Cursed Pirate King

by Chubby Alpaca

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Cursed Pirate King

Medium, Chaotic Neutral

  • Armor Class 15 (leather armor)
  • Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)
  • Speed 30 ft.

15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

  • Skills Deception +6, Perception +4
  • Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
  • Damage Resistances necrotic
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
  • Senses 30 ft. Blindsight, Passive Perception 14
  • Languages Common
  • Challenge CR 5 (750 XP)

Magic Weapon. The Cursed Pirate King wields a +1 rapier, making his attacks with this weapon magical.


Multiattack. The Cursed Pirate King makes two rapier attacks or one rapier and one pistol shot attack.

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +7, 5ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage

Pistol Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6, 30/120ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 +3) piercing damage


Parry. The Cursed Pirate King adds 4 to his AC against one melee attack that would hit him. To do so, he must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

Pirate Chest

(Wondrous item, rare, cursed)

As the cursed pirate lord is destroyed, his bones don't simply fall to the ground or crumble to dust. Instead, they assemble into a chest, this chest to be precise, with unknown contents.

As you approach to open it, the pirate lord speaks, once again: "Ooh, are you sure you want to do this? To steal another pirate's treasure, that's against the Code!" After all, these are his bones, so his spirit hasn't quite given up yet.

As soon as you open the chest, the item inside is revealed and the chest falls apart, leaving just the regular bones. However, when you do so, you have a 50% chance of acquiring his curse.

d10 Loot
1 Pole of Angling
2 I spy with my little eye-glass
3 Trident of Fish Command
4 Mariner's Armor
5 +1 Pistol
6 Spell scroll of Control Winds
7 +2 Rapier
8 +2 leather armor
9 +3 Rapier
10 Deck of Many Things
The Curse of the High Seas

As any real pirate will tell you, your wildest dream has just been fulfilled: You're now able to sail the seas forever. That is, no blade can wound you, no sickness can strike you down and no ailment can hamper you, as long as you remain at sea. The only way you can be killed is when you are on land.

However, over the next four days, your flesh rots away as you become a skeleton. You retain all your mental ability scores and any other skills, provided that you don't really require your flesh to perform them. If you choose, you can appear before others as a ghostly figure resembling yourself with the clothes you are wearing in perfect condition and your flesh not (yet) rotten away.

I spy with my little eye-glass

(Wondrous item, common)

This spyglass comes in different sizes and has the exact same magnifying qualities as you would expect. However, when you see something in it, and then proceed to play the game "I spy with my little eye" with the next person looking through the spyglass, they get a +10 to their Wisdom (Perception) check to spot the thing you just saw.


It's a hand crossbow.

Art Credit: "Captain skeleton pirate." Artist: Edikt Art

This document was lovingly created using GM Binder.

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