#### Item List
|Level Required|Item Name|Effect|Action Type|
|2nd | Potion | Heals user by 2d4 | Bonus Action
|2nd | Dash Juice | Grants user 10ft of movement for the next minute | Bonus Action
|2nd | Sonic Bomb | Can be thrown up to 30ft where it explodes dealing 1d4 thunder damage to anything within 10ft of it | Bonus Action
|2nd | Nullberry | Roll a d6 when consumed, on a 5-6 you are cured of all natural disease and poison | Action
|2nd | Whetstone | Use this on a weapon to deal +1 damage for the next 3 attacks it hits | Action
|2nd | Might Seed | Grants advantage on Strength checks for 1 minute | Bonus Action
|2nd | Adamant Seed | Grants advantage on Constitution saving throws for 1 minute | Bonus Action
|2nd | Smoke Bomb | After use it expands a smoky haze over 120ft of space at a rate of 30ft/ round. This are is lightly obscured. | Action
|5th | Lifepowder | Restore 1d6 HP to yourself and all allies within 30ft | Action
|5th | Poison Smoke Bombs | Has the same effect as a Smoke Bomb but the area covered in smoke inflicts a Constitution save that on a fail poisons a creature. The creature may repeat it's save at the end of each of it's turns ending the effect on a success. When it succeeds it becomes immune to this poison for 24 hours. | Action
|5th | Flash Bomb | Can be thrown up to 30ft where it explodes inflicting a Constitution saving throw on all creatures that can see it within 10ft. On a failed save a creature becomes blinded until the end of it's next turn. | Action
|5th | Shock Trap | You place a small iron knob on the ground. When a creature moves within 5ft of it they must make a Constitution save or be paralyzed until the end of their next turn. If the make this save they become immune to other Shock Traps for 1 minute. | Action
|9th | Max Potion | Grants the user 15 temporary hit points | Action
|9th | Mega Demondrug | You gain a +2 bonus to weapon attack rolls and advantage on Strength saving throw for 1 minute or until you do not attack a creature or take damage for 1 round. | Bonus Action
|9th | Mega Armorskin | You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage until you take no damage for 1 round. | Bonus Action
|9th | Hunter's Drink | Boosts you Strength, Dexterity or Constitution by 1 for 1 minute (does not stack and taking more than one of these at once gives you vulnerability to force damage) | Bonus Action
|9th | Gillie Mantle | Grants you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for 1 minute or until you take damage | Action
|9th | Glider Mantle | When you are airborne you may choose to fall at a rate of 5ft per round and gain a 25ft gliding speed for 1 minute | Action
|Level Required|Item Name|Effect|Action Type|
|14th |Fireproof Mantle | This mantle has 30pts of HP that only take fire damage. When it runs out of hp or 1 minute passes the mantle becomes useless | Action
|14th | Waterproof Mantle | This mantle has 30pts of HP that only take cold damage. When it runs out of hp or 1 minute passes the mantle becomes useless | Action
|14th | Thunderproof Mantle | This mantle has 30pts of HP that only take lightning damage. When it runs out of hp or 1 minute passes the mantle becomes useless | Action
|14th | Draconic Mantle | This mantle grants a +3 bonus to saving throws made against dragons for 1 minute | Action
|14th | Rocksteay Mantle | This mantle renders you immune to knockback and the prone condition but gives disadvantage on Dexterity based checks and saves for 1 minute | Action
|14th | Vitality Mantle | Grants 3d10 temporary hit points and lasts until it is reduced to 0hp or 1 minute passes | Action
|14th | Temporal Mantle | You automatically succeed on Dexterity saving throws and gain 2 AC until you are hit by an attack | Action
|14th | Impact Mantle | The damage bonus you add to any weapon becomes force damage for 1 minute | Action
### Armor Skills
When you pick an armor skill you gain the effect permanently. At 3rd level you may choose form the Low Rank options and when you reach 15th level you choose from the High Rank options.
These skills embody the monsters you face and how you have adapted to hunt and survive like them.
High Rank options are split into two groups, Hunter Skills and Wizard Skills. Hunter skills are created after the Monster Hunter series while Wizard skills are modeled after some of the creatures you might find in the *Monster Manual* or *Volo's Guide to Monsters*.
#### Low Rank
| Armor Skill | Effect |
| Weakness Exploit | Whenever you deal damage to a creature that is weak to the damage you deal they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be unable to take reactions until the start of their next turn
| KO King | When you land a critical hit with bludgeoning damage you may decrease AC granted by your target's armor or shield by 1d6 until the end of your next turn
| Recovery Up | Whenever you receive healing, the healer cannot heal less than half the possible maximum for the healing (on the die) on you
| Vitality | You maximum hit points increase by half you Ace Hunter level (rounded down)
| Wide Range | Whenever you drink a potion (Hunter's Item) all allies within 15ft are gain 3 temporary hit points
| Artillery | Grants a +1 bonus to damage rolls with ranged weapons
| Heavy Artillery | You gain proficiency in using all siege equipment and may add your proficiency bonus to damage dealt by siege equipment
| Attack Up | Grants a +1 bonus to damage rolls with melee wepaons
| Critical God | You land a critical hit on a 19 or 20 with weapon attacks
| Airborne | You may reduce fall damage taken by your three times your Ace Hunter level
| Focus | You have advantage on saving throws made to keep concentration
| Speed Eating | All non-mantle consumable items now take a Bonus Action to use if they do not already
| Challenger | When your attack causes a creature to reach half it's hit point maximum, the next attack you make against that creature within 1 round has advantage
| Aquatic Expert | You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed
| Cliffhanger | You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb
| Constitution | You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws made against exhaustion
| Armor Skill | Effect |
| Defense Up | Your natural AC increases by 1
| Divine Blessing | When someone lands a critical hit against you, roll a d6. If you roll a 6 count that attack as a hit but not as a critical hit
| Earplugs | You have advantage on saving throws made against being deafened
| Fortify | You have advantage on death saving throws
| Heroics | When you take more than 40 damage in a single round you may grant yourself advantage on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you make until the end of your next turn
| Intimidator | You have advantage on intimidation checks
| Latent Power | At the start of each of your turns roll a d6. If you roll a 6 your passive perception increases by 5 and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn.
| Marathon Runner | You gain an extra 3 dashes during a chase before you must make saving throws against exhaustion
| Peak Performance | While you are at full hit points you have advantage on saving throws made against conditions
| Quick Sheath/ Draw | You can draw or sheath one extra weapon as a free action on your turn
| Recovery Speed | Whenever you take damage, recover 1hp at the start of your next turn
| Resentment | When you take more than 30 damage in one round your next attack before the end of your next turn has advantage
| Special Ammo Boost | Increase the number of coating (or ammo cost) that you can prepare on a long rest
| Sneak | While in dim light or darkness you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks
#### High Rank (Hunter)
| Armor Skill | Effect |
| Anjanath Will | You have advantage on saving throws made against exhaustion
| Bazeulgeuse Protection | If you are half your hit point maximum and are reduced to 0hp in a single hit you remain at 1hp instead once per short rest
| Diablos Power | When you deal bludgeoning damage increase damage dealt by half your proficiency bonus
| Kushala Daora Flight | You immune to the effects of strong winds
| Nergigante Hunger | When you land 5 weapon attacks on a creature within 1 minute, restore 1d6 hp. This is usable once each minute.
| Odogaron Power | The first attack you make each combat lands a critical hit on an 18-20
| Armor Skill | Effect |
| Rathian Mastery | When you land a critical hit with a weapon attack increase damage dealt by 1d6 poison damage
| Rathalos Mastery | You gain resistance to fire damage
| Uragaan Protection | When a spell has you make a Dexterity or Strength saving throw and you roll is lower than you AC you may use your AC instead
| Teostra Technique | Whenever you land a critical hit your next weapon attack counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunities
| Vaal Hazak Vitality | Whenever you take more than 30 damage in a round you restores 1d6 + your Constitution modifier as hp at the start of your next turn.
| Xenojiva Divinity | Whenever you land a critical hit, add 1d8 radiant damage to damage dealt
| Xorah Magdaros Mastery | Increase your natural AC by 3
| Soul of the Dragoon | Increase weapon damage dealt while airborne by 1d4 of the weapon's damage type
| Lunastra Favor | You gain +2 on rolls to hit creatures that are wearing armor
| Deviljho Hunger | Your constitution ability score cap increases to 22 but you now require twice as much food to survive
| Valstax Power | Double you high and long jump distance. This applies to insect glaive vaults as well.
| Glavenous Mastery | When you deal slashing damage and roll a 1 or a 2 on the damage die you may reroll it but must use the new roll.
| Gammoth Protection | You are immune to the effects of extreme cold and may increase your maximum hit points by half your level (rounded down)
| Raizex Power | You gain resistance to lightning damage
| Mizutsue Elegance | Getting up from being knocked prone only costs 5ft of movement and you are immune to the effects of slippery terrain
| Tigrex Brutality | While you have no levels of exhaustion you gain advantage on survival, nature, and perception checks
| Zinogre Dominance | You gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and when you complete a short rest and have a level of exhaustion you may make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, on a success getting rid of that level of exhaustion
| Lagiacrus Power | While underwater you have resistance to cold and lightning damage
| Gore Magala Torment | You are immune to disease and gain 10ft blindsight
| Seregios Steel | You need half as much food water to survive and you are resistant to thunder damage
| Gogmazios Power | You gain resistance to bludgeoning damage
| Chameleos Resistance | You are immune to poisons that you ingest and are resistant to poison damage
| Hazewing Soul | You are immune to confusion effects from spells and you have advantage on stealth checks
| Crytalbeard Luck | You may choose to grant yourself advantage on one ability check or saving throw but must declare this before you roll. You must finish a long rest before doing this again
| Redhelm Flare | Your unnarmed strikes gain +1 to damage and while unarmed you gain +1 to your armor class
| Snowbaron Soul | You are resistant to the effects of extreme cold and when you take the dash action and move in a straight line you may increase the distance traveled by 20ft
| Stonefist Protection | While under the effects of a condition you gain 10ft of movement and have advantage on Dexterity saving throws
| Drilltusk Soul | You require half as much food to survive and grant +1 AC to shields you wield
| Silverwind Soul | You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, additionally when an effect has you make a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage you take no damage on a successful save and half damage on a failed save.
| Deadeye Glare | You can see for 60ft in the dark, even in magical darkness
| Shredclaw Razor | Your piercing damage from melee weapons ignores resistances and you gain +1 to AC while wearing armor
| Bloodbath Frenzy | When you roll a 1 on a weapon attack, rolla d6. If you roll a 6 on the die then your attack rolls instead counts as a 12 on the die. If you have less than half your maximum hit points then roll the d6 with advantage
| Fatalis Legend | When you critically fail on a death saving throw, take two successes instead
#### High Rank (Wizard)
| Armor Skill | Effect |
| Abolethic Blood | You have advantage on saving throws made against being charmed
| Angelic Blessing | When you land a critical hit with a weapon attack, increase the damage dealt by 1d8 radiant damage
| Banshee's Echo | Your shouts can be heard clearly for 1 mile
| Basilisk Protection | You have advantage on saving throws made against being petrified
| Bahir's Hate | You gain resistance to elemental damage dealt by drgons
| Beholder's Narrow Sight | You have advantage on saving throws made against beholder's eye rays
| Armor Skill | Effect |
| Blighted Magic | You can speak with trees as if you had use the *Speak with Plants* spell
| Bugbear Heart | You have advantage on saving throws made against being paralyzed or put to sleep
| Bullete Launch | You may double your high and long jump distances
| Cambion Charm | You gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion and Deception) checks made against some who sees you as their sexual orientation
| Centaur's Pride | You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened
| Chimera's Confusion | You can now understand draconic if you could not already
| Cyclops Perception | You have advantage on Intelligence (investigation) checks but disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
| Death Knight Rank | You have resistance to effects that would turn undead
| Demonic Rage | You gain resistance to necrotic damage
| Devilish Cunning | You have advantage on Intelligence saving throws
| Draconic Might | Your carrying capacity doubles and you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks
| Elemental Wrath | You gain resistance to Fire, Poison, Slashing or Cold damage
| Godly Blessing | You have advantage on checks made against insanity
| Ghostly Gaze | You can see ethereal creatures within 30ft of you
| Giant Strength | Your Strength score increases by 2 up to a maximum of 20
| Gnoll's Drive | When you kill a creature you gain 15ft of movement until the end of your next turn (does not stack)
| Hag's Evil Tricks | You can see through a hag's Illusory Appearance
| Hydra Survivability | When you fail your third death saving throw you may roll a d20. If you roll above a 15 you become stable instead of dying
| Kraken's Knowledge | You become resistant to lightning damage
| Lich's Dark Secret | Your weapon attacks can destroy a Lich's phylactery
| Lycanthrope Bane | Your weapon attacks bypass the immunities of Lycanthropes
| Seafolk's Dive | You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed
| Mind Flayer Resistance | All saving throws you make against *mind flayers* gain a +3 bonus to them
| Minotaur's Maze | You can recall any path you have traveled perfectly
| | |
| Orc Violence | You may take the dash action as a bonus action while there are hostile creature within sight
| Pegasus's Wings | You may reduce any fall damage taken by three times your Hunter level
| Revenent's Purpose | You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened
| Undead Life | When you roll a 1 on a death saving throw you may count it as a success
| Slaadi Stone | You have advantage on saving throws made against spell effects
| Sphinx Manipulation | You cannot be magically aged or magically rendered younger than you are
| Seductive Charm | You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks and advantage on saving throws made against being charmed
| Wold Eater | When you die, you return to life in the nearest unoccupied space having had a long rest in 5d100 years.
| Troll's Limbs | If you lose either of your arms or your legs you can use an Action while holding the limb to reattach it
| Unicorn Purity | You are immune to the *Hex*, *Bane*, and *Bestow Curse* spells and disease
| Vampire's Blood | You can regain 1d6 hit points by biting someone for 1d4 + your Strength modifier damage
| Yeti's Might | You are immune to the effects of extreme cold and you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb
| Yuan-Ti Trickery | You are immune to poison that you ingest and resistant to poison damage
| Allip's Secret | You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks and Wisdom (Insight) checks
| Astral Dreadnought's Eye | You have advantage on saving throws made against magical effects if you can see the caster
| Balhannoth's Illusion | You have advantage on checks made to see through illusions
| Machine's Life | You require half as much food and water to survive and gain a +2 bonus to saving throws made against exhaustion
| Deathlock Pact | You gain immunity to damage from the *Geas* spell
| Lolth's Favor | You gain 120ft darkvision and have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb
| Duergar Magic | You have advantage on saving throws made against being charmed or paralyzed
| Eladrin Blessing | In spring you gain immunity to being charmed, in summer you gain resistance to extreme heat, in fall you have resistance to necrotic damage and in the winter you have resistance to extreme cold
| Armor Skill | Effect |
| Giff Military | You have advantage on the Strength check you make during a shove action
| Gith Terror | You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and against a *mind flayer's* mind blast
| Howling Adaption | You have advantage on saving throws made against being deafened
| Kruthic Instints | While you are not moving you gain 30ft tremorsense
| Nightwalker's Shadow | You gain resistance to necrotic damage
| Oblex Diet | You thoughts cannot be read unless you let them be
| Frost Salamander Resistance | You gain resistance to cold damage and have advantage on the saving throw for extreme cold
| Shadar-Kai Loyalty | Charisma (Insight) checks made against you have disadvantage and you have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks
| Sorrow's Feeling | Your flaw is amplified in a way determined by your DM and you are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage while in dim light or darkness
| Star Spawn Legends | You have advantage on Charisma (Deception and Intimidation) checks
| Totle Defenses | You natural armor increases by 3
| Hydroloth Sleight | You have advantage on saving throws made against losing your memory
| Merrenoloth Power | You have advantage on all saving throws while in the River Styx
| Banderhobb Stomach Acid | If you swallow a creature that is incapacitated, it becomes stable
| Dodak's Servitude | You are resistant to effects that turn undead
| Dark Crow's Betrayal | You gain 10ft of blindsight
| Grung Toxins | You are immune to the bodily poisons of *grung*
| Kobolt Fellowship | You Strength ability score decreases by 2 and your Dexterity ability score increases by 2
| Morkoth Resistance | Once per long rest when you fail a saving throw against a magical effect you may choose to succeed instead
| Neothelid "Sight" | You know if a creature you touch has a higher or lower Intelligence ability score than you