[5e] JPGenn's Artificer Revisited

by JPGenn

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Version 1.1

The Artificer
Revisited, Revised

An old, bearded half-orc swirls a radiant concoction in a stoppered glass vial, grinning with relief. He leaves his supplies and exits his tent, making his way toward the infirmary where his compatriots lay, awaiting a
panacea for their ailments and wounds.

The ceiling of the workshop rains debris down on the dwarf, and the walls tremble with the force of the siege waging outside. He hears the chatter of goblins on the other side of the workshop's door, and the hammering of weapons against the wood. Gritting his teeth, he draws his wands, and stands squarely in the center of the room. He'll defend his life's work with his life.

A gnome sits hunched beside a campfire, her tinker's tools splayed out around her. She pushes her self-made eyes of minute seeing further up the bridge of her nose, and attaches the wing to an oak-and-iron facsimile of an owl at her feet. Her fingers crackle with magical energy, and as she touches the owl, it shivers, flaps its wings, and comes to life.

Experts in unlocking magic in everyday objects, artificers are master inventors. They see magic as a complex system waiting to be decoded and controlled. Artificers use their tools to channel arcane power and craft magical objects. To cast a spell, an artificer could use alchemist’s supplies to create a potent elixir, calligrapher’s supplies to inscribe a sigil of power on an ally’s armor, or tinker’s tools to etch a temporary charm. The magic of artificers is tied to their tools and their talents.

Master Inventors

Every artificer is defined by a specific craft. Artificers see mastering the methods of a craft as the first step to true progress, the invention of new devices and approaches.

Some artificers are alchemists, using their knowledge of the natural world to create potions to aid them on their adventures. Other artificers are wandcarvers, studious woodworkers and scriveners who invent runes to focus their magic. Others still are mechanics, crafting clockwork servants who carryout their needs and fight with them on the battlefield. Alchemy, wandcarving, and tinkering are the three most common areas of study for artificers.

All artificers are united by their curiosity and inventive nature. To an artificer, magic is an evolving art with a leading edge of discovery and mastery that pushes further ahead with each passing year. Artificers value novelty and discovery. This penchant pushes them to seek a life of adventure. A hidden ruin might hold a forgotten magic item or a beautifully crafted mirror perfect for magical enhancement. Artificers win respect and renown among their kind by uncovering new lore or inventing new secrets of creation.

Seekers of Lore

Nothing excites an artificer quite like devising a new device or discovering a source of elemental energy. In artificer

"The Artificer Revisited," Revised

Wizards of the Coast released their second iteration of the Artificer character class in February 2019. In my opinion, this redux improves on many aspects of the class, especially spellcasting and the streamlined infusions feature.

However, I still have major critiques of the class, particularly the Specialists' 3rd level companion features. Forcing the Artificer to be a companion-focused class removes playstyle flexibility, introduces potential balance issues, and reduces the number of players that might enjoy this class otherwise.

With that said, this is my take on the revisited Artificer. Some content has been modified from the core class features, and both Specialist's have been modified to varying degrees to replace the flagship 3rd-level feature. This project also reintroduces the Machinist, for those players who do want a companion.

This is playtest material of playtest material. Feedback is definitely appreciated. Cheers.


circles, new inventions and strange discoveries create the most excitement. Artificers who wish to make a mark must find something new, rather than follow someone else’s

This drive for novelty and innovation pushes
artificers to become adventurers. Oftentimes,
main travel routes and populated regions have
long since been explored. Thus, artificers take to
the edge of civilization in hopes of making the
next great discovery.

Creating an Artificer

When creating an artificer character, think about your character's background and drive for adventure. Does
the character have a rival? What is the character's
relationship with their mentor? Talk to your DM
about the role played by artificers in the cam-
paign, and what sort of organizations and
NPCs to which you might have ties.


Review of Revisions

Changes to Class Features


  • Only cantrips at 1st level, one of which must be mending.
  • 1st-level spells come online at 2nd level.
  • Spell List: Slightly different than the 2019 UA; also includes cantrips from SCAG and spells from XGtE.

1st-level Features

Portable Workshop
  • Personally not a fan of Magical Tinkering
  • Replaced with Portable Workshop: craft non-magical items twice as quickly, both during rests and downtime.
  • 5th level: craft magical items twice as quickly.
Magical Analysis
  • Magical Analysis adds spells detect magic and identify, but only as rituals.

Infusions (2nd level)

  • Several new infusions added
  • Replicate Magic Item renamed, added 8th-level table

Augmented Extra Attack (5th level)

  • Provides two options for engaging in combat (choose 1)
  • Arcane Armament : based on the UA 5th level feature
  • Combat Gadget : based on the EK's War Magic ability

Superior Attunement (7th level)

  • Allows the class to attune to more items sooner
  • This feature improves at 15th level

Catalyst Casting (18th level)

  • Just a name-change; "Spell-Storing Item" sounded lame.

Soul of Artifice

  • Only adds the +1 to all saves per attuned item; in tandem with Superior Attunement, this grants a possible +5 bonus to all saves, instead of a +6 bonus.

Changes to Specialists


Removes the homunculus companion; gains ability to produce temporary, one-use potions.

3rd Level Features
  • Slight adjustment to Alchemist Spells
  • 5 vials added to inventory through Tools of the Trade
  • Removed Homunculus
  • Added Gnostic Concoction: the player can prepare several spells ahead of time to be used by anyone; limitations on range and target, concentration is ignored, and uses are limited by INT modifier.
Alchemical Expertise
  • Just a name-change; "mastery" seemed a bit much
  • Again, just a name-change.

(based on the Artillerist)

Removes the turret; shifts specialist more toward a blaster/caster role.

3rd Level Features
  • Slight adjustment to Wandcarver Spells
  • Tools of the Trade: adds proficiency with woodcarver's and calligrapher's tools
  • Removed Arcane Turret
  • Added Focus Prototype: Player gains focus invested w/ a unique d8 cantrip, arcane bolt; the type of focus (rod, staff, wand) augments the cantrip output
Focused Power
  • Name-change from Wand Prototype
  • Adds the damage bonus to a single damage roll to all damaging spells cast through the focus prototype.
  • Removes disadvantage when using ranged spells at a target w/in 5 ft.
  • Player can cast a cantrip as a reaction to being attacked.


This is the companion-reliant specialist.

3rd Level Features
  • Machinist Spells added
  • Tools of the Trade: adds proficiency with smith's and carpenter's tools, and shields
  • Adds Animunculus: build a construct-type creature using the spell find familiar as a template; choose one of four "functions" for the construct (similar to the abilities of the UA's Homunculus and Arcane Turret)
  • The player can build beast- or humanoid-type creatures with the find familiar spell; scaling CR, capped at CR 5
  • Contructs have increased INT, may gain personality traits
  • Constructs don't gain spells or magic abilities
  • Also: spells channeled through the familiar gain a bonus to a damage roll equal to your INT modifier
  • 1 / long rest, you can summon a second construct as an action; this second construct lasts for 10 minutes

Other Changes

Proficiencies, Equipment

  • Removed class's proficiency with shields
  • Promoted reliance on tinker's tools
  • Changed starting equipment

Arcane Weapon

  • Range: Touch; better represents spell description, and makes it ineligible for Alchemist's 3rd-level feature
  • Added 5th-level spell slot higher casting option which ignores concentration

Arcane Bolt

  • New offensive cantrip, only available to the Wandcarver
The Artificer

— Spell Slots —

Level Proficiency
Features Infusions
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Portable Workshop, Magical Analysis,
2nd +2 Infusions 3 2 3 2
3rd +2 Artificer Specialist, Tool Expertise 3 2 3 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 4 3
5th +3 Arcane Armament 4 2 4 4 2
6th +3 Artificer Specialist feature 4 3 4 4 2
7th +3 Superior Attunement 5 3 4 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 3 4 4 3
9th +4 5 3 4 4 3 2
10th +4 The Right Cantrip for the Job 5 3 5 4 4 2
11th +4 6 4 5 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 5 4 3 3
13th +5 6 4 5 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Artificer Specialist feature 6 4 5 4 3 3 1
15th +5 Superior Attunement Improvement 7 4 5 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 7 5 5 4 3 3 2
17th +6 7 5 5 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Catalyst Casting 7 5 5 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 8 5 5 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Soul of Artifice 8 5 5 4 3 3 3 2

Quick Build

You can make an artificer quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Intelligence your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity and Constitution. Second, choose the guild artisan or sage background.

Class Features

As an artificer, you have the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution

modifier per artificer level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, all crossbows
Tools: Thieves' tools, tinker's tools, one type of artisan's

tool of your choice
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation,

Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Sleight of Hand

Optional Rule: Firearms

The creation and operation of gunpowder weapons have been discovered in various corners of the D&D multiverse. If your Dungeon Master uses the rules on firearms in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (p. 267), your artificer is proficient with them.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a light hammer or (b) any simple weapon
  • a light crossbow and 20 bolts
  • (a) leather armor or (b) scale mail
  • (a) a scholar's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack
  • Tinker's tools and one other tool of your choice


Portable Workshop

Part of the reason that you have become an artificer is because you are a prodigy with craft. At 1st level, it takes you half of the normal time to craft a nonmagical item.

In addition, you are able to tinker with your latest work during brief moments. At the end of a long rest, if you made no progress toward crafting an item during the previous day, you make up to 10 gp worth of progress towards an item.

At 5th level, you can craft magic items with this feature.


You have studied the workings of magic, how to channel it through objects, and how to awaken it within them. As a result, you have gained a limited ability to cast spells. To observers, you don't appear to be casting spells in a conventional way; you look as if you're producing wonders through various items.

Tools Required

You produce your artificer spell effects through your tools. You must have a spellcasting focus in hand when you cast any spell with this Spellcasting feature -- specifically, tinker's tools, a component of an artisan's tool, or a device created with these tools. You must be proficient with the tool to use it in this way. See chapter 5, “Equipment,” in the Player’s Handbook for descriptions of these tools.

After you gain the Infuse Item feature at 2nd level, you can also use any item bearing one of your infusions as a spellcasting focus.


At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice from the artificer spell list, one of which is the mending cantrip.

At higher levels, you learn additional artificer cantrips of your choice, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Artificer table.

When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the artificer cantrips you know with another cantrip from the artificer spell list.

Preparing and Casting Spells

The Artificer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your artificer spells, starting at 2nd level. To cast one of your artificer spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare the list of artificer spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the artificer spell list. When you do so, choose a number of artificer spells equal to half your artificer level + your Intelligence modifier, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

For example, if you are a 5th-level artificer, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With an Intelligence of 16, your list of prepared spells can include five spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell cure wounds, you can cast it using a 1st- or 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn’t remove it from your list of prepared spells.

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of artificer spells requires

The Magic of Artifice

As an artificer, you use tools when you cast your spells. When describing your spellcasting, think about how you’re using a tool to perform the spell effect. If you cast cure wounds using alchemist’s supplies, you could be quickly producing a salve. If you cast it using tinker’s tools, you might have a tiny mechanical spider that binds wounds. When you cast poison spray, you could use a wand that spits venom, or you could fling foul chemicals. The effects of spells are the same as for any other spell-caster, but your method of spellcasting is unique.

The same principle applies when you prepare your spells. As an artificer, you don’t study a spell-book or pray to prepare your spells. Instead, you work with your tools and create unique items that you’ll use to produce your effects. If you replace cure wounds with mage armor, you may be dis-mantling the device you used to heal and creating a device that produces a personal magical barrier.

time spent in tinkering with your spellcasting focuses: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your artificer spells; your understanding of the theory behind magic allows you to wield these spells with superior skill. You use your Intelligence whenever an artificer spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an artificer spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast an artificer spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.

Magical Analysis

Starting at 1st level, you know the artificer spells detect magic and identify, but you can only cast them as rituals.

When casting either ritual, you must use a spellcasting focus, or a set of tools with which you have proficiency. If you use a tool, it must have some relation to the magic you are trying to detect or identify, like using alchemist's supplies to identify a potion.

In addition, when you perform an identify ritual with a magic item equal to or less than your level of crafting, you may also attempt to learn the formula included in the making of the item. Upon finishing the identify ritual, make an Intelligence (Arcana) check; the DC is 15 for a common magical item, and increases by 2 for every increase in rarity.

On a success, you learn the formula (including components and spells) required for crafting that sort of item. If the check fails, you may perform the ritual again and make another Intelligence (Arcana) check after a long rest.



At 2nd level, you gain the ability to imbue mundane items with magical infusions. The magic items you create with this feature are effectively prototypes of permanent items.

Infusions Known

When you gain this feature, pick two artificer infusions to learn, choosing from the Artificer Infusions section at the end of the class’s description. You learn additional infusions of your choice when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Infusions Known column of the Artificer table.

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the artificer infusions you learned with a new one.

Infusing an Item

Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch a nonmagical object and imbue it with one of your artificer infusions, turning it into a magic item. An infusion works on only certain kinds of objects, as specified in the infusion’s description. If the item requires attunement, you can attune yourself to it the instant you infuse the item, or you can forgo attunement so that someone else can attune to the item. If you decide to attune to the item later, you must do so using the normal process for attunement (see “Attunement” in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 136).

Your infusion remains in an item indefinitely, but if you die, the infusion vanishes after a number of days have passed equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 day). The infusion also vanishes if you give up your knowledge of the infusion for another one.

You can infuse more than one nonmagical object at the end of a long rest; the maximum number of objects appears in the Infused Items column of the Artificer table. You must touch each of the objects, and each of your infusions can be in only one object at a time. If you try to exceed your maximum number of infusions, the oldest infusion immediately ends, and then the new infusion applies.

Artificer Specialist

At 3rd level, you choose a specialty on which you intend to focus your magical craft: Alchemist, Wandcarver, or Mechanic, all of which are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th and 14th level.

Tool Expertise

At 3rd level, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses your proficiency with a tool.

In addition, when you make a check with any tool with which you have proficiency, you may use your Intelligence modifier in place of another ability.

Abiliy Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Augmented Extra Attack

Starting at 5th level, you choose one of the following features for use in combat situations. You can change this choice whenever you gain a level in this class.

Arcane Armament

You can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. One of the attacks must be made with a magic weapon, the magic of which propels your attack and allows you to ignore the loading property of a weapon used as a part of the attack.

Combat Gadgets

When you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make a weapon attack as a bonus action. The weapon used for this attack must be a magic weapon.

Superior Attunement

Over time, your understanding of magical objects has expanded and increased. At 7th level, you can attune to up to four magic items, instead of three.

At 15th level, you can attune to up to five magic items, and you ignore any class restriction that a magic item has for you to attune to it.

The Right Cantrip for the Job

At 10th level, you gain the ability to make sure you have the right magical tool for a job. Whenever you finish a short or long rest, you can replace one of the artificer cantrips you know with another cantrip from the artificer spell list.

Catalyst Casting
(formerly Spell-Storing Item)

When you reach 18th level, you learn how to store a spell in an object for repeated use. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one simple or martial weapon or an item that you can use as a spellcasting focus and store a spell in it, choosing one 1st- or 2nd-level spell from the artificer spell list that requires 1 action to cast (you don't need to have the spell prepared). With the object in hand, a creature can take an action to produce the spell’s effect from it, using your spellcasting ability modifier.

The spell stays in the object until it has been used a number of times equal to twice your Intelligence modifier (minimum of twice) or until you use this feature again.

Soul of Artifice

At 20th level, your understanding of magical items is unmatched, allowing you to mingle your soul with items linked to you. You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws for every magical item to which you are currently attuned.

Artificer Specialists

Artificers pursue a variety of disciplines. Here are three options you can choose from at 3rd level: the Alchemist, the Wandcarver, and the Machinist.



An Alchemist is an expert at combining exotic reagents to produce mystical effects. Among artificers, members of this subclass are the greatest healers, as well as the ones most adept at wielding dangerous chemicals.

Tools of the Trade

By the time you adopt this specialty at 3rd level, you're deeply familiar with employing its tools.

Proficiencies. You gain proficiency with alchemist’s supplies and either the herbalism kit or the poisoner's kit, assuming you don't already have them. You also gain alchemist’s supplies and an herbalism kit for free -- the result of tinkering you've done as you've prepared for this specialty.

Your alchemist's supplies include five empty vials.

Crafting. If you craft a magic item in the potion or poison category, it takes you a quarter of the normal time, and it costs you half as much of the usual gold.

Alchemist Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Alchemist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Alchemist Spells
Artificer Level Spells
3rd purify food and drink, ray of sickness
5th Melf's acid arrow, protection from poison
9th create food and water, stinking cloud
13th blight, death ward
17th contagion, raise dead

Gnostic Concoction

Starting at 3rd level, you can create magically-infused concoctions to aid you in your adventures. At the end of a long rest, if your alchemist's supplies are with you, you can touch one or more vials or flasks and invest them with an artificer spell of a level that you can cast -- even one you don't have prepared -- that has a casting time of 1 action, has a range of self or touch, and targets a single creature. You must still provide any other material components required by the spell. Concoctions last until used, or until you finish a long rest.

You can make any number of concoctions, as long as the cumulative total of spell levels doesn't exceed your Intel-ligence modifier. For example, with an Intelligence score of 16, you can create three potions infused with 1st-level spells, and at higher levels, you can create a potion infused with a 2nd-level spell, as well as a potion infused with a 1st-level spell, or a single potion infused with a 3rd-level spell.

You don't expend spell slots to make these concoctions.

A concoction made through this feature uses your spellcasting ability, and your spell save DC if needed. When a creature uses a concoction, the spell effect lasts for the duration, and a creature doesn't need to maintain concentration if an effect normally requires it.

Alchemical Expertise

At 6th level, your command of magical chemicals has become masterful. When you cast a spell using your alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus, you gain a bonus to one roll of the spell. That roll must restore hit points or be a damage roll that deals acid or poison damage, and the bonus equals your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).

In addition, you can cast lesser restoration without using a spell slot, provided you use alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus. You can do so a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once).


The fumes that waft from your work have slowly seeped into your own body and transformed you. Starting at 14th level, you gain resistance to acid and poison damage, and you are immune to the poisoned condition.

In addition, you can cast greater restoration once without expending a spell slot and without providing the material component, provided you use alchemist's supplies as the spellcasting focus. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.


Artificers whose expertise extends beyond enchantment, into engineering the very gears of war, are spoken of in awe and fear as the humble and deadly Wandcarvers.

Tools of the Trade

By the time you adopt this specialty at 3rd level, you're deeply familiar with employing its tools.

Proficiencies. You gain proficiency with calligrapher's supplies and woodcarver's tools, assuming you don't already have them. You also gain calligrapher's supplies and woodcarver's tools for free -- the result of tinkering you've done as you've prepared for this specialization.

In addition, you gain the ability to use rods, staffs, and wands as spellcasting focuses for your artificer spells.

Crafting. If you craft a magic item in the wand, rod, or staff category, it takes you a quarter of the normal time, and it costs you half as much of the usual gold.

Wandcarver Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Wandcarver Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Wandcarver Spells
Artificer Level Spells
3rd magic missile, thunderwave
5th scorching ray, shatter
9th conjure barrage, fireball
13th ice storm, wall of fire
17th cone of cold, conjure volley


Focus Prototype

At 3rd level, you learn innovative methods for carving focuses, and investing these tools with new magic.

You gain a unique focus prototype that you've carved in your spare time, which only you can use. This prototype is invested with the arcane bolt cantrip (see the description of the spell at the end of this document) . As an action, you can cause the prototype to produce this cantrip, using your spellcasting ability.

Each prototype augments your casting of arcane bolt; this augment depends on the form of your prototype.

Rod. You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with arcane bolt.

Staff. While wielding this focus with two hands, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with arcane bolt, and the range of the cantrip is doubled.

Wand. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for arcane bolt, you can reroll the die, and you must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.

If you lose your prototype, you can craft a new one at the end of your next long rest. You can craft additional prototypes using the crafting rules from Tools of the Trade.

Focused Power

By 6th level, you now regularly experiment with channeling different types of magic through focuses. Whenever you finish a long rest and your woodcarver’s tools are with you, you can touch any wooden focus, including your prototype, and invest it with one artificer cantrip of your choice -- even one you don't know -- that has a casting time of 1 action. As an action, you can cast that cantrip through that focus, using your spellcasting ability. The focus loses this magic when you finish your next long rest. Only you can use the focus's magic.

In addition, when you cast a cantrip or spell through your prototype, one damage roll gains a bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) .

When you reach 14th level in this class, you can invest a focus with two cantrips at the end of a long rest.


At 14th level, you are no longer at disadvantage while making a ranged spell attack at a creature within 5 feet of you while using your prototype as a spellcasting focus for that attack.

In addition, when a creature attacks you, you can use your reaction to cast a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action that targets that creature immediately after its attack. You must be wielding your prototype to cast this cantrip, and you must be able to see the creature in order to use your reaction in this way.


Some artificers forgo the secrets of longevity or battle magic, and instead seek to replicate the magic of life itself. Practitioners of this specialty are known as Machinists.

Tools of the Trade

By the time you adopt this specialty at 3rd level, you're deeply familiar with employing its tools.

Proficiencies. You gain proficiency with smith's tools and carpenter's tools, assuming you don't already have them. You also gain smith's tools and carpenter's tools for free -- the

result of tinkering you've done as you've prepared for this specialization.

You also gain proficiency with shields.

Crafting. If you craft a magic item in the armor or shield category, it takes you half of the normal time, and it costs you half as much of the usual gold.

Machinist Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Machinist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Machinist Spells
Artificer Level Spells
3rd shield, unseen servant
5th barkskin, shatter
9th lightning bolt, phantom steed
13th Mordenkainen's faithful hound, stoneskin
17th awaken, wall of force


At 3rd level, you learn innovative methods for magically creating an artificial creature that can be formed with transmuted substances, infused mechanical contraptions, or arcane runes and sigils.

You always have the spell find familiar prepared, though it doesn't count against the total number of prepared spells you know. Instead of the material components listed for the spell, you must use artisan's tools with which you have proficiency, and 10 gp of crafting materials, such as clay, metal, or wood.

When you finish casting the spell, you have built a creature, rather than conjured one, and it has the following changes.

  • The creature's type is construct
  • Its hit points equal four times your artificer level + your Intelligence modifier, unless its form already has more
  • It is immune to poison and psychic damage, and can't be charmed, diseased, exhausted, frightened, poisoned, and it can't fall asleep by magical means
  • It doesn't need food or water to survive, though it must still rest (but not sleep) to gain the benefits of a rest
  • Its fastest movement speed equals 30 feet, even if its form normally has a faster movement speed

When you build the construct, you decide its function, choosing from the options on the Arcane Marvel table. Once the marvel uses the action associated with its function, that action is available for 10 minutes, after which you must finish a short or long rest to regain the use of its function.

In combat, the creature takes its turn immediately after yours. On your turn, you can command it to move (no action required by you), and you can use a bonus action to command it to take the Dash, Disengage, or Help action, or the action that it gains from its function. If you don't issue a command, it takes the Dodge action.

If the mending cantrip is cast on it, it regains 2d6 hit points. If the construct dies (or you dismiss it permanently), you can gather the materials used to create it and use those materials to build another creature using this feature.

Arcane Marvel
Function Action (Requires Your Bonus Action)
Ballista Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, range 120 ft., one target it can see.
Hit: 2d8 force damage; Large or smaller creatures are pushed 5 ft. away.
Defender The marvel projects a magical barrier and grants a +2 AC bonus to a creature within
5 ft. of it until the end of its next turn.
Energizer The marvel touches one creature adjacent to it and grants it a burst of energy. The creature gains advantage on all ability checks. The marvel must stay within 5 ft. to maintain this effect, and can only affect one creature at a time.
A creature can benfit from this effect once, after which it must finish a long rest.
Flamethrower The marvel blasts fire in an adjacent 15-foot cone that you designate. A creature in that area takes 1d8+2 fire damage, or half that if it succeeds a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC.
The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.


Starting at 6th level, when you build a marvel, it can take the form of any Large or smaller beast or humanoid with a challenge rating that is equal to or less than your artificer level divided by 4 (rounded down) .

For every challenge rating above 0, you must use materials for which the cost equals 50 gp multiplied by the challenge rating (minimum of 10 gp), and you must expend a spell slot of at least the same level as that challenge rating (minimum of 1st level) .

In addition, the marvel gains an Intelligence score of 6 if it is not already 6 or higher, and it can understand one language that you know.

Your DM has the statistics for the kinds of creatures you can build with this feature.

You can also command your marvel to take the Attack action, and if the stat block of its form has additional actions, you can command it to take those actions as well. The marvel can't use the Multiattack feature if its stat block includes it, nor does it gain any spellcasting abilities or abilities that are magical in nature.

Finally, when your marvel delivers a spell that you cast, you gain a bonus to one roll of the spell. The bonus equals your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).

A Marvel's Personality

When you reach 6th level, your marvel may also begin to develop its own personality. If you wish, you can choose a personality trait and a flaw for the marvel. These traits can be from any background, or they can be of your own making.


Starting at 14th level, you can use your action to magically assemble a second marvel. You must have artisan's tools with which you have proficiency in order to take this action. This second construct can take the form of any beast or humanoid, but its challenge rating can't exceed 1.

You can use your bonus action to command both marvels.

The magic binding this second marvel is unstable, and therefore temporary; it ceases to function after 10 minutes, or until it drops to 0 hit points.

You can magically assemble a second marvel once. You regain the ability to use your action in this way after you finish a long rest.

Artificer Infusions

Artificers have invented numerous magical infusions that rapidly create magic items. To the untrained, artificers seem like wonderworkers, accomplishing in hours what others needs weeks, months, or years to complete.

The description of each infusion tells you the type of item that can receive it. The description also tells you if the resulting magic item requires attunement.

Some infusions specify a minimum artificer level. You can't learn such an infusion until you are at least that level.

Unless an infusion's description says otherwise, you can't learn any infusion more than once.

Boots of the Winding Path

Prerequisite: 4th-level artificer
Item: A pair of boots (requires attunement)

While wearing these boots, a creature can teleport up to 15 feet as a bonus action to an unoccupied space the creature can see. The creature must have occupied that space at some point during the current turn.

Enhanced Armor

Item: A suit of armor or a shield

A creature gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class while wearing (armor) or wielding (shield) the infused item.

The bonus increases to +2 when you reach 12th level in this class.

Enhanced Wand

Item: A wand, rod, or staff

While holding this focus, a creature gains a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls, in addition, the creature ignores half cover when making a spell attack.

The bonus increases to +2 when you reach 12th level in this class.

Enhanced Weapon

Item: A simple or martial weapon

This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

The bonus increases to +2 when you reach 12th level in this class.


Many-Handed Pouch

Prerequisite: 4th-level artificer
Item: 2--5 pouches or satchels

The infused pouches all share one interdimensional space of the same capacity as a single pouch. Thus, reaching into any of the pouches allows access to the same storage space.

A pouch operates as long as it is within 100 miles of another one of the pouches; the pouch is otherwise empty and won’t accept any contents.

If this infusion ends, the items stored in the shared space move into one of the pouches, determined at random. The rest of the pouches become empty.

Pocket Knife

Prerequisite: 4th-level artificer
Item: A simple or martial weapon (requires attunement)

This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

The wielder of this weapon can speak a command word as a bonus action to make the weapon magically fold in on itself and appear as a rod about 6 inches long. Speaking the command word again while holding the compact weapon causes it to unfold.

A creature inspecting the compacted weapon can determine its true nature by making an Intelligence (Investigation) check contested by your spell save DC.

Portable Bastion

Prerequisite: 4th-level artificer
Item: A shield (requires attunement)

While wielding this shield, a creature can speak its command word and set it on its edge as a bonus action. The shield will stay in place, and magically provide half-cover to any creature that uses it as cover. Up to two creatures can use this shield as half-cover at once.

The shield can be moved from its position and the effect ended if the wielder speaks the command word again, or if another creature succeeds on a Strength check contested by your spell save DC to forcefully move the shield.

Radiant Weapon

Prerequisite: 8th-level artificer
Item: A simple or martial weapon (requires attunement)

This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. while holding it, the wielder can use a bonus action to cause it to shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. The wielder can extinguish the light as a bonus action.

As a reaction immediately after being hit by a melee attack, the wielder can force the attacker to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. If it fails its save, it is blinded until the end of its next turn. This reaction can't be used again until the wielder finishes a short or long rest.

Repeating Shot

Item: a simple or martial weapon with the ammunition property (requires attunement)

This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage

rolls made with it when it's used to make a ranged attack, and it ignores the loading property if it has it.

The weapon requires no ammunition; it magically produces one piece of ammunition each time you make a ranged attack with it, unless you manually load it. The ammunition produced by the weapon vanishes the instant after it hits or misses a target.

Resistant Armor

Prerequisite: 8th-level artificer
Item: A suit of armor (requires attunement)

While wearing this armor, a creature has resistance to one of the following damage types, which you choose when you infuse the item: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder.

Returning Weapon

Item: A simple or martial weapon with the thrown property

This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it, and it returns to the wielder's hand immediately after it is used to make a ranged attack.

Rod of Mercurial Form

Prerequisite: 16th-level artificer
Item: A rod, staff, or quarterstaff (requires attunement)

The wielder of this item can speak a command word as a bonus action, causing it to change its shape. The wielder can choose it to become any simple or martial weapon with a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and the wielder is proficient with its use.

The rod reverts to its original form if the wielder drops to 0 hit points or if the wielder ends the transformation (no action required).

Wondrous Invention

Prerequisite: see below

Using this infusion, you replicate a particular magic item. You can learn this infusion multiple times; each time you do so, choose a different magic item that you can make with it, picking from the Wondrous Invention tables below.

If a table has a level in its title, you must be of at least that level in this class to choose an item from the table.

In the tables an item's entry tells you whether the item requires attunement. See the item's description in the Dungeon Master's Guide for more information about it, including the type of object required for its making.

Wondrous Invention
Magic Item Attunement
Alchemy jug No
Bag of holding No
Cap of water breathing No
Cloak of the manta ray No
Goggles of night No
Lantern of revealing No
Wondrous Invention
Magic Item Attunement
Rope of climbing No
Sending stones No
Wand of detect magic No
Wand of secrets No

Wondrous Invention (8th-Level Artificer)
Magic Item Attunement
Boots of elvenkind No
Boots of striding and springing Yes
Eyes of charming Yes
Eyes of the eagle Yes
Gloves of swimming and climbing Yes
Hat of disguise Yes
Periapt of health Yes
Pipes of haunting No
Pipes of the sewers Yes
Quiver of Ehlonna No
Ring of jumping Yes
Ring of water walking No
Slippers of spider climbing Yes

Wondrous Invention (12th-Level Artificer)
Magic Item Attunement
Boots of the winderlands Yes
Bracers of archery Yes
Brooch of shielding Yes
Cloak of elvenkind Yes
Cloak of protection Yes
Dimensional shackles No
Gauntlets of ogre power Yes
Gloves of missile snaring Yes
Gloves of thievery No
Headband of intellect Yes
Helm of telepathy Yes
Medallion of thoughts Yes
Periapt of wound closure Yes
Ring of mind shielding Yes
Winged boots Yes

Wondrous Invention (16th-Level Artificer)
Magic Item Attunement
Amulet of health Yes
Belt of hill giant strength Yes
Boots of levitation Yes
Boots of speed Yes
Bracers of defense Yes
Cloak of the bat Yes
Gem of seeing Yes
Horn of blasting Yes
Ring of free action Yes
Ring of protection Yes
Ring of the ram Yes


When you advance in level, and at your DM's discretion, you may take the option to multiclass into an Artificer. You must meet the following prerequisites to qualify for an Artificer.

Multiclassing Prerequisites
Ability Score Mimimum
Intelligence 13


When you first multiclass into Artificer, you gain only some of the class's starting proficiences as shown below.

Multiclassing Proficiencies
Proficiences Gained
Light armor, all crossbows, Tinker's tools


Spell Slots. You determine your available spell slots by adding half (rounded down) of your artificer levels to the levels of your other classes (PHB p.164). Use this total to determine your spell slots by consulting the Multiclass Spellcaster table (PHB p.165).

Alternate Starting Equipment

When you create an artificer, you receive equipment based on a combination of your class and background. Alternatively, you can start with a number of gold pieces and spend them on items (Chapter 5 of the PHB).

Starting Wealth for Artificers
5d4 x 10 gp


Artificer Spell List

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Acid Splash
  • Blade Ward
  • Booming Blade sc
  • Dancing Lights
  • Frostbite x
  • Green-Flame Blade sc
  • Guidance
  • Light
  • Lightning Lure sc
  • Mage Hand
  • Magic Stone x
  • Mending
  • Message
  • Minor Illusion
  • Poison Spray
  • Prestidigitation
  • Produce Flame
  • Ray of Frost
  • Resistance
  • Shillelagh
  • Shocking Grasp
  • Spare the Dying
1st Level
  • Absorb Elements x
  • Alarm (ritual)
  • Arcane Weapon ua
  • Catapult x
  • Cure Wounds
  • Disguise Self
  • Expeditious Retreat
  • False Life
  • Find Familiar (ritual)
  • Grease
  • Jump
  • Longstrider
  • Sanctuary
  • Shield
  • Snare x
  • Tenser's Floating Disc (ritual)
  • Zephyr Strike x
2nd Level
  • Aid
  • Alter Self
  • Arcane Lock
  • Blur
  • Continual Flame
  • Darkvision
  • Dragon's Breath x
  • Enhance Ability
  • Enlarge/Reduce
  • Find Traps
  • Heat Metal
  • Invisibility
  • Knock
  • Lesser Restoration
  • Locate Object
  • Magic Mouth (ritual)
  • Magic Weapon
  • Pyrotechnics x
  • Rope Trick
  • See Invisibility
  • Spider Climb
  • Warding Bond
3rd Level
  • Blink
  • Dispel Magic
  • Flame Arrows x
  • Fly
  • Gaseous Form
  • Glyph of Warding
  • Haste
  • Protection from Energy
  • Revivify
  • Sending
  • Slow
  • Tiny Servant x
  • Water Breathing (ritual)
  • Water Walk (ritual)
4th Level
  • Arcane Eye
  • Fabricate
  • Freedom of Movement
  • Greater Invisibility
  • Leomund's Secret Chest
  • Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
  • Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
  • Stone Shape
5th Level
  • Animate Objects
  • Bigby's Hand
  • Creation
  • Greater Restoration
  • Legend Lore
  • Mass Cure Wounds
  • Reincarnate
  • Skill Empowerment x
  • Teleportation Circle
  • Telekinesis
  • Transmute Rock x
  • Wall of Stone

The spells listed with x are taken from Chapter 3 of Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
The spells listed with sc are taken from the end of Chapter 4 of the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.
All other spells can be found in Part 3, Chapter 11 of the Player's Handbook.

Arcane Weapon

1st-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a simple or martial weapon)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You channel arcane energy into one simple or martial weapon you're holding, and choose one damage type: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 damage of the chosen type to any target you hit with the weapon. If the weapon isn't magical, it becomes a magic weapon for the spell's duration.

As a bonus action, you can change the damage type, choosing from the options above.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. When you cast this spell using a 5th level spell slot, you don't need to maintain concentration on the spell's effect, though the spell only lasts for an hour.

Arcane Bolt

evocation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 90 ft.
  • Components: S, M (a focus prototype)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Using a wand, rod, or staff to channel this spell, you fire a mote of energy at a creature or object within range. You choose the damage type: cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 of the damage type you chose.

You can change the type of damage this cantrip causes when you finish a short or long rest.

At Higher Levels. This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level, 11th level, and 17th level. Starting at 11th level, you can choose force damage for the damage this cantrip causes.



Version 1.1

  • 5th level extra attack: choose one of two alternate options, Arcane Armament, or Combat Gadgets


The Artificer Revisited, Revised D&D 5e class was created by Reddit user JPGenn. It is a modified version of the UA: The Artificer Revisited released by Wizards of the Coast in February 2019. Some content is revision of Unearthed Arcana or official material published by Wizards of the Coast, and other content is created solely by the author of this resource.

Content Credit

UA: The Artificer Revisited © Wizards of the Coast

Art Credits

alchemist © Paizo
Magic Items © Wizards of the Coast
kingdoms & Bearman : artcobain
rune : goldentigers
Alternate logo and page stains : DracoExe
Orc Wizard : Xiaodi-Jin (concept art)


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