover hp equal to 5 times your *Wisdom* modifier + your *Constitution* modifier. ### Bolt Wave At 7th level, when you land a weapon attack you may use a 1st level spell slot to increase damage dealt by 1d10 Force damage. Using a higher level spell slot increases the damage dealt by 1d10 for each spell slot level above 1st used. ### Heilang: Upward Claw When you reach 11th level you and your Heiland gain a new actions: **Upward Claw:** Make a melee attack against a creature within 10ft of you, on a hit you deal 1d10 magical slashing damage and 1d10 force damage. **Resonance:** Make a melee attack against a creature within 5ft of you, on a hit you deal 1d6 force damage and inflict a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save a creature is knocked back 5ft and prone. You may add your Dexterity or Strength modifier to damage for both attacks. ### Heilang: Berserk At 15th level you can imbue you and you Heilang's attacks with elemental power. All of your damage bonuses on non-spell attacks can be converted into fire, cold or lightning damage. ___ > ## Heilang >*Large Monstrosity, L. Neutral* > ___ > - **Armor Class** 14 (natural armor) > - **Hit Points** 14 (2d10 +2) > - **Speed** 40ft >___ >|STR|DEX|CON|INT|WIS|CHA| >|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| >|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|12 (+1)|10 (+0)|10 (+0)|10 (+0)| >___ > - **Saving Throws** (Shares the Tamer's saving throws) > - **Skills** Survival, Insight > - **Damage Resistances** Force > - **Senses** 120ft darkvision > - **Languages** telepathy 30ft (only with the Tamer) > ___ > > ***Flight of the Beast.*** Reduce all fall damage taken by 5 times the Tamer's level. > > ### Actions > ***Multiattack.*** The Heilang makes two *Claw* attacks *(unlocks at 11th level)*. > > ***Claw.*** *Melee weapon attack:* (uses Strength), Range 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 1d10 +2 Slashing damage > > ***Heilang: Howling (Recharge 6).*** All creatures in a 30ft cone must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save a creature is frightened until the end of its next turn and has its speed reduced to 0. > > ***Charge 1/ Long rest.*** The Heilang charges up to its speed through creatures it can see. All creatures it passes through must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save taking 4d10 Force damage. > > At 7th level the damage increases to 5d10, it increases again until 11th level and at 15th level the damage increases again to 7d10.
\pagebreakNum ## Godr Wizard (Wizard, Arcana Tradition) ___ The Godr Wizard has a mastery of two elements, fire and water and can summon allies formed from these elements to fight alongside themselves. As a Godr wizard no one will match you on your home field. ### Sage's Memory Starting at 3rd level the time and money needed to copy spells of a school of your choice. Additionally you gain access to the Godr Wizard spell list as shown in the spell lists at the end of the subclass descriptions. ### Summon Keeper At 3rd level you may use a bonus action and a spell slot to summon one of two elemental guardians (Marg or Arne). The elemental stays summoned until it dies or you dismiss it as a bonus action on your turn. \pagebreakNum ## Aad Witch \pagebreakNum # Spells ### Valkyrie Spells #### Breath of Elion *3rd Level Conjuration* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 action - **Range:** 30ft - **Components:** V, S, M (A naturally golden feather) - **Duration:** Instantaneous ___ Your prayers are answered and coursing our from your weapon is a pulse of healing. All creatures of your choice within range recover hit points equal to 1d10 + your *Charisma* modifier. **At Higher Levels:** When cast using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, increase the healing by 1d10 for each level the slot expended is above 3rd. #### Celestial Spear *1st Level Conjuration* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 action - **Range:** 60ft - **Components:** V, S - **Duration:** Instantaneous ___ You call down a spear of light onto one creature you can see within range. Make a spell attack roll against them, on a hit the creature takes 3d8 radiant damage. **At Higher Levels:** When cast using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, increase the damage by 1d8 for each level the slot expended is above 1st. #### Divine Descent *2nd Level* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 bonus action - **Range:** Self - **Components:** V, S - **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute ___ A holy aura surrounds you and causes your eyes to glow with a celestial presence. For the duration you cannot fail a saving throw against being frightened, charmed, or blinded. You also have advantage on saving throws against magic. #### Sanctitus de Enslar *4th Level* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 Action - **Range:** 120ft - **Components:** V, S - **Duration:** Instantaneous ___ You choose a point you can see within range and teleport to that location. When you teleport if you are touching a surface, all creatures within 30ft on that surface must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save taking 4d12 radiant damage and being blinded until the end of your next turn, on a successful save taking half as much damage and not being blinded. \columnbreak ### Dark Knight Spells #### Cluster of Despair *3rd level conjuration* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 action - **Range:** 60ft - **Components:** V, S, M (four sowing needles) - **Duration:** Instantaneous ___ Raising your right hand you summon four bolts of light and darkness. Make four spell attacks against up to four creatures within range. On a hit the creature takes 1d10 radiant and 1d10 necrotic damage. The path the bolt travels on is also momentarily illuminated as if by dim light. **At Higher Levels:** When you cast this spell using a 4th or higher spell slot you may increase the damage dealt by 1d12 for each spell slot level above 3rd. #### Corrupt Ground *3rd level Evocation* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 action - **Range:** self (30ft radius) - **Components:** V, S - **Duration:** Instantaneous ___ Black thorns grow up and coil around you as you slam you hand into the earth shattering them across the ground. All creatures within range that are touching the surface you hit must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d12 necrotic damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. For each creature you hit you may restore 1d10 hp to yourself. **At Higher Levels:** When you cast this spell using a 4th or higher spell slot you may increase the damage dealt by 1d12 for each spell slot level above 3rd. #### Dusk: Hallucination *4th level Transmutation* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 bonus action - **Range:** Self - **Components:** V, S, M (a pinch of dust and a dried leaf) - **Duration:** 1 minute ___ Through your veins pulses dark magic power, any time you are hit by an attack you may use your reaction half the damage taken and teleport up to 15ft to a location you can see. \pagebreakNum #### Imperious Command *1st level Evocation* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 action - **Range:** 120ft - **Components:** V, S, M (A stand of hair from a troll) - **Duration:** Instantaneous ___ You command all creatures charmed by you within range to use their reactions immediately. The reaction causes them to grip their heads in pain and all creatures within 5ft of any creatures charmed by you within range must make an Intelligence saving throw, on a fail taking 4d6 psychic damage. #### Nocturne *2nd level Conjuration* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 bonus action - **Range:** 30ft - **Components:** V, S, M (Two obsidian stones the size of an eye) - **Duration:** Instantaneous ___ You focus you magical powers, teleporting you with a wisp of black smoke to an unoccupied location you can see within range. If you make a weapon attack ofter doing this it has advantage. #### Shadow Bullet *2nd level Evocation* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 bonus action - **Range:** 60ft - **Components:** V, S - **Duration:** Instantaneous ___ From your outstretched hand a small orb of darkness flies forwards up to 60ft. Make a spell attack roll against a creature you can see within range, on a hit they take 4d10 necrotic damage. **At Higher Levels:** When you cast this spell using a 3rd or higher spell slot you may increase the damage dealt by 1d10 for each spell slot level above 2nd. #### Shattering Darkness *4th Level Conjuration* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 Action - **Range:** 20ft - **Components:** V, S - **Duration:** Instantaneous ___ You create an implosions on light in a 15ft sphere centered on a location within range that you can see. All creatures in that area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, on a fail taking 9d6 radiant damage or half as much on a successful one. **At Higher Levels:** When you cast this spell using a 5th level or higher spell slot you may increase the damage dealt by 1d6 for each spell slot level above 4th it is. \columnbreak #### Trap of Vedir *5th Level Conjuration* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 action - **Range:** 15ft cone - **Components:** V, S - **Duration:** Instantaneous ___ A wave of crystallized necrotic and radiant energy springs forth and inflicts a Dexterity saving throw on all creatures within range taking 6d10 radiant damage and 1d10 necrotic damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. After using this you leap backwards up to 15ft provoking no attacks of opportunity. #### Vedir's Dogma *1st level Evocation* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 bonus action - **Range:** Self - **Components:** V, S, M (A dried leaf) - **Duration:** Concentration, up to 1 minute ___ You run your hand along a sword that you are holding and through the steel runs a magic woven of the dakrness of nature. Any time you land a weapon attack with that weapon for the duration a pulse of necrotic energy bursts from the blade dealing an additional 2d4 necrotic damage. **At Higher Levels:** When you cast this spell using a 2nd or higher spell slot you may increase the damage dealt by 1d4 for each spell slot level above 1st. #### Wrath of Vedir *5th Level Conjuration* ___ - **Casting Time:** 1 Action - **Range:** Self, 30ft - **Components:** V, S - **Duration:** Instantaneous ___ Slamming your hand into the earth you let out a shock wave of negative energy. All creatures within range must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, on a failed save taking 6d10 necrotic damage and being restrained until the end of their next turn. On a successful save taking half as much damage and not being restrained. \pagebreakNum ### Cartian's Scythe Scythe, Legendary (requires attunement by a sorcerer or a warlock) ___ This scythe was wielded by the first sorcerer and was used to focus her magical powers into existence. As the years went by the scythe became magical through its constant usage. The scythe grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Cartian's Protection.*** This scythe acts as a spellcasting focus for its wielder and grants a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DCs while wielding it. ***Spells.*** When you cast a spell while using this scythe as the focus you do not expend a spell slot if the spell is cast at 2nd level or lower. ***Blade of Darkness.*** You may use Charisma instead of Strength for calculation attack roll bonuses and damage bonuses. ***Soul Harvest.*** You may place this scythe in a dead creature's corpse that is not an undead for 1 minute. After that minute you gain the benefits of a short rest once per long rest. ***Cartian's Nightmare.*** When an attuned creature dies their soul is devoured by the scythe. ### Sah Chakram Greatsword (technically), Legendary (requires attunement by a rogue) ___ This Chakram is huge, it would be cumbersome to an inexperienced weapons master. It has the Finesse property and the Thrown property 15/30ft. The chakram grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Flash Step.*** As a bonus action you may teleport up to 10ft, when you do this if you take the hide action afterwards the action has advantage. ***Lunar Dash.*** When you take the dash action you may move an additional 10ft. If you make an attack after doing this on the same turn then the attack deals an additional 1d6 Slashing damage. ***Chain Crash.*** As an action while wielding the chakram you may throw the chakram out in a 15ft cone. All creatures in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 Slashing damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. ***Halo.*** You may, as a bonus action to deals an additional 1d10 Force damage to any targets you hit with the Sah Chakram that round. \pagebreakNum ### Goyen's Great Sword Greatsword, Legendary (requires attunement by a paladin or a fighter) ___ The great sword that once belonged to the warrior Goyen is bathed in blood that it can never forget. The greatsword grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Great Sword Defense.*** As an action you may use the Greatsword to guard your body gaining a +3 bonus to AC until the end of your next turn. ***Executioner.*** When you land an attack with this sword you may use a bonus action to ignore resistances on your target creature for that attack. You may do this one time before you must finish a long rest until you may use this again. ***Pulverize.*** If you cast *Divine Smite* through this weapon the damage becomes Bludgeoning damage. ***Flow: Overwhelm.*** When you damage an undead with this sword the undead takes half damage but when you damage a living creature they cannot take reactions until the start of your next turn. ### Kamasylven Smord Shortsword, Legendary (requires attunement by an elven ranger) ___ This sword was crafted from the magic of the elven goddess. Its power flows through any who wield it and can overwhelm the weaker mind. The shortsword grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Spirit Shackles.*** When a creature attunes to this weapon if they are not of a good alignment, they must make a DC 18 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save taking 10f6 psychic damage and becoming unattuned, on a successful save taking half damage. ***Natures Tremble.*** While wielding this weapon you may use an action to cast any of the following spells using your own spell slots: - Hail of Thorns - Plant Growth - Haste - Commune with Nature - Grasping Vine ***Regeneration.*** When you take a short rest you regain an extra 2d6 +2 hit points. \columnbreak ### Tantu's Iron Buster Legendary (requires attunement by a berserker with a strength score of 14 or higher) ___ This weapon is literally a small cannon on one of your arms. While on your arm (attuned) you cannot use that hand for anything other than this cannon. Attacks with this weapon use Strength and on a hit they deal 4d10 Bludgeoning damage. This weapon has the loading property and after each shot you must use an action to reload the cannon. It has a range of 60/120ft. Abilities that ignore loading properties do affect this. ***Giant Leap.*** With one empty shot from this cannon you may launch yourself up to 120ft in any direction. ***Flame Buster.*** You may attack with no ammunition in this weapon with a maximum range of 30ft and on a hit the attack deals 3d10 Fire damage. ### Daru's Celestial Bo Staff Quarterstaff, Legendary (requires attunement by a monk, cleric or bard) ___ This bo staff commands the respect of all beasts no matter their opinion of the wielder. This quarterstaff grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Rain Curtain.*** While holding the staff you may cast any of the following spells once per day. Once you use a spell you cannot use any others until you finish a long rest. - Hold Monster - Geas (only on a beast) - Polymorph (not on yourself) - Awaken - Locate Creature ***Hielang: Howling.*** When you speak a command to a beast as a bonus action, that creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, on a failed save being forced to follow your command unless the command is self destructive. On a successful save that creature is immune to this command for the next 24 hours. ### Haeam's Crescent Blade Naginate, Legendary (requires attunement by a fighter) ___ The naginate of Haeam spins with the fire of the spirit of it's master and waxes and wanes with them. This naginata grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Musa's Soul.*** When you land an attack with this naginata you deal 1d4 damage instead of the usual weapon damage and you deals an extra 1d4 fire damage if you have a +1 charisma, 2d4 of your charisma is +2 and increasing up to 5d4 fire damage when you have a +5 charisma modifier. ***Projection:*** As an action you cast *Aganazzar's Scorcher* (4th level). ***Counter Assassination.*** When a creature within 5ft of you makes an attack roll against you, you may use your reaction to make an attack roll against that creature using this weapon. \pagebreakNum ### Maehwa's Kerispear Greatspear, Legendary (requires attunement by a fighter) ___ This greatspear is infused with the cold that brings countries to shivers and sets fires out across the land. This greatspear grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Genral Apricot.*** You may use a bonus action to infuse yourself with ice powers of war. You gain the following benefits while this is active: - +1d6 Cold damage on all weapon attacks - Immunity to Cold damage - +10ft of movement This lasts for 1d4 +1 rounds and afterwards you cannot use this again until you finish a long rest. ***Petal Bloom.*** Once per long rest you may choose to attack all creatures within 5ft of you at once. This lasts until the end of your turn and applies to all attacks that you make during that time with this weapon. ***Sleet Steps.*** When you take the dash action you may make one attack as a bonus action with advantage. ### Holy Lancia Spear, Legendary (requires attunement by a paladin) ___ This lance reflects the light of the sun and harnesses it to smite foes and protect allies. This spear grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Noble Spirit.*** You gain immunity to Radiant damage. ***Sancitas de Enslar.*** You may use a 3rd level spell slot to, as a bonus action, teleport up to 120ft to a location you can see as long as you are in bright light. ***Breath of Elion.*** As an action you restore 1d12 + your charisma modifier as hp to as many allies as you would like within 30ft. This uses a 3rd level spell slot. ### Enlightened Garbrace Iron Knuckles, Legendary (requires attunement by a Chaotic monk) ___ These gauntlets are inbued with the essence of fire and rage. They can be controlled only by the most disciplined of warriors. These iron knuckles grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Descent of Fury.*** As a bonus action you enter a state of rage. You gain the following feature while in this state: - You unarmed strike deal 1d4 extra fire damage. - You may use a KI point to increase your damage dealt by 1d4 fire damage on an unarmed strike - When you use Flurry of Blows you gain 1 AC until the start of your next turn. ***Hell Break.*** When you successfully grapple a creature they take 1d10 fire damage. ***Rampaging Predator.*** When you move at least 20ft before making an unarmed strike you gain advantage on the first attack roll made and if it hits, all creatures within 5ft of your target take 1d4 fire damage. ### Banha's Cestus Iron Knuckles, Legendary (requires attunement by a Lawful monk) ___ These gautlets harness the raw might of a dragon combined with its wisdom. These iron knuckles grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Dragonize.*** You creature type changes from whatever it used to be to dragon. You also gain resistance to cold damage. ***Tranquility.*** As an action you focus on your inner being and restore 1d4 Ki points. You must finish a long rest before doing this again. ***Dragon's Rip.*** When you take the attack action on your turn you may use 3 KI points as a bonus action to inflict a Strength saving throw on all creatures within 10ft of yourself. On a fail they are knocked prone. ***Infinite Fortitude.*** As an action you may brace yourself against pain, until the start of your next turn all damage you take is halved. You cannot take reaction during this time or focus on concentration effects. ### Crimson Glaives of Antiquity Nunchuka, Legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster) ___ These Glaives hold in them the power of blood and the ferocity of a demon. They deal Slashing damage instead of Bludgeoning. This nunchaku grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Soul Raid.*** As a bonus action you reduce your own hit points by 1d10 + your spellcasting ability score. You then gain advantage on one D20 roll of your choice that you make within the next minute. ***Anihalation.*** When you land an attack with these glaives you may active this using a 2nd level spell slot to restore 1d10 + your spellcasting ability score as hp. ***Taunting Death.*** You may, as an action, reduce your own maximum hit points by 3d10 + your spellcasting ability score (reverts to normal when you finish a long rest) and in return for this, restore 1 spell slot of your choice that you have expended. Instead of restoring a spell slot you may instead choose to have *Death Ward* cast on yourself until you finish a long rest or it is activated. \pagebreakNum ### Greatbow of Light Longbow, Legendary (requires attunement by a Good ranger) ___ This greatbow launches arrows made of the light of the sun, the light that gives life to everything you see in front of you. This longbow grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Righteous Fire.*** This bow requires no ammunition and if you use no ammunition, the damage it deals is radiant. ***Light's Mark.*** When loose an arrow with this bow you may choose to, on a hit, restore health instead of dealing damage. You roll the damage die but restore that amount of HP instead of damaging with it. Once a creature has received healing in this way, they cannot do so again until they finish a long rest. ***Light's Path.*** As a bouns action you stand completely still effectively causing yourself to become restrained (no attack roll penalties). Your range with this weapon then doubles until you leave this stance as a bonus action. ### Godr / Aad Shpera Legendary (requires attunement by a wizard that is at least 10th level) ___ These spheres can be summon to an attuned creature's hand at any time and when not summoned sit in a pocket in space. The hold the power of elements in them. ***Commune: Calling.*** The Sphera can be used as a spellcasting focus. When it is it grants a +3 bonus to attack rolls and spell save DCs made with it. ***Commune: Attack.*** When you cast a spell through the Sphera that deals Fire, Cold, Lightning, Poison, or Acid damage then the damage is increased by your spellcastinig ability modifier if it is not already. ***Psyche of the Aad Sphera.*** When you cast a spell while using this scythe as the focus you do not expend a spell slot if the spell is cast at 3rd level or lower. ***Controlled Madness.*** As an action you may cast the *Conjure Elemental* spell using the appropriate spell slot. ### Narusawa's Sura Katana Longsword (x6), Legendary (requires attunement by a rogue or a fighter) ___ This group of six katanas hold no power when not in a group but when together, they strike with the finesse of a thousand needles. These longswords grant a +2 bouns to attack and damage rolls made with them and they all have the Finesse property. ***Asura.*** As an action you may restore 4d4 hp to yourself and you gain advantage on the next attack roll you make. ***Serpent Ascension.*** You may draw or sheath any one of these 6 katanas as a free action on your turn. ***Seamless.*** Each blade has a technique that is infused in into it. - ***Corrupt Swords Dance*** This blade lands a critical hit on a 19 or 20 - ***Murderous Intent.*** This blade deals 1d12 Slashing damage when wielded with two hands - ***Execution.*** These two blades deal 1d10 Slashing damage when wielded in one hand - ***Bloodthirst: Katana Shower.*** With this blade you may cast *Cloud of Daggers (4th level)*. - ***Sura ChaosSpree.*** This blade grants a +2 bonus to AC when wielded with two hands ### Imperious Vediant Greatsword, Legendary (requires attunement by an Evil aligned ranger, sorcerer or warlock) ___ This Greatsword harnesses the powers of the light and darkness in a deadly ferocity. It can also turn into two longswords. This greatsword grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. ***Hallucination Gap.*** As a bonus action you may change the greatsword into two longswords. ***Cluster of Despair.*** While in longsword form the longswords gain the Thrown property 30/60ft. When thrown they immediately return to your side. ***Seed of Catastrophe.*** While wielding the Greatsword you may use an action to cast *Call Lightning (Necrotic damage)(6th level)* using one 3rd level spell slot. When you do this you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. ***Flow: Spirit Blaze.*** As a bonus action when you land an attack within 5ft of you with this weapon, you may increase the damage by 1d8 Radiant and 1d8 Necrotic. \pagebreak
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