Way of the Speed Force
A flowing mystical energy of mystery, silver, morphing hyper-planes gels. The Speed Force is a cosmic force responsible for pushing space and time forward and is the force based around velocity and movement. One day, you’re struck by lightning like a divine smite upon you, but it's as if a divine blessing instead or an ancient magic awaken inside you. Maybe because you wish you were fast enough to save someone, maybe because you strive to be the fastest, maybe it's just because of your bloodline.
Used to believing every second is a gift as truth but not anymore.
You no longer have seconds left…
Now, no minutes, no hours.
You breathe…Breathe.
Feel the air.
Feel that wind on your face as you run.
Feel the ground, your feet lifting you up, pushing you forward, and the lightning.
Feel the lightning.
Feel its power.
It's electricity pumping through your veins, crackling through you, traveling to every nerve in your body, like a shock.
You're no longer you now.
You’re no longer part of this world.
You're part of something greater.
Part of an infinite energy.
You’re part of the.....Speed Force!
You feel an electrical energy form inside you and as you run. At 3rd level, when you choose this Monastic Tradition, you gain the following features:
Speed Boost: Your connection to the Speed Force has awoken. The energy can flow throughout your body uninterrupted; you gain the following benefits when not wearing medium or heavy armor.
- Your speed increases by 10ft x your Proficiency Bonus and you can add your Proficiency Bonus to your initiative.
- You can double your speed for 1 minute as an action.
- You are considered under the effects of Blur with the visual of a small flash of light while running.
- Enemies have disadvantage on attacks of opportunity.
Superhuman Reflexes: You have advantage on DEX checks and saving throws. You can also add your proficiency bonus to when use your Deflect Missiles, you can use it twice as if you had two reactions.
At 9th level, you can spend 2 ki points roll 2d10 to reduce the damage.
At 15th level, you can spend 3 ki points roll 3d10 to reduce the damage.
Superhuman Stamina: You have proficiency on Acrobatics and Athletics if you already didn’t. At 9th level, you gain advantage on the same ability checks.
Superhuman Agility: You can triple you jump distance and if you move at your full-speed, you can quadruple your jump distance.
(You generate lightning as you run, your lightning as this stage will appear as orange.)
Kinetic Maneuvers
At 6th level, as you improve your speed, you start to develop techniques with the manupulation of your lightning speed. You'll develop more powerful maneuvers and features at higher levels
6th Level Maneuvers
Sonic Punch
When you spend all your base movement and a full-round before making an unarmed Strike, you can make a Sonic Punch. A Sonic Punch deals Martial Art bludgeoning damage as well as 1d4 thunder damage per 10ft traveled. Using the Dash action doubles the damage dealt, rather than adding to the number of dice rolled. You can’t use the Dash action feature again until you finish a short rest.
You learn to cast the Produce Flame cantrip. It deals lightning damage instead of fire as you convert the lighting around you into a bolt; you have to spend all of your base movement to cast this. WIS is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Your unarmed strikes can also deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage.
At 9th level, you deal an extra 1d8 lightning damage per 10ft traveled after; using the Dash action doubles the damage dealt, rather than adding to the number of dice rolled. You can’t use the Dash action feature again until you finish a short rest.
At 13th level, you can cast Lightning Bolt as the base spell once per short rest.
At 15th level, you can cast Chain Lightning as the base spell once per short rest.
At 9th level, you have mastered the ability to vibrate your body at different frequencies. By spending a ki point to activate this feature will allow you to pass or phase through solid matter.
Solid objects moved through in this way are considered difficult terrain, and you must have the movement speed to come out into an unoccupied space or else take 6d10 bludgeoning damage and have the object explode into pieces. The area around the object will now be considered difficult terrain.
If you attempts to phase through something that is either magically warded, or carries an electrical current they are repelled from the object, both the object and you will be taking 1d10 damage (damage type is situational).
While Phasing your unarmed Attacks deal 1d8 piercing damage, but you can't use Sonic Punch. You can also use this feature to escape being grappled or restrained.
(You generate lightning as you run, your lightning as this stage will appear as a bright yellowish-orange.)
9th Level Maneuvers
By rotating his arms at super speed or running in a circular motion, you can create strong vortexes of wind in front of you in 15ft cone. Everyone within the cone must make a STR saving throw or be knocked prone. Creatures larger than you have advantage then so creatures smaller than you have disadvantage.
Speed Mirage
You run so fast to a point where as if afterimages appear around you, allowing you to cast Mirror Image per short rest.
At 15th level, you can spend 4 ki points cast Project Image per long rest.
11th Level Maneuvers
Lightning Strikes
When you do Flurry of Blows, you can spend 2 ki points instead to do four unarmed strikes as a bonus action; you can consecutive 2 ki points to do one extra unarmed strike. You can’t use this ability again until you finish a short rest.
Speed Impact
The force of your speed causes a big and loud backlash to your surroundings; you can spend 3 ki points to cast Thunder Step by moving at least 10ft. The area it affects can be in the beginning of the movement or at the end.
Fast Metabolism
At 13th level, your increased metabolic activity has enhanced the way you heal, disease and poison (including alcohol) has no effect on you. Also, when you take a short rest to heal you can also add your DEX Mod to the roll and regain all Hit Die on a long rest.
In addition, you are now immune to the charmed and frightened condition as your mind recovers from trauma and influence almost instantaneously.
You can recover two levels of exhaustion over a long rest.
(You generate lightning as you run, your lightning as this stage will appear as a whitish yellow.)
13th Level Feature
Speed Mind
Your mental processes are enhanced as well. You gain advantage on Perception and Investigation checks. You also gain proficiency in them if you already didn’t. While conscious, you can’t be surprised.
Into the Speed Force
At 15th level, the Speed Force is a plane of infinite energy and you’re fast enough to run into as a Demiplane which looks like an endless flatland in the center of constant bright lightning storms in the skies. You can’t use this feature again until finish a short rest. You can choose open on close the portal while the spell is active.
Essence of Speed
At 17th level, whenever you're targeted and missed by an attack or spell you can use your reaction to reflect the effect back at the attacker. The attacker must roll again, against its own AC, taking half damage on a hit.
(You generate lightning as you run, your lightning as this stage, where your connection to the Speed Force is at its strongest, will appear as a light-bluish white.)
17th Level Maneuvers
Dimensional Travel
You spend 5 ki points and run your full-movement to cast Gate and run into it to the other end to complete the spell; you can’t use this ability until you finish a long rest.
You can spend 3 ki points instead if you’re in the Speed Force. Pulling creature through the gateway is not included.
Speed Force-sight
The Speed Force will sometimes give you visions of the future as well as tidbits of information in regards to what's coming next. The visions are fast but largely incoherent, piecing together bits and pieces of random upcoming events that have yet to happen while also depicting instants mirroring what led up to various continuity reboots.
With this feature, you can spend 5 ki points cast Foresight onto only yourself. You can only cast this only in the Speed Force per long rest.
18th Level Maneuvers/Feature
Time Dilation
Your connection to the Speed Force has gotten so strong; you developed the ability to stop the flow of time.
You can spend 8 ki points to cast Time Stop. You can’t use this ability until you finish a long rest.
Speed Force Prison
You spend 8 ki points to cast Imprisonment by grabbing a creature into the Speed Force; the prison will only function as a Hedged Prison. You can’t use this ability again until you finish a long rest. You can only trap one creature at a time with the prison but you can replace with another creature while the previous one must be released.
Still Speed
Your Empty Body feature functions as normal except Astral Projection is not included. You can stand still so fast that you’re invisible to the naked eye; you can be invisible for an hour instead of a minute. You can stay invisible so long as you don’t move at your full base speed.
You can also Phase without breaking invisibility.
Embodiment of the Speed Force
At 20th level, you generate the Speed Force as you run now. Whenever you are Phasing and run through creatures, you can spend 5 ki points and the lightning around your body would be under the effects of Chain Lightning. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
You and The Speed Force are one. When you die, your body disappears in a flash of lightning and you resurrect under the effects of a Resurrection spell in 1d12 hours within the Speed Force. Once you are resurrected, you receive four levels of exhaustion.
You can’t leave the Speed Force for a week if you died again within a month since your last resurrection.

This was a spontaneous idea which in no way that's balanced, I might make changes here and there, since other fanmade Flash classes and subclasses I've looked up limit a lot of what a speedster can actually do. I understand DC comics, or just comics in general, make characters super overpowered. However, in D&D as a DM, you can add more challenging encounters to make your player feel powerful but threatened at the same time. Do enjoy this and make changes of your own! :D