Weave Master - 5e Sorcerer Subclass

by ShitMyPlayersSay

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Weave Master

Anytime a spell is cast using arcane force to will the weave to move, a small amount of magic tends to be released as the weave
rearranges itself into place. Spellcasters
who play with the weave too recklessly
can cause what we call Wild Magic
. You are not such a fool. In
fact you have learned not to waste a single
drop of magical power, instead saving
it to fuel later spells.

Weave Tremors

Starting at 1st level, you have advantage
on Intelligence (Arcana) checks made
to recognize specific spells, schools
of magic and magical effects.

Additionally, you have advantage
on Wisdom (Perception) checks
made to spot a creature
attempting to stealthily
cast a spell.


Starting at 1st level, whenever
you cast a spell you can spend
a bonus action to contain a part
of the unused magic. When doing
so you gain one Spellcharge die.
As you gain levels in this class,
you are able to contain larger
and larger parts of unused
magic, increasing the dice you
gain as per the Spellcharge table.

When you cast a spell of 1st
level or higher you can spend a
bonus action to release all contained
weave magic. Make a ranged spell
attack roll against one creature you
can see within 60' of you. On a hit,
the creature suffers the released dice
as force damage and is pushed away from
you 5 feet per Spellcharge die released.

You lose all contained Spellcharge dice at
the end of a long rest.


Sorcerer Level Spellcharge Dice
1st d4
8th d6
15th d8


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Starting at 6th level, whenever you are forced to make a saving throw against a magical effect, you can use your reaction to spend a number of Sorcery Points equal
to half the spell's level (rounded up), to give yourself advantage on the saving throw. You can do so
after you have rolled your saving throw but
before any of its effects have been applied.

You also gain another use for your
Spellcharge dice. When you take
damage from any source you
can spend your reaction to
release all contained weave
magic in the form of a shield,
which reduces the damage you
take by an amount equal to the
value of the spent Spellcharge


Starting at 14th level,
whenever you make an
ability check to negate
a spell's effect, for example
when casting Counterspell or
Dispell Magic, you can spend
two Sorcery Points to give yourself
advantage on that check.

Flow of the
Arcane Weave

At 18th level you learn to
let the weave lead you as you
manipulate it. Whenever you cast
a spell of 1st level or higher, you can
teleport up to a number of feet equal
to 10 times the expended spell slot's
level, given that you can see where you
are teleporting to.

Additionally, you can collect parts of unused
magic even when you are not the one casting a
spell. When another creature that you can see and
hear within 10' of you casts a spell of 1st level or
higher, you can use your reaction to gain one
Spellcharge die.








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u/ItKeepsOnBurning on Reddit


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