The Complete Guide to Saogaidh - D&D 5e

by Assassin739

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A Cruel World

A Cruel World (Alpha v0.1.1 - Names)

The complete guide to adventuring in the dangerous lands of Saogaidh


Stuff goes here

Health and Injury


While moving faster than a running speed, or doing any swimming or climbing (unless a creature has a base swimming/climbing speed), all creatures will eventually get tired. They can do so without issue for an amount of time equal to 2 minutes + 1 minute multiplied by their Constitution modifier. After this time has elapsed, they can continue movement of this nature, but for each additional amount of this time, counted from the beginning of each period, they take a level of exhaustion.

Swimming, or lack thereof

Creatures without a swim speed must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check for each minute of swimming they do. If they succeed, they gain a temporary swim speed of 20 feet for the duration of this minute.

Creatures can, by default, hold their breath for a time equal to 1 minute + 15 seconds multiplied by their Constitution modifier. This is halved while moving at their standard running, climbing or swimming speed.

To swim in rough water, for example in a rip or in stormy ocean, a creature must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check taken at disadvantage. This allows movement for the same rate and time as above, though these may be changed depending on individual circumstances.

Character Progression

Scaling Bonuses

Scaling Bonuses can be used when a bonus from a class, race, or something else is wanted to be dynamic and scale with a character's progression instead of static. A Scaling Bonuse is a bonus to something equal to the character's current Proficiency Bonus. Variants exist, including a Halved and a Doubled Scaling Bonus. A Doubled Scaling Bonus is equal to twice the character's current Proficiency Bonus, while a Halved Scaling Bonus is equal to half the character's current Proficiency Bonus, rounded down but with a minimum bonus of +1 unless specified otherwise.


The races of Saogaidh are not at all scientifically categorised. In fact, several of the races listed here have little if any genetic variation, while others are entirely different species. The term is used purely for gameplay purposes - in fact in the setting the idea of races and species is nonexistent, save perhaps for the thoughts of a few radical philosophers.


Stuck up pricks, the lot of them. They act all high and

mighty, as if they're a superior species. Want to know the epiome of irony? They talk about how strong and pure-bred our horses are. We crossbreed all our horses. Their training is what makes them so special.
                               -- Yulka Bezloshadnyy, Rogatyy Shamaness

The Azni

Physical Description: Azni are around 1.8 to 2 metres in height, with generally light builds. Their skin tones are various degrees of alabaster. Eye colours range from red to blue.

Society: Azni society is very hierarchic and focused on bloodlines and ancestry. This is further enforced by nearly 2 centuries of slective breeding by the many noble families in attempts to secure bloodlines of strong magical ability - it has also resulted in a large amount of inbreeding to various degrees by these families, though the results have not generally been very serious as of yet.

Those not of a noble dynasty usually ply their trade as merchants, guards and artisans, or if they're not so lucky they will end up as a member of the vast Azni peasantry.

Relations: Most Azni, whether from a noble family or not, are quite invested in family history and their genealogy. Other races are thought of as lesser, but passively and are tolerated. Parva however are regarded very highly by Azni, especially the nobility, as the race that discovered and taught magic. The existence of Vayri is known to scholars but is more of a tall tale to most commoners.

Religion: Nakhnineri Hoginery are ancestral spirits, Nakhni Astvats is the ancestor god of all Azni, and Mogut'yan Ast is the god of magic.

Adventurers: Not many Azni turn to adventuring. The ones that do are either ambitious folk or nobles seeking approval.

Azni Names

Azni have a given name and a family name, denoting the origin of their bloodline or when it split off from another.

Male Names: Aharon, Artoun, Avedis, Bedros, Kapriel, Libarid, Madteos, Minas, Norvan, Paylag, Sarhad, Souren, Vahagn, Vram, Zohrab

Female Names: Aline, Arevalous, Azadouhi, Dalita, Dirouhi, Khoyan, Lara, Lilit, Melineh, Nartouhi, Nazeli, Shakeh, Srpouhi, Tamar, Varvara

Family Names: Aramian, Galstanyan, Kasabian, Kherlakian, Kinosyan, Lylozian, Mardirosian, Markossian, Natanian, Petrosian, Piruzian, Sarafian, Taslakian, Tateossian, Zeitunian

Azni Traits

+2 Charisma, +1 Intelligence: Azni are very smart and charismatic.

Medium Size: Azni are Medium creatures.

Normal Speed: Azni have a base walking speed of 30 ft.

Language: The native language of the Azni is Yerkar Lezu.

Ancestral Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Blood Magic: All spells cast by Azni have a Spell Save DC equal to 10 + their Spellcasting Ability Modifier + their Proficiency Bonus.

Magical Senses: A permanent aura exists around objects or creatures you can see, indicating whether they are magical. The visibility range is within 30 feet. You also know their school of magic, if they have one. You cannot detect magic through 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.


They're certainly not fond of foreigners. Of course, they

make an exception for us. Everyone always does. If they threw us out, they'd have no one to turn to when their iron supplies run low. And wood. And copper. And silver, and gold. Just about everything, come to think of it.                                            -- Olov Skarsgård, Snödvärg Trader

The Beschaafde

Physical Description: Beschaafde range from between 1.5 to 1.9 metres in height. They have a tanned skin tone, more so on the peasantry. Commonfolk are usually strong but also often malnourished, while the nobility tend to have less physical prowess. Eye colour can be anything from brown to blue to green, though the former is more common.

Society: Beschaafde society is heavily feudal in nature. The hierarchy is very strict, with the Keizer reigning above all, assisted by the nobility and clergy, who are constantly fighting for authority, as well as the commonfolk, who of course are at the bottom of this hierarchy. Traders and artisans have no more official rights than peasants, though tend to be better treated, especially merchants. This of course is down to t he money - much of the bureaucracy is corrupt and stagnant.

Relations: Most Beschaafde are racist, though the concept itself is not present in Saogaidh. This is due to long-term propaganda efforts by the nobility and royalty in order to further the cause of the Middelste Rijk's expansion.

Religion: The most common religion is the worship of the Sterrengoden, a pantheon of star gods. The primacy of the sun god is the official practise, and the belief of the moon or world gods' primacy is thought of as heretical by the clergy. A small cult also worships an ancient hero, Helden Dapperen.

Adventurers: There are many reasons a Beschaafde would take up adventuring - money, wanderlust and oppression being the most common.

Beschaafde Names

Beschaafde names consist of a given name and a family name - this could be a job, place of origin, or ancestor.

Male Names: Adriaan, Dries, Heiko, Hendricus, Jurrijn, Lowie, Machiel, Marlijn, Matthijs, Nelis, Sijmen, Stans, Stefan, Thijn, Willem

Female Names: Eliza, Evelien, Femke, Fien, Grietje, Hendrika, Jasmijn, Krisje, Lotte, Marijne, Mayke, Mirre, Mirte, Trijntje, Veerle

Family Names: Aldenkamp, Bolder, de Bakker, de Jonge, Grissen, Henselijn, Klenke, Kroese, op Holsmans, van der Vecht, van Veldstad, Verhoeven, Wagenmans, Westplate, Wijngaards

Beschaafde Traits

+2 Strength, +1 Charisma: Beschaafde are used to hard labour and are raised in large societies within the Middelste Rijk.

Medium Size: Beschaafde are Medium creatures.

Normal Speed: Beschaafde have a base walking speed of 30 ft.

Language: The native language of the Beschaafde is Goedetaal.

Battle-Hardened: Beschaafde gain a Halved Scaling Bonus to ability checks and attack rolls made related to Combat Actions.

Racism: Beschaafde gain a Halved Scaling Bonus bonus on attack rolls against humanoids, excluding Beschaafde.

Teamwork: Beschaafde gain advantage on attacks against enemy creatures due to flanking whenever an allied creature is adjacent to that creature.

Urbanites: Beschaafde gain a Halved Scaling Bonus bonus on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to gather information and Wisdom (Insight) checks made to get a hunch about a social situation.


Those people are off in their own little world. They spend

their lives worshipping eagles and prancing about the forest like faeries. What really pisses me off, though, is when they try to stop us cutting down their precious forest.                                            -- Eliros Vilde, Hertog of Skógurhöfn

The Ciadaoine

Physical Description: Ciadaoine have white hair, green eyes, and pale skin from life in the forests. They are short, around 1.3 to 1.6 metres.

Society: The Ciadaoine are unique in that they do not have rulers. They live in tribes, each named after their patron animal. Each tribes is nomadic but has regular boundaries, usually set by the death sentence it would be to venture beyond. When decisions need to be made by tribes, they have the elders of the tribe vote on what to do. All tribemembers help the tribe, usually by hunting and gathering but the elderly will instead vote on decisions and advise others. This leads to the Ciadaoine rarely making societal or technological progress due to the traditional elderly making all decisions.

Relations: The Ciadaoine rarely come into contact with others, with two exceptions. The Eagles have come into conflict with Farmenn in the past in disputes on tree-cutting. The Ravens have actually fought against the Beschaafde, and are in a cultural upheaval from their patron animal appearing over the dead on battlefields.

Religion: Most worship Spioradan, the spirits of the world. Some have founded a pantheon, the Diathan, in an effort to modernise. An increasing number of Fithich have started worshipping the Fithich Fhuar, the strange blue-eyed ravens occasionally seen over battlefields.

Adventurers: Ciadaoine already spend their lives roaming the wilderness, though those that want to experience other cultures or be more carefree may turn to adventuring.

Ciadaoine Names

Ciadaoine receive only a given name upon birth. However, they will often be given a nickname or title later in life.

Male Names: Ailean, Amhladh, Dàibhidh, Eòghan, Goiridh, Iagan, Iomhair, Maol-Moire, Pàra, Seaghdh, Seonaidh, Seòras, Sgàire, Taog, Ùisdean

Female Names: Ailis, Brighde, Caitlin, Catrìona, Ceana, Ciorstag, Dior-bhàil, Eithrig, Leitis, Malamhìn, Marsaili, Màili, Seasaìdh, Sìne, Èibhlin

Nicknames: Caoimhneil (Kind), Cliobalta (Smart), Dian (Stupid), Gaisgeil (Brave), Glas (Grey), Greis (Smelly), Lag (Weak), Luath (Fast), Làidir (Strong), Marbhtach (Killer), Olc (Evil), Sàmhach (Quiet), Saill (Fat), Sean (Old), Uaine (Green)

Ciadaoine Traits

+2 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom: Ciadoaine are both agile and perceptive.

Medium: Ciadaoine are Medium creatures.

Normal Speed: Ciadaoine have a base walking speed of 30 ft.

Language: The native language of the Ciadaoine is Ar Cànan.

Bond to the Land: Ciadoine gain a Halved Scaling Bonus (Minimum 1) to AC when in forest terrain.

Silent Hunters: Ciadaoine can move stealthily at up to their base walking speed without making a new Dexterity (Stealth) check. However, moving faster than this requires a new check.

Sneaky: Ciadaoine gain a Scaling Bonus on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Wood Wanderers: Ciadaoine can move through natural difficult terrain at their normal speed while within forest terrain. Magically altered terrain affects them normally.


Those weird rock diggers? Don't see them around here

much. They don't like us, that's why. Sometimes they try to bring metal to the outpost to the west, and we take it. It's good for making weapons, and we need them much more.                                            --Kaleva Ylitalo of Lyhyempi Heimo

The Djupdvärgar

Physical Description: Djupdvärgar are short and stocky, with pale grey skin. They have black hair and no beards.

Society: Djupdvärgar society is run by a Hög Övervakare, who delegates tasks to Övervakares that run mining sectors. The Hög Övervakare is a dictator chosen by their predecessor, and who appoints each Övervakare. Howver, most Djupdvärgar can abide this, and any possible attempt at reform is not helped by the Djupdvärgar being very antisocial.

Relations: Djupdvärgar have no contact with most other races. They do often trade with Snödvärgar in exchange for food, water and other supplies however.

Religion: The Dvärggudar are the pantheon of gods worshipped by most Dvärgar. However, there is a rising religion, Djupa Andar, that worships spirits found far underground. There are also some who worship the Berg Varelser, ancient beings that dwell in the mountains.

Adventurers: It is exceptionally rare for a Djupdvärg to leave mining and become and adventurer. It could happen due to debt or disillusionment with the society however.

Djupdvärgar Names

Djupdvärgar have a given name, preceded by a mineral of their choice. Gender does not affect name choice.

Given Names: Agnar, Bård, Bjarte, Børge, Dagmar, Dagny, Gisle, Håvard, Hildur, Ingebjørg, Ingvar, Jorun, Kristen, Sigve, Torhild, Vebjørn, Vilde

Minerals: Bergsalt (Salt), Diamant (Diamond), Försilvra (Silver), Grafit (Graphite), Guld (Gold), Järn (Iron), Koppar (Copper), Kromit (Chromite), Leda (Lead), Stenkol (Coal), Svartsten (Obsidian), Svavel (Sulfur), Tenn (Tin), Volfram (Tungsten), Uran (Uranium)

Djupdvärgar Traits

+2 Strength, +1 Wisdom: Djupdvärgar are very strong from constant mining, and quick to notice the unusual.

Medium Size: Djupdvärgar are Medium creatures.

Slow and Steady: Djupdvärgar have a base walking speed of 25 feet. Their speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armour.

Language: The native language of the Djupdvärgar is Dvärgenspråk.

Cave Dwellers: Djupdvärgar gain a Scaling Bonus on Wisdom (Survival) checks made underground as well as Wisdom (Nature) checks made on underground knowledge.

Minesight: Djupdvärgar have darkvision 90 feet; however, while in sunlight, they have disadvantage on Attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Stonecunning: Djupdvärgar receive a Scaling Bonus on Wisdom (Perception) checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.

Underground Sneaks: Djupdvärgar gain a Halved Scaling Bonus (Minimum 1) on Wisdom (Perception) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks. The bonus on Stealth checks is doubled while underground.


Heed my warning sailor; if you ever find yourself pursued by

a ship flying the colors of a praedaren pirate fleet, don't think for a moment that you can out sail them, nor that you can win in a fray. The best course of action is to accept your fate, show no hostility, and to give them what they desire.

-- Ever Brooks, Tales of Old Salt

(NOT EDITED) Within rocky coves and coastal inlets, praedaren build their dens. Longshoremen work tirelessly to load and unload their vessels, harvest the remains of slain beasts, and repair or dismantle ships that have been salvaged or captured by competing fleets.

A Meaner Demeanor (NOT EDITED)

Though their anatomy differs greatly amongst their differing blood-lines, all praedaren share a few characteristics. They wholeheartedly believe themselves superior to all other races. Moreover, they are inherently aggressive, and regularly flaunt this quality to a world which demands, and in their mind respects, complete dominance.

Dvojníky Names

Djupdvärgar have a given name, preceded by a mineral of their choice. Gender does not affect name choice.

Given Names: Agnar, Bård, Bjarte, Børge, Dagmar, Dagny, Gisle, Håvard, Hildur, Ingebjørg, Ingvar, Jorun, Kristen, Sigve, Torhild, Vebjørn, Vilde

Dvojníky Traits

+2 Intelligence, +1 Charisma: Dvojníky need to be both well learned and fast talking to survive in hostile environments.

Medium Size: Dvojníky are Medium creatures.

Normal Speed: Dvojníky have a base walking speed of 30 ft.

Language: The native language of the Dvojníky is Žvanění.

Change Appearance: As an action, Dvojníky can transform their appearance or revert to their natural form. They can't duplicate the appearance of a creature they've never seen, and they revert to their natural form if they die.

They decide what they look like, including their height, weight, facial features, the sound of their voice, coloration, hair length, sex, and any other distinguishing characteristics. They can make themselves appear as a member of another race, though none of their game statistics change. They also can't appear as a creature of a different size than they are, and their basic shape stays the same; if they're bipedal, they can't use this trait to become quadrupedal, for instance. Their clothing and other equipment don't change in appearance, size, or shape to match their new form, requiring they keep a few extra outfits on hand to make the most compelling disguise possible

Even to the most astute observers, their ruse is usually indiscernible. If they rouse suspicion, or if a wary creature suspects something is amiss, they have advantage on any Charisma (Deception) check you make to avoid detection.

Dvojníky Instincts: Dvojníky gain proficiency with two of the following skills of their choice: Deception, Insight, Intimidation, or Persuasion.


Heed my warning sailor; if you ever find yourself pursued by

a ship flying the colors of a praedaren pirate fleet, don't think for a moment that you can out sail them, nor that you can win in a fray. The best course of action is to accept your fate, show no hostility, and to give them what they desire.

-- Ever Brooks, Tales of Old Salt

(NOT EDITED) Within rocky coves and coastal inlets, praedaren build their dens. Longshoremen work tirelessly to load and unload their vessels, harvest the remains of slain beasts, and repair or dismantle ships that have been salvaged or captured by competing fleets.

A Meaner Demeanor (NOT EDITED)

Though their anatomy differs greatly amongst their differing blood-lines, all praedaren share a few characteristics. They wholeheartedly believe themselves superior to all other races. Moreover, they are inherently aggressive, and regularly flaunt this quality to a world which demands, and in their mind respects, complete dominance.

Félszerzetek Names

Félszerzetek names consist of a family name, then given name, and either a Katona (Soldier - Male) or Ápoló (Nurse - Female) at the end, depending on sex - this is always mentioned, even with a casual greeting.

Family Names: Balázs, Bogdán, Csatár, Fodor, Juhász, Kapolcs, Kelemen, Kende, Kovács, Németh, Rácz, Szőke, Takács, Török, Veres

Male Names: András, Boldizsár, Dániel, Dénes, Flórián, Gergely, Gergő, János, Kornél, Kornél, Pál, Sándor, Tamás, Zalán, Zoltán

Female Names: Blanka, Csilla, Edina, Enikő, Hajnalka, Krisztina, Lilla, Mária, Noémi, Orsolya, Ramóna, Szabina, Szilvia, Tímea, Zsuzsanna

Félszerzetek Traits

+2 Strength, +1 Dexterity: Centuries of brutal warfare with the Beschaafde have taken their toll on Félszerzetek society - almost all citizens are eligible to be conscripted by the military, and the majority have fought against the Middelste Rijk in their lifetime.

Small Size: Félszerzetek are Small creatures.

Slow Speed: Félszerzetek have a base walking speed of 25 ft.

Language: The native language of the Félszerzetek is Nyelvünk.

Fearless: Félszerzetek gain a Scaling Bonus to all Wisdom saving throws against the Frightened effect or similar effects.

Ferocity: Félszerzetek have advantage on Constitution saves made to gain the On Death's Door condition. They also do not gain the level of exhaustion from being reduced to 0 HP until after combat has ended.

Kneecappers: Félszerzetek can take the Trip Combat Action without wielding a weapon with Reach.

Fury of the Small: Félszerzetek can cause an attack or spell to deal extra damage to the creature when they hit a creature of a larger size than theirs with an attack or spell. The extra damage equals their level. Once they use this trait, they can't use it again until they finish a short or long rest.

Rodent Empathy: Félszerzetek gain a Doubled Scaling Bonus on Wisdom (Aniimal Handling) checks made to influence rodents.

Mors Machina

Heed my warning sailor; if you ever find yourself pursued by

a ship flying the colors of a praedaren pirate fleet, don't think for a moment that you can out sail them, nor that you can win in a fray. The best course of action is to accept your fate, show no hostility, and to give them what they desire.

-- Ever Brooks, Tales of Old Salt

(NOT EDITED) Within rocky coves and coastal inlets, praedaren build their dens. Longshoremen work tirelessly to load and unload their vessels, harvest the remains of slain beasts, and repair or dismantle ships that have been salvaged or captured by competing fleets.

A Meaner Demeanor (NOT EDITED)

Though their anatomy differs greatly amongst their differing blood-lines, all praedaren share a few characteristics. They wholeheartedly believe themselves superior to all other races. Moreover, they are inherently aggressive, and regularly flaunt this quality to a world which demands, and in their mind respects, complete dominance.

Mors Machina Names

Mors Machina are given a name, and referred to by the name, followed by the maker of the Mors Machina in more formal settings. The name is chosen by the maker and usually refers in some way to the job(s) they were designed for. They might also be numbered if multiple have the same job. Mors Machina are genderless and as such do not distinguish between male and female names. Often a Mors Machina that escapes their master or is freed will choose a new name, that could be anything at all - a favourite colour, hobby, animal etc.

Given Names: Agricola (Farmer), Armis (Swordsman), Artificem (Crafter), Auxilia (Helper), Cruentis Mortis (Bloody Death), Custos (Guardian), Ducentibus (Usher), Exactor (Debt Collector), Iumentum (Pack Animal), Occisor (Killer), Ossa Clavem (Skeleton Key), Percussor (Assassin), Venandi (Hunter), Vigilem (Sentry), Vilicus (Overseer)

Mors Machina Traits

+2 Constitution, +1 Intelligence.: Mors Machina are built for battle and given as much knowledge as possible to help them in this regard.

Medium Size: Mors Machina are Medium creatures.

Normal Speed: Mors Machina have a base walking speed of 30 ft.

Language: Mors Machina speak the language of their creator - usually Loquela Nostra. Most have a very deep and guttural voice.

Expert Warriors: Mors Machina can choose to use up to two combat actions when using their action to Attack.

Tinker: Mors Machina have proficiency with artisan’s tools (tinker’s tools). Using those tools, they can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 hp). The device ceases to function after 24 hours (unless you spend 1 hour repairing it to keep the device functioning), or when they use your action to dismantle it; at that time, they can reclaim the materials used to create it. You can have up to three such devices active at a time. When they create a device, choose one of the options from the Tinkering Deivces list in the Equipment chapter.


Heed my warning sailor; if you ever find yourself pursued by

a ship flying the colors of a praedaren pirate fleet, don't think for a moment that you can out sail them, nor that you can win in a fray. The best course of action is to accept your fate, show no hostility, and to give them what they desire.

-- Ever Brooks, Tales of Old Salt

(NOT EDITED) Within rocky coves and coastal inlets, praedaren build their dens. Longshoremen work tirelessly to load and unload their vessels, harvest the remains of slain beasts, and repair or dismantle ships that have been salvaged or captured by competing fleets.

A Meaner Demeanor (NOT EDITED)

Though their anatomy differs greatly amongst their differing blood-lines, all praedaren share a few characteristics. They wholeheartedly believe themselves superior to all other races. Moreover, they are inherently aggressive, and regularly flaunt this quality to a world which demands, and in their mind respects, complete dominance.

Parva Names

A Parva name consists of one given name at birth, and a second chosen name at adulthood, coming second in order.

Male Names: Adamus, Bacchis, Callicles, Diniarchus, Epidicus, Eutychus, Halisca, Lyconides, Palaestrio, Petrus, Phaedromus, Philto, Scapha, Sparax, Sulpicio

Female Names: Artoria, Beata, Caeparia, Camilia, Coruncania, Furia, Helvia, Otacilia, Petilia, Plinia, Scribonia, Sepurcia, Vassenia, Velia, Volusenna

Parva Traits

+2 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom: Parva are very smart and quick-witted.

Small Size: Parva are Small creatures.

Slow Speed: Parva have a base walking speed of 25 ft.

Language: The native language of the Parva is Loquela Nostra.

Arcane Education: Parva have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throws against magic.

The World's Historians: If Parva have proficiency in the Intelligence (Arcana) and/or Intelligence (History) skills, they gain expertise with those skills as well.

Magic Adepts: Parva can use the cantrips Mending, Message, and Prestidigitation. Each cantrip can be used only once, needing at least a short rest to regain one use of each cantrip. If a Parva can cast one or more of these cantrips normally, each cantrip they can cast is upgraded as such:

Mending: The cantrip no longer requires a material component.

Message: The cantrip no longer requires a material component.

Prestidigitation: The cantrip's range is increased to a total of 20 feet.


The Sjómaður are good folk, but very strange. They swim

out to us sometimes in their ships to trade. They tell us of the events occurring in the south, but we care little. Maybe that is what sometimes causes them to later emerge, angry with us.                                            --Kaleva Ylitalo of Lyhyempi Heimo

The Sjómaður

Physical Description: Sjómaður are tall, hearty folk, measuring from 1.6 to 1.9 metres. Their hair ranges from blonde, to red, to light brown. Their eyes can be blue or brown.

Society: Sjóferð society, from bottom to top, is made up of freemen, farmenn (seafarers and warriors), and then clan members. The clans themselves are the families of current (and occasionally ex-) rulers. Hertogi rule towns and their surrounding area, each one being the head of one of the 11 ruling clans. The clans come together to elect a new Höfðing to rule over Sjáland upon the death of the old Höfðing.

Personal freedom is highly valued by Sjómaður, and the clans do not impose that much control, nor do they need to. Most Sjómaður are happy to join the clans in defense of Sjáland if it is threatened, and they all give a small cut of their goods to their Hertog each year.

Relations: Sjómaður are on decent terms with most other peoples that they are in contact with, except the Beschaafde, after a recent and very large war fought on the side of the Félszerzetek.

Religion: The Norður Guðir are the popular pantheon of Sjóferð gods. A select few worship the Blóðbréf, the god of blood. A cult also exists worshipping Drukinn, the Drowner.

Adventurers: Adventure is lauded by the Sjómaður, and so leaving an steady life to go adventuring comes easily to them.

Sjómaður Names

Sjómaður take both a given name followed by the name of their father followed by a -sson (Male) or -sdottir (Female) as names. Members of a clan use that name afterwards.

Male Names: Aivar, Darri, Enok, Eythor, Finn, Geirvaldur, Hafnar, Hjoertthor, Hleidar, Kjaran, Ormar, Svavar, Valgier, Valur, Willum

Female Names: Adalveig, Asbjoerg, Bella, Brimrun, Dagny, Edil, Eidny, Einhildur, Hrafnkatla, Indra, Lofn, Lukka, Nadja, Rosanna, Selma

Sjómaður Traits

+2 Wisdom, +1 Constitution: Sjómaður are fit and tough, and have a strong gut senses.

Medium: Sjómaður are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Sjómaður have a base speed of 30 ft.

Language: The native language of the Sjómaður is Sjórræðu.

Iron Lungs: Sjómaður can hold their breath for 2 minutes + 30 seconds times their Constitution modifier as a base.

Born Swimmers: Sjómaður have a swim speed of 30 feet and have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to swim in rough water.

Master Woodsmen: Sjómaður have proficiency with the handaxe, battleaxe, greataxe, and woodsman's axe - for each they already have proficiency with they gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

Weather Savvy: Sjómaður can spend 6 uninterrupted seconds to predict the weather in an area for the next 12 hours. This prediction is usually accurate, but cannot account for any supernatural or magical effects.


Heed my warning sailor; if you ever find yourself pursued by

a ship flying the colors of a praedaren pirate fleet, don't think for a moment that you can out sail them, nor that you can win in a fray. The best course of action is to accept your fate, show no hostility, and to give them what they desire.

-- Ever Brooks, Tales of Old Salt

(NOT EDITED) Within rocky coves and coastal inlets, praedaren build their dens. Longshoremen work tirelessly to load and unload their vessels, harvest the remains of slain beasts, and repair or dismantle ships that have been salvaged or captured by competing fleets. Though their anatomy differs greatly amongst their differing blood-lines, all praedaren share a few characteristics. They wholeheartedly believe themselves superior to all other races. Moreover, they are inherently aggressive, and regularly flaunt this quality to a world which demands, and in their mind respects, complete dominance.

Snödvärgar Names

Snödvärgar are given a name at birth, and this is followed by a family name and the name of the clan they were born into.

Male Names: Ebbe, Erengisle, Hersten, Jan, Jens, Kalle, Ragnar, Ravel, Rune, Stig, Sture, Valdemar, Valter, Vilgot, Wilhelm

Female Names: Anita, Annika, Beata, Britt, Eleonora, Hebbla, Katharina, Linnea, Meja, My, Ragierdh, Siv, Tindra, Vilda, Vilhelmina

Family Names: Aspelund, Bergqvist, Crusenstolpe, Dahlman, Ekdal, Forsberg, Hallström, Lindholm, Ljung, Palmcrantz, Sjögren, Svärd, Söderholm, Torvalds, Vikström

Snödvärgar Traits

+2 Charisma, +1 Constitution: Snödvärgar are naturally hardy and raised to be charismatic.

Medium: Snödvärgar are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Slow and Steady: Snödvärgar have a base speed of 20 ft, but their speed is never modified by armour or encumbrance.

Language: The native language of the Snödvärgar is Dvärgenspråk.

Emissaries: Once per day, Snödvärgar can gain advantage on a Charisma (Deception) or Charisma (Persuasion) check, before rolling.

Greedy: Snödvärgar can calculate the approximate price to within 20% of any precious metal or gemstone they know of.

Healthy: Snödvärgar gain a Scaling Bonus on saving throws made against disease and poisons.

Mist Children: When Snödvärgar are standing in light concealment level mist or fog, creatures have uncounterable disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to spot them, and disadvantage on attack rolls made against them. When standing in heavy concealment level fog or mist, creatures automatically fail Wisdom (Perception) checks made to spot them, and have uncounterable disadvantage on attack rolls made against them.

Lifebound: Snödvärgar gain a +2 bonus to all death saving throws.

Snow Striders: Snödvärgar can move through natural difficult terrain at their normal speed while within cold terrain. Magically altered terrain affects them normally.


Heed my warning sailor; if you ever find yourself pursued by

a ship flying the colors of a praedaren pirate fleet, don't think for a moment that you can out sail them, nor that you can win in a fray. The best course of action is to accept your fate, show no hostility, and to give them what they desire.

-- Ever Brooks, Tales of Old Salt

(NOT EDITED) Within rocky coves and coastal inlets, praedaren build their dens. Longshoremen work tirelessly to load and unload their vessels, harvest the remains of slain beasts, and repair or dismantle ships that have been salvaged or captured by competing fleets.

A Meaner Demeanor (NOT EDITED)

Though their anatomy differs greatly amongst their differing blood-lines, all praedaren share a few characteristics. They wholeheartedly believe themselves superior to all other races. Moreover, they are inherently aggressive, and regularly flaunt this quality to a world which demands, and in their mind respects, complete dominance.

Rogatyye Names

Rogatyye names consist of two parts - their given name followed by the name of their steed. Their horses names are equivalent but in the reverse order, with the horse's first. If they do not have a horse, their second name is "Bezloshadnyy", Horseless. If a horse has no rider, its second name is "Bezvsadnika", Riderless.

Male Names: Alyosha, Arkadiy, Fanya, Fedya, Kirilka, Klavdiy, Larya, Lavrentiy, Matvei, Pasha, Rodya, Styopa, Valeriy, Vitya, Yelisey

Female Names: Agnessa, Agrafena, Anouska, Arina, Galina, Inessa, Jelena, Lilia, Ludmila, Lyuda, Milda, Nadezhda, Selena, Yeva, Zinaida

Horse Names: Dozhd'nogi (Rain Feet), Fakel (Torch), Golovolomka (Puzzle), Krasnyyogon' (Red Fire), Melodiya (Melody), Molniya (Lightning), Nebo (Sky), Okean (Ocean), Polnoch' (Midnight), Rassvet (Dawn), Reys (Flight), Shaggroma (Thunder Step), Snezhinka (Snowflake), Zakhodsolntsa (Sunset), Zlo (Mischief),

Rogatyye Traits

+2 Dexterity, +1 Charisma: Rogatyye are skilled and agile riders, with an almost supernatural charm.

Medium: Rogatyye are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Sprinters: Rogatyye have a base speed of 40 feet.

Language: The native language of the Rogatyye is Konskiy Yazyk.

Born to the Saddle: Rogatyye gain a Scaling Bonus to all Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks, as well as on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to stay on a mount.

Hypnotic Gaze: Rogatyye have the capability to hypnotise a single target; the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 8 + Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus, or become charmed for a period of concentration up to one hour. After this period has elapsed they remember their actions, and may or may not realise they were charmed.

They must have eye contact with the target to begin charming them. Once this ability has been used it cannot be used until a long rest has been completed.


Heed my warning sailor; if you ever find yourself pursued by

a ship flying the colors of a praedaren pirate fleet, don't think for a moment that you can out sail them, nor that you can win in a fray. The best course of action is to accept your fate, show no hostility, and to give them what they desire.

-- Ever Brooks, Tales of Old Salt

(NOT EDITED) Within rocky coves and coastal inlets, praedaren build their dens. Longshoremen work tirelessly to load and unload their vessels, harvest the remains of slain beasts, and repair or dismantle ships that have been salvaged or captured by competing fleets. They wholeheartedly believe themselves superior to all other races. Moreover, they are inherently aggressive, and regularly flaunt this quality to a world which demands, and in their mind respects, complete dominance.

Shamollatish Names

Shamollatish names are made up of a given name followed by their father's name ending in -ov (Male) or -ova (Female), and the name of their tribe.

Male Names: Davlat, Dehoan, Erwat, Holi, Kamol, Komil, Mamtqul, Nurmat, Oqil, Parpi, Shavkat, Shovruk, Sodyq, Soli, Yulbas

Female Names: Adalat, Inoyat, Jamila, Mehri, Nasiba, Olma, Oqila, Oumri, Ozoda, Parizoda, Qumri, Shahlo, Zebi, Zulayho, Zulfiya

Shamollatish Traits

+2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence: Shamollatish are dexterous and knowledgeable.

Medium: Shamollatish are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Shamollatish have a base speed of 30 feet.

Language: The native language of the Shamollatish is Botqoq Nutqi.

Amphibious: Shamollatish are amphibious and can breathe both air and water.

Hydrated Vitality: Shamollatish recover 2 hit points per 6 seconds while submerged completely within a body of natural salt water, fresh water, or brackish water. Stagnant, poisoned, or trapped water (such as water within an artificial pit or a bag of holding) does not activate this ability. They can heal up to 1 hit point per level per day with this ability.

Swampborn: Shamollatish gain a Scaling Bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened. Once per short rest they can spend a hit dice to roll it and add the number rolled as a bonus to a saving throw against one of the above.

Toxic: A number of times per day equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day), a Shamollatish can envenom a weapon that it wields with its toxic saliva or blood (using blood requires the creature to be injured when it uses this ability). Applying venom in this way is a bonus action.

When this venom touches an open wound or is injested, the victim must make a Constitution saving throw against the user's DC of 10 + Constitution Modifier + Proficiency Bonus.

If they fail, they lose 1 Strength and 5 feet of base walking speed. The save is repeated at the end of each of their turns. Upon each failure they lose 1 Strength and 5 feet. Upon success, the effect ends and after a full rest they recover their lost Strength and feet of movement.


Heed my warning sailor; if you ever find yourself pursued by

a ship flying the colors of a praedaren pirate fleet, don't think for a moment that you can out sail them, nor that you can win in a fray. The best course of action is to accept your fate, show no hostility, and to give them what they desire.

-- Ever Brooks, Tales of Old Salt

(NOT EDITED) Within rocky coves and coastal inlets, praedaren build their dens. Longshoremen work tirelessly to load and unload their vessels, harvest the remains of slain beasts, and repair or dismantle ships that have been salvaged or captured by competing fleets.

A Meaner Demeanor (NOT EDITED)

Though their anatomy differs greatly amongst their differing blood-lines, all praedaren share a few characteristics. They wholeheartedly believe themselves superior to all other races. Moreover, they are inherently aggressive, and regularly flaunt this quality to a world which demands, and in their mind respects, complete dominance.

Vayri Names

Vayri only recieve a single name upon birth. They earn titles as they accomplish various deeds later in life.

Male Names: Apas, Goryoun, Kersam, Magar, Marfig, Mekhag, Nigoghos, Torkom, Vanant, Vartan, Vartavar, Vatche, Vrtanes, Yerimya, Zoravar

Female Names: Arousyag, Heghineh, Khosrovidookht, Kinevart, Klkhatir, Nvart, Parantzem, Pergrouhi, Raqel, Shahanig, Shnorhig, Varteshah, Vosgi, Zapel, Zarvart

Titles: Dal'niy Strayder (Far Strider), Gigant Ubiytsa (Giant Slayer), Skalolaz (Mountain Climber), Smertel'nyy Plut (Death Dodger), Tikhiy Ubiytsa (Silent Killer)

Vayri Traits

+2 Dexterity, +1 Constitution: Vayri are raised to fight against the deadly creatures of the wild forests, and must be agile and tough.

Medium: Vayri are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Slow and Steady: Vayri have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.

Language: The native language of the Vayri is Yerkar Lezu.

Defensive Training: Vayri gain a Halved Scaling Bonus (Minimum 1) to their Armour Class. In addition, at the end of each of their turns, they may use either the Partial Deflect, Riposte or Raise Shield Combat Actions, in addition to any they are already using, providing they meet the requirements.

Death Wish: Vayri are immune to the frightened condition, magical or mundane, the only exception being very specific circumstances at the DM's discretion.

Soul Seers: Vayri always know whether each creature and object within a 30 feet area is dead, dying, beaten, bloodied, bruised, healthy, undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as a construct). They can see through any spell or ability that allows creatures to feign death.


Heed my warning sailor; if you ever find yourself pursued by

a ship flying the colors of a praedaren pirate fleet, don't think for a moment that you can out sail them, nor that you can win in a fray. The best course of action is to accept your fate, show no hostility, and to give them what they desire.

-- Ever Brooks, Tales of Old Salt

(NOT EDITED) Within rocky coves and coastal inlets, praedaren build their dens. Longshoremen work tirelessly to load and unload their vessels, harvest the remains of slain beasts, and repair or dismantle ships that have been salvaged or captured by competing fleets.

A Meaner Demeanor (NOT EDITED)

Though their anatomy differs greatly amongst their differing blood-lines, all praedaren share a few characteristics. They wholeheartedly believe themselves superior to all other races. Moreover, they are inherently aggressive, and regularly flaunt this quality to a world which demands, and in their mind respects, complete dominance.

Vuorenväki Names

Vuorenväki names consit of a given name and a family name.

Male Names: Akseli, Alvar, Anssi, Antto, Aslak, Heikki, Ilppo, Jalmari, Kaappo, Karri, Mauno, Pellervo, Sauli, Tomi, Veikka

Female Names: Eija, Hellä, Inari, Kanerva, Lyyli, Maarit, Mielikki, Mimmi, Minea, Raakel, Raila, Sirkka, Taru, Valma, Venla

Family Names: Haavisto, Hautala, Jaakola, Jokelainen, Karhu, Kettunen, Knuutila, Kotilainen, Laakso, Litmanen, Mäenpää, Mäkelä, Pekkanen, Peltonen, Rekola, Vuorinen

Vuorenväki Traits

+2 Constitution, +1 Strength: Vuorenväki are a very hardy and strong people, used to life in the freezing mountains.

Medium: Vuorenväki are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Slow and Steady: Vuorenväki have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.

Language: The native language of the Vuorenväki is Vuoristo-kieli.

Camouflage: Vuorenväki gain a Scaling Bonus on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while within mountain terrain.

Climb: Vuorenväki have a climb speed of 20 feet, and gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb.

Mountaineer: Vuorenväki are immune to altitude sickness and do not lose their Dexterity bonus to AC when making Climb checks or Acrobatics checks to cross narrow or slippery surfaces.

Mountain-Born: Vuorenväki gain a Scaling Bonus on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to cross narrow ledges and on saving throws against conditions such as altitude fatigue and sickness.

Nimble Fallers: Vuorenväki land on their feet even when they take lethal damage from a fall.

Stability: Vuorenväki receive a Scaling Bonus to all ability checks made to contest or escape a grapple or shove.




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