Additional Dragonborn Subraces

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Four Additional Greater Dragonborn

Dragonborn are as varied as the great wyrms they're descended from. Whether its the solitary yellow dragonborn of the great deserts, the violets of the underdark, the hilly and mountainous-dwelling ironss, or urban-minded steels, there is no shortage of variety to dragonborn. This supplement is designed to work with /u/Caelreader's Greater Dragonborn supplement and uses his revision's racial stats as a baseline.


Often called "Deep Dragonborn," these purplish Dragonborn dwell far beneath the surface in the underdark. Every so often, adventure will compel one to the surface, usually to quell a threat to their home below.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 2, and your Constitution increases by 1.

Draconic Ancestry. Your breath weapon deals psychic damage in a 15-foot cone. Your breath weapon imposes an Intelligence saving throw. You have resistance to psychic damage.

Superior Darkvision. Accustomed to the depths of the Underdark, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Isolationist by nature, Yellow Dragonborn primarily live in secluded enclaves or nomadic groups within large deserts. Woe to any who dare trespass within their hunting grounds as most unsuspecting trespassers never see them coming.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.

Draconic Ancestry. Your breath weapon deals fire damage in a 15-foot cone. Your breath weapon imposes a Dexterity saving throw. You have resistance to fire damage.

Ambush Predator. You have proficiency in Stealth.


Making their homes under rocky hills and tall mountains, the Iron Dragonborn usually keep to themselves unless scouting the world for threats to their dominion. Often, these Dragonborn would come into conflict with their Green brethren, viewing them as territorial rivals.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom score increases by 1.

Draconic Ancestry. Your breath weapon deals lightning damage in a 15-foot cone. Your breath weapon imposes a Dexterity saving throw. You have resistance to lightning damage.

Orebreaker-Claws. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the normal bludgeoning damage for an unarmed strike. Additionally, you can use your claws as a tool for the purpose of harvesting ore and digging.

Perhaps the most urbane of the dragonborn, these dragonborn often live in enclaves and neighborhoods within major metropolitan centers of civilizations. Many steel dragonborn make their living as merchants, entrepreneurs and artisans that rival the dwarves.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma score increases by 1.

Draconic Ancestry. Your breath weapon deals acid damage in a 15-foot cone. Your breath weapon imposes a Dexterity saving throw. You have resistance to acid damage.

Gregarious Guardian. You know the friends cantrip.

Four Additional Greater Dragonborn Author: /u/Valerion

Four Additional Greater Dragonborn is a subrace homebrew created to work with Greater Dragonborn by /u/CaelReader as fan content for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.

Artist Credit: "DND Character Busts" by David Rodrigues. Tumblr

This Greater Dragonborn race from /u/CaelReader overrides a portion of the Dragon Hide Feat found in Xanathar's as does the Iron Dragonborn found in this supplement. This racial supplement is not meant to be used at tables featuring the Dragon Hide feat.


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