Behemoth (5e monster based on Final Fantasy)

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Behemoths are daemons that are often the apex of their ecosystem and food chain. They hunt where they wish and are very territorial. They are naturally evil as a species but can be tamed on rare occasions, but they do not bond to others like you would expect of an animal. Even if you raise one from birth it will not always see you as someone to be trusted.

These beasts possess innate magical powers that grow as they age but even as a pup they can be extremely dangerous.


Huge Fiend (demon), C. Evil

  • Armor Class 22 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 364 (26d10 +182)
  • Speed 50ft

28 (+9) 18 (+4) 24 (+7) 5 (-2) 22 (+6) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Strength +16, Constitution +14
  • Skills Athletics +16, Intimidation +10, Survival +13
  • Damage Resistances non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing
  • Damage Immunities Fire, Lightning
  • Condition Immunities Frightened, Blinded
  • Senses 120ft Darkvision, 30ft Blindsight
  • Languages Behemoth
  • Challenge 21

Innate Spellcasting. The Behemoth can cast any of the following spell requiring no material components, Wisdom is his spellcasting modifier for these spells (Atk bonus +13, DC 21).

1/Day Each: Meteor Swarm, Wall of Fire (9th level)

2/Day Each: Fireball (7th level), Lightning Bolt (7th level), Chain Lightning (7th level)

3/Day Each: Call Lightning (5th level), Melf's Minute Meteors (5th level), Agnazzars Scorcher (lightning damage) (5th level), Fire Storm (5th level)

At Will: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Thunderwave (3rd level)

Daemon's Will. The Behemoth has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or stunned.

Magic Nature. The Behemoth's attacks count as magical and it has advantage on saving throws against magical effects.

Legendary Resistance 3/Day The Behemoth can choose to succeed on a saving throw that it fails.


Multiattack. The Behemoth makes one gore attack and two claw attacks. Behemoth can replace both claw attacks with Charybdis or a 2/Day, 3/Day or At Will spell. Behemoth can replace a claw attack with a swipe attack.

Gore. Melee weapon attack: +16 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. Hit: 31 (3d10 +9) Piercing damage

Claw. Melee weapon attack: +16 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 +9) Slashing damage

Swipe. Melee weapon attack: +16 to hit, Range 5ft and one 5ft area beside that 5ft, one - two targets. Hit: 16 (1d12 + 9) Slashing damage

Charybdis. The Behemoth chooses a 15ft radius circle (30ft high) in a location within 120ft that it can see. That area becomes difficult terrain for 1d6 +1 rounds, a creature that starts its turn in, or enters that area must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Enmity. When a creature deals damage to Behemoth when the Behemoth is unaware of that creature OR deals over 35 damage to it in one round, that creature gains the enmity of the Behemoth for 1d4 +2 rounds. The Behemoth has advantage on all attack rolls against that creature and has disadvantage on all attack rolls against other creatures.

Behemoth King

Huge Fiend (demon), C. Evil

  • Armor Class 23 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 434 (31d10 +217)
  • Speed 50ft, fly 50ft

30 (+10) 18 (+4) 27 (+8) 6 (-2) 24 (+7) 17 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Strength +16, Constitution +14
  • Skills Athletics +16, Intimidation +10, Survival +13
  • Damage Resistances non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing, Necrotic
  • Damage Immunities Fire, Lightning, Cold
  • Condition Immunities Frightened, Blinded
  • Senses 120ft Darkvision, 60ft Blindsight
  • Languages Behemoth
  • Challenge 24

Innate Spellcasting. The Behemoth can cast any of the following spell requiring no material components, Wisdom is his spellcasting modifier for these spells (Atk bonus +14, DC 22).

1/Day Each: Meteor Swarm, Wall of Fire (9th level), Cone of Cold (9th level)

2/Day Each: Fireball (8th level), Lightning Bolt (8th level), Chain Lightning (8th level)

3/Day Each: Call Lightning (6th level), Melf's Minute Meteors (6th level), Agnazzars Scorcher (lightning damage) (6th level), Fire Storm (6th level)

At Will: Fireball (4th level), Lightning Bolt (4th level), Chain Lightning, Thunderwave (5th level), Cone of Cold

Daemon's Will. The Behemoth has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or stunned.

Magic Nature. The Behemoth's attacks count as magical and it has advantage on saving throws against magical effects.

Legendary Resistance 3/Day The Behemoth can choose to succeed on a saving throw that it fails.

Icy Soul. The first Melee weapon attack the Behemoth makes each turn creates an icy blast of wind in a 15ft cone for Claw, a 30ft by 15ft line for Gore or a 60ft by 5ft line for Swipe. All creatures in the designated area must make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw, taking 15 (3d8) Cold damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.


Multiattack. The Behemoth makes one gore attack and two claw attacks. Behemoth can replace both claw attacks with Charybdis or a 2/Day, 3/Day or At Will spell. Behemoth can replace a claw attack with a swipe attack.

Gore. Melee weapon attack: +16 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. Hit: 45 (5d10 +10) Piercing damage

Claw. Melee weapon attack: +16 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. Hit: 28 (2d12 +10) Slashing damage

Swipe. Melee weapon attack: +16 to hit, Range 5ft and one 5ft area beside that 5ft, one - two targets. Hit: 24 (3d6 + 10) Slashing damage

Charybdis. The Behemoth chooses a 25ft radius circle (60ft high) in a location within 120ft that it can see. That area becomes difficult terrain for 1d8 +1 rounds, a creature that starts its turn in, or enters that area must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Enmity. When a creature deals damage to Behemoth when the Behemoth is unaware of that creature OR deals over 35 damage to it in one round, that creature gains the enmity of the Behemoth for 1d4 +2 rounds. The Behemoth has advantage on all attack rolls against that creature and has disadvantage on all attack rolls against other creatures.


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