KoTT Player's Guide

by ♔ Osiris

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Vystor'ium Lore

About a decade ago, A sacred box was given to an unknown entity who was called Xaphyrs. Told never to open it as the box was set for destruction, however, he did. When he peered inside the box he seen thirteen medium sized beads, Each one appeared ominous and intriguing. Swirling about in a circular motion, following one another. Xaphyrs studied them for a minute, hearing a noise behind him he quickly grabbed and stow’d them away. Scrambling to close the box in time.

The being that had given Xaphyrs the box containing the beads, came back into the room. Xaphyr unaware the being had been observing him, frantically trying to close the box. Once the box was put back neatly, the being called him over. Asking if he had got what he needed. Xaphyr looked at him with a sharp menacing glare, “What is it you speak of?” The being retorted, “You know exactly what I am talking about.” “No” replied Xaphyr. Turning to walk away, the being said, “Halt, I am Euslar and I observed you tampering with the box. Now answer truthfully, Did... you... Get... what... you... needed?” As Euslar began to ask the question once more his eyes started to turn a glowing red. Xaphyrs feeling the power of Euslar beginning to fill the room, he cracked. “I took them, knowing I shouldn’t have.” Euslar, “I know, it felt as if I was connected to them when the box got opened.”

Odd tension forming in the air as Euslar realizing that he has had an encounter with these beads before. All of a sudden it dawned on him that these beads were actually his creation he once tinkered with. His boss told him to throw the box out and without inspecting the box it was going to.be destroyed. Xaphyrs started to look puzzled as the appearance of Euslar’s face changed from irritation to a confused joy. Euslar’s demeanor quickly changing as he turned to Xaphyrs motioning to follow.

The two walked for some time, leaving the box behind as it served no real purpose. They eventually got to the tavern picking a table that was off in the corner and ordered some brew. Whilst they waited for the brew to be served Xaphyrs looked over towards Euslar and pointed down to where he stored the beads. Euslar acknowledged his motion and started filling him in on the powers that were placed upon them, exclaiming originally it was one large bead representing a powerful planet. However, upon waking up one morning, “tearing up” I went to go check on Khronos as usual and it was shaking, I could see piles of dust being kicked up, lightning soaring fast across the sky, noises that almost sounded alive from another being that was far away. However, it only occurred in the room. I sat and observed for sometime, eventually the dust died down and what was once one large bead, planet, turned into what lies in front of us here, thirteen medium sized beads with either a continent or dimension on it.

Euslar motions for Xaphyrs to cautiously pull one out. Euslar grabs it, holds it up so that only they can see it. Euslar says, “Ah this one is Vystor’ium…” A faint pause passes from being interrupted as something appeared within… Looking over at Xaphyrs, asking, “you see that?” As he points towards the snowy region. Xaphyrs replying, “Indeed, but I couldn't make much of it.” Euslar,” Must've been one of the dragons lighting up the forge.” Xaphyrs eyes widen with excitement, “well light my forge and bestow me with more knowledge.” “If you insist young one, just keep in mind, these were meant to be destroyed, if you are caught with them bad things happen.” Xaphyrs kind of shrugs it off and just wants to be enlightened. After all they are unique. Euslar proceeds to tell him the story of what is happening within the continent of Vystor’ium… Before we get too in depth, Xaphyrs interjects, how are you able to know so much of what's going on? Euslar retorts, “stay awhile and listen, you'll eventually understand and perhaps be able to do it as well.

Never played before? Read this

Creating a Character

  • Use either GSheet (preferred) DnDBeyond, or DiceCloud for creating a character

  • Official Material not listed in the ban list is playable

  • One character per person

  • Start at any level up to level 3

  • Experience or Milestone leveling

  • NO encumbrance

  • Fixed Hit points.

  • Ability scores are calculated by Standard Array 8,10,12,13,14,15

  • Only starting equipment and background equipment

  • Once your character is finished follow the template in #Character-Roster

  • Staff will review and approve your character

  • Once approved, you will receive the Westmarch PC role!

Allowed HomeBrew



One can pick any background they wish as long as they follow the PHB

  • You might want to tweak some of the features of a background so it better fits your character or the campaign setting. To customize a background, you can replace one feature with any other one, choose any two skills, and choose a total of two tool proficiencies or languages from the sample backgrounds. You can either use the equipment package from your background or spend coin on gear as described in chapter 5. (If you spend coin, you can’t also take the equipment package suggested for your class.)

Banned Content


  • Changeling

  • Vedalken

  • Gith

  • Yuan-ti Pureblood

  • Kenku

  • Kalashtar

  • Simic Hybird

  • Firbolg


  • Lucky


  • Mystic

  • Wild Magic

Getting Started on Discord


  • Head over to #Bot-Spam

  • Type ;assignrole <class>

  • Type ;assignrole <race>

  • Type ;assignrole <level>

Getting Games

  • Find party members to investigate a rumor that's been heard, perhaps its in #Town-Crier, or it's apart of a backstory.

  • Then head over to Looking-For-Party

  • If enough people weren't acquired for the run, a dungeon master can then post in Adventure-Board

  • Perhaps, a dungeon master wants to run a game, check Adventure-Board often

  • Make sure post notifcations are turned on for the channels listed above, also games can be sporadic voice chats.

Adventuring in Vystor'Ium


Keep in mind that it is the players responsibility to inform the dm of any major changes to a characters mentality or physical well being

  • In order to find an adventure, one must go to the channel. There you can obtain an adventure by reacting to the post made by a dungeon master

  • Before the start of the adventure, you may complete your downtime actions in the specified channel. (What a character does when not adventuring)

  • When you show up for your adventure, remember to respect your DM and fellow party members at all times.

  • At the end of your adventure, type -dmfeedback to provide insight on how the session went. The more feedback we receive, the better games will be for the community.

  • (Optional) You can post a memory journal detailing main points that happened during your adventure. This creates a living document about events surrounding Rok'Shyr and adds to the overall immersion the server provides, doing so can result in inspiration during your next game as long as the DM is informed prior to the game starting.

Memory Journal

When posting your documentation of what went on throughout the adventure follow the template that will be pinned by ♔ Osiris

When Suggesting Adventures

In order suggest an adventure please follow these guidelines listed.

  • Include lore, why the adventure should take place

  • If any other characters are involved other than your own

  • Detail what kind of monsters should reside within this exploration

  • Type -advsuggest in botspam and go click the link to fill out the form


These adventures must not interfere with another players character directly, if one dies that is allowed but one cannot specifically want to harm another individual. Please keep in mind that this is a hobby for all involved

Downtime Actions

You can use downtime to perform a variety of activities to benefit your character and those around you. In order to perform these downtime activities, you must adhere to the rules that accompany them. Any activity requiring a dice roll must be performed in the presence of a DM.