Dragoon Class 1.1

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The villagers screamed as the colossal black dragon flew over the town, dissolving their homes and their friends with its acidic breath. A lone warrior waits for the opportunity to bring down the quarry he has been hunting, his lance keen, and his muscles taut. Perched atop the highest point of the town, his eyes scanning the Dragon’s movements. The hunted drew near, the moment had come, with a leap the warrior launched himself high into the air to intercept the dragon’s movement. With a perfectly placed strike to the spine, the beast roared as it plummeted down to the earth. For hours the lone warrior drew parts from the conquered beast, conducting rituals, the warrior bathed in the blood of the beast, meditating on his victory and the next battle.

Legendary Warriors

Dragoons are an ancient and rare breed of warriors, having a reverence and sometimes hatred of Dragons that leads them to develop themselves to either combat or emulate these mighty beasts. Specialising in the use of spears and polearms, Dragoons have a unique and dynamic fighting style, leaping across the battlefield to place precision strikes on their enemies. Their fighting abilities lead them naturally to a life of adventure. While their techniques may have been developed to deal with Dragons, many creatures will fall to a spear through their spine.

Strange Paths to Glory

While many Dragoons share a similar fighting style, there are potentially different paths to gaining their power. Some seek the blessings of Dragons themselves hoping to prove themselves steadfast allies, others perform rituals wherein the power of the dragon may be absorbed partially to increase their physical capabilities. Many Dragoons take on altered physical appearances after the completion of their rituals. Some becoming more muscular and lithe in order to perform the incredible leaps required for their combat manoeuvres, others becoming more draconic in their appearance, becoming scaled or clawed. Almost all Dragoons have dragon-like eyes which are decidedly unnerving to the common person.

Creating A Dragoon

When building a Dragoon, consider how and why you acquired your abilities. Perhaps your parents were part of a Cult to the Dragon Queen Tiamat. You may have been found by a veteran Dragoon after a run in with a dragon you were in no way prepared for. Do you revere Dragons? See them as a source of power? You might have a deep burning hatred for the magical beasts. Consult with your Dungeon Master about how prolific Dragoons may be in your roleplaying world. Are they warriors of legend called upon in times of great need? Perhaps Dragoons are long forgotten only to make a resurgance. Remember that when making a Dragoon, the dichotomy between yourself, Dragons and your draconic powers can be a focal point for creating your character.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Jump, Quarry,Lancer
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Graceful Landing
3rd +2 Wrath Feature
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Wrath Feature
7th +3 Life Surge
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Elusive Jump
10th +4 Wrath Feature
11th +4 Invigorate
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Blood For Blood
14th +5 Air Hike, Life Surge (2 uses)
15th +5 Wrath Feature
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Battle Litany
18th +6 Wrath Feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Master of the Sky

Quick Build

You can make a Dragoon quickly by following these instructions. First make Strength your highest ability score. Your next highest ability score should be either Constitution or Charisma if you are playing with the Wrath of Draconic Fury. Finally take the Folk Hero or Dragonscarred background.

Class Features

As a Dragoon, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Dragoon level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10+ Your Constitution modifier.
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Your Constitution Modifier per Dragoon level after 1st.


  • Armor: All Armour and Shields
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Strength
  • Skills: Choose two from: Athletics, Acrobatics, History, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Insight, Survival and Intimidation.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Scale Mail or (b) Chain Mail
  • (a) a Martial Weapon with the reach property or (b) a spear and a shield
  • 5 Javelins
  • (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack


You no longer require a running start to perform a long or high jump. Also as a bonus action you may leap up to 15 ft in any direction. If you perform a melee attack immediately after this leap, a successful attack deals an extra 1d8 damage of the weapon’s type, this bonus increases to 2d8 at 14th level. You cannot be targeted by Attacks of Opportunity while using this feature . This feature may be used a number of times equal to your strength modifier before requiring a short rest.


You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track Dragons, as well as intelligence checks to recall information about them and Charisma checks when conversing with Dragons. You also learn to speak Draconic.


You can make attacks with a Lance against targets within 5ft of you without imposing disadvantage on the attack roll. The Lance must be wielded in two hands to gain this bonus.

Fighting Style

At level 2, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting style option more than once.

Dueling When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon you are holding in two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property to gain this benefit.

Thrown Weapon Fighting You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage roll.

Jumping Rules

Jumping Rules are found on Page 182 of the PHB.

Graceful Landing

At 2nd level you take no fall damage when you fall from a height of 20ft or lower, also when you fall from a height greater than 20ft you take half damage from the fall. You must be conscious to gain these benefits. At 11th level you no longer take fall damage when performing a successful melee attack roll following the use of the Jump feature.


When you reach 3rd level, you choose to follow different Dragoon teachings known as Wraths. This represents the choice between letting draconic influence transform or empower your natural abilities. The Wrath options are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th level, 10th level, 15th level and 18th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Life Surge

At 7th level when taking the Attack action you may activate Life Surge, while Life Surge is active you recover hit points equal to half of all damage you deal with attacks this turn. Once you have used this feature you may not use it again until after a long rest. At 14th level you gain a second use of this ability and it recovers the full damage dealt with attacks.

Elusive Jump

At 9th level you learn to leap out of the way of dangerous effects, when you are subjected to an effect with a radius larger than one target that allows you to make a Dexterity, Strength or Constitution saving throw. You may, as a reaction, jump up to your Jump distance and height to attempt to dodge the effect. If this would allow you to move out of the radius of the effect, you automatically succeed on the saving throw and take no damage from the effect.


Beginning at 11th level when you make an ability check and fail, you may reroll the dice once and take either score. You may use this feature three times before requiring a long rest.

Blood For Blood

At 13th level when you are below half your maximum hit points, you may focus your ire on a single target. When you take the attack action on your turn you may designate a target, for the next minute that target has vulnerability to all damage you deal to it with attacks. Whilst this ability is active the you have vulnerability to all damage the targeted enemy deals to you with attacks and if you target a different enemy with an attack, the attack is made with disadvantage. This ability can be used once before requiring a long rest.

Air Hike

At 14th level the range of the Jump feature increases to 25ft. Furthermore your Long Jump distance is doubled and High Jump distance is tripled.

Battle Litany

At 17th level as a bonus action, you let out a furious verse in draconic which serves to inspire and empower your allies. You choose up to 10 allies within 30ft of you until your next turn they have advantage on the next attack roll they make and the next attack they make will be a critical on a roll of 19 or 20. You may use this feature once before requiring a long rest.

Master of the Sky

At Level 20, your Jump feature no longer requires a bonus action to use. You also gain unlimited uses of the Jump feature and Jump can be used an unlimited amount of times per turn. Furthermore your Long Jump distance is tripled and High Jump distance is quadrupled.

Dragoon Wraths

All Dragoons choose a path to walk as they become more powerful, many over the years have disagreed on the most effective way to channel the powers of their draconic gifts.Some forms that have been lost to the ages, however the teachings of the greatest and most prominent Dragoons remain.

Wrath of the Skypiercer

Those who have chosen this path are known as Skypiercers. These Dragoons have followed a path towards martial prowess, which involves training the body and the spirit in order to gain the discipline necessary to perform incredible feats of skill and power. Skypiercers learn to channel the power they have imbued themselves with to bring down their foes with brutal lance strikes, and their own draconic spirit. These warriors are well regarded as masters of aerial combat and monster hunters of great repute.

Natural Athleticism

The training involved in becoming a Skypiercer, leads the Dragoon to becoming a naturally skilled athlete. At 3rd you gain proficiency with your choice of the Acrobatics or Athletics skills.

Blood of the Dragon

Beginning at 3rd level you harness your power to heighten your prowess in battle. You can choose to activate this feature when taking the attack action. For a number of rounds equal to your Strength Modifier or until you miss an attack, you have advantage on attack rolls that you make. You may use this feature once before requiring a short rest. You gain an additional use of this ability at 10th level.

Aerial Takedown

Starting at 6th level, when you are within 30ft of a flying creature, you may try to ground them. As an action you jump within melee range of the target, make an attack roll against the target, if the attack is successful roll damage. The target must then make an Athletics check contesting your own Athletics check. If the target is unsuccessful in this Athletics check they fall to the ground and are knocked prone. Upon a successful Athletics check against a creature of a Large Size or larger you may choose to stay atop the creature or fall back down to the ground. If the creature is medium or smaller you automatically return to the ground. Creatures that are Huge or larger are unaffected unless they are of the Dragon type. You take no fall damage whilst using this ability. At 14th level the range of this ability increases to 40ft. At 20th level this ability can be used as a bonus action.

Hyper Jump

At 10th level you learn to empower your Jump you may choose one from the options listed.. At level 15 you may choose a second option. Only one type of Hyper Jump may be applied to each use of the Jump feature.

Dragonfire Dive When you make a successful attack after a jump, plumes of flame shoot out from the impact. Upon making a successful attack following the use of the Jump feature, creatures of your choice within a 5ft radius of you when you made the attack must make a Dexterity saving throw, (8+Prof Mod+ Strength Mod) they take 2d6 fire damage or half as much on a successful saving throw.

Mirage Dive When you make a successful attack roll following a use of Jump, your draconic spirit lashes out at another target within 10ft of the target. Make a separate attack roll against this target. If this attack is successful roll your normal weapon damage against the target, without applying any bonus damage from magical weapons. This attack deals force damage.

Spineshatter Dive When you make a successful attack roll following a use of Jump, the target creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw of a DC equal to (8+Proficiency Mod+ Strength Mod) or be stunned until the end of their next turn.


Upon reaching 15th level while you have Blood of the Dragon active you may as an action unleash your latent spiritual power. You shoot a burst of pure spirit energy in a line starting from your position. The line has a distance of 40ft and a width of 10ft. All targets of your choice in the area of effect must make a Dexterity Saving Throw equal to (8+Prof Mod +Str Mod) on a failed save they take 8d8 force damage or half as much on a successful save. Upon using Nastrond, the effects of Blood of the Dragon are immediately ended. After using this ability it cannot be used again until after a long rest.

Dragonsong Dive

Starting at 18th level you have learned to harness your Draconic Soul. A Spectral Dragon spirit encompasses you as you take flight, before crashing down on your foe. As an action you leap high into the air and become unable to be targeted by attacks or spells. At any point before the start of your next turn you may choose a point within 100ft of your starting jump position to crash back down to inflict destruction on a target. The chosen target must make a Dexterity saving throw of a DC equal to (8+Prof Mod +Str Mod) The target takes 4d12+ 40 force damage or half as much on a successful save. If the target is flying through the air, you may execute an Aerial Takedown during the same action. You do not make any attack or damage rolls as apart of this Aerial Takedown. If the target fails the saving throw of this ability the Aerial Takedown is automatically successful. This ability can only be used outdoors or in a cavernous space that your DM deems large enough for the ability to be used. After using this ability it cannot be used again until after a long rest.

Wrath of Draconic Fury

Taking Part in Draconic rituals or ingesting parts of dragons in different combinations, these warriors stray from their mortal heritage to try and become something more than their own forms may allow. Known as Furies, these warriors undergo physical transformations whether by allowing a dragon’s influence or by performing ritualistic feasts of enchanted draconic ingredients. Furies evolve far more physically than other Dragoons, taking on potentially many Draconic aspects. However this all done for the sake of gaining the power which is perhaps most iconic when telling tales of Dragons, their mighty breath.

Frightening Visage

Dragoons who have chosen this path undergo physical changes which match their new found powers, as the Dragoon gains power this may manifest itself in different ways such as claws, scales or other features which will align with the type of dragon whose breath they have chosen to emulate. At 3rd level you gain proficiency with the Intimidation skill, if you already have this proficiency you gain proficiency with another skill of your choice from the Dragoon skill list.

Breath Weapon

Starting at 3rd level you learn to use perhaps the most iconic of a dragon’s powers, its mighty breath. You choose a breath type from the following options:

Acid Breath The corrosive breath of a Black Dragon, this attack breathes acid in a 5ft by 30ft line all creatures in this radius must make a Dexterity saving throw to determine the damage taken. The range of this ability increases to a 5ft by 40ft line at 6th level, and increases again to a 10ft by 50ft line at 10th level. This ability deals Acid damage.

Cold Breath The icy breath of a White Dragon, this attack unleashes a flurry of frost and ice in a 15ft cone from your position, creatures caught inside must make a Constitution saving throw to determine the damage taken. The range of this ability increases to a 25ft cone at 6th level and to a 35ft cone at 10th level. This ability deals cold damage.

Fire Breath The flaming breath of a Red Dragon, this attack breathes a torrent of flames in a 15ft cone from your position, creatures caught inside must make a Dexterity saving throw to determine the damage taken. The range of this ability increases to a 25ft cone at 6th level and to a 35ft cone at 10th level. This ability deals fire damage.

Lightning Breath The crackling breath of a Blue Dragon, this attack shoots powerful bolts of lightning in a 5ft by 30ft line from your position. All creatures caught in this radius must make a Dexterity saving throw to determine the damage taken. The range of this ability increases to a 5ft by 40ft line at 6th level, and increases again to a 10ft by 50ft line at 10th level. This ability deals lightning damage.

Poison Breath The pestilent breath of a Green Dragon, this attack breathes a toxic splattering of poison in a 15ft cone from your position. Creatures in this area must make a Constitution saving throw to determine the amount of damage taken. The range of this ability increases to a 25ft cone at 6th level and to a 35ft cone at 10th level. This ability deals poison damage.

This ability requires an action to use. The DC for saving throws against the Breath Weapon is equal to (8+Your Charisma Modifier+ Your Proficiency Modifier) , The damage is equal to 2d10 damage of your chosen type on a failed saving throw and half as much on a successful saving throw. This damage increases to 3d10 at 6th level, 4d10 at 10th level, 5d10 at 15th level, and 6d10 at 18th Level. This ability can be used twice before requiring a short rest.

Frightening Presence

Starting at 6th level you learn to harness the terrifying presence of a Dragon, as a bonus action you may let out ferocious draconic roar, creatures you choose within a 20ft radius of you must make a Wisdom saving throw of a DC equal to (8+Your Charisma modifier+ Your proficiency modifier) or be frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature under this effect may make this saving throw again at the end of each of their turns. You can use this ability once before requiring a long rest.

Deep Breathing

Beginning at 10th level you have gained unnatural endurance and built a tolerance to your draconic abilities. At the start of your turn roll a d6 on a roll of 5 or 6 you regain a use of Breath Weapon, you cannot have more than 2 uses of Breath Weapon available at any time.

Empowered Breath

Starting at 15th level you have gained a mastery of your chosen breath weapon which allows you to empower your breath with different effects, this ability requires 2 uses of breath weapon and the effects are as follows:

Corrosive Breath (Acid Breath) Creatures who fail their saving throw start to have their protection melt under your draconic fury, their Armour Class is reduced by one on a failed saving throw, this effect cannot be applied more than once to the same creature during combat.

Freezing Breath (Cold Breath) Creatures subjected to this icy breath may find themselves trapped and unable to move, creatures who fail their saving throw are partially encased in ice and are considered restrained until the end of your next turn.

Immolating Breath (Fire Breath) Creatures who fail their save against this attack are set on fire, these creatures take an additional 1d10 fire damage at the start of their turn for 3 rounds or until they use an action to extinguish the flames.

Shocking Breath (Lightning Breath) Creatures who fail their saving throw against this breath attack are incapacitated until the end of their next turn as lightning convulses through their bodies.

Noxious Breath (Poison Breath) Creatures who fail their saving throw breathe in the noxious fumes of the poison breath and are considered poisoned for 1 minute.

Draconic Ascension

Furies who have mastered the Draconic ways can ascend to Dragonhood for a limited time. At 18th level as an action you can undergo a Draconic Transformation which grants the following effects:

  • You Sprout Dragon wings, granting you a flight speed of 40ft.
  • You may use your Breath Weapon as a Bonus action.
  • Your Breath Weapon Recharges on a roll of 3 or higher.
  • Your Breath Weapon radius increases to either a 15ft by 60ft line or a 50ft cone, depending on your chosen type.
  • You gain one use of Legendary Resistance, allowing you to automatically succeed on one saving throw when activated.
  • You gain Wing Attack: As an action you beat your wings with full force,all creatures within 15ft of you must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failed saving throw creatures take 2d6+10 Bludgening Damage and are knocked prone. Creatures who succeed on this saving throw take half as much damage. You may use this ability once during the transformation.

This transformation lasts 1 minute and a long rest must be taken before this ability can be used again.

Wrath of the Cloudguard

The Cloudguard order was initially founded to be the first line of defence for the skies of the material plane. Cloudguards are masters of skirmishing, able to deftly evade their foes whilst retorting with pinpoint ranged strikes. The most powerful Cloudguards can call their ancestral brethren and even the winds themselves to their aid. The teachings of the Cloudguard grant an affinity for the air and unmatched mobility.


You are ever watchful and always prepared for battle. At 3rd level you gain proficiency with the Perception skill. During a short or long rest you can create up to 5 javelins or 20 arrows or bolts. You must have the materials available to do so, this can include wood, metal or bone.


At 3rd level you can apply the damage bonus from the Jump feature to any ranged or thrown weapon attacks.


You learn to deftly weave away from potential attacks. At 3rd level when a hostile creature moves within 5ft of you, you may as a reaction move up to your long jump distance in any direction. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Piercing Talon

Beginning at 6th level, when you make a successful ranged attack following the use of the Jump feature, your strike continues through the target. If there are any hostile creatures in a 15ft line behind the initial target of the attack, you may apply the damage from the attack if the same attack roll would successfully hit the targets behind the initial target. Once the attack fails to hit a creature, the attack stops continuing in the line. The damage bonus from Jump may only be applied to the initial target.


Starting at 10th level, if you make more than one successful attack against the same target during a single attack action, that target must make a Strength saving throw, the DC of which is equal to (8+Prof Mod +Str or Dex Mod). If the target fails the saving throw they are restrained until the end of their next turn, or until they use an action to end the condition. When the condition is ended the target takes piercing damage equal to your Strength or Dexterity Modifier and your Proficiency modifier.

Ring of Thorns

Beginning at 15th level, you call upon the spirits of the Cloudguard to rain a volley on your foes. You may use an action to cast the spell Conjure Volley, which deals force damage when used with this feature. The DC of this ability is equal to (8+Prof Mod +Str or Dex Mod). After using this ability it cannot be used again until after a long rest.


At 18th level the winds hear your call and come to your aid. Following the use of the Jump feature, you gain a flight speed equal to your move speed until the end of the turn. While flying you can move through enemies and you leave a wall of wind behind you as you move. The wall of wind functions as if created by the Wind Wall spell. These walls of wind dissipate after 1 min or you command them to as a bonus action.The DC of this ability is equal to (8+Prof Mod +Str or Dex Mod). While you have any Wind Walls active, you gain the Hover ability.

Wrath of the Fangbreaker

Fangbreakers are front line warriors whose powerful strikes seem to blend together in lightning quick displays of martial talent . Fangbreakers live to be at the forefront of battle, reinforcing broken formations and holding their line until the end. Through the decline of the Dragoon orders, the legendary stubbornness of the Fangbreakers has ensured they would accept death before surrender.

Natural Athlete

At 3rd level you gain proficiency with the Athletics skill, if you already have this proficiency you gain proficiency with another skill of your choice from the Dragoon skill list.

Combination Strikes

Beginning at 3rd level you have a Combo Score which begins at 0 when you roll initiative. Each time you make a successful attack roll, your Combo Score increases by 1. If you miss an attack roll, fail to deal damage on your turn or use a Combination Strike, your Combo Score reverts to 0. If you meet the prerequisite Combo Score you may use a Combination Strike from the list below in place of an attack when you take the attack action. You may only use this ability once per turn. Your maximum Combo Score begins at 1, and increases to 2 at level 6 and 3 at level 10. The DC for your combination strikes is equal to (8+Str Mod+Prof Mod).

Full Thrust (Requires Combo Score of 1)
You make a melee weapon attack, if successful the add 1d4 to the damage roll. Target must then make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save you may then to choose to push the target up to 10ft away from you.

Doom Spike (Requires Combo Score of 1)
You make a melee weapon attack, if successful the strike impales the target and can strike a single enemy behind the target. If your attack roll would hit a second target behind the initial, you may roll your weapon damage against the second target.
Fang and Claw (Requires Combo Score of 2)
You make a melee weapon attack, if successful you may make another attack as apart of the same action. The damage roll for this second attack is 1d4 + your Strength modifier.

Sonic Thrust (Requires Combo Score of 2)
You make a melee attack against a target, if successful you create a sonic boom which extends in 5ft by 20ft line from behind the target. Hostile creatures in this line must make a Dexterity Saving throw, taking 1d8 thunder damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful save.
Raiden Thrust (Requires Combo Score of 3)
You make a melee weapon attack. If successful the attack deals an additional 2d10 lightning damage. The target must then make a Strength saving throw, on a failed save the target is stunned until the beginning of your next turn.

Coerthan Torment (Requires Combo Score of 3)
You make a melee attack against a target, if successful a cone of spiritual lances erupt from the target. A 30ft cone extends from the target. Hostile creatures in this cone must make a Dexterity Saving throw, taking 2d8 force damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful save.

Keen Flurry

Starting a 6th level, you lash and wheel at attackers. When a creature makes a melee attack roll against you, you may as a reaction add 1d6 to your AC against the attack. If this causes the attack to miss, melee attack rolls are made with disadvantage against you until the start of your next turn. You may use this ability twice before requiring a short rest.

Wheeling Thrust

Beginning at 10th level, if a hostile creature misses an attack roll against you as a result of Keen Flurry, you may make a single attack against them as apart of the same reaction. This attack cannot be a Combination Strike.

True North

Starting at 15th level may activate this ability when taking the attack action on your turn. When you activate this ability your Combo Score immediatley becomes 3 and remains at 3 until the end of the turn. You may also use Combination Strikes an unlimited amount of times per turn. You may only use each different Combination strike once during the attack action. Once you have used this ability you require a short rest before it can be used again.

Last Berserk

Beginning at 18th level, you learn to press the advantage even in the face of death. When your hit points are reduced to 0, you can instead choose to drop to 1 hit point. You then gain temporary hit points equal to half your maximum hit points. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute, whilst the temporary hit points remain you are can take actions as if you were under the effects of the True North ability. When the temporary hit points are lost if you have not gained any other hit points through other means you fall unconscious. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Dragoon Multiclassing

Should you wish to multiclass into a Dragoon, the prerequisites and proficiencies gained are listed below.

Dragoon Multiclassing Prerequisites

Ability Score Minimum

Strength 13

Dragoon Multiclassing Proficiencies

Proficiencies Gained

Light armour, Medium armour, shields, simple weapons,

Glaives, Halberds, Lances, Pikes and Tridents.

Dragoon Class Credits

Created /u/Brewtality94

Artist Credits

"Kain Highwind"- By Square Enix (Final Fantasy 4) (Tetsuya Nomura) - https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/1/19/Kain_%28Dissidia_012%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20101120100910

"Dravnia" - By Square Enix (Final Fantasy 14) (Artist Not Located) - https://images3.alphacoders.com/551/551766.jpg

"Dark Souls Spears" - By From Software (Makoto Sato) - Accessed From: https://file.namu.moe/file/f1a866c9caa774eb70bdb3116d6f812c2803df4acecf9144a8979f3ca0e9fc3c, https://ya-webdesign.com/images/flaming-spear-png.png, https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/darksouls/images/1/13/Halberd_%28DSIII%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160613012752

"Dragoon" - By Yu Cheng Hong-https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Ovkrv

"Dragonslayer Pantheon" - By Riot Games (Alex Flores) - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/aGQqL

"Dragonslayer Ornstein" - By From Software (Artist Not located) -Accessed from: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/72/21/3a/72213acaaed7172495269a8188ca7673.png


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