ACE Hunter (5e Class based on Monster Hunter)

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ACE Hunter
ACE Hunter
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Hunter's Items
1st +2 Hunter's Weapon
2nd +2 Hunter's Items 1
3rd +2 Hunter's Weapon Feature 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1
5th +3 Extra Attack 2
6th +3 Hunter's Weapon Feature 2
7th +3 Armor Skill 2
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 2
9th +4 Hunter's Weapon (2) 3
10th +4 Hunter's Weapon Feature 3
11th +4 Wyvern Slayer 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4
13th +5 High Rank Hunter 4
14th +5 Hunter's Weapon Feature 4
15th +5 Armor Skill (2) 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5
17th +6 Elder's Bane 5
18th +6 G-Rank Hunter, Hunter's Weapon (3) 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 7
20th +6 ACE 8

Creating a Hunter

When creating a Hunter think about what you goals are, are you on a mission to kill a dangerous beast or maybe you have retired from a guild of hunters and now wander looking for a good hunt. Do you have ties to a hunter's guild? If so how? Why are you an adventurer now? What caused you to leave behind the guild? Maybe you didn't leave them behind and are still working for them?

Do you have a favored prey? Whats the story behind you weapon? Is a special or do you just roll with whatever you can get your hands on? What about where you came from, what inspired you to become a hunter? Was you village attacked by monsters or did you simply think it seemed fun? Was there maybe a role model you looked up to that was a hunter?

Quick Build

You can make an ACE Hunter quickly by following these suggestion, first make Constitution your highest score and make Strength or Dexterity your next highest. Second, choose the outlander background.

Class Features

As a Hunter, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Hunter level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 7) + your constitution modfier per Hunter level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, Medium armor, Heavy armor, Shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, Hunter's Weapons
  • Tools: Carving Knife, Fishing, Herbology Kit

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) One Hunter's Weapon
  • (a) Leather armor or (b) Ring Mail
  • (a) Hunter's Pack or (b) an Explorer's Pack
  • A trophy from a monster you have slain

Hunter's Weapons

As a hunter the only thing you need is a weapon to fight with. Be it the fast dual blades or the sniper's favrotie, heavy bowgun you will learn to perfect your weapon of choice and use it to your advantage in battle. You may choose a weapon from the Hunter's Weapons section detailed at the end of the class description. When you reach 9th level and again at 18th level, you may choose another option from the listed weapons.

Hunter's Items

At 2nd level a hunter must always be prepared and you are no exception. As part of a long rest you may craft a number of Hunter's Items equal as shown in the Hunter's Items column on the Class table.

It is possible to craft additional items using materials you find or scavenge, the materials are listed under each item. The items are listed after the Hunter's Weapons description.

Ability Score Improvement

When your reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability score of your choice by 1. As normal you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice instead of once whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Armor Skills

When you have reached 7th level your training and experience has brought you to a new conclusion, fight like the monsters you slay and adapt as they have to the wild. You gain one Armor Skill from the list shown after Hunter's Items under the 7th level section.

At 15th level you may choose one additional option from the 15th level options.

Wyvern Slayer

At 11th level you can embrace your nature as a slayer of monstrosities. Whenever you land a weapon attack with a weapon you are proficient in on a creature of monstrosity heritage you deal an additional 2d6 of that weapon's damage type.

High Rank Hunter

When you reach 13th level you are ready to take on new challenges and old ones do not phase you. You have resistance to non-magical damage from creatures that have a CR of 3 or less.

When you reach 18th level the CR for damage resistances becomes 5.

Elder's Bane

At 17th level you step up to the level of a dragon, you gain resistance to damage dealt to you by dragons.

You are also immune to the Fear Aura of dragons and while a dragon that is hostile towards you can be seen by you you become immune to the charmed condition (does not apply to previously inflicted charms that are still in effect).

G-Rank Hunter

You are the apex predator at 18th level. Nothing can stop you. You have advantage on all survival checks and may double your proficiency bonus when using your carving knife.

You may now prepare one Hunter's Item as part of a short rest.


At 20th level you are greater than dragons and any other foe who dares stand in your path. One Hunter's Weapon type that you have access to gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with it.

Additionally you may increase weapon damage dealt against draconic creatures by 2d6 of your weapon's type.

NOTE: The Hunter's Weapons listed here are all based on the ones from Monster Hunter with inspiration coming from MH3u, MH4u, MHGu and MHW. If you would rather take a slightly more simple (but no more weak) approach that would allow the weapons to fit seamlessly into D&D, please check out the chart below under Hunter's Weapons. To take this approach you simply only allow interchangeable weapons and therefore need to make no accommodations for the Monster Hunter items or lore.

Please also note, the weapons granted to you by the Hunter's Weapon features are just that, weapons. While you have one of these weapons you may use it's features but when you wield a Hunter's Weapon that you have not taken as part of this class, you do not gain proficiency in it and cannot use any of it's features past 1st level.

Hunter's Weapons

A hunter's only true need is his weapon. There are 14 different weapon types and each has it's own unique play-style and features, each are detailed below.

When you choose a weapon type the abilities granted by it are only available while you wield that weapon of a weapon similar as the chart below shows, some weapons are interchangeable with the more common D&D ones.

Weapon Name Common Weapon
Great Sword Greatsword
Long Sword 2 Handed Longsword
Sword and Shield Shortsword + Shield
Dual Blades Two Daggers
Hammer 2 Handed Warhammer
Hunting Horn N/A
Lance Lance + Shield (will have to nerf lance damage)
Gunlance N/A
Switch Axe N/A
Charge Blade N/A
Insect Glaive N/A (maybe a Quarterstaff)
Light Bowgun Light Crossbow
Heavy Bowgun Heavy Crossbow
Bow Long Bow

When you take another weapon at higher levels the abilities you would gain from then are gained retroactively and can be used with any weapon of that type, not just with the one you receive from this class.

Great Sword

The Great Sword is one of power, the devastating blows it delivers are far above your average weapon attacks. With this weapon in hand you won't attack much, but when you do the strikes you deliver will matter more than any other.

The great sword specialized in charge attacks, these attacks are charged up by focusing on them and when unleashed can deal incredible amount of damage. Pick this weapon for a slow but
rewarding playstyle.

Weapon Details:

Properties: Two-Handed, Heavy, 2d6 Slashing
Special: While wielding this weapon you do not land critical hits as usual on your charged attacks. Consult the number under Critical Hit after the feature description for the damage dealt by critical hits.
Drawback: The Great Sword does not benefit from extra attack
Charging: When a feature states you must charge and attack, you must maintain concentration for 1 round and then as an action on your next turn you may release the attack unless the feature states differently. Do note however that unlike normal concentration this concentration also ends automatically if you fall prone, become paralyzed or stunned or become restrained.

Charged Slash

As a bonus action on your turn you may start a charge. When you release the charge your attack deals 5d6 slashing damage instead of it's normal amount.
Critical Hit: 3d6


While you are charging an attack you may, as a reaction to being attacked, choose to end the charge (gaining no benefits from charging it) and increase your AC by 2 for this attack. After taking this reaction you are also immune to forced movement (not teleportation) until the start of your next turn.


At 3rd level your power is increasing. You gain access to these new combat maneuvers:
Perfect Dodge. Whenever you take the dodge Action on your turn, and are missed by a melee attack you may use your reaction to end the dodge action and move 10ft in any direction provoking no attacks of opportunity.
Critical Draw. You may declare to use this ability before you roll to hit. You gain a 1d12 bonus to weapon damage on this attack if it hits. Before using this feature again you must complete a long rest.

True Charged Slash

Wen you reach 6th level, after you make a Charged Slash attack you may use your bonus action to make a second one without having to wait and charge the attack. When you choose to do this you cannot take reactions until the start of your next turn.
Critical Hit: 4d6

Ground Slash

When you reach 10th level you may choose to use this feature as an action. When used, you dash up to your move speed and then may make an attack against a creature within 5ft of you dealing 6d6 slashing damage on a hit instead of the weapon's normal amount. When you do this you also inflict a Strength saving throw on any creatures in a 10ft line behind your target creature, on a failed saving throw they take 3d6 force damage or half as much on a success. When you do this you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Critical Hit: 4d6 (add 1d6 to the force damage dealt)

Great Sword Arts

At 14th level you have become a master of the Great Sword and have unleashed it's full power using your own innate skill and control. You may use each of the following abilities one per long rest.
MoonBreaker. You leap into the air as an action and swing your sword in a wide arc around you vertically. All creature within 10ft of you (vertically in a circle around you) must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save taking 10d6 slashing damage or half as much on a success. You land in an unoccupied within 15ft and provoke no attacks of opportunity when you do this.
Lion's Maw. You drive the Great Sword in a wide half circle in front of you and unleash a rabid beast within you. You next weapon attack with this weapon deals an additional 2d6 necrotic damage on a hit.
Critical Hit: 4d6 necrotic damage (added to any other critical value on abilities)
Brimstone Slash. You reach into yourself and begin to focus. You must maintain this charge for an extra round before unleashing the attack. Your body glows with flame as you do this and all creatures that start their turn or move within 5ft of you while charging this attack take 1d4 necrotic damage. While charging you are also immune to forced movement of any kind, you cannot be knocked prone or stunned and you also have resistance to all non-magical damage.

When you release this attack you may make an attack roll on a creature within 10ft of you dealing 10d6 slashing and 3d6 necrotic damage on a hit. Additionally you inflict a Strength saving throw on all creatures within 30ft of you and on a failed save they take 3d6 necrotic damage and are knocked prone, on a successful save they take half damage and are not knocked prone.
Critical Hit: 6d6 slashing and 6d6 necrotic (increase AOE damage by 2d6)

Long Sword

The Long Sword enables long sweeping strikes and a variety of techniques equipped both defensively and offensively. Not for the weak of heart you will always find yourself in the midsts of combat dancing around your foes with ease and grace.

The Long Sword specializes in keeping you safe in combat and continuing to deal large portions of damage. Pick this weapon for a offensive style that rewards itself for offense.

Weapon Details

Properties: Two-Handed, Heavy, 1d12 Slashing, Reach (change to 1d8 Slashing damage)
Special: Each attack you land builds your spirit, each time you get spirit you gain a +1 bonus to any attacks you make in the future (expiring in 30 seconds of not attacking with this weapon) up to a maximum of +3.

Foresight Slash

At 3rd level you are watching you foe's movements and predicting their actions. As a reaction when you are hit by an attack you may make a Dexterity saving throw against the attacker's roll to hit (you cannot use this unless they rolled to hit) and on a successful save you take half damage from the attack and may move 10ft in any direction provoking no attacks of opportunity. On a failed save you waste your reaction.

Spirit Roundslash

At 6th level you can build spirit much faster and can fight more than one for at once. After making two attacks with the Long Sword on your turn your next attack with it may be a Spirit Roundslash. This attack targets all creatures within 10ft of you instead of just one target (1d12 damage for creatures within 5ft as usual and 1d8 for those that are 10ft away).

You may also use this as an an action (not an attack)
without any prerequisites but cannot
do this two rounds in a row.

Spirit Thrust

At 10th level your mastery with this weapon grows ever stronger. You may, as an action move up to 10ft and then make an attack roll against a creature within range. On a hit you lose 1 level of spirit (you do not gain spirit from the preceding attack) and deal damage taking that into account. After this happens, if your attack hit you leap into the air and then slash downwards at a foe within 5ft. On a hit you deal damage equal to your current spirit level as shown below:

Spirit Stacks Damage
0 2d6
1 4d6
2 9d4

Once you use this feature you cannot do so
again until you finish a short rest.

Spirit Pulse

When you reach 14th level you can unleash the true demonic might behind the Long Sword. You may use one option from the features listed below and before doing so again you must complete a short rest.
Critical Juncture. As a reaction to being attacked by a creature within 10ft you increase your AC by your wisdom modifer. If you successfully avoid getting hit you may, as part of the same reaction, make one attack with advantage against the creature dealing 5d10 slashing damage on a hit instead of your normal Long Sword damage.
Sakura Slash. As an action you take the dodge action and move backwards 5ft provoking no attacks of opportunity and roll initiative. On that initiative count you may make two Spirit Roundslash attacks, moving up to 10ft between each attack provoking no attacks of opportunity. Creatures hit take an additional 3d6 slashing damage at the end of their next turn.
Devouring Demon. As a bonus action you unleash the true demon inside your blade. At the end of each of your turns you lose 3d4 hit points unless you have a hit a creature with a Long Sword attack that turn. You Long Sword damage also increases to 3d6. This lasts for 1 minute and can be dismissed as a bonus action.

Sword and Shield

With a perfect balance of offense, defense and support the Sword and Shield is the jack of all trades weapon that can fill any role on the fly. You will excell at using not just your weapon but your Hunter's Items as well in the quick of battle.

The Sword and Shield is the easiest weapon to pick up but do not mistake this for a lack of power. Pick this weapon for a versatile playstyle where you can adapt on the fly.

Weapon Details

Properties(Sword): Light, Finesse, 1d6 Slashing Properties(Shield) AC + 2, 1d4 Bludgeoning

Quick Use

With the Sword and Shield drawn you can use a Hunter's Item as a Bonus Action once per turn.

Advancing Slash

At 3rd level whenever you do not use your Action to attack, you may make one weapon attack as a Bonus Action (does not trigger extra attack).

Additionally you may take the disengage Action as a Bonus Action.

Blade Oils

When you reach 6th level you have learned to craft oils to coat your blade in. The oils are shown on the Blade Oils table along with their effects. You may apply an oil as a Bonus Action or an Action on your turn. Once you apply an oil you cannot apply another one until you wash your blade or wipe it clean (Action). You may only apply each oil once per long rest. The oil, once applied lasts for 1 minute.

You can prepare a number of oils equal to half you maximum Hunter's Items (rounded down) when you finish a long rest. You cannot prepare more than 1 of the same oil at a time.

Blade Oil Effect
Exhaust Your Shield damage increases to 1d10 and your damage bonus for Sword attacks becomes Bludgeoning damage
Destroyer Add 1d4 weapon damage to damage dealt
Affinity You land a critical hit with your Sword on a 19 or 20
Mind's Eye You gain +2 to rolls to hit with your Sword
Poison You deal an extra 1d4 poison damage on your Sword attacks
Toxin When you hit with your Sword you inflict a Constitution saving throw which on a fail, poisons your target. They may repeat the save at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success
Shred You may increase you damage dealt when you land a critical hit by one die
Element You prepare the oil as fire, lightning or cold and may add 1d4 damage of that type to all attacks you make with your Sword

Sword and Shield Mastery

At 10th level your skill with the Sword and Shield is growing and you are almost at your peak.
Shoryugeki. When you land a critical hit with your Sword you may make an extra attack as if you had another extra attack but you must use your Shield to attack.
Round Force. You spin unleashing all the power in your muscles through your blade. This attack targets all creatures within 5ft of you and when you use this you have advantage on saving throws you make until the start of your next turn. After using this feature you must finish a short rest before doing so again.
Retreating Strike. Whenever you provoke an attack of opportunity you may use your reaction to attack your foe with a weapon attack simultaneously.

Chaos Oil

At 14th level you have mastered the Sword and Shield and you must master it's greatest versatility, oils. You may now, as an action apply all oils you have prepared at once (you may exclude any oils you do not want applied). This bypasses the rule that oils cannot overlap.

When you apply more than one oil at once in this way you also may roll a d6 on the table below for an additional effect:

D6 Effect
1 Your next attack restores 1d10hp to you on a hit
2 You next attack deals extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus
3 Your next attack deals an extra 2d4 necrotic damage on a hit
4 You next attack gain +1 to hit and damage
5 Your next attack has advantage
6 You gain AC +1 until the start of your turn

Dual Blades

This swift pair of blades bring out your true demon and although they wont hit too hard, boy will they hit a lot. With these in your hand you abandon reason and plunge into the blood of battle.

The Dual Blades leave safety behind and focus on pure offensive power. Pick them for a very fast paced playstyle that can rack up damage in the long run.

Weapon Details

Properties(Both Blades): Light, Finesse, 1d4 Slashing

Demon Mode

As a bonus action you embrace only offense and dive headfirst at your foes. You must maintain concentration to keep this active but when you do, the reward is well worth it, you gain the following benefits in Demon Mode:

  • +10ft of walking speed
  • Your attacks deal an extra 1d4 Slashing damage
  • You gain +1 to hit

You may activate Demon Mode a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all spent uses when you finish a long rest.

Wolf's Maw

When you reach 3rd level the power of Demon Mode is not enough. You now gain access to Wolf's Maw. With this active you gain the following benefits:

  • +10ft of walking speed
  • Your attacks deal an extra 1d4 necrotic damage
  • You have advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks
  • You cannot gain levels of exhaustion

After using Wolf's Maw you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. After activation it lasts for 30 seconds.


At 6th level you are starting to unlock the power of these weapons. You gain access to the following features:
Guarded Dash. You may take the dash Action as a Bonus Action, when you do this you gain 4 AC against opportunity attacks provoked by this movement.
Aerial Slam. As an action you leap into the air and come crashing down on a creature within 5ft of you. Make 2 weapon attacks against that creature that on a hit, deal an additional 1d8 force damage. If both hits land the target must make a Strength saving throw, on a failed save being knocked prone.
Blood Wind. You may use a free Action on your turn to grant yourself another Action that turn. Once you do this you cannot do so again until you finish a short rest and you can only do this while in Demon Mode or Wolf's Maw.

Demon Frenzy

When you reach 10th level you embrace the demon inside you and are one with it. Demon Mode now grants you temporary Extra Attack. Wolf's Maw's bonus necrotic damage changes to be a d8 damage.

Adept Counterattack

At 14th level you cannot think of anything but shredding your foes, when you take damage you may use your reaction to move 5ft provoking no attacks of opportunity and make one weapon attack on a creature within range after moving.


With no need for precision the wielder of such a weapon needs only his brute strength. The Hammer, in the hands of a capable fighter can win the fight through sheer brute violence.

With this weapon you can stun your foes and send them flying. Pick this weapon for a heavy hitting, fight controlling playstyle.

Weapon Details

Properties Two-Handed, Heavy, 1d10 Bludgeoning

Power Charge

As a bonus action you may focus your power through only your weapon, your damage die becomes a d12 and you gain +3 to damage to all attacks you make until the start of your next turn with the hammer but you have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn.

Spinning Side Smash

Starting at 3rd level when you land a weapon attack you may inflict a Constitution saving throw on your target. On a failed save the target is stunned until the end of your next turn. The table below shows the amount of times it can be used before you must finish a long rest (recovers all uses) or a short rest (recover the amount shown below on the table).

Level Uses Uses Regained on a Short Rest
3rd 2 1
4th 2 1
5th 3 1
6th 3 1
7th 3 1
8th 3 1
9th 4 2
10th 4 2
11th 4 2
12th 4 2
13th 5 3
14th 5 3
15th 5 3
16th 5 3
17th 6 3
18th 6 3
19th 6 3
20th 6 3

Roundhouse Smash

When you land an attack once per long rest you may inflict a Strength saving throw on your target if they are no more than one size larger than you. On a failed save the target is pushed back 20ft and knocked prone.

If the creature you hit is a smaller size than you are increase the distance you push them by 20ft


You may use an action to inflict a Wisdom saving throw on a creature you can see within 60ft of you. On a failed save the creature has disadvantage on all attack rolls made against creatures other than you for 1 minute or until you fall unconscious.

You may do this once per long rest but also regain your use of this immediately if you land the killing blow on a creature that is affected by your Provoke.

Impact Press

As a bonus action you ready yourself. The next four attacks you make with your hammer inflict a Constitution saving throw on all creatures within 5ft of your original target, on a failed save they take 4d6 force damage or half as much on a success. This lasts until you attack four times or for 1 minute. Once you use this you complete a long rest before doing so again.

Hunting Horn

The musical horn plays melodies that bolster it's allies and when used to attack, doesn't shy from the role. Ideally you will find yourself surrounded by both allies and enemies and you weave your songs of battle.

With it's multitude of songs you will have an answer to every problem. Pick this weapon for a more support oriented style that thrives in chaos.

Weapon Details

Properties: Two-Handed, Heavy, 1d10 Bludgeoning


The core of this weapon are the songs you play. You can play a song as an action or you can play a song as a bonus action but only after taking the attack action on your turn. The table below shows all the songs you have available to you by level.

Level Name Range Effect Duration
1st Boost Self You gain 10ft of movement 1 Minute
1st Offense 30ft All allies gain +2 to damage rolls Until the start of your next turn
1st Defense 30ft All allies reduce damage taken by 3 Until the start of your next turn
1st Healing 30ft 1 Creature regains 1d8 + your proficiency bonus as HP Instantaneous
3rd Support 30ft 1 Creature gains a d4 to add to an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw at any point within the duration (not stackable) 10 Minutes
3rd Negate Poison 30ft 1 Creature recovers from the poisoned condition Instantaneous
6th Negate Magic 30ft 1 Creature has advantage on saving throws made against magic Until the start of your next turn
6th Dispel Magic 30ft You cast the Dispel Magic spell Instantaneous
10th Speed 30ft 1 Creature may use it's reaction to move up to it's speed provoking no attacks of opportunity Instantaneous
10th Soothe 30ft 1 Creature has the Frightened or Charmed condition removed from it Instantaneous
14th Double Song 30ft Play two of the songs above on the same target as one song See Above

Sonic Smash

Starting at 3rd level you may blast your horn to let out a wave of sonic power in a 15ft radius around yourself. All creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 4d6 thunder damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful save.

The damage increases to 5d6 at 6th level and to 6d6 at 10th and 7d6 at 14th.

You may use this ability once per long rest without consequences, if you attempt to do this a second or third time you must make a Constitution save with a DC equal to 15 + the number of times you tried to use this more than you should be allowed to. On a failed save you gain a level of exhaustion.

At 6th level you may do this twice per long rest, at 10th level you may do this 3 times and you may do this five times at 14th level.


As an action you play all your songs at once on a single target. You must finish a long rest before doing this again.


When you use your action to make an attack you may use your second attack to play a song and of course, this means that you can play two songs each round.


When you roll initiative you may play one song as a free action. When you do this you gain 1d6 AC until the end of your next turn. The song you choose to play also gains an increased effect as shown below.

Song Effect
Boost Also grants you hit +1
Offense Can target 3 creatures instead of 1
Defensive Can target 3 creatures instead of 1
Healing Healing die becomes a d10
Support The support die becomes a d10
Negate Poison Can target 2 creatures instead of 1
Negate Magic Can target 2 creatures instead of 1
Dispel Magic Casts the spell at 6th level
Speed Can target 5 creatures instead of 1
Soothe Can target 3 creatures instead of 1
Double Song You play 3 songs instead of 2 but gain no benefits from the ones listed on this table.

NOTE: You can only play the healing song
a number of times per long rest equal to half
your level plus half your proficiency
bonus for balance purposes.


Ever wanted to be a wall? Ever wanted to be so hard to kill that your enemies die of old age before you are killed by them? Well sorry to disappoint but not even the lance is that good, though it still durable to a fault.

This weapon offers a skillset geared for physical defense. Pick this weapon to soak up physical damage like nobody's business.

Weapon Details

Properties(Lance): Heavy, Reach, 1d8 Piercing
Properties(Shield): Heavy, AC +3, 1d4 Bludgeoning
Drawback: With both parts of this weapon drawn you lose 10ft of movement due to their shape and weight.
Guard You may use an action to enter this stance, until you leave it your movement speed is halved but your AC increases by your Strength modifier (minimum of 1).


When you are in the guard stance and block an attack from a creature within 10ft you may use your reaction to end the guard stance and make an attack against that creature with advantage.

Shield Assault

At 3rd level when you take the dash action on your turn you may choose to raise your guard granting you +1 to AC for the duration of the dash. You also inflict one of two saves on a creature you run into during the dash. The target picks which save they have to make.

Strength: When you run into the creature they must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save they are knocked prone and you may run through their space as if it was rough terrain. On a successful save the target stops you in your tracks. Either way the target takes 2d8 weapon damage.

Dexterity: When you run into the creature they must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save they take 1d8 weapon damage and are knocked prone and you may run through their space as if it was rough terrain. On a successful save they take no damage and may move out of your way or suffer from a failed save.

Power Guard

At 10th level when you activate guard stance you may choose to activate power guard. This reduces your movement speed to 0 until the start of your next turn but you gain twice the AC you normally would from guard.

Lance God

At 14th level you are a master of your weapon and you have learned to harness it's power in new ways. You may use each of these features below once before you must finish a long rest to do so again.
Corkscrew Jab. While in Power Guard you may use your reaction to end the stance and make an attack with advantage at a creature within range. On a hit you may chance your weapon damage to 5d8 Piercing and this bypasses resistances to it's damage type.
Healing Shield. As a reaction when an attack misses you you may heal yourself by 1d12 + your constitution modifier as HP and all allies within 15ft by the same amount.
Enraged Guard. When you are hit by an attack that required an attack roll while using guard or Power Guard you may use your reaction to harness your frustration. Until the end of your next turn all attacks you make with this weapon deal an additional 2d10 force damage that ignores resistances to force damage.


With the power of a lance and a close range explosive barrel, the gunlance can defend it's wielder and blast through the defenses of it's foes.

This weapon offers a different take on the lance, a slightly more offensive take and that is exactly what you get playstyle wise.

Weapon Details

Properties(Gunlance): Heavy, 1d6 Piercing Properties(Shield): Heavy, AC + 2, 1d4 Bludgeoning
Drawback: With both parts of this weapon drawn you lose 10ft of movement due to their shape and weight.
Shelling: This mechanic is unique to the gunlance, you may, as an attack expend 1 ammunition to "shell" a foe within range. When you first take this weapon you must choose what type of shell this weapon has from the three listed below.

Normal: 1d6 fire damage, has 5 shells in a clip

Long: Reach, 1d8 fire damage, has 3 shells in a clip

Wide: 1d12 fire damage, has 2 shells in a clip

When you have no shells left in a clip you must reload which takes an attack Action to reload one shell or a full Action to reload all your shells.

Shell attacks also have +2 to hit but do not get damage bonuses from ability scores.

Full Burst

You may use all your shells at once as an action to inflict a dexterity saving throw on all creatures within range as shown on the table below.

Shell Type Range Damage (fire)
Normal 10ft radius sphere centered on a location within 5ft of you. 5d6
Long 15ft line originating within 5ft of you 3d8
Wide 15ft radius sphere centeres on location witihn 5ft of you 2d12


At 3rd level you have unlocked a hidden feature in you gunlance, the Wyrmspike. When you activate this feature as an Action a pike or iron is shoved into a creature within 5ft of you. On a hit the creature takes your shell damage. At the start of it's next turn it takes the damage again. At the start of it's third turn it takes the damage again but this time must make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of it's turn.

While the pike is in a creature that creature of a creature that can reach it can use it's action to make a DC 15 Strength check that on a success pulls the pike free ending the effect.

After using this you must preform a reload as an Action to use it again.

Quick Reload

At 6th level, when you reload 1 shell, instead reload 2. You may also use a bonus action after a Full Burst to reload all your shells (not the Wyrmspike) but doing so erases AC granted by your shield until the start of your next turn.

Wyver's Fire

As an action when you reach 10th level, you release the built up heat in your gunlance in a blast like a dragon's breath. The tabel below shows the effects depending on you shelling type.

Shell Type Range Damage
Normal 10ft Cone 10d6
Long 30ft Line 6d8
Wide 20ft Cone 4d12

Once you use this you must wait 1 minute before doing so again.

Explosive Power

At 14th level you have become a master at your craft and can wield this un-traditional weapon like no other. You gain access to the following maneuvers. Once you use each of them you must finish a long rest before using any of them again.
Blast Dash. When you unleash a Full Burst you may use this as a bonus action to launch yourself up to 60ft in a straight line provoking no attacks of opportunity. When you reach your destination you reload all your shells at once and may make one melee weapon attack that deals an extra 1d6 piercing damage on a hit.
Guarded Reload. When you reload your shells as an attack action you may choose to reload them all at once and when you do this you gain 1d6 AC until the start of your next turn.
Dragon's Breath. You may use a use of Wyvern's Fire to seal the heat into your barrel. Your shell attacks gain a damage bonus equal to your proficiency bonus for the next minute. This damage bonus is also added to Full Burst damage.

Switch Axe

The versatile weapon know to few can combine the sheer might of an axe with the finesse and speed of a sword. Harnessing the internal energy built up by axe swings the sword form is enhanced.

This weapon has a built in energy system that allows you to add elemental damage to your sword attacks and unleash it's power. Pick this weapon for an offensive and aggressive playstyle.

Weapon Details

Properties(Axe Mode): Two-Handed, Heavy, 1d8 Slashing damage
Properties(Sword Mode): Two-Handed, Heavy, 1d6 Slashing + 1d4 Internal Element damage
Morphing Weapon: This weapon morphs to become an axe or a sword at your command. The morph takes a Bonus Action to transform.
Internal Element: You may choose an internal element from one of the following when you first choose this weapon: Poison, Fire, Lightning, Cold, or Force.


This weapon has an energy meter that is depleted by 1 when you make a sword attack (even if you miss). This energy is restored by 1 when you land an attack on a creature in axe mode or is fully restored when you finish a long rest. Your maximum energy is shown on the table below.

Level Maximum Energy
3rd 3
4th 3
5th 4
6th 4
7th 5
8th 5
9th 6
10th 6
11th 7
12th 7
13th 8
14th 8
15th 9
16th 9
17th 10
18th 10
19th 10
20th 10

Fade Slash

At 3rd level when you land an attack on a creature in axe mode you may use 5ft of movement to move out of that creature's range provoking no attacks of opportunity from that creature.

Zero Sum Discharge

At 6th level your fighting style is even more wild than before. You may now activate this ability as an Action while in sword mode. You make an attack roll against a creature (expends energy as usual) that is at least one size larger than you are within range and on a hit instead of dealing damage you plunge your blade into them and grab on.

While you are holding on in this way you are considered grappled. You may, as a reaction leap off the creature ending the effect. The creature you are on may use it's action to attempt to throw you off by making an opposed Strength (athletics) check.

When you first attach to the creature you may roll 3d4 Internal Element damage and add your weapon damage bonus to the attack this uses 1 energy. On your next turn you may do the same thing as an action but roll 3d8 damage instead, this uses 2 energy. On the turn after that you inflict a constitution saving throw on the creature as your action using 3 energy, on a failed save the creature takes 5d10 Internal Element damage or half as much on a success.

When you run out of energy you must leap from the creature to a location within 10ft. You have advantage on any check or saving throw you need to make to land safely.

Amped State

At 10th level whenever you land 3 attacks in sword mode the Internal Element damage on you next sword attack within 1 minute has a d8 for it's damage die instead of a d4.

Inner Demons

At 14th level you can unleash the demon inside your soul and decimate all who stand in your way. You may use each of the following features once and regain this use of them when you finish a long rest.
Demon Riot. As a bonus action you restore your energy by 1d8 + 2. Your next attack in sword mode deals extra Internal Element damage equal to the number of points restored.
Tempest Axe. As a bonus action you imbue your axe with the rage of a storm. You gain the following benefits for 1 minute while in axe mode:

  • Extra Attack
  • Damage die changes to 2d6
  • +10ft of movement
  • Advantage on Strength saving throws

Charge Blade

The switch army knife of weapons, you can morph seamlessly from sword and shield form to axe form and back all the while keeping your guard up.

This weapon offers an playsytle that unleashes devastating attacks and switches to a defensive stance afterwards for maximum safety.

Weapon Details

Sword and Shield Mode:

Properties(Sword): 1d8 Slashing

Properties(Shield): AC + 2, 1d4 Bludgeoning
Axe Mode:

Properties(Axe): Two-Handed, Heavy, 1d10 Slashing
Morphing Weapon: This weapon morphs to become an axe or a sword and shield at your command. The morph takes a Bonus Action to transform.
Phials: The Charge Blade has 5 phials which start empty. When you hit a creature with an attack in sword and shield mode you fill 1 phial.

When you have any filled phials you may use an attack Action or a Bonus Action to seal them into your shield.

When you have sealed phials you axe attacks gain 1d4 extra Internal Element damage and use up 1 sealed phial.
Internal Element: You may choose an internal element from one of the following when you first choose this weapon: Fire, Lightning, Cold, or Force.

Amped Discharge

At 3rd level you can unleash a devastating attack using sealed phials. As an attack Action you make an axe attack that uses no phials. On a hit the attack deals 1d6 extra Internal Element damage for each phial you currently have and uses them all. If the attack misses then 1d4 +1 phials are used anyways.

Spirit Shield

When you reach 6th level you have learned of a secret art, you can infuse you shield with sealed phials. When you have sealed phials you may use a Bonus Action to infuse them into your shield granting your shield a +1 bonus to AC and granting a +2 bonus to damage with your axe attacks. This lasts for 1 hour for each phial infused.

Guard Point

At 10th level you may use your reaction when someone attacks you to switch weapon modes and simultaneously gain AC +4 for that attack. If you block the attack you switch weapon modes and if the attack still hits you you remain in your starting weapon mode.

Limit Break

At 10th level your maximum phials at a time changes from a 5 to a 10.

Unsealed Power

When you reach 14th level you can utilize the Charge Blade in new and exiting ways. You may use each of the following features once before you must finish a long rest before doing so again.
Energy Blade. As an action you expend all sealed charges and inflict a Dexterity saving throw on all creatures within range as shown on the table below.

Charges Expended Range Internal Element Damage
1 5ft line 1d6
2 10ft line 2d6
3 15ft line 3d8
4 20ft line 4d6
5 25ft line 5d6
6 30ft line 6d6
7 35ft line 7d6
8 40ft line 8d6
9 45ft line 9d6
10 50ft line 10d6

On a successful save target creatures take half damage and on a failed save they take full damage.
Ripper Shield. As an action you make 5 attack rolls against a creature within 5ft of you with your shield. On a hit you deal 1d4 +1 Slashing damage.
Healing Phials. As an action you imbue all your currently sealed phials with healing energy. When those phials are expended you deal to extra damage even if a chart or feature says you do and instead you heal yourself by 1d6 hit points per phial expended.

Insect Glaive

As your kinsect distracts your foe you fly in from the sky and take your foe down from the high ground. This weapon has been dubbed the king of the skies and rightly so.

Fighting side by side with a kinsect and using your glaive to communicate the two of you work like an oiled machine. Pick this weapon for a mix of melee and ranged combat capabilities.

Weapon Details

Properties: Two-Handed, Versatile, 1d8 Slashing
Vault: You may vault using your glaive either 20ft upwards and 5ft forwards or 5ft upwards and 25ft forwards. You take no fall damage unless you fall more than 40ft after using a vault. If you provoke an attack of opportunity in while airborne the attack has disadvantage.
Aerial Attack: When you attack with the glaive while airborne your weapon's damage die changes to a d10.
Aerial Assault: When you land an aerial attack you may launch yourself 15ft in any direction provoking no attacks of opportunity.


You have a bug that stays with you while using this glaive. While wielding the glaive you may command the kinsect to do simple tasks as a bonus action. The most useful command for combat is the following:
Attack: Your kinsect flies up to it's movement and then attacks a creature within range with it's pincer attack. On a hit it steals a nectar type. Roll a d4 to determine the nectar type.

D4 Nectar Type Effect Duration
1 Power Dmg +2 to glaive attacks 1 Minute
2 Defense AC +1 1 Minute
3 Speed +10ft of movement 1 Minute
4 Healing Restore 1d6 hit points Instantaneous

When your kinsect returns to you, you gain the effect of the nectar they extracted. A kinsect can only carry one nectar at a time.

Choose a kinsect from the two kinsect stat blocks on the next page when you first choose this weapon.

If not given a command a kinsect only defends it'self by fleeing or attacking.

Triple Boost

At 3rd level when you have Power, Defense and Speed extract your glaive's damage die becomes a d10 (d12 if airborne) and if they are not already, your attacks are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.

Mounting Attack

At 6th level while you are airborne you may make a grapple attempt against a creature that is at least one size large than yourself with advantage. On a successful grapple you mount that creature. While mounted you have advantage on all attack rolls against that creature and disadvantage on attack rolls made against any other creature.

While mounted in this way all attacks the creature makes at you hit it'self if they miss, the DM must believe it would make sense.

You may dismount as a reaction and land in a space within 15ft of the creature.

You cannot vault while mounting a creature.

Kinsect Mastery

At 10th level you are becoming more proficient at using the glaive and the kinsect together. You may use each of the following features once before you must complete a long rest before doing so again.
Extract Hunter. As an action you launch your kinsect forwards in a straight line up to twice it's movement. If it runs into a creature it stops and picks up all four nectars. It returns to you at the start of your next turn.
Bug Majeure. Whenever your kinsect lands an attack you may use one of your attack Actions to inflict a Dexterity save on the creature the kinsect just hit. On a failed save the creature takes 3d6 piercing damage or half as much on a successful save.

Kinsect Evolution

At 14th level you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws you make while airborne and if an effect has you make a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, you take no damage on a successful save or half as much on a failed save.

Additionally you may give your kinsect one of the following abilities:
Strength. Your kinsect's strength increases by 4 and it can now carry you giving you a flight speed equal to half it's maximum movement speed.
Stamina. Your kinsect's constitution increases by 4 and it is now immune to poison and disease.
Speed. Your kinsect's dexterity increases by 4 and it gains 20ft of flying movement.


Cutting Kinsect

Small, Neutral

  • Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 12 (3d6)
  • Speed 10ft, fly 40ft

8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 3 (-4) 4 (-4)

  • Senses 10ft blindsight
  • Languages None
  • Challenge 1/4 (25xp)

Flyby. The kinsect provokes no attacks of opportunity while flying


Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 +1) piercing damage

Blunt Kinsect

Small, Neutral

  • Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 16 (3d8)
  • Speed 10ft, fly 30ft

12 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 3 (-4) 4 (-4)

  • Senses 10ft blindsight
  • Languages None
  • Challenge 1/4 (25xp)

Flyby. The kinsect provokes no attacks of opportunity while flying


Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, Range 5ft, one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 +1) bludgeoning damage

Light Bowgun top right, Heavy Bowgun bottom right

Light Bowgun

The lighter of the two true ranged Hunter's Weapons. This weapon allows for great mobility and damage from a range.

Pick this weapon for a multitude of ammo types and fast attacks. This weapon offers a balanced and safe playstyle.

Weapon Details

Properties: Two-Handed, Light, Range 80/300ft, 1d4 Piercing
Versatile Ammunition: You may prepare a number of different ammunition types equal to your ammunition modifier which equals 3 + your ACE Hunter level + your proficiency bonus.

Each ammo type has a cost and that is how much is uses from your ammunition modifier.

Reloading. You have a reload value of 3. After you take that many shots you must use your action to reload your Bowgun.

Some ammo has a Reload Modifier and that modifier tells you how many shots this counts as when it is fired. For instance, if you fire an ammo type with a Reload Modifier of 3 and you have a reload value of 3 then you now much reload because 3 - 3 = 0.

If an ammo has a Reload Modifier that his higher than your current reload value you cannot fire it until you reload.

Bullet Geyser

At 3rd level when you are hit by an attack you may use your reaction to leap backwards 30ft provoking no attacks of opportunity. All creatures within 5ft of your previous position must make a Dexterity saving throw taking 3d8 fire damage on a successful save or half as much on a failed one.

You must finish a long rest before using this again.


At 6th level you may place a knob on the ground that emits a red smoke as a bonus action. The first attack make from/into/through the space where this is placed deals an additional 1d10 fire damage each round (resetting at the start of your turn).

You may use this three times before you must take a long rest to regain all spent uses of this feature.

Weapon Modification

When you reach 10th level you gain access the addons for your weapon Light Bowgun. You may have only one of the following options equipped at once but may switch it out as an action.
Recoil Suppressor. When you take the attack action on your turn you may make one attack as a bonus action.
Reload Assist. Increase your Reload Value by 2
Deviation Suppressor. You have a new range value of 120/300ft
Close Range Up. You have a new range value of 30ft/200ft but increases you weapon's damage die to a d6
Long Range up. You have a new range value of 300/120ft but increase your weapon's damage die to a d8

Rapid Fire Rain

At 14th level you almost never miss and your skill has almost peaked. You gain extra attack.

Ammunition Types

Name Effect Cost Reload Modifier
Normal None 0 None
Fire +1d4 fire damage 1 None
Lightning +1d4 lightning damage 1 None
Cold +1d4 cold damage 1 None
Poison +1d4 poison damage 1 None
Toxin Inflicts a Constitution saving throw on your target, if they fail they become poisoned until the end of their next turn 2 2
Crag Deals 2d6 force damage to the target at the end of their next turn 2 None
Dragon Deals an extra 2d6 magical piercing damage to dragons 2 None
Pellet Changes weapon range to a 15ft cone 2 None
Piercing +1d4 piercing damage to large creatures, +2d4 for huge and +3d4 for gargantuan 2 None
Recover On a hit heals the target instead of hurting them 2 None
Demon On a hit deals no damage to the target but increases their Strength score by 1d4 until the end of their next turn 3 None
Armor On a hit deals no damage to the target but reduces all damage taken by the target by 1d4 until the end of their next turn 3 None
Slicing +3d10 Slashing damage 5 2

Heavy Bowgun

The heavy counterpart of the bowguns, this weapon offers superior damage in exchange for mobility. It packs a punch but is dangerous to use when close to a foe.

This weapon, when given an opening, will unleash a massive amounot of damage into your foes. Choose this weapon for a tactical playstyle with sniper-esque features.

Weapon Details

Properties: Two-Handed, Heavy, Range 120/300ft, 1d4 Piercing
Versatile Ammunition: You may prepare a number of different ammunition types equal to your ammunition modifier which equals half your ACE Hunter level + your proficiency bonus.

Each ammo type has a cost and that is how much is uses from your ammunition modifier.

Reloading. You have a reload value of 6. After you take that many shots you must use your action to reload your Bowgun.

Some ammo has a Reload Modifier and that modifier tells you how many shots this counts as when it is fired. For instance, if you fire an ammo type with a Reload Modifier of 6 and you have a reload value of 6 then you now much reload because 6 - 6 = 0.

If an ammo has a Reload Modifier that his higher than your current reload value you cannot fire it until you reload.


When you reach 3rd level, as an action you load your gun with special ammo. On your next turn you fire 6 shots as an action, each dealing 2d6 piercing damage. Once your do this you cannot do so again until yo finish a long rest


At 6th level you gain access to a new ammo type, a sniper round. When you fire this it travels in a 120ft line piercing through all non-magical structures and through creatures. The first target hit takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage and all targets hit (including the first one) take 8d6 piercing damage. Once you do this, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Weapon Modification

When you reach 10th level you gain access the addons for your weapon Heavy Bowgun. You may have only one of the following options equipped at once but may switch it out as an action.
Recoil Suppressor. When you take the attack action on your turn you may make one attack as a bonus action.
Reload Assist. Increase your Reload Value by 2
Deviation Suppressor. You have a new range value of 180/300ft
Close Range Up. You have a new range value of 30ft/200ft but increases you weapon's damage die to a d6
Long Range up. You have a new range value of 360/120ft but increase your weapon's damage die to a d8
Shield. +1 to AC


At 14th level you have unlocked the final type of internal ammo this weapon offers. As an action you fire a bullet that travels up to 300ft at a speed of 60ft per round. When it comes into contact with a physical object or creature it explodes inflicting a Dexterity saving throw on all creatures within 30ft of the bullet. On a failed save a creature takes 12d6 fire damage or half as much on a success. Once you use this you must finish a long rest before doing so again.

Ammunition Types

Name Effect Cost Reload Modifier
Normal None 0 None
Fire +1d4 fire damage 1 None
Lightning +1d4 lightning damage 1 None
Cold +1d4 cold damage 1 None
Poison +1d4 poison damage 1 None
Toxin Inflicts a Constitution saving throw on your target, if they fail they become poisoned until the end of their next turn 2 2
Crag Deals 2d6 force damage to the target at the end of their next turn 2 None
Dragon Deals an extra 2d6 magical piercing damage to dragons 2 None
Pellet Changes weapon range to a 15ft cone 2 None
Piercing +1d4 piercing damage to large creatures, +2d4 for huge and +3d4 for gargantuan 2 None
Recover On a hit heals the target instead of hurting them 2 None
Cluster Inflicts a Dexterity saving throw on all creatures in a 15ft radius sphere within range, on a failed save taking 5d6 fire damage or half as much on a success. 3 3
Demon On a hit deals no damage to the target but increases their Strength score by 1d4 until the end of their next turn 3 None
Armor On a hit deals no damage to the target but reduces all damage taken by the target by 1d4 until the end of their next turn 3 None
Wyvern Inflicts a Decterity saving throw on all creatures in a 15ft cone, on a failed save they take 8d6 fire damage or half as much on a success (cannot prepare until 10th level) 4 4
Void Piercer +8d8 magical slashing damage (cannot prepare until 10th level) 5 6
Slicing +3d10 Slashing damage 5 2


This weapon specializes in mid-range fighting and when you space your shots perfectly you will hit harder than ever. This weapon offers steady damage with the potential of interesting mix ups using coatings.

The bow is, funny enough not a long ranged weapon and shines brightest when spaced just right. Pick this weapon for a playstyle that involves maneuverability and strafing around your foes.

Weapon Details

Properties: Two-Handed, 1d8 Piercing
Special Range: The normal range for the Bow is 120/300ft but when you land a shot between 10 and 30ft the damage die for the bow becomes a d10, this is called critical distance.
Coatings: You can prepare a number of coating during a long rest equal to your ACE Hunter level. You may prepare a number of coatings on a short rest equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).

When you use a coating it adds an effect to an arrow just like ammo types for Bowguns. Declare before you coat an arrow.


Name Effect
Power Increases the damage die for the arrow to 1d10 or 1d12 if you are in critical distance
Exhaust +1d4 Bludgeoning damage
Poison Inflict a Constitution saving throw on your target, on a fail the target is poisoned until the start of their next turn
Close Range Changes Critical Distance to be anything under 15ft
Blast When you land a number of these arrows equal to half the constitution modifier on a single creature that creature takes an additional 4d10 fire damage on this attack

Dragon Piercer

At 3rd level you can focus your mind on a target as an Action. You must maintain concentration until the start of your next turn. If you do so, the first attack you make on this turn has advantage to hit and deals twice the normal damage die (2d8/2d10).

Power Shot

At 6th level when you take the attack Action you may use a bonus action to inflict a Dexterity saving throw on all creatures in a 60ft cone. On a failed save they tale 1d10 piercing damage or half as much on a success.

Tactical Retreat

You may take the dash action as a bonus action once per long rest. When you do this you provoke no attacks of opportunity. If you would have provoked an attack of opportunity you may, as part of that bonus action make one attack against a creature that would have gotten an attack of opportunity on you gaining critical distance no matter your range.

Bow Mastery

At 14th level your prowess with the bow has exceeded almost all others. You may now preform the following maneuvers and once you use one, you must complete a long rest before doing so again.
Evasive Maneuvers. When you make two attacks on your turn and move at least 10ft before, and in between the two attacks you may announce that you are taking evasive maneuvers. By doing this you may take the dodge action as a bonus action.
Haste Rain. Your eyes fill with spirit and in you hand you bow moves like a part of you. After using this as a bonus action you gain the following benefits until you break concentration of 1 minute passes.

  • You gain an extra action that can be used for the attack or dash actions
  • You gain 15ft of movement
  • 3 extra AC
  • Your movement provokes no attacks of opportunity
  • When you expend a coating roll a d6. If you roll a 6 you do not expend the coating.

Hunter's Items

A hunter should never be without his weapons of war and the items he brings are tricks up his sleeve. What follows is a list of each Hunter's Item and its effects grouped by what level you must be to prepare them.

You may prepare a number of items on a long rest as is shown in the Hunter's Items column on the Class table. You cannot prepare more than three of the same item and you may only one item that has "mantle" in it's name per long rest.

Item List

Level Required Item Name Effect Action Type
2nd Potion Heals user by 2d4 Bonus Action
2nd Dash Juice Grants user 10ft of movement for the next minute Bonus Action
2nd Sonic Bomb Can be thrown up to 30ft where it explodes dealing 1d4 thunder damage to anything within 10ft of it Bonus Action
2nd Nullberry Roll a d6 when consumed, on a 5-6 you are cured of all natural disease and poison Action
2nd Whetstone Use this on a weapon to deal +1 damage for the next 3 attacks it hits Action
2nd Might Seed Grants advantage on Strength checks for 1 minute Bonus Action
2nd Adamant Seed Grants advantage on Constitution saving throws for 1 minute Bonus Action
2nd Smoke Bomb After use it expands a smoky haze over 120ft of space at a rate of 30ft/ round. This are is lightly obscured. Action
5th Lifepowder Restore 1d6 HP to yourself and all allies within 30ft Action
5th Poison Smoke Bombs Has the same effect as a Smoke Bomb but the area covered in smoke inflicts a Constitution save that on a fail poisons a creature. The creature may repeat it's save at the end of each of it's turns ending the effect on a success. When it succeeds it becomes immune to this poison for 24 hours. Action
5th Flash Bomb Can be thrown up to 30ft where it explodes inflicting a Constitution saving throw on all creatures that can see it within 10ft. On a failed save a creature becomes blinded until the end of it's next turn. Action
5th Shock Trap You place a small iron knob on the ground. When a creature moves within 5ft of it they must make a Constitution save or be paralyzed until the end of their next turn. If the make this save they become immune to other Shock Traps for 1 minute. Action
9th Max Potion Grants the user 15 temporary hit points Action
9th Mega Demondrug You gain a +2 bonus to weapon attack rolls and advantage on Strength saving throw for 1 minute or until you do not attack a creature or take damage for 1 round. Bonus Action
9th Mega Armorskin You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage until you take no damage for 1 round. Bonus Action
9th Hunter's Drink Boosts you Strength, Dexterity or Constitution by 1 for 1 minute (does not stack and taking more than one of these at once gives you vulnerability to force damage) Bonus Action
9th Gillie Mantle Grants you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for 1 minute or until you take damage Action
9th Glider Mantle When you are airborne you may choose to fall at a rate of 5ft per round and gain a 25ft gliding speed for 1 minute Action
Level Required Item Name Effect Action Type
14th Fireproof Mantle This mantle has 30pts of HP that only take fire damage. When it runs out of hp or 1 minute passes the mantle becomes useless Action
14th Waterproof Mantle This mantle has 30pts of HP that only take cold damage. When it runs out of hp or 1 minute passes the mantle becomes useless Action
14th Thunderproof Mantle This mantle has 30pts of HP that only take lightning damage. When it runs out of hp or 1 minute passes the mantle becomes useless Action
14th Draconic Mantle This mantle grants a +3 bonus to saving throws made against dragons for 1 minute Action
14th Rocksteay Mantle This mantle renders you immune to knockback and the prone condition but gives disadvantage on Dexterity based checks and saves for 1 minute Action
14th Vitality Mantle Grants 3d10 temporary hit points and lasts until it is reduced to 0hp or 1 minute passes Action
14th Temporal Mantle You automatically succeed on Dexterity saving throws and gain 2 AC until you are hit by an attack Action
14th Impact Mantle The damage bonus you add to any weapon becomes force damage for 1 minute Action

Armor Skills

When you pick an armor skill you gain the effect permanently. At 3rd level you may choose form the Low Rank options and when you reach 15th level you choose from the High Rank options.

These skills embody the monsters you face and how you have adapted to hunt and survive like them.

High Rank options are split into two groups, Hunter Skills and Wizard Skills. Hunter skills are created after the Monster Hunter series while Wizard skills are modeled after some of the creatures you might find in the Monster Manual or Volo's Guide to Monsters.

Low Rank

Armor Skill Effect
Weakness Exploit Whenever you deal damage to a creature that is weak to the damage you deal they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be unable to take reactions until the start of their next turn
KO King When you land a critical hit with bludgeoning damage you may decrease AC granted by your target's armor or shield by 1d6 until the end of your next turn
Recovery Up Whenever you receive healing, the healer cannot heal less than half the possible maximum for the healing (on the die) on you
Vitality You maximum hit points increase by half you Ace Hunter level (rounded down)
Wide Range Whenever you drink a potion (Hunter's Item) all allies within 15ft are gain 3 temporary hit points
Artillery Grants a +1 bonus to damage rolls with ranged weapons
Heavy Artillery You gain proficiency in using all siege equipment and may add your proficiency bonus to damage dealt by siege equipment
Attack Up Grants a +1 bonus to damage rolls with melee wepaons
Critical God You land a critical hit on a 19 or 20 with weapon attacks
Airborne You may reduce fall damage taken by your three times your Ace Hunter level
Focus You have advantage on saving throws made to keep concentration
Speed Eating All non-mantle consumable items now take a Bonus Action to use if they do not already
Challenger When your attack causes a creature to reach half it's hit point maximum, the next attack you make against that creature within 1 round has advantage
Aquatic Expert You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed
Cliffhanger You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb
Constitution You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws made against exhaustion
Armor Skill Effect
Defense Up Your natural AC increases by 1
Divine Blessing When someone lands a critical hit against you, roll a d6. If you roll a 6 count that attack as a hit but not as a critical hit
Earplugs You have advantage on saving throws made against being deafened
Fortify You have advantage on death saving throws
Heroics When you take more than 40 damage in a single round you may grant yourself advantage on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you make until the end of your next turn
Intimidator You have advantage on intimidation checks
Latent Power At the start of each of your turns roll a d6. If you roll a 6 your passive perception increases by 5 and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn.
Marathon Runner You gain an extra 3 dashes during a chase before you must make saving throws against exhaustion
Peak Performance While you are at full hit points you have advantage on saving throws made against conditions
Quick Sheath/ Draw You can draw or sheath one extra weapon as a free action on your turn
Recovery Speed Whenever you take damage, recover 1hp at the start of your next turn
Resentment When you take more than 30 damage in one round your next attack before the end of your next turn has advantage
Special Ammo Boost Increase the number of coating (or ammo cost) that you can prepare on a long rest
Sneak While in dim light or darkness you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks

High Rank (Hunter)

Armor Skill Effect
Anjanath Will You have advantage on saving throws made against exhaustion
Bazeulgeuse Protection If you are half your hit point maximum and are reduced to 0hp in a single hit you remain at 1hp instead once per short rest
Diablos Power When you deal bludgeoning damage increase damage dealt by half your proficiency bonus
Kushala Daora Flight You immune to the effects of strong winds
Nergigante Hunger When you land 5 weapon attacks on a creature within 1 minute, restore 1d6 hp. This is usable once each minute.
Odogaron Power The first attack you make each combat lands a critical hit on an 18-20
Armor Skill Effect
Rathian Mastery When you land a critical hit with a weapon attack increase damage dealt by 1d6 poison damage
Rathalos Mastery You gain resistance to fire damage
Uragaan Protection When a spell has you make a Dexterity or Strength saving throw and you roll is lower than you AC you may use your AC instead
Teostra Technique Whenever you land a critical hit your next weapon attack counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunities
Vaal Hazak Vitality Whenever you take more than 30 damage in a round you restores 1d6 + your Constitution modifier as hp at the start of your next turn.
Xenojiva Divinity Whenever you land a critical hit, add 1d8 radiant damage to damage dealt
Xorah Magdaros Mastery Increase your natural AC by 3
Soul of the Dragoon Increase weapon damage dealt while airborne by 1d4 of the weapon's damage type
Lunastra Favor You gain +2 on rolls to hit creatures that are wearing armor
Deviljho Hunger Your constitution ability score cap increases to 22 but you now require twice as much food to survive
Valstax Power Double you high and long jump distance. This applies to insect glaive vaults as well.
Glavenous Mastery When you deal slashing damage and roll a 1 or a 2 on the damage die you may reroll it but must use the new roll.
Gammoth Protection You are immune to the effects of extreme cold and may increase your maximum hit points by half your level (rounded down)
Raizex Power You gain resistance to lightning damage
Mizutsue Elegance Getting up from being knocked prone only costs 5ft of movement and you are immune to the effects of slippery terrain
Tigrex Brutality While you have no levels of exhaustion you gain advantage on survival, nature, and perception checks
Zinogre Dominance You gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and when you complete a short rest and have a level of exhaustion you may make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, on a success getting rid of that level of exhaustion
Lagiacrus Power While underwater you have resistance to cold and lightning damage
Gore Magala Torment You are immune to disease and gain 10ft blindsight
Seregios Steel You need half as much food water to survive and you are resistant to thunder damage
Gogmazios Power You gain resistance to bludgeoning damage
Chameleos Resistance You are immune to poisons that you ingest and are resistant to poison damage
Hazewing Soul You are immune to confusion effects from spells and you have advantage on stealth checks
Crytalbeard Luck You may choose to grant yourself advantage on one ability check or saving throw but must declare this before you roll. You must finish a long rest before doing this again
Redhelm Flare Your unnarmed strikes gain +1 to damage and while unarmed you gain +1 to your armor class
Snowbaron Soul You are resistant to the effects of extreme cold and when you take the dash action and move in a straight line you may increase the distance traveled by 20ft
Stonefist Protection While under the effects of a condition you gain 10ft of movement and have advantage on Dexterity saving throws
Drilltusk Soul You require half as much food to survive and grant +1 AC to shields you wield
Silverwind Soul You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, additionally when an effect has you make a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage you take no damage on a successful save and half damage on a failed save.
Deadeye Glare You can see for 60ft in the dark, even in magical darkness
Shredclaw Razor Your piercing damage from melee weapons ignores resistances and you gain +1 to AC while wearing armor
Bloodbath Frenzy When you roll a 1 on a weapon attack, rolla d6. If you roll a 6 on the die then your attack rolls instead counts as a 12 on the die. If you have less than half your maximum hit points then roll the d6 with advantage
Fatalis Legend When you critically fail on a death saving throw, take two successes instead

High Rank (Wizard)

Armor Skill Effect
Abolethic Blood You have advantage on saving throws made against being charmed
Angelic Blessing When you land a critical hit with a weapon attack, increase the damage dealt by 1d8 radiant damage
Banshee's Echo Your shouts can be heard clearly for 1 mile
Basilisk Protection You have advantage on saving throws made against being petrified
Bahir's Hate You gain resistance to elemental damage dealt by drgons
Beholder's Narrow Sight You have advantage on saving throws made against beholder's eye rays
Armor Skill Effect
Blighted Magic You can speak with trees as if you had use the Speak with Plants spell
Bugbear Heart You have advantage on saving throws made against being paralyzed or put to sleep
Bullete Launch You may double your high and long jump distances
Cambion Charm You gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion and Deception) checks made against some who sees you as their sexual orientation
Centaur's Pride You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened
Chimera's Confusion You can now understand draconic if you could not already
Cyclops Perception You have advantage on Intelligence (investigation) checks but disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
Death Knight Rank You have resistance to effects that would turn undead
Demonic Rage You gain resistance to necrotic damage
Devilish Cunning You have advantage on Intelligence saving throws
Draconic Might Your carrying capacity doubles and you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks
Elemental Wrath You gain resistance to Fire, Poison, Slashing or Cold damage
Godly Blessing You have advantage on checks made against insanity
Ghostly Gaze You can see ethereal creatures within 30ft of you
Giant Strength Your Strength score increases by 2 up to a maximum of 20
Gnoll's Drive When you kill a creature you gain 15ft of movement until the end of your next turn (does not stack)
Hag's Evil Tricks You can see through a hag's Illusory Appearance
Hydra Survivability When you fail your third death saving throw you may roll a d20. If you roll above a 15 you become stable instead of dying
Kraken's Knowledge You become resistant to lightning damage
Lich's Dark Secret Your weapon attacks can destroy a Lich's phylactery
Lycanthrope Bane Your weapon attacks bypass the immunities of Lycanthropes
Seafolk's Dive You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed
Mind Flayer Resistance All saving throws you make against mind flayers gain a +3 bonus to them
Minotaur's Maze You can recall any path you have traveled perfectly
Orc Violence You may take the dash action as a bonus action while there are hostile creature within sight
Pegasus's Wings You may reduce any fall damage taken by three times your Hunter level
Revenent's Purpose You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened
Undead Life When you roll a 1 on a death saving throw you may count it as a success
Slaadi Stone You have advantage on saving throws made against spell effects
Sphinx Manipulation You cannot be magically aged or magically rendered younger than you are
Seductive Charm You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks and advantage on saving throws made against being charmed
Wold Eater When you die, you return to life in the nearest unoccupied space having had a long rest in 5d100 years.
Troll's Limbs If you lose either of your arms or your legs you can use an Action while holding the limb to reattach it
Unicorn Purity You are immune to the Hex, Bane, and Bestow Curse spells and disease
Vampire's Blood You can regain 1d6 hit points by biting someone for 1d4 + your Strength modifier damage
Yeti's Might You are immune to the effects of extreme cold and you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb
Yuan-Ti Trickery You are immune to poison that you ingest and resistant to poison damage
Allip's Secret You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks and Wisdom (Insight) checks
Astral Dreadnought's Eye You have advantage on saving throws made against magical effects if you can see the caster
Balhannoth's Illusion You have advantage on checks made to see through illusions
Machine's Life You require half as much food and water to survive and gain a +2 bonus to saving throws made against exhaustion
Deathlock Pact You gain immunity to damage from the Geas spell
Lolth's Favor You gain 120ft darkvision and have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb
Duergar Magic You have advantage on saving throws made against being charmed or paralyzed
Eladrin Blessing In spring you gain immunity to being charmed, in summer you gain resistance to extreme heat, in fall you have resistance to necrotic damage and in the winter you have resistance to extreme cold
Armor Skill Effect
Giff Military You have advantage on the Strength check you make during a shove action
Gith Terror You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and against a mind flayer's mind blast
Howling Adaption You have advantage on saving throws made against being deafened
Kruthic Instints While you are not moving you gain 30ft tremorsense
Nightwalker's Shadow You gain resistance to necrotic damage
Oblex Diet You thoughts cannot be read unless you let them be
Frost Salamander Resistance You gain resistance to cold damage and have advantage on the saving throw for extreme cold
Shadar-Kai Loyalty Charisma (Insight) checks made against you have disadvantage and you have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks
Sorrow's Feeling Your flaw is amplified in a way determined by your DM and you are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage while in dim light or darkness
Star Spawn Legends You have advantage on Charisma (Deception and Intimidation) checks
Totle Defenses You natural armor increases by 3
Hydroloth Sleight You have advantage on saving throws made against losing your memory
Merrenoloth Power You have advantage on all saving throws while in the River Styx
Banderhobb Stomach Acid If you swallow a creature that is incapacitated, it becomes stable
Dodak's Servitude You are resistant to effects that turn undead
Dark Crow's Betrayal You gain 10ft of blindsight
Grung Toxins You are immune to the bodily poisons of grung
Kobolt Fellowship You Strength ability score decreases by 2 and your Dexterity ability score increases by 2
Morkoth Resistance Once per long rest when you fail a saving throw against a magical effect you may choose to succeed instead
Neothelid "Sight" You know if a creature you touch has a higher or lower Intelligence ability score than you

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