Birth Aquatica

by Locreian

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Birth Aquatica 0.1

Tideborn Origin

A lineage tethered to the deepest of depths, you trace your powers back to the heartbeat of the ocean. Perhaps your ancestor was born below the waves and ascended in search of the world above, or perhaps they were the survivor of a shipwreck, having struck a bargain with one of the great beasts below the disappearing light. Perhaps even you, yourself, were born amidst the aftermath of a devastating tsunami, your feet treading water long before they touched the ground.

Follow The Tide

Starting at 1st level, you are inherently attuned to the nature of any flowing body of water. While in the water, you can identify the direction and strength of any tides or currents within a 120 foot radius. Additionally, you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and can breath underwater.

Ebb And Flow

Starting at 1st level, your body moves in time with the rhythm of the tides, allowing you to imbue your magic with powerful momentum. Whenever you cast a spell with a range other than self, you gain advantage on your next attack roll made in the opposite direction. If that attack hits, you can choose to knock any large or smaller creature up to 10 feet away from you. This distance increases by 5 feet at your 6th and 11th level in this class.

Cascading Torrent

Starting at 6th level, your attunement with the tide improves and your command over its unrelenting force increases. Whenever you displace a creature against its will, that creature takes 1d8 cold damage for every 10 feet it is moved (up to a maximum of 3d8), as a torrent of water bombards it along its trajectory.

Additionally, whenever you displace a creature against its will, you can spend 1 sorcery point to do so in any direction of your choosing.

Riptide Core

Starting at 14th level, you can temporarily channel your own tidal force. As as action, you create a swirling mass of water that violently circles around you in a 30 foot radius for 1 minute. This area is considered difficult terrain. Any creature that starts it’s turn in the area must succeed on a strength saving throw, on a failure you can force the tides to carry them up to 30 feet in any direction within the area of effect.

This effect last for 1 minute, and cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.

King Of The Tide

At 18th level, you exist in pure harmony with your aquatic heritage, The tides will answer your call no matter where you may be. You can cast Control Water at will, and whenever you do so you can create a 100 by 100 feet square of water with which to manipulate the spell. This water disappears when the spell ends.

Cloudborn Origin

A child of the sky, you trace your heritage back to the great blue ceiling of the world. Perhaps you're a descendant of the great Ostorian Cloud Giants, or the byproduct of an ancestor's tryst with some all-powerful Djinni. Or perhaps you're simple child of of the mountains, the first of your lineage, blessed with a power you and your bloodline will carry down unto the world below.

Light As A Feather

At 1st level, your body feels as light as air. You can use your bonus action to gain a hover speed equal to half your walking speed. This effect last for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier, and resets on a short rest.

Among The Clouds

A child of the clouds, you feel most at home among them. At 1st level you learn the Fog Cloud spell, and your vision cannot be obscured by it or any other fog, mist, or clouds.

Clouded Vision

As you embrace your cloudborn heritage, you can temporarily share your power with others. At 6th level, as a bonus action, you can select any number of allies within 30 feet, by spending an equal number of sorcery points you can grant them the ability to see through any fog, mist, or clouds. This effect lasts for 1 minute.

In addition, you are always considered to be under the effects of the featherfall spell.

Floating On A Cloud

At 14th level, your body is so attuned to the clouds around you that it can become one with them. While within a magical or non-magical cloud you gain a hover speed of 60 feet and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.

Into Thin Air

At 17th level, you can fully embrace your inherent potential, dissapating into a misty state. As an action, you can spend 5 sorcery points to gain the benefits of the Gaseous Form spell

While in this state, you have a hover speed of 30 feet, have resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage and can cast spells, ignoring the respective restrictions and effects normally applied by Gaseous Form, all other effects remain the same.

This form lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.



An creation of sleet and snow, you were born inherently attuned to the frigid climes and chilling winds that follow in your wake. Perhaps your ancestor was cursed by a vengeful Bheur Hag, or in their dedication to studying the ancient frozen city of Katraez uncovered a power once sealed beneath the arctic wastes. Regardless of your heritage, your breath chills the very air, and the ground beneath your feet shivers as you press on into the world beyond.

Frozen Core

At 1st level, your familiarity with severe cold confers to you a certain level of resilience. You suffer no ill effects from cold weather and gain resistance to cold damage.

On Thin Ice

At 1st level, you are able to channel your inherent relationship with ice into physical form. You can create a thin sheet of ice as you run, allowing you to dash as a bonus action.

In addition, your movement cannot be impeded by, and you automatically succeed on any saving throws to avoid falling prone due to icy terrain.

Slip And Slide

When you reach 6th level in this class, your ability to manifest your powers on the fly. As a reaction, at any point during a large or smaller creature’s movement you can create a sheet of ice beneath their feet. The creature must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone and slide 15 feet in the direction they were currently moving. If the target creature is an ally, you can spend 1 sorcery point to grant them immunity to the prone condition applied by this feature.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your charisma modifier, and recover all uses when you finish a long rest.

Shield Of Sleet

Your command over ice itself reaches new heights, at level 14 you can mold it to your whims, emboldening your defenses.

You can cast the spell Armour of Agathys as 6th level spell, without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do so when you complete a short or long rest.

Arena Of Frost

The air around your chills in your wake, your very presence covers the ground in a thin sheet of frost. As an action, you can expand and empower this force, creating a field of ice that expands outward in a 60 foot radius. This area is considered difficult terrain.

Once during its turn, any creature that attempts to move within this area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.

When you activate this ability, you may spend a number of sorcery points equal to any number of creatures you choose within the area of effect. The chosen creatures gain the benefits of your On Thin Ice ability while within the area of effect.

The ground remains frozen for 1 minute, and you regain usage of this ability after a long rest.


"Sedna the Sea Goddess" - PEDRO VILAS BOAS
"Unnamed" - KLAUS PILLON
"The Dark Tower" - UNKNOWN
"Island - Fate Reforged" - TITUS LUNTER
"The Maelstrom Cataclysm" - /u/Unidcolor




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