Soulbound v1

by Paranoid

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Soulbound are creatures whose souls no longer occupy an organic form. Instead the souls are bound to some other physical object. Typically this is a suit of armor, but some souls are also bound to golems or even mundane household items.

In Foreign Parts souls are sometimes bound into elite shock troops or some other specific chassis. Around Here, soulbound are very rare because no one understands the process to move a soul without losing it into the Outer Planes. This makes them largely unknown to the average citizen. Charitable people might mistake soulbound for an eccentric adventurer who won't remove their armor, others will call them a monstrosity.

Living Counstructs

Being bound to a new form is a traumatic experience for the soul. Those unable to handle the strain often end up as Animated Armors, Helmed Horrors, or other worse entities. However, those who make it through the process come out with the minds mostly intact. Many suffer some amount of amnesia surrounding their 'past life' but they can continue to learn and act as they did before being bound.

A Soulbound appears as a contiguous, armored form filled with a shadowy darkness. In so far as it 'exists' anywhere the soulforged lives in the helmet, mask, hood, or other head portion of its armor where two piercing motes of light act as magical sensory organs. Armor parts and plates within the 'body' head are magically held in place and, if by some misfortune pieces are scattered farther away the soulbound can reattach them at-will once they are within range.

Instead of resting like humanoids a soulbound can enter a state of suspended animation to regenerate superficial damage to their physical shell. Out of apathy or discontent surrounding their new life some soulbound stay in this suspended state for years, decades, or longer, cursed to continue existing until their mind finally gives out.

Soulbound Traits

Your Soulbound character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1.

Age. A soulbound does not physically age past the point of its creation but it can begin to degrade if it does not take care of its shell. No one is certain how long they can live.

Alignment. Soulbound usually keep the alignment they had in life. Those who have forgotten their past life usually default back to a blank slate of complete neutrality.

Size. An average Soulbound stands between 5 and 8 feet tall and weighs between 200 and 400 pounds depending on the type of armor to which they are bound. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Dual Life. You gain 7 points, which you spend on elements from the 'Memories' or 'Upgrades' section on the next page when you first create your soulbound character.

Integrated Armor. You can integrate armor on to your body as long as you are proficient with it. Integrated armor does not count towards your carrying capacity. Armor integrated this way gives you +1 AC.

Living Construct. You are a construct, but you are also a living creature. You are immune to disease. You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe. You can pretend to if you want.

Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Languages. You know Common and one other language (usually one you knew before being bound.)


Agile (2 pts)

In your past life you traversed rugged terrain with ease. You can select this memory more than once, each time you do so you must pick a different option.

Swimming. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. This memory costs 2 points.

Climbing. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. This memory costs 2 points.

Walking. Your base walking speed becomes 35 feet. This memory costs 2 points.

Magical (2 pts)

You were magical in your past life.

You learn mending and one other cantrip from any class list. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for cantrips learned this way.

You cannot learn fire bolt, eldritch blast, vicious mockery, druidcraft, thaumaturgy, or green-flame blade in this way.

This memory costs 2 points.

Powerful (2 pts)

In your past life you did great feats of strength. You count as one size larger for the purpose of carrying, lifting, pushing, and dragging.

This memory costs 2 points.

Trained Mind (1-3 points)

You remember some of the skills, tools, or languages from your past life. You can select this memory more than once, up to a maximum of four times.

Skill. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice. This memory costs 3 points the first time it is chosen. Whenever you select this option thereafter, the cost is 2 points.

Tool, Instrument, or Gaming Set. You gain proficiency in one tool, instrument, or gaming set of your choice. This memory costs 1 point.

Language. You gain fluency in one language of your choice. This memory costs 1 point.


Small (free)

You were bound to a small set of armor, perhaps intentionally, or perhaps because it was the only thing available. You stand between 2'6 and 4' feet tall and weigh between 50 and 200 pounds. Your Size is Small.

This upgrade is free and it cannot be removed.

Tough (5 pts)

You were bound to an especially tough or exotic type of armor that was built to last. Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to your level. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an additional hit point.

This upgrade costs 5 points.

Internal Storage (1 or 2 pts)

Since being bound in your new form you have endeavored to create one or more internal storage compartments within your armor.

Objects can be stored and retrieved with a bonus action, as long as they could reasonably fit within you. You have advantage on any checks made to hide the existence of these compartments, and they can't be forced open while you are conscious. You can retrieve ammunition from your storage compartments as part of your attack action with a ranged weapon.

This upgrade costs 1 point. You can spend 1 additional point to select the Integrated Armaments option.

Integrated Armaments. When you use a bonus action to retrieve an object from your storage compartments, you can instead retrieve up to two objects, placing up to one in each hand. When you do so you can store any objects held in one or both hands.

You cannot be disarmed of either of these retrieved objects while conscious if they are either a weapon without the heavy property or a shield, and they cannot be dropped.

Lantern (1 pt)

Since being bound in your new form you have you have spent some time to make yourself capable of emitting light. The source of light within you could be emitted from an area such as your eyes, palm, chest, or the general cracks between the armor plating that covers your body.

You can shine a wide bright light in a 15-foot radius, and dim light for an additional 15 feet. You can switch to shining a focused bright light in a 30-foot cone, and dim light for an additional 30 feet. You can control your lights during your turn without using an action, such as dimming them, turning them off, or switching between wide and focused. This light is innate and does not require fuel.

This upgrade costs 2 points. You can spend 1 additional point to double the range of your lights.

Resistant (2-5 pts)

Since being bound in your new form you have you have spent some time to make yourself resistant to a specific type of damage. Pick one damage resistance from the following options. You can select this upgrade more than once, up to a maximum of two times.

Rare. You gain resistance to Radiant or Thunder damage. This option costs 2 points.

Uncommon. You gain resistance to Acid, Cold, Lightning, or Necrotic damage. This option costs 3 points.

Common. You gain resistance to Fire or Poison damage. This option costs 4 points. If you pick poison, you can spend 1 additional point to gain advantage on saving throws against poison.


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