Eldritch Knight Revised

by GrandpaTheGreat

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Eldritch Knight Revised

The Eldritch Knight is a fighter who augments their martial prowes with magic, gleaning techniques of Abjuration and Transmutation from meticulous study of the Arcane.

War magic and Improved War Magic

Both of these abilities have been removed and replaced


As per the PHB with the following changes:

  • Evocation is replaced with Transmutation
  • Initial spells changed to Shield, Absorb Elements, and two spells from any school

Arcane Guardian (New ability)

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to use shield and absorb elements to protect your allies.

  • Shield may now be cast on an ally within 15 feet as a reaction to the target creature being hit by an attack

  • Absorb elements may now be cast on an ally within 15 feet as a reaction to the target creature taking acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage

Weapon Bond

As per the PHB, but moved to level 7, with the following text added

  • While bonding, you can choose to change each Weapon’s damage type to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder (your choice) until you cast the ritual again, dismiss the effect as an action, or another creature wields it.

Eldritch Strike

As per the PHB

Arcane Charge

As per the PHB

Mystic Aegis (New Ability)

At 18th level, you learn a special way of casting shield and absorb elements. Using this feature, you can cast shield or absorb elements at 1st level without consuming a spell slot, empowering the spell with the following benefits.

  • Your target is granted temporary hit-points equal to 2d10 plus triple your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1)

  • All hostile creatures within 10 feet of the target take the same amount in your weapon bond damage type

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Art Source

Samarskiy. "Magic Sign." DeviantArt. Accessed March 30, 2019. Link source


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