Arcano-Mechanical Prosthetics

by S-Flo

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Arcano-Mechanical Prosthetics

Artificial Limbs

Whether someone lost a limb to the horrors of war, a gruesome accident, or some other unfortunate circumstance, not all have easy access to powerful restorative magic. Whether a suitably powerful caster is too difficult to find or the costs for their services too steep, many amputees find themselves unable to avail themselves of such healing.

To that end, powerful artificers and brilliant tinkerers alike strove to create an affordable alternative. The "arcano-mechanical prosthetic" is the end product of that endeavor and represents the union of both clever enchantments and mundane craftsmanship of the highest caliber.

Prosthetics and Bases

For an artificial limb to function correctly, a "base" needs to be surgically affixed to an amputee's body. The base serves as both a support structure and interface for artificial limbs.

The prosthetics themselves are affixed to the base and must be customized by a tinkerer or trained mechanic in order to correctly fit the frame and body size of their wearer. As a result, the prosthetics themselves come in a large variety of shapes and styles depending on the mechanic constructing the piece and the client's own personal tastes.

Prosthetic Base

A specially built base for prosthetic limbs that is grafted onto a user's body. Most of the frame is solid steel, acting as a support system for the weight of the metal limb.

A standardized copper disc engraved with complex runes and a small, polished piece of quartz resting within the center carries the enchantment that allows the device to function. It not only interprets information from the user's nervous system but also draws upon a small portion of the user's physical stamina to power the devices affixed to it.

Affixing Mechanical Limbs

Having a functional mechanical prosthetic affixed to your body can be a difficult and painful process. Additional amputations are often required as a prosthetic base can typically only be safely affixed at joints.

Having a standard prosthetic base surgically grafted onto your body typically costs 200 gp for materials and services and the procedure takes 3 days to complete. After a successful surgery it takes 4d6 + 5 days to physically recover before a limb can be affixed to the system (this time can be reduced through magical healing at your DM's discretion).

Practical Concerns

Having artificial limbs comes with a number of complications, some of which are minor day-to-day annoyances while others can be life-threatening if ignored.

Maintenance: Due to the constant risk of damage and mechanical failures mechanical prosthetics require daily maintenance and care. It is assumed you maintain your limb during rests or downtime but ignoring maintenance or combat damage may, at the DM's discretion, force you to make a visit to a mechanic for repairs.

Sense of Touch: While fully articulate, most mechanical prosthetics provide no feeling or sense of touch. The lack of sensory feedback may make certain tasks involving the prosthetic, such as writing, difficult for the user.

Cold Weather: The steel frame of most prosthetics conduct heat easily and as a result present an incredibly high risk for frostbite at the grafting site in colder climates. Whenever the temperature is below or at 0°F (-18°C) users of prosthetics not specially designed for the cold must make Constitution saving throws as if they are exposed in extreme climates as described on Pg.110 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Swimming: The weight of even a single mechanical prosthetic can make swimming difficult and potentially dangerous. Users of two or more artificial limbs will typically start to sink in the water without any assistance.

Anti-Magic: Because the prosthetics rely on an enchantment to function, most artificial limbs will go limp while under the effects that nullify magic, such as Antimagic Field.

Types of Prosthetics

Base Models

Listed here are the properties and suggested pricing of some of the more common kinds of artificial arms and legs that can be affixed to a functional prosthetic base.

Prosthetic Suggested Price
Standard 100gp
Cold Weather 500gp
Shielded 2000gp
Full-Feedback 2500gp

Note: Bonuses and penalties for prosthetic limbs do not stack unless otherwise stated.

Standard Mechanical Limb

Prosthetic Limb, Common

This solid steel mechanical prosthetic, once attached to a functional prosthetic base, allows the user the same range of motion and functionality of the arm or leg it is replacing. The lack of sensory feedback from the limb, however, can make some tasks more difficult than normal.

Add +2 to any Strength saving throws and Athletics checks made using this limb. Additionally, if you do not benefit from the Martial Arts feature of the Monk class, add +2 to the damage of any unarmed strikes made using this limb.

Sleight of Hand checks and skill checks requiring fine motor control made using this limb have a -2 penalty.

Cold Weather Prosthetic Limb

Prosthetic Limb, Uncommon

This prosthetic functions much like a standard mechanical limb, but is made of a lighter, more expensive alloy that is resistant to temperature changes. As a result, this prosthetic no longer suffers from the ill effects of cold environments as described in the Practical Concerns section of this document.

Add +1 to any Strength saving throws and Athletics checks made using this limb. Additionally, if you do not benefit from the Martial Arts feature of the Monk class, add +1 to the damage of any unarmed strikes made using this limb.

Sleight of Hand checks and skill checks requiring fine motor control made using this limb have a -2 penalty.

Shielded Prosthetic Limb

Prosthetic Limb, Rare

The chassis of this artificial limb is made of rare and expensive alloys that shield the prosthetic base from magical influence, allowing the limb to continue functioning, even while under the effects of spells such as Antimagic Field.

Add +1 to any Strength saving throws and Athletics checks made using this limb. Additionally, if you do not benefit from the Martial Arts feature of the Monk class, add +1 to the damage of any unarmed strikes made using this limb.

Sleight of Hand checks and skill checks requiring fine motor control made using this limb have a -2 penalty.

Additionally, magical effects directly targeting the chassis of this limb (such as Mend) fizzle out and do nothing.

Full-Feedback Prosthetic Limb

Prosthetic Limb, Rare

This artificial limb is much less bulky than its counterparts and its frame more closely follows the contours of an organic limb. The interior of its chassis is lined with copper, precious metals, and complex arcane engravings. A powerful enchantment provides full sensory feedback to its user, allowing all sorts of tasks to be accomplished with the limb.

Add +1 to any Strength saving throws and Athletics checks made using this limb. Additionally, if you do not benefit from the Martial Arts feature of the Monk class, add +1 to the damage of any unarmed strikes made using this limb.


Some of the more creative and talented tinkerers and prosthetics engineers have been known to include all sorts of devices in prosthetic limbs ranging from helpful tools to dangerous weapons (some of questionable legality). Some intrepid amputees have even been known to tinker with their limbs on their own time.

However you go about it, modifying an artificial limb requires great expertise and tends to be costly. Additionally, structural constraints mean that each prosthetic limb you may only have one modification built into it at any time.

Modification Suggested Pricing
Built-In Tools 25gp + Tool Cost
Deployable Crossbow 50gp
Deployable Shield 75gp
Deployable Spork 1gp
Grappling Hook 200gp
Hidden Blade 25gp
Springheel 200gp
Stowed Cannon 350gp

Keep in mind that some modifications are more noticeable or odd than others. A discreet hidden blade within the forearm probably won't be noticed by anyone, but the bulk of having a small cannon built into your leg could be a bit of a giveaway that something isn't normal to a keen eye.

Built-In Tools

Prosthetic Modification, Arm Only

A basic set of artisan’s tools of your choice, such as Thieves' Tools or Carpenter’s tools, are built into your prosthetic limb. You may deploy or stow these tools at will.

Deployable Crossbow

Prosthetic Modification, Arm Only

A small metal crossbow is discretely built into the forearm of your mechanical limb. You may deploy or stow the weapon at will as a bonus action once per turn, causing it to fold out of or into the forearm of the limb. The weapon counts as a standard Hand Crossbow as described in the Player's Handbook. The weapon is attached to your limb and cannot be forcibly disarmed.

Deployable Shield

Prosthetic Modification, Arm Only

A folded, circular shield is built into the forearm of your artificial limb. As a bonus action, you may deploy or stow the shield. While deployed it functions exactly as if the user has a standard shield equipped on that hand.

Deployable Spork

Prosthetic Modification, Arm Only

A small steel spork is discretely built into one of the fingers of your prosthetic arm. You may deploy or stow the spork at will. It is a spork.

Grappling Hook

Prosthetic Modification, Arm Only

A deployable, spiked grappling hook is built into your mechanical arm. As an action you may launch the spike from a free limb containing the modification, lodging the spike into any suitable surface within 40 feet of you.

If you target a creature within 40 feet using the grapple make a ranged attack roll, dealing 1d4 piercing damage and lodging the spike into the target on a successful hit. A creature with the spike lodged in it cannot be more than 40 feet away from you and may make a DC 10 + your Strength modifier Strength Saving Throw at the beginning of each of its turns to dislodge the spike.

As a bonus action, you may retract the grapple, pulling yourself towards whatever surface, object, or creature the grapple is currently lodged into. The grapple dislodges itself after being retracted.

In the event both you or a creature targeted by the grapple attempt to pull on the tether, both the "puller" and the "pullee" make Athletics checks. In the event of the "pullee" failing, they are unable to move until the end of "puller's" next turn and are dragged towards the puller at a rate of 10 feet per round. Participants in the Athletics contest of a larger effective size class than their opponent roll with advantage.

Hidden Blade

Prosthetic Modification

A small blade is discretely built into your mechanical limb. You may extend or detract this weapon at will. The blade counts as a standard dagger as described in the Player's Handbook. The blade is attached to your limb and cannot be forcibly disarmed.


Prosthetic Modification, Leg Only

A powerful spring is built into the heel of your prosthetic leg. As a bonus action you may activate the springheel to either vault forward, moving you 20 feet in any horizontal direction, or to leap upwards, increasing the height of a jump by 10 feet. You may use this modification twice per short rest.

Stowed Cannon

Prosthetic Modification

A small cannon is discretely built into your mechanical limb. As an action you may fold back a free limb, revealing the modification, and fire the cannon as a standard ranged attack (Range 10/40) against any single target within range, dealing 4d6 bludgeoning damage on a successful hit. You may use this modification once per short rest.

Custom Modifications

The prosthetic modifications listed here are intended to provide both a mechanical baseline for what a modification can be and to inspire players and DMs to come up with their own. Don't feel too limited by what's presented in this document, and feel free to talk to your DM if you want build a unique tool or an odd modification for your character's prosthetic.

Art Credits

  • Automail Diagram, Fullmetal Alchemist - Hiromi Arakawa
  • Guts' Arm Concepts, Berserk - Kentaro Miura

Version Changes

Version 1.3 (Current)

  • Fixed typos, clarified ability descriptions

Version 1.2

  • Further clarification of limb modifiers

Version 1.1

  • Fixed typos
  • Clarified language behind ability score bonuses provided by various artificial limb models.
  • Added pricing suggestions to modifications
  • Added text on noticing modifications
  • Expanded Modification section

Version 1.0

  • Initial version