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The Abomination
\pagebreakNum # Abomination . \columnbreak Looking into the eyes of the innocent tiefling in-front of her, an elf stares longingly at the now victim, she knows that the enchantment has set-in, the defensiveness has become lax. She bares her fangs and sinks them deep into the flesh of the tiefling, drinking deeply of crimson that flows effortlessly. The tiefling doesn't scream, doesn't struggle, and goes limp within the elves grasp. A human quietly paces within his cell, he can feel the animalistic rage within build within his stomach until he can't take it anymore. As the human spills his breakfast upon the cobbles, a guard opens the door along with a healer to discern his sickness, the warning that the human utters falls upon deaf ears, and what follows will be their final mistake... A dwarf raises her hand to her allies, telling them to stop, she can feel that strange feeling of danger again, behind her this time. As she turns towards the threat, an arrow buzzes past her, missing by inches. The voice rings in her head again, trust me or die, and once again the blackness engulfs her, she'll trust it once more. A half-elf stares into a hand mirrior, gazing upon himself and absolving any blemish that marks his skin. He slowly wipes away the blood from his hands and turns towards his childhood bullies, their bodies torn apart, their faces adorned with frightened smiles and looks of joy. He can't help but smile and walk away once the evidence is dealt with, perfect vindication for a perfect man. Abominations are cursed individuals, and often these individuals are just as much monster as much as they are a person. Abominations are beasts of terror, and often the stories that are told in folklore and children's stories are based on the actions of such individuals affected by these heinous afflictions. ### Mortal and Monster Abominations are torn between the morality of their mortal selves and the urges of their monstrous curse, the conflict between the mortal self and the monster within becomes a choice for some, struggle against the monster or let it become who you are. Those who struggle may find themselves isolated from others, as to prevent their urges from ever bubbling to the surface. While those who embrace their monster become psychopaths bent on their passions, murder and bloodshed are only the tips of the iceberg when it comes to their vileness. ### Good Intentions Within Curses Not everything evil is bad, sometimes there are those who use their curse for the betterment of themselves and others while having to hold their bad intentions at bay. Often, Abominations begin their lives as good people, but their intentions are swayed over time, and by the end of their journey they may not be who they were long ago.
##### The Abomination | Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Harrowing Physicality | Supernatural Agility | Scourge Dice | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | 1st | +2 | Supernatural Defense, Unnatural Senses, Harrowing Physicality | 1d4 | — | — | | 2nd | +2 | Heinous Affliction, Mortal Disposition | 1d4 | — | 1d6 | 3rd | +2 | Horrific Transformation (1/Rest) | 1d4 | — | 1d6 | | 4th | +2 | Ability Score Increase, Supernatural Agility | 1d4 | +10 ft. | 1d6 | | 5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Incite Horror | 1d6 | +10 ft. | 1d6 | | 6th | +3 | Heinous Affliction Feature, Sordid Metaphysicality | 1d6 | +15 ft. | 1d6 | | 7th | +3 | Scourge Die Improvement (d8), Dreaded Monstrosity | 1d6 | +15 ft. | 1d8 | | 8th | +3 | Ability Score Increase | 1d6 | +15 ft. | 1d8 | | 9th | +4 | Horrific Transformation (2/Rest), Swift Transformation | 1d6 | +15 ft. | 1d8 | | 10th | +4 | Heinous Affliction Feature | 1d6 | +20 ft. | 1d8 | | 11th | +4 | Supernatural Sense Improvement, Harrowed Psyche | 1d8 | +20 ft. | 1d8 | | 12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d8 | +20 ft. | 1d8 | | 13th | +5 | Scourge Die Improvement (d10) | 1d8 | +20 ft. | 1d10 | | 14th | +5 | Heinous Affliction Feature | 1d8 | +25 ft. | 1d10 | | 15th | +5 | Unerring Fright | 1d8 | +25 ft. | 1d10 | | 16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d8 | +25 ft. | 1d10 | | 17th | +6 | Supernatural Speed Improvement | 1d10 | +25 ft. | 1d12 | | 18th | +6 | Scourge Die Improvement (d12) | 1d10 | +30 ft. | 1d12 | | 19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Horrific Transformation (3/rest) | 1d10 | +30 ft. | 1d12 | | 20th | +6 | Absolvement | 1d10 | +30 ft. | 1d12 |
### Creating an Abomination When creating an Abomination, consider your characters' relationship with themselves and their curse. Does your character hate themselves for what they are? Does your character wish to grow their power without delving too deep? Does your character wish to conquer their curse so they may teach others how they may control theirs? Or do you wish to become the monster within, totally and utterly. What happened to you for you to become cursed? Did you anger someone, such as a hag, who cursed you to teach a horrible lesson? Is this curse apart of your noble families tradition? Were you born this way and you've been searching for a way to cure yourself? Were you a lucky survivor of an attack, but you've come to find out you've been infected by your attacker? Perhaps you wanted this curse but were tricked about what the effects would be, or your treacherous childhood nemesiss found a way to curse you, to get back at you for good.
## Quick Build You can make an Abomination quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity or Strength should be your highest ability score. Make Charisma your next-highest if you want to specialize in social interaction and spell effects from the Curse of Crimson or Curse of the Beautiful. Choose Constitution if you instead want to focus on durability and combat and pick Curse of the Beast instead. For Curse of the Dark Spirit, Charisma should be your highest ability score. Constitution should be your next-highest after that, Dexterity could prove an efficient replacer instead of Constitution. For the Curse of Vengeance, Constitution should be your highest ability score. Strength or Dexterity respectively should be your next-highest after that. \pagebreakNum ## Class Features As an Abomination, you gain the following class features #### Hit Points ___ - **Hit Dice:** 1d8 per Abomination level - **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 8 + Constitution Modifier - **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Abomination level #### Proficiencies ___ - **Armor:** None - **Weapons:** Simple Weapons ___ - **Saving Throws:** Constitution, Charisma - **Skills:** Choose two from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, and Survival #### Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: - *(a)* a Dagger or *(b)* any Simple Weapon - *(a)* a Sling and 20 Sling Bullets or *(b)* any Simple Weapon - An Explorer's Pack. ### Supernatural Defense At 1st level, while not wearing armor and not wielding a shield, your AC is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. ### Unnatural Senses At 1st level, your senses open up to the hidden channels that underly the mortal senses. You gain the following benefits while conscious. - You gain an additional bonus to initiative equal to your Wisdom modifier. - You gain Darkvision up to 30ft, if you already have darkvision you instead increase your Darkvision range by 10ft. - You gain an additional bonus to your Passive Perception equal to your Charisma modifier. Additionally, at 11th level you gain the ability to cast *Detect Magic* and *See Invisibility* as an action at-will without need of material components, these spells end at the start of your next turn. ### Harrowing Physicality Starting at 1st level, you grow claws, fangs, or any other unnatural extensions of yourself, you may cause these features to become hidden or revealed at-will (No action required). Your Unarmed Strikes gain the Finesse property and now deal 1d4 Piercing, Slashing damage, or Bludgeoning damage (Your Choice) whenever you make an attack while revealed. Your Unarmed Strikes deal increasing damage while you level-up, refer to the Abomination Class Chart to see whenever the damage of this feature increases. \columnbreak ### Heinous Affliction At 2nd level, you choose the embodiment of a magical curse that forever taints your physicality, choosing from the Curse of the Beast, the Curse of Crimson, the Curse of the Dark Spirit, or the Curse of the Beautiful. Your choice grants you additional features at 2nd level and additional benefits at 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 14th level. ### Mortal Disposition At 2nd level, you gain the ability to tap into the dark sides of your curse, allowing you to extend yourself past your humanity and into the corruption that roots itself within. You gain access to two special mechanics called Absolution and Scourge Dice, Absolution being the measure of your remaining humanity and Scourge Dice being your ability to corrupt yourself for power. #### Scourge Dice Representing the power of the curse, you gain a special die called a Scourge Die that come in the form of D6's. You may spend Scourge Dice to fuel your Class Features provided by this class. The die for this feature increases whenever you reach a certain level in this class, at 7th level your Scourge Dice increase to d8's, at 13th they increase to d10's. and at 18th they increase to d12's. The number of Scourge dice you may consume is unlimited, but tapping into such darkness may have adverse effects... #### Scourge Ability Saves Some features require for the target to make a saving throw to resist the effect. The Saving Throw DC is calculated as follows: **Scourge Die DC** = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma Modifier #### Absolution Absolution is your measure of remaining self and humanity, defined by 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your Abomination level, this equals your maximum Absolution and sets your limit break. Whenever you use a Scourge Die you must reduce your Current Absolution by an equal amount rolled on the dice. #### Reaching 0 Absolution When your Absolution reaches 0 you must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw (Referred to as a Humanity Save) against a DC 10 + half your Abomination level (Rounded up) + half your proficiency bonus (Rounded up). On a success your Absolution is restored to 1, on a failure you become Maddened and your Absolution remains at 0 and cannot be restored until Maddened is ended. If you have at least one Abominable Insanity, the DC for a Humanity Save increases increases by an amount equal to your Proficiency bonus. Refer to **The Cost of Darkness: Maddened** to determine your character's fate. \pagebreakNum #### Fueling Madness A character may continue to spend Scourge Dice while maddened, if they do so, they must succeed on a Humanity Save or increase the length of their Madness by an amount of minutes equal to the Scourge Dice. When rolling for a Maddened Condition, you may obtain an Abominable Insanity. When this happens, **permanently** reduce your Absolution Maximum by 2 and roll on an Abominable Insanity table as defined by your Heinous Affliction. #### Restoring Absolution A character regains half of their maximum Absolution on completion of a short rest. Upon completion of a long rest, a character regains all of their Absolution. ### Horrific Transformation Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to fully harness and unleash the curse placed onto you. As an action you transform yourself into the full embodiment of your curse for 1-Hour. You may end your Transformation early as a bonus action. The specifics for your transformation can be found in your Heinous Affliction features. Once you Transform, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. You gain additional transformations per long rest at 9th and 19th level, as found in the Abomination Class Table. ### Supernatural Agility Starting at 4th level, you gain an unnatural alacrity found in your unburdened movement. While not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your movement speed is increased by 10ft. This bonus increases as you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Abomination Class Table. At 17th level, you gain the ability to ignore all difficult terrain, you can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. ### Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score o f your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. ### Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you may attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
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### Incite Horror At 5th level, whenever you hit a creature using your Harrowing Physicality feature, you may spend 1 Scourge Die to attempt to strike fear into the heart of the creature. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Scourge Die DC or be Frightened of you for 1-Minute. A frightened creature repeats the saving throw at the end of their subsequent turns, ending this feature on a success. Whenever you use this ability, you cause your body to unnaturally warp, an unearthly scream to pierce the air, or shadows to claw against the skin of the creature. Be creative! ### Sordid Metaphysicality Starting at 6th level, attacks made with your Harrowing Physicality count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities. ### Dreaded Monstrosity Starting at 7th level, you've become a beacon of despair to those who fear you. You gain the following benefits against Frightened creatures: - You gain advantage on attack rolls against Frightened creatures. - Whenever you deal damage to a creature Frightened of you, you gain an additional die of Psychic damage equal to your Scourge Die. ### Swift Transformation At 9th level, you gain the ability to use your Horrific Transformation feature as a bonus action. Additionally, you regain all uses of Horrific Transformation after you've completed a short or long rest. ### Harrowed Psyche Starting at 11th level, you've become more accustomed to the horridness of your affliction. You gain a permanent increase to your Maximum Absolution equal to 5 + your Proficiency Bonus. Additionally, whenever you complete a Short or Long rest you gain proficiency with Wisdom saving throws. Whenever you would fail a humanity save or transform, however, you lose this proficiency until you would complete a rest as stated above.
\pagebreakNum ### Unerring Fright Starting at 15th level, you've learned how to strike fear even into the most stalwart hearts. Creatures with immunity to the Frightened condition may still be Frightened by your Incite Horror feature, but they only gain disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Ability Checks made against you for the duration and suffer no other effects normally associated with Frightened. ### Absolvement At 20th level, you've gained the ability to find inner peace within yourself easily. As a bonus action, you may regain an amount of Absolution equal to your Abomination level. Additionally, you permanently gain proficiency with Wisdom saving throws. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. ## Heinous Afflictions Many curses have befallen the mortal races, here you will choose what fate you've been given. ### Curse of the Beast Carnage and bloodshed follows you wherever you may tread, forever haunting you as you leave behind a trail of ruined lives and desecrated corpses. You've become a Lycanthrope, and your curse is one of aggression and flesh. #### Form of the Beast At 2nd level, you've undertaken the chosen aspect of a wild beast, choose one of the following Lycanthropes; you gain an additional benefit and change to your physical appearance depending on your choice. Once you've made your choice, you cannot reverse your choice. Whenever you use your Horrific Transformation feature, you transform into the selected beast as a Hybrid form. **Werebear:** Your physical form broadens and grows as body hair begins to sprout and thicken. You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill if you don't already have it, checks made with Athletics are made with double your proficiency bonus. **Wereboar:** Your muscles bulge and swell as you grow small tusks. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill if you don't already have it, checks made with Intimidation are made with double your proficiency bonus. **Wererat:** Your form slims down as your muscles begin to randomly twitch and spasm. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill if you don't already have it, checks made with Stealth are made with double your proficiency bonus. **Weretiger:** Your frame becomes lithe and sleek as your eyes turn to that of a tiger. Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Perception skill if you don't already have it, checks made with Perception are made with double your proficiency bonus. **Werewolf:** Your hair grows at rapid rates as your temper shortens to a sliver. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill if you don't already have it, checks made with Survival are made with double your proficiency bonus. **Wereraven:** Your hair and eyes turn jet black. You gain proficiency in the Deception skill if you don't already have it, checks made with Deception are made with double your proficiency bonus. #### Fervor of the Beast Also at 2nd level, you gain the ability to enhance your attacks by launching yourself into vicious frenzies. Whenever you strike a creature with an unarmed strike using your Harrowing Physicality feature, you may expend a Scourge Die to increase the damage by the number rolled + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (Whichever is higher). You may choose to add this before or after you've rolled the attack roll or the weapon damage roll, but you must choose to do so before damage is dealt. #### Transformation of the Beast Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to assume a humanoid hybrid form embodying your lycanthropy. Whenever you use your Horrific Transformation feature you gain the following benefits for 1-Hour: - Your physical form is altered: You grow fur, teeth, and other animalistic qualities while transformed. You gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks, although you gain disadvantage on all other Charisma checks while transformed. - You gain resistance to non-magical Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing while transformed. - You gain vulnerability to silver weaponry; resistance isn't applied to damage taken from silvered weapons. - **(Werebear and Wereboar Only):** You gain temporary hit points equal to your Abomination level + your Constitution Modifier. - **(Werewolf and Weretiger Only):** You may add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls made using Harrowing Physicality. - **(Wererat and Wereraven Only):** You may use your bonus action to take the Dash or Hide actions. This transformation ends early whenever you're reduced to 0 hit points. #### Beastial Aspect Starting at 6th level, you start to embody the beast within more and more. You gain the following benefits depending on your chosen lycanthropy: **Werebear:** Brute Strength - You count as one size catagory larger when determing your carry weight and how much weight you can pull, push, or lift. **Wereboar:** Rush - Whenever you take the Dash action you may add an additional 10ft to the total distance gained as part of the action. **Wererat:** Rodent Immunity - You become immune to disease and have advantage on saving throws against poison. **Weretiger:** Tiger's Leap - When determining your jump distance you may add double your proficiency bonus to the total distance that you may travel. **Werewolf:** Keen Senses - You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. \pagebreakNum **Wereraven:** Mimicry - As an action you may create the sound of a creature you've heard before, the volume may range from a whisper to a scream. The sound created can be realized as fake if a creature makes a successful Insight check against your Scourge Die DC. #### Bloodlust At 6th level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of a 19 or 20. Additionally, whenever you critically hit while using Fervor of the Beast, the damage of your attack is tripled instead of doubled. #### Improved Beastial Aspect At 10th level, you gain an additional feature depending on your chosen lycanthropy: **Werebear:** Bear's Might - You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws; additionally you gain advantage on saving throws and ability checks against being restrained or grappled. **Wereboar:** Relentless - Whenever you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points and the damage is equal to or less than your level, you may choose to instead be reduced to 1 hit point. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all uses upon completion of a long rest. **Wererat:** Rodent's Guile - You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures who haven't taken their turn yet in combat, additionally any attack made against a creature you've surprised is an automatic critical hit. **Weretiger:** Pounce - Whenever you move at least 15ft straight towards a creature and make an attack using Fervor of the Beast against them in the same turn, you may *Pounce*, causing the creature to make a Strength Saving throw against your Scourge Die DC or be knocked prone. **Werewolf:** Pack Tactics - You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. **Wereraven:** Pack Survivalist - You gain an additional +1 to your AC for every ally within 5ft of you as long as that ally isn't incapacitated. #### Fever Pitch Starting at 14th level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. #### Call of the Beast Additionally at 14th level, you learn how to harness the fright of your horrid call. As an action you may expend 1 Scourge Die and emit a horrifying roar or scream. Every creature within a 30ft radius of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Scourge Die DC, on a failure a creature takes Psychic damage equal to your Scourge Die + your Charisma modifier and are Frightened for 1-Minute. While a creature is Frightened of you, it must use all it's movement to move away from you and use it's action to take the *Dash* action if it can move farther away or the *Dodge* action if there is no possible route to take. A creature may reroll their Wisdom save at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success.
\pagebreakNum ### Curse of Crimson There is an evergrowing thirst that lies at the back of your throat, waiting to be quenched, always waiting. Only blood will whet your thirst, the blood of the living is the only delicacy that the evil within will accept. You've been affected by the curse of Vampirism, within you hold a natural selfishness and envy that is always pushing against the fringes of your mortal mind. #### Vampiric Weakness At 2nd level, your mind and body are changed by your affliction, you gain the following disadvantages: - **Sunlight Sensitivity:** While in direct sunlight, you gain disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Ability Checks. Additionally, while in sunlight you gain vulnerability to Radiant damage. - **Forbiddance:** You cannot enter a residence without invitation from an occupant. - **Harmed by Running Water:** Whenever you end your turn in running water, you take 5 points of Acid damage. #### Charming Gaze Starting at 2nd level, your gaze along stirs the hearts of others. You learn the *Friends* cantrip and you may cast it without need of Somatic or Material components, Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Additionally, at 3rd level you may expend 1 Scourge Die and cast *Charm Person* without need of Verbal or Somatic components. #### Feast of Crimson Also at 2nd level, you gain the ability to feast on the life essence of other living beings. Whenever you strike a non-undead creature using Harrowing Physicality, you may choose to spend 1 Scourge Die and regain an amount of hit points equal to the number rolled on the die + your Constitution modifier. #### Transformation of the Vampire Staring at 3rd level, you gain the ability to assume a monstrous humanoid form. Whenever you use your Horrific Transformation feature you gain the following benefits for 1-Hour: - Your physical form is altered: You grow fangs as long as daggers, your eyes turn to a dark crimson that pierces through the darkness, and your skin turns deathly pale. You gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks, although you gain disadvantage on all other charisma checks while transformed. - You regain double the amount of hit points whenever you use Feast of Crimson. - You gain vulnerability to damage from Silver weapons. - You gain resistance to Necrotic damage. - Whenever you end your turn in direct sunlight or in standing water, you take 10 Radiant or 10 Acid damage respectively. Additionally, whenever you're reduced to 0 hit points while Transformed you come under the effect of the *Gaseous Form* spell until either dead, brought up to 1 hit points, or are stabilized. While under the effect of *Gaseous Form* in this way you are still considered dying, but your movement speed is equivalent to your land speed and you may normally use your movement and action, but you may only use your action to take the *Disengage* action. When *Gaseous Form* would end, you revert back to your true form, your Transformation ended. #### Unearthly Attraction Starting at 6th level, you carry an unnatural attraction that seemingly others gravitate towards, allowing your dark power to sway their minds easily. You learn the following spells: Hold Person, Crown of Madness, or Enthrall. You learn the spell you've picked and you may expend 1 Scourge Die to cast it without using Somatic or Material components. However, whenever you do so you must reveal your vampiric nature to others. When you first cast the spell and while the spell is active, your eyes turn blood red, your skin turns pale, and fangs protrude from your mouth. You have disadvantage on all Charisma ability checks, with the exception of the charmed creature (If it is charmed) and Charisma (Intimidation) checks. You revert back to your true form 1 round after the spell ends. #### Ward of Midnight At 6th level, you've become attuned to the shadows of the world, they bend to protect your body from harm. While in Darkness or Dim Light, you gain resistance to non-magical Bludgeoning, Slashing, or Piercing damage. #### Dark Regeneration Starting at 10th level, your body begins to rapidly repair itself while under duress. Whenever you take damage from a hostile creature, you regain 10 hit points at the start of your next turn. This feature is suppressed if you've taken Radiant damage or if you've started your turn in direct sunlight. #### Create Spawn At 14th level, you've learned how to bend another's death to your servitude. You may touch a humanoid creature that you've killed using Harrowing Physicality within the last minute. That creature is then raised as a *Vampire Spawn* and is considered under the effect of the *Dominate Person* spell. The Vampire Spawn may roll a Wisdom saving throw at the end of every month, on a success the creature is broken from your command and regains control of itself. The Vampire Spawn may be hostile towards you, and if the creature kills you and drinks your blood, the creature gains levels in this class equal to your own. You may control a number of Vapire Spawn equal to your Charisma modifier (Minimum of one). \pagebreakNum ### Curse of the Dark Spirit Within you lies a literal evil, within your bodily temple you house another spirit, a dark entity that has rooted itself to your soul. It wishes to consume the fleeting lives of others, it wishes to commit itself to oblivion, all while you fight for control of your inner self. Beings such as this are named Wendigos, and within you it awaits. #### Duality of the Wendigo At 2nd level, the spirit within you fights for individuality just as you do, and at times control won't be yours. Your Wendigo has a personality of it's own, at the end of this PDF you must roll for additional Personality Traits, Ideals, and Flaws. The Wendigo is considered to be controlled by the DM, and whenever the Wendigo wishes to take control you must make a Charisma saving throw against your own Scourge Die DC, on a failure you lose control of your body as the Wendigo takes control. At the start of every turn, you may repeat the save to take control again. The Wendigo may only attempt to take control once per long rest. #### Darkness Availed Starting at 2nd level, you've gained a certain control over aspects of the wendigo, allowing you to tap into the inner shadow that haunts you. Whenever you make an attack using Harrowing Physicality you may choose to cause the attack to deal Necrotic damage isntead of the usual damage type. In addition, you may use your Charisma modifier for attack and damage rolls made using Harrowing Physicality. As part of this feature, you also gain *Omens*, fragments of the Wendigo's power. Whenever you strike a creature using *Harrowing Physicality* you may choose to expend a Sourge Dice to invoke an *Omen* you know. When you first gain this feature you learn two Omens of your choice, learning more as you gain levels in this class. You may only invoke an omen once per round and you may only affect a creature with a single omen at a time and it cannot be targeted by the same omen until you finish a short or long rest. Whenever you invoke an Omen, you expend a Scourge Dice. Some Omens have prerequisites, you cannot learn an omen if you don't meet the prerequisite. As you level up, you learn additional Omens. Starting at 6th level you learn two additional Omens, at 10th level you learn on additional Omen, and at 14th level you learn one final Omen. #### Transformation of the Wendigo Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to momentarily control the Wendigo and assume the horrible form of the spirit within. Whenever you use your Horrific Transformation feature you gain the following benefits for 1-Hour: - Your physical form is altered: Black smoke pours off of your body and flows around you and your eyes glaze over with black or gray. You gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks, although you gain disadvantage on all other charisma checks while transformed. - At the start of your turn you become *Invisible*. This *Invisibility* ends whenever you make an attack or cast a spell. - You gain resistance to Necrotic and Cold damage. - You gain vulnerability to Radiant damage. Additionally, whenever you would be reduced to 0 hit points you may choose to use your reaction to instead be reduced to 1 hit point, however whenever you do so you reduce your hit point maximum by the amount of damage that would've knocked you unconscious, regaining your maximum whenever you finish a short or long rest. #### Eclipsed Transposition Starting at 6th level, you've learned how to warp your body into an incorporeal form, but only for brief moments. As an action you gain the ability to move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, at the end of your turn you return to your normal form. If you end your turn inside an object you take 1d10 Force damage and are shunted out to the nearest unoccupied space. Whenever you use this feature you appear as an black incorporeal form of yourself, black smoke billows off of your form while incorporeal. Once you use this ability you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. #### Rending Darkness Starting at 6th level, your shadow has learned how to strike even through those who would resist it. Your *Darkness Availed* feature ignores resistances and treats immunity to Necrotic damage as resistance instead. #### Ghastly Rousing Starting at 10th level, you've learned how to turn the fallen to a shadow of their former selves. As an action, you raise a *Shadow* from the body of a dead creature who has died within the last minute. The Shadow answers your commands and shares your initiative. You are able to telepathically give commands to the Shadow as long as you're on the same plane of existence (No action required). If you are unable to give the Shadow a command, it will continue it's previous command or will it's action to attack the nearest creature. The Shadow lasts for a number of hours rolled on a Scourge Die, you may only have 1 Shadow raised at a time. You may additionally dismiss the Shadow as a bonus action. #### Claws of Nightfall Starting at 14th level, you've gained the ability to cause spectral claws to rake creatures from farther away. Whenever you would deal Necrotic damage using *Harrowing Physicality* and *Darkness Availed* your reach extends by 5ft. #### Master of Shades Also at 14th level, Your ability to muster the spirits of the dead improves. Shadows summoned via your *Ghastly Rousing* feature gain temporary hit points equal to your Abomination level and are granted the benefits of *Rending Darkness*. In addition, you may summon and command up to two additional shadows at a time. \pagebreakNum #### Omens The following may be chosen by the *Curse of the Dark Spirit* as part of the *Darkness Availed* feature. ##### Rive You inflict a violent wound that festers with necrotic energy. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes Necrotic damage equal to a Scourge Die + your Abomination level at the start of it's turn for 1-Minute. At the end of the creature's turn it may repeat the save, ending on a success. ##### Torment. Crippling pain begins to weigh down the creature. The target creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's movement is halved for 1-Minute. Whenever the creature willingly moves it takes 1d4 + your Charisma modifier per 5ft of spent movement. Once this feature has dealt damage equal to 5 x your Abomination level, the effect ends. This feature may be ended early by spells such as *Lesser Restoration*. ##### Scar. You strike a painful mark accross the creature, lowering the targets defenses for but a moment. For all creatures other than you, attack rolls against the creature have advantage until the start of your next turn. ##### Carve. You cause spectral claws to lash out from you. Every creature within 5ft of you must make a Dexterity save, this includes the target of the attack. On a failure, a creature takes Necrotic damage equal to a Scourge Die + Half your Abomination level. On a success, a creature takes half damage. ##### Corrupt. Sowing vile darkness into the creature, you cause their vital essence to fade. The target creature receives half the amount of magical and non-magical healing from all effects for 1-Minute. At the end of an affected creatures turn they may make a Charisma saving throw, ending this effect on a success. ##### Languish. ***Prerequisite:*** *Level 6* A vile affliction begins to tear away at the vitality of the creature. The target creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you cause the creature to reduce their hit point maximum equal to the amount of Necrotic damage taken from the attack (if any) and double the number rolled on a scourge die. If you reduce a creature's hit point maximum to 0, it dies. This reduction lasts a number of hours equal to your Abomination level. ##### Delirium. ***Prerequisite:*** *Level 6* Reaching into the mind of the creature, you tear away their perception of reality. The target creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature suffers disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for one minute, repeating the save at the end of its turn.
\pagebreak ##### Drain. ***Prerequisite:*** *Level 6* The target creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target reduces it's Dexterity or Strength score (Your Choice) by an amount equal to the number rolled on a Scourge Dice for 1-Minute. If this Omen reduces a creature's Maximum Dexterity to 0, the creature is considered *Restrained* for a number of hours equal to your Abomination level.. ##### Weaken. ***Prerequisite:*** *Level 6* Your strike becomes infested with a dark blight. The target creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature becomes *Poisoned* for 1 Round. While Poisoned in this way, the creature takes Poison damage at the start of their turn equal to your Charisma modifier and suffers half damage on all damage rolls that use dexterity or strength. ##### Suffocate. ***Prerequisite:*** *Level 6* You cause a spectral force to grip the throat of the targeted creature. The target creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is rendered unable to breathe or speak for 10 Minutes. At the end of the creature's turn it may make a Constituion saving throw, ending this effect on a success. ##### Deprive. ***Prerequisite:*** *Level 6* You cause a blinding darkness to consume a creatures sight. The target creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature becomes Blinded for 1 Round. While Blinded in this way, the creature takes Psychic damage at the start of their turn equal to your Charisma modifier and is unable to use reactions. ##### Vanquish. ***Prerequisite:*** *Level 14* You cause dark energy to overwhelm the spirit of a creature. The target creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes an amount of Necrotic damage equal to half it's current hit points. A creature automatically succeeds on their saving throw if above half their hit point maximum or if their current hit points exceeds 10 x your Abomination level. \columnbreak ##### Ravage. ***Prerequisite:*** *Level 14* You cause a flurry of spectral hands to sunder a creature. Make two additional attack rolls against the creature using *Harrowing Physicality*, these attacks both deal damage if they would hit the creature. If both attacks hit, the creature's Armor Class is reduced by an amount equal to your Proficiency bonus. ##### Knell. ***Prerequisite:*** *Level 14* Infusing your strike with deathly shadow, you prime the creature for their demise. The target creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature gains Vulnerability to all damage until the start of your next turn. \pagebreakNum ### Curse of the Beautiful You've been changed forever, but where others are horrific or beastly on the outside, your curse is one of otherworldy grace and beauty without, but within lurks a horrible, ugly creature. You are beautiful and horrifying, your mere visage is enough to swell men's hearts with grief, envy, lust, or emboldening courage. But your beauty isn't without it's consequences, there is an ugly beast that mirrors your elegance, it craves carnal pleasure and carnage, it craves the destruction of those who have what you do not. You've become a Lamia, an equally beautiful and horrid creature of delightful sin. #### Siren's Song Starting at 2nd level, you've learned how to embolden another's heart with false courage. As a bonus action you may spend 1 Scourge Die to emit a haunting, but strangely beautiful song to a creature that can hear you within 60ft. That creature gains temporary hit points equal to your Scourge Die + your Charisma modifier for 1-minute. #### Invigorating Decadence Starting at 2nd level, you've learned how to carve pain from another so you may soothe the wounds of another. Whenever you strike a creature using Harrowing Physicality you may choose to spend 1 Scourge Die to cause a friendly creature within 30ft of you that you can see to regain hit points equal to double the amount rolled on a Scourge Die + your Proficiency modifier. #### Transformation of the Lamia Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to turn yourself to a haunting figure of intimidating beauty and horrific grace. Whenever you use your Horrific Transformation feature you gain the following benefits for 1-Hour: - Your physical form is altered: Your hair glows and flows with an unnatural wind that whirls around you as an aura of strange sunlight that exemplifies your beauty. You gain advantage on Charisma saving throws and Charisma ability checks, you don't gain advantage on a charisma check when interacting with a creature with immunity to the Charmed condition. - Friendly creatures within 10ft of you gain advantage on saving throws against the Frightened and Charmed conditions. - Creatures who damage you take Psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier. - You gain resistance to Psychic damage. - You gain vulnerability to damage from Silvered weapons. This transformation ends early whenever you're reduced to 0 hit points. #### Horrific Visage Starting at 6th level, you've learned how to alter your physical beauty to rebuke your attackers. Whenever you're subject to an attack roll within 30ft of you, you may use your reaction and expend 1 Scourge Die to reduce the attack by a number rolled on a Scourge Die. A creature is immune to this feature if the creature is Blinded or if the creature has averted their gaze. #### Ensorcell Also starting at 6th level, you've learned how to bend the heart of a creature to your wishes. You learn the *Suggestion* spell and may cast it by spending 1 Scourge Die, you additionally may cast the spell without need of Somatic or Material components. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this feature. #### Dark Loathing Starting at 10th level, your physical beauty causes those who fear you to truly witness your horridness. Creatures who are Frightened of you have their speed reduced to 0 and take Psychic damage at the end of their turn equal to a Scourge Die + your Charisma modifier. #### Aura of Alluring Beauty Starting at 14th level, your physical form is a beacon of natural enchantment, causing those who gaze upon you to become entranced. While conscious, you gain an aura extends 10ft from you, but not through total cover. You may choose to end or activate your aura as a bonus action. Whenever a creature within your aura looks at you, they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Scourge Die DC or be stunned while within your aura. A stunned creature may reroll their saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the condition upon a success. A creature aware of this feature may choose to avoid looking at you, causing their attack rolls against you to have disadvantage. #### Whispers of Betrayal Starting at 14th level, your beguiling beauty allows you to influence your attackers momentarily. Whenever you affect a creature with your Horrific Visage feature and the creature misses their attack roll against you, you may choose for the attack to target another creature within range, rerolling the attack with an additional bonus equal to your Charisma modifier (Minimum of 0).
\pagebreakNum ### Curse of Vengeance Revenge has brought you forth from the cold grasp of the grave; cold vengeance, the most heinous of willpowers, has given you life once more. You exist out of spite, hatred, and bitterness of another individual. Whether that individual be a single person or an entire nation, you are hellbent on vengeance, no matter the cost. You've become a Revenant; the epitome of both justice and revenge. #### Obsession of the Revenant At 2nd level, you form an obsession for vengeance over a creature, a number of creatures, or an organization that you create with your DM. Discuss what happened with these people of interest and your motivation to extract vengeance for their past deeds; what do you wish to accomplish in your quest for vengeance? How far will you go to achieve this goal? Who were you before, and why has this obsession manifested itself in this way? Once you have determined this with your DM, discuss how you will track your obsession down. Ultimately, the DM has final say over how this will be accomplished. At the end of this PDF will be a few options for you to choose, if none of the options please you, come up with your own creative way to keep track of your obsession. #### Warrior of Undeath At 2nd level, due to your past life, you know how to effectively arm yourself. You gain the following benefits and proficiencies: - You gain proficiency with light armor, medium armor, and shields. While wearing armor (But not wielding a shield), you gain an bonus to your AC equal to half your proficiency bonus (Rounded up). - You gain proficiency with Martial weapons. While wielding a weapon of which you are proficient with, you may replace the damage die of the wielded weapon with the damage die of your Harrowing Physicality, as shown in the Harrowing Physicality column of the Abomination table. Additionally, your mortal form has been drastically changed. Your creature type is now considered Undead, spells and features that affect or can't affect undead now apply to you. #### Breath of the Undying Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to manifest the spark of life within yourself, invigorating you with emboldened life or protecting you from damage that would devastate others. As an action, you may expend a Scourge Die and gain hit points and increase your maximum health by an amount equal to your Scourge Die + your Constitution modifier for 1-minute. Once you take this action you cannot take it again until you finish a short or long rest. Alternatively; whenever you take damage, you may use your reaction to spend 1 Scourge Die to reduce the damage taken by an amount equal to double the amount rolled on a Scourge Die + your Constitution modifier. \columnbreak #### Transformation of the Revenant Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to summon the searing vengeance hidden within. Whenever you use your Horrific Transformation feature you gain the following benefits for 1-hour: - Your physical form is altered: Your skin turns a ghastly gray, your eyes burn with a searing hatred, and your essence of undeath manifests for all to see. You gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks, although you gain disadvantage on all other charisma checks while transformed. - You gain resistance to non-magical Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning damage. - You gain immunity to the Poisoned condition. - You gain vulnerability to Radiant damage and damage taken from Silvered weapons; resistance to either type of damage doesn't apply. Additionally, you cannot be reduced below 1 hit point as long as the damage taken is a type of damage you have resistance to. This can be bypassed if the damage taken is from a critical hit or if the damage is greater than your Abomination level + double your Proficiency bonus. #### Undead Mortality Starting at 6th level, your mortality has begun to shift further into your undead nature. You no longer require food, air, drink, or sleep. Additionally, you gain immunity to effects that turn undead. #### Grasp of the Grave Starting at 6th level, your vengeance sears those who defy you. Whenever you use your Breath of the Undying feature to reduce the damage of an attack, you may choose to cause the creature who attacked you to be rebuked in a shroud of necromantic energy. The creature must be within 30ft of you and you must be able to see them. The target creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Scourge Die DC or take Necrotic damage equal to the total rolled as part of Breath of the Undying. On a success, the creature takes half damage. #### Dark Regeneration Starting at 10th level, your body begins to rapidly repair itself while under duress. Whenever you take damage from a hostile creature, you regain 10 hit points at the start of your next turn. This feature is suppressed if you've taken Radiant or Fire damage. #### Vengeful Tenacity Starting at 14th level, your mortal vessel has become inured to it's physical limits. While your hit point maximum is increased by Breath of the Undying, you gain immunity to the following conditions: Exhausted, Frightened, Deafened, or Paralyzed, and any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. \pagebreakNum ## The Cost of Darkness: Maddened As a character continues to tap into their foul powers, they will start to lose their humanity. The Maddened condition is an example of this. Whenever a character fails a Humanity save as a result of reaching 0 absolution, they become **Maddened**. ### Maddened Whenever you fail a Humanity Save, you become **Maddened** for 1-Minute. While **Maddened**, you must roll on the following table to determine the ramifications of your broken spirit. | d8 | Maddened Condition | Effect | |:---:|:----:| :----: | | 1 | **Paranoid** | Whenever any creature moves outside your attack range, make a Humanity Save. On a failure, you must make an attack of opportunity against them. | | 2 | **Hopeless** | You gain disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. | | 3 | **Selfish** | Whenever you take the Help action, try to cast a spell that would positively affect an ally, or use a feature that would affect an ally, roll a Humanity Save. On a failure, you waste your action doing nothing. | 4 | **Abusive** | Whenever you begin your turn within attack range of a creature you must make a Humanity Save. On a failure, you must use your action to attack the creature. If there a multiple, determine which randomly. | 5 | **Masochistic** | Attacks rolls against you have advantage. | | 6 | **Irrational** | At the start of your turn, roll a Humanity Save. On a failure roll a d6. On a 1-2 you waste your turn doing nothing, on a 3-4 you use your action to drop prone and end your turn, on a 5-6 you use your action to take the dodge action. | 7 | **Fearful** | You become Frightened of a random hostile creature for the duration of your madness. | | 8 | **Insanity** | You gain an **Abominable Insanity**. |
\pagebreakNum ## Abominable Insanity Whenever a character player would contract an indefinite Madness from the result of rolling an Abominable Insanity on the Maddened Action table. This type of madness cannot be cured. ##### Curse of the Beast Abominable Insanity | d100 | Indefinite Flaw | |:---:|:-----------:| | 01-15 | "I must atone for the grievous sins I have committed, I must pray and give myself up for the judgement of (the) god(s)" | | 16-25 | "I find the most gruesome things extremely funny" | | 26-30 | "Raw meat, especially that of humanoids, excites me" | | 31-35 | "There is nothing more thrilling than the screams of a kill" | | 36-45 | "Pain makes me happy" | | 46-50 | "I can talk to animals, they're all my friends" | | 51-55 | "Bloodshed is how I express my inner feelings" | | 56-70 | "I find myself wanting to gnaw on bones, especially fresh and bloody ones" | | 71-80 | "If someone doesn't give me what I want, then I'll just kill them" | | 81-85 | "I'll only eat meat, I won't eat anything else" | | 86-95 | "My allies are prey with purpose, when they lose their use to me, they are nothing but prey." | | 96-00 | "The only thing that truly brings me joy is the feeling of flesh and sinew being torn under my claws" | \columnbreak ##### Curse of Crimson Abominable Insanity | d100 | Indefinite Flaw | |:---:|:-----------:| | 01-15 | "The most attractive people taste the best" | | 16-25 | "Death is only acceptable if it's slow and painful" | | 26-30 | "I won't drink anything cold, I only like my drinks warm like blood" | | 31-35 | "All food tastes like ash to me, but blood is sweet like honey..." | | 36-45 | "I love drama, especially in my kills, how is it fun if it's anticlimactic?" | | 46-50 | "Slight me and I will find a way to return the insult tenfold, even if it means bloodshed." | | 51-55 | "I love everyone, that is until I don't need them" | | 56-70 | "Everyone who talks to me is planning to betray me, I must betray them before I am betrayed." | | 71-80 | "Romance is just another word for dinner planning." | | 81-85 | "I despise everyone, especially the happy ones." | | 86-95 | "I hate the smell of garlic, it smells of foul intentions." | | 96-00 | "I only go outside during the night, I refuse to ever gaze upon the sun again." | \pagebreakNum ##### Curse of the Dark Spirit Abominable Insanity | d100 | Indefinite Flaw | |:---:|:-----------:| | 01-15 | "Every night I am plagued by a different nightmare, I must shed blood to make them stop" | | 16-25 | "The sound of bells scares me, I must destroy them whenever I see one" | | 26-30 | "There's a voice in my head, he's the only one who tells me the truth anymore" | | 31-35 | "I like shadows more than I like those who cast them" | | 36-45 | "I am alone in this world, everyone I know will leave eventually" | | 46-50 | "If I am to survive, I must kill, I have to..." | | 51-55 | "I try to stay away from fire if I can, if it gets too close I put it out" | | 56-70 | "I have a feeling that I'm doing the wrong thing all the time, so I must deliberate with my invisible friend constantly." | | 71-80 | "You cannot trust those who put others before themselves" | | 81-85 | "Everything dies eventually, what's wrong with speeding up the process?" | | 86-95 | "I never follow a plan, if I'm forced to I'll make sure to sabotage it to the best of my ability" | | 96-00 | "Everything is hopeless, why try to save anything if everything goes to ruin anyways?" | \columnbreak ##### Curse of the Beautiful Abominable Insanity | d100 | Indefinite Flaw | |:---:|:-----------:| | 01-15 | "There is no one more beautiful than me, if there is, I'll kill them" | | 16-25 | "If I see someone I like, I make sure no one else can have them" | | 26-30 | "Songs and poetry are enticing to me, anyone who says differently will find themselves dead by morning" | | 31-35 | "Mercy is another word for weakness" | | 36-45 | "I love my friends, but if they becomes useless I ditch them" | | 46-50 | "I'm an innocent person, how can I do any wrong?" | | 51-55 | "Who needs morals or virtue when you have wealth" | | 56-70 | "I must look at my reflection constantly" | | 71-80 | "I destroy other people's relationships for fun" | | 81-85 | "I can't help but lie, the truth is boring" | | 86-95 | "The last thing anyone should see before dying should be my face" | | 96-00 | "I like to cause "accidents" | \pagebreakNum ##### Curse of Vengeance Abominable Insanity | d100 | Indefinite Flaw | |:---:|:-----------:| | 01-15 | "Everyone who has crossed me will meet a terrible end, I will make sure of it." | | 16-25 | "Those who defile the dead will be met with my vengeance." | | 26-30 | "The lines between who is guilty and who is innocent are thin at best, those who walk the line must walk carefully lest my wrath meet their throats." | | 31-35 | "No person in this world is exempt from my justice." | | 36-45 | "My foes aren't considered people, they are animals that should be put down, painfully." | | 46-50 | "I don't care what other think of me, if vengeance means becoming a monster, then I will be a monster." | | 51-55 | "I don't fear death, but everyone else should, I've seen the other side, and it is truly a dark fate." | | 56-70 | "Betrayal of any kind is a death sentence." | | 71-80 | "If we are of their design, the divine are truly cruel, but I am even crueler." | | 81-85 | "My life is devoid of all meaning, nothing besides my vengeance matters to me. Nothing." | | 86-95 | "Death to all heretics! Burn them at the stakes! Hang them at the gallows! Drown them in the blood of fathers and mothers! I will be the spear of justice in this world of terror and darkness!" | | 96-00 | "What is it to truly live? What is it like on the other side? Others might ponder on this thought, and truly the answer lies in death. Afterall, I would know." | \pagebreakNum ## Wendigo Traits The Curse of the Dark Spirit allows you to harbor a spirit known as a Wendigo, whenever you would pick up this subclass roll on the following tables to determine what drives your Wendigo and how it would act. ##### Wendigo Personality Traits | d8 | Personality Trait | |:---:|:-----------:| | 1 | I taunt my user often, it brings me joy when they're angry. | | 2 | I remain silent until moments of weakness are apparent. | | 3 | I offer many temptations to my user in attempts to fulfill my desires. | | 4 | I delight in pain and find mutilation extremely funny | | 5 | Fear is a weapon, and I am it's master | | 6 | I mustn't allow my user to love another, lest I be destroyed | | 7 | I often cause my user to experience horrific and bloody dreams of their loved ones, I delight in their misery | | 8 | I remind my user of their impending doom, they shall never be rid of me for as long as they live. | ##### Wendigo Ideals | d6 | Ideal | |:---:|:-----------:| | 1 | **Slaughter.** I wish to feel the rending of flesh and breaking of bones again, it is all I crave and more. (Chaotic Evil) | | 2 | **Control.** This body is mine, and I will kill my user in order to take it, eventually (Lawful Evil) | | 3 | **Oblivion.** I wish to die, and in the end I will take everyone with me. (Chaotic/Neutral Evil) | | 4 | **Service.** I serve another master, and I must guide my user towards their goals. (Lawful Evil) | | 5 | **Fear.** I am the harbinger of another, and I must make this world know fear before their demise. (Lawful Evil) | | 6 | **Manipulation.** I sow my words into the mind of my user so that they eventually grow to love me, or fear me. Only then will I be in control. (Lawful Evil) | \columnbreak ##### Wendigo Flaws | d8 | Flaw | |:---:|:-----------:| | 1 | I am angered greatly when my wishes aren't fulfilled. | | 2 | I create sophisticated plans in attempts to outwit my user, only for them to usually fail. | | 3 | I am limited by my compulsion for murder and violence, I am incapable of any other thought. | | 4 | I envy my user, I must watch their life and happiness constantly, and so I must ruin them in spite. | | 5 | When I'm not in control, I feel weak, and I hate this. | | 6 | The world is nothing more than a rotting away landscape, hopelessness will replace joy just as rot will replace the living. | | 7 | I hate myself for what I am, I want this body so that I may be perfect | | 8 | I must corrupt the living so that they understand my way of thinking, I am not evil, I am misunderstood | \pagebreakNum ## Variant Rules ### Variant: Curse of Crimson #### Unearthly Attraction Vampires are known for many things, including but not limited to summoning dark creatures and even turning into such beings. This alternative feature focuses on the latter. ##### Variant Rule: Children of the Night Replacing Unearthly Attraction, you carry a vestigial connection to the darkness of the natural world, allowing you to command beasts to your will. You learn *Conjure Animals* and may cast it using 1 Scourge Dice. Using the spell in this way allows you to only summon *Wolves* and *Dire Wolves* during the night or *Swarms of Rats* and *Swarms of Bats* at any time. If you cast this spell while transformed, you cast it without need of concentration, but you may only have one casting of this spell active. Previous castings of this spell if cast while transformed are ended early. #### Ward of Midnight Vampires are uniquely known for their power to shapeshift into that of nightly creatures, this feature focuses on this aspect. ##### Variant Feature: Vampiric Shapeshift Replacing Ward of Midnight, you've grown to gain the ability to mirror and transform into that of dark creatures. As an action, you may expend 1 Scourge Die to transform into your choice of a *Wolf* or *Bat* for a number of hours equal to your Abomination Level. While transformed you maintain your Hit Points, AC, and Class Abilities but you cannot speak, cast spells that require somatic components, use other transformations (Including Horrific Transformation) or use features from other classes or use the attacks provided by the form unless specified. While transformed, if the form you picked would have an ability score higher than your true form you may choose to use the form's ability score instead of your own. Each form has differing modifications, as seen below: While transformed as a *Bat* you gain a flying speed equal to your land speed, but your land speed is reduced to 5ft. This feature allows you to transform into a *Swarm of Bats* at 14th level instead of the original form, you additionally gain the ability to *Disegnage* as a bonus action while transformed as a *Swarm of Bats*. While transformed as a *Wolf* your speed is increased by 10ft and whenever you would use *Pack Tactics* your attack deals an additional 1d4 weapon damage, at 14th level this extra damage increases by 1d4. Additionally, you gain the ability to shapeshift into a *Dire Wolf* instead of the original form, you additionally gain the ability to use the Bite attack using the Harrowing Physicality damage die while transformed as a *Dire Wolf* Whenever you would gain the *Swift Transformation* feature you may use this feature as a bonus action. \columnbreak ### Variant: Curse of Vengeance The following are potential variant rules to use in place of the original class features. #### Obsession of the Revenant As part of becoming a Revenant you must determine how you will track your Obsession. The following are proposed ideas for how you will accomplish this, any of these options must be taken into consideration with your DM before making your choice. The Ever-Knowing Vengeance follows the traditional rulings for Revenants and is the most direct for seeking out your obsession. You always know where your obsession is, making tracking down your obsession extremely easy. This option is for ease of storytelling and simplicity, but however is not recommended for those who want a more comprehensive story. The Flashing Memories variant rule allows for interesting storytelling and gives a lot of mystery behind who your obsession is. This option gives complete control over who your obsession is to the DM, and what you know about your obsession is limited. ##### Variant Rule: Ever-Knowing Vengeance Your fierce determination for vengeance has allowed you to always know where your obsession has tread, even the farthest reaches of the planes won't allow for refuge from you. You always know the distance to and direction of any creature that you seek vengeance against, even if the creature is on another plane of existence. If the tracked creature dies, you know. ##### Variant Rule: Flashing Memories The memory of those who wronged you is fleeting and faded, but not forgotten. Certain visages, sounds, and smells sear painful memories into your mind, more and more about those you seek become more apparent as time progresses. Whenever you see imagery, hear sounds, smells scents, or see certain creatures a fragment of who you're looking for becomes apparent. This might include seeing your obsession directly or seeing something or someone related to your obsession. Memories such as how you died or memories of your obsessions name or face may trigger when the DM deems it appropiate. ##### Variant Rule: The List You know those who wronged you, in-fact you've made a list of their names written in magical ink. One by one, you're going to cross these names out in their blood, one way or another. You've gained access to an item called *The List*. The List may be written anywhere of your choosing, be creative! Whenever you kill a creature whose name is on The List and enact a small ritual (Such as branding the forehead of your obsession with a symbol, crossing out the name with the blood of the creature, or killing the creature in the manner that they killed you.) the name is removed from *The List* and another is added. \pagebreakNum # Abomination: Questions and Answers #### Let's Start Off With This... The Abomination was designed to be an extremely customizable class with many different builds, ranging from a brutish playstyle reminiscent of Barbarians to the elusive playstyle of Trickster Rogues. The possibilities are many, with key ability scores focusing on Charisma and Constitution being the main recommendation for all playstyles, treating all Wisdom, Strength, and Dexterity as the beginning path to how you'll be playing Abomination. This class is mean't to fit the thematic of several horror archetypes, and as such, the features of this class are focused on the intended style of play and the general theme of the several subclasses. #### Multi-Classing Things in this class may be a little overpowered at first glance, and for some this may be a playground for creating builds that may be game breaking that I haven't forseen when making the Abomination, to prevent this, I made a small compromise that I hope many will understand: **The Abomination cannot be, by my original design, multi-classed.** As such, this class won't be changed to fit the narrative of multi-classing in my design. I've attempted to word features to prevent abuse if some would wish to multi-class, but there exists no absolute balance to the class multi-class wise. In my personal games, I have no issue with having overpowered characters (By 12th level characters become insanely powerful by default anyways). #### Scourge Dice Basically, Scourge Dice are an infinite pool of dice that fuel your more "dangerous" features. Using a Scourge Dice requires you to roll it regardless of it's effect on the feature, as whenever you use a Scourge Dice feature you must make a reduction to your Absolution. For example, the *Ensorcell* feature for the Lamia requires a Scourge Dice but has no active use for it in the feature but regardless, you must roll the Scourge Die and make the reduction. #### Absolution Absolution is the core of the Abomination class. Like Ki for the Monk, keeping track of Absolution is vital for this class to function. Whenever you roll a Scourge Die you must make a reduction to you Absolution equal to the number you rolled. Whenever you