The Mimiga Race (Archived)

by dmblc

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The Mimiga Race for D&D 5e by dmblc

The Mimiga Race

Cold tea and cold rice are bearable,

but cold looks and cold words are not.

-- Mimiga Proverb

Hailing from a distant land, the Mimiga are a race who distinguish themselves from other humanoids with their animal-like ears and tails. The Mimiga value tradition, nature, and magic - somewhat like their Elven cousins. Human males, particularly teenagers or young adults, are often attracted by the presence of Mimiga females, much to their displeasure.

Children of the Forest

Mimiga think of nature as family and live alongside other animals and the forest. They are also taught at a young age to use whatever resources the forest provides, as long as they are not abused. Even in the interests of development, the effects on nature are considered first. To pollute or desecrate the forest is considered an act of grave offense.

Tradition and Technology

The Mimiga of Ur have a rich and diverse culture, and has begun to evolve due to influence from other nations and races. The Mimiga worship Amaterasu, their Goddess of Light, the Sun, and the Heavens, and are led by a Miko; the representative of the Goddess on the Material Plane. Mimiga hold their ancestors in high regard, using their words to guide their actions and respect family traditions.

Despite coming across as conservative, the Mimiga of Ur are remarkable innovators. They have harnessed arcane magic as a foundation for their technology, which rivals the mechanical constructions of the Dwarves and Gnomes.

Mimiga Names

Mimiga names consist of a family name followed by a given name. Their family names are extremely varied but follow relatively consistent rules. Given names are more diverse in pronunciation.

Male Names: Akiya, Banri, Daisuke, Fuyuki, Hasumito, Ieyasu, Jun, Kirito, Musashi, Naofumi, Ren, Shoma, Tatsuo, Yuuki.

Female Names: Aika, Chihaya, Emiko, Fumika, Hiromi, Izuna, Kaede, Kiruya, Midori, Rikako, Sakura, Tae, Umi, Yayoi.

Family Names: Akizuki, Kanzaki, Kobayashi, Miyamoto, Okamura, Sato, Suzuki, Takahashi, Uchida, Watanabe.

Mimiga Traits

Your sylvan heritage manifests in a number of traits you share with all other Mimiga.

Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age: Mimiga mature at the same rate as humans but can live up to 300 years. Younger Mimiga have more animal-like features such as fur patches and whiskers, which are lost as they grow older.

Alignment: Most Mimiga are good, believing in a strong sense of equality and fairness. The peaceful Usamimiga tend towards law, while the Kitsunemimiga and Tanukimimiga lean more towards gentle chaos, being natural pranksters. Meanwhile, the Nekomimiga sit somewhere in between.

Size: Mimiga are slightly shorter than humans but have similar proportions; usually standing about 5 to 6 feet tall and weighing around 110 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.

Animal Whisperer: You have the innate ability to understand forest animals. Instead of direct speech, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or Tiny beasts through gestures and sounds.

Claws: You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Subraces: There exist four major Mimiga subraces which include: Kitsunemimiga, Nekomimiga, Tanukimimiga, and Usamimiga. Choose one of these subraces.


As a Kitsunemimiga, you have a sharp mind and a mastery of at least the basics of magic. The cunning Kitsunemimiga are considered to be the oldest and most powerful of the Mimiga. While revered for their profound knowledge, they are also known to be quite mischievous. Due to their magical prowess, many Kitsunemimi often become wizards, and sorcerers are also not uncommon.

The Kitsunemimiga mainly have pale to fair skin and a variety of hair colours, typically black, blonde, brown, or silver - though 'exotic' colours including red, green, or blue are not unheard of. Their eye colours are equally as diverse, though usually brown or hazel.

Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Fox's Cunning: You have proficiency in Insight.

Crafty Magic: You know the minor illusion cantrip. You can also cast disguise self once, and it recharges after a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


As a Nekomimiga, you have a natural prowess in being nimble. Resembling felines, the Nekomimiga are driven by a strong sense of curiosity and exploration. Nekomimiga adventurers are often rangers or rogues, but wizards and other spellcasters are not uncommon.

The Nekomimiga mostly have fair to tan skin and a variety of hair colours like that of felines. Their eye colours are most commonly brown, blue, or hazel.

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Half-blood Mimiga

Half-blood Mimiga are those born to parents who consist of a Mimiga and another humanoid race. Half-bloods may share the same traits as either one of their parents, and often retain the appearance of animal-like ears.

Cat’s Talent: You have proficiency in Acrobatics.

Nine Lives: When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.


As a Tanukimimiga, you are hardy and resilient. Like the Kitsunemimiga, the Tanukimimiga are harmless pranksters, but in contrast, the raccoon or dog-like Tanukimimiga are often seen as clumsy, lazy, and dimwitted. Most are sorcerers and sometimes druids, while the more intrepid among them choose to be bards.

The Tanukimimi often have fair skin. Their hair colours are usually black, brown, or grey. Their eye colours are often black or dark brown.

Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Raccoon’s Trickery: You have proficiency in Persuasion.

Witty Escape: You can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action. You can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.


As an Usamimiga, you have quick wits and the instincts to avoid danger. Resembling mice or rabbits, the Usamimiga are often peaceful, and have the closest bond to nature out of all Mimiga. As a result, many Usamimiga adventurers are often druids or rangers, who protect and sustain the wood.

The Usamimiga generally have fair to tan skin and a variety of hair colours, typically black, brown, or grey. Their eye colours are often blue or hazel.

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Rabbit’s Instincts: You have proficiency in Perception.

Lucky Feet: You have strong feet which carry you quickly across the ground. When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.

Height and Weight

You can choose to roll for your Mimiga character's height and weight using the table below. The roll in the Height Modifier column adds a number (in inches) to the character's base height. To get weight, multiply the number you rolled for height by the roll in the Weight Modifier column and add the result (in pounds) to the base weight.

Random Height and Weight
Subrace Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Kitsunemimiga 4'6" + 2d10 90 x 1d4
Nekomimiga 4'5" + 2d10 90 x 1d4
Tanukimimiga 4'5" + 2d10 90 x 1d6
Usamimiga 4'5" + 2d8 80 x 1d4
The Mimiga Race for D&D 5e by dmblc

Created by dmblc using GMBinder.

Special thanks to Luminagi for feedback and suggestions.

Note - Different browsers or even different versions of the same browser may have issues displaying certain parts of this document.

Detect Balance Scores
Feature Score (Decimal)
ASI + 3 12 (3.00)
Darkvision 60 ft 3 (0.75)
Speak w/ small beasts 2 (0.50)
1d4 unarmed strike 1 (0.25)
Skill proficiency 2 (0.50)
(Kitsune) Cantrip 2 (0.50)
(Kitsune) L1 spell 1/day 3 (0.75)
(Neko) Nine Lives 4 (1.00)
(Tanuki) Witty Escape 6 (1.25)
(Usagi) Lucky Feet 4 (0.75)
Kitsune Neko Tanuki Usagi
Total 25 (5.25) 24 (5.00) 26 (5.25) 24 (4.75)

Versions denote gameplay-altering changes to the race.
Revisions denote changes to the lore, formatting, etc.

[2020/07/21] - Version 7
  • Changed Ability Score Increases for the base race (Cha to Wis), Tanukimimiga (Con to Cha), and Usamimiga (Wis to Con)
  • Added additional lore regarding age
  • Changed lore regarding Half-blood Mimiga
  • Changed subrace names for consistency
  • Changed artwork on third page
  • Added Detect Balance scores
  • Added credits for subrace traits
  • Changed wording and formatting
[2020/02/25] - Version 6
  • Readded and reworked the Claws trait
  • Nerfed Tanukimimiga's Witty Escape trait
  • Changed Usamimiga's Lucky Feet trait
  • Changed several descriptions and formatting
  • Added description for Half-blood Mimiga
  • Changed and added new artwork
  • Changed paper size from Letter to A4
[2020/02/17] - Revision 5b
  • Changed background artwork
  • Changed watercolour stain artwork and reduced file size
  • Changed the version numbering scheme, again
  • Changed some credits
[2019/08/16] - Version 5
  • Removed Fey Ancestry trait

  • Buffed Kitsunemimiga's Crafty Magic trait
  • Changed the version numbering scheme
[2019/05/30] - Revision 4b
  • Updated artwork on second page
[2019/05/12] - Version 4
  • Removed the Claws trait
  • Changed formatting
[2019/04/29] - Revision 3b
  • Changed descriptions for Kitsunemimiga and Usamimiga
[2019/04/20] - Version 3
  • Added Claws as a base racial trait
  • Changed Tanukimimiga's Stubborn Resilience to Witty Escape
  • Changed Nekomimiga's Sharp Claws to Nine Lives
  • Changed formatting in the Credits and Changelog sections
[2019/04/16] - Version 2
  • Changed Tanukimimiga's Magic Resistance to Stubborn Resilience.
  • Changed Raccoon’s Trickery's skill proficiency from Deception to Persuasion
  • Changed the introductory quote
  • Changed wording and formatting
  • Added Changelog section
[2019/04/07] - Version 1
  • Initial GM Binder release
The Mimiga Race for D&D 5e by dmblc