### Relaxation
**Requirements:** null
**Resources:** null
**Resolution:** null
**Contract Work:** null
**Prequest Action:** null
### Research
The world contains many secrets waiting to be discovered and understood. Such things are generally only truly able to be understood with field research or with more experience, yet it is never unwise to go to a library and seek past knowledge to aid in your current endeavors, or simply run tests in a safer, and academic environment.
**Requirements:** Approval from the DM before the quest is run or approval from a DM involved with the subject you wish to research.
**Resources:** A character needs access to a well stocked library to conduct research. Assuming such access is available, conducting research requires one downtime day and at least 50 gp spent on materials, library costs, and other expenses.
**Resolution:** The character declares the focus of the research: a specific creature, person, place, or thing. After one downtime day, the character rolls Intelligence (Investigation). Additionally the character gains a +1 bonus per 100 gp spent beyond the initial 50 gp, to a maximum of +6, representing the hiring of additional assistants to aid in research. After rolling, consult the table below for the results of your research and if you gain any follow-up questions. The DM may allow tangential questions if they pop up (for instance if your research reveals a location after the first question you may ask your second question about the location, etc.) but may curate the questions how they wish. | Check Total | Outcome | |:-:|:-| |1-5|No effect.| |6-10|DM will only tell you something interesting. It’s on you to make it useful.| |11-20|DM will tell you something interesting and useful about the subject relevant to your situation.| |21-25|Same as 11-20, but you may ask one follow-up question.| |26-30|Same as 11-20, but you may ask two follow-up questions.| |31-35|Same as 11-20, but you may ask three follow-up questions.| |36+|Same as 11-20, but you may ask the DM "What is the question I should be asking?" The DM will inform you what question to ask, and will then answer that question honestly. You may then ask three other follow-up questions.| The DM of the quest has final say on what this information is revealed through this manner. For a monster or an NPC, they can reveal elements of statistics or personality. For a location, they can reveal secrets about it, such as a hidden entrance, the answer to a riddle, or the nature of a creature that guards the place. However this is all up to the DM to decide and what information can be obtained through this manner. \columnbreak
**Prequest Action:** You may spend the day before a quest researching the objective, location, wildlife, or some other element involved in the quest. You make the rolls before the quest starts with the DM approving them and answering your questions based on your roll. Prequest research could use different rolls depending on how your character intends to search for information. At the DM's discretion you can use a charisma or some other check instead of investigation.

“That’s why it’s always worth having a few philosophers around the place. One minute it’s all Is Truth Beauty and Is Beauty Truth, and Does a Falling Tree in the Forest Make a Sound if There’s No one There to Hear It, and then just when you think they’re going to start dribbling one of ’em says, Incidentally, putting a thirty-foot parabolic reflector on a high place to shoot the rays of the sun at an enemy’s ships would be a very interesting demonstration of optical principles,” he added. “Always coming up with amazing new ideas, the philosophers. The one before that was some intricate device that demonstrated the principles of leverage by incidentally hurling balls of burning sulphur two miles.
*Small Gods - Terry Pratchett*
### Spell Book Duplication
Aspiring Wizards and Ritual Casters tend to commit their time to the transcribing and practice of new spells to their spell books. When spending downtime to do this you put in the time to both translate and record the spell as well as practice it a few times for when you need to use it.
**Requirements:** You need the Wizard Spellcasting feature, the Ritual Caster feat, or the Book of Ancient Secrets Warlock invocation. The spells you copy must follow the requirements of those features.
You also need a spell book or scroll containing the spell(s) you wish to copy.
**Resources:** You can copy a number of spell levels up to your proficiency bonus + 3 per day and the total gold cost is the spell level total of all spells to be copied times 50 gold.
(e.g. At level 5 for 1 DT day you could copy 2x 3rd level spells, 3x 2nd level spells, or 6x 1st level spells. The cost for each is 300gp.)
**Replacement Books:** You can copy a spell from your own spellbook into another book—for example, if you want to make a backup copy of your spellbook. This is just like copying a new spell into your spellbook but faster and easier, since you understand your own notation and already know how to cast the spell. You can copy twice the number of spell levels and it only costs 10 gp for each level of the copied spell.
**Resolution:** The spells are copied into your spell book.
If any of the spells were copied from a scroll you must beat an Arcana check to successfully copy it. The DC is 10 + the Spell Level of the scroll. If you fail the check you do not copy the spell (the downtime, gold and scroll are still consumed).
“I am never forget the day I first meet the great Lobachevsky.
In one word he told me secret of success in the arcane:
Let no one else's work evade your eyes!
Remember why the gods made your eyes!
So don't shade your eyes,
But plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize -
Only be sure always to call it please 'research'.
*Adapted from "Lobachevsky” ― Tom Lehrer*
### Thieving and Crime
Sometimes it pays to be bad. This activity gives a character the chance to make some extra cash, at the risk of arrest.
**Requirements:** None.
**Resources:** A character must spend 5 downtime days and an amount of gp depending on the target mark.
**Resolution:** First choose a desired mark. The mark chosen affects the DC and reward.
| DC | Cost | Value |
|10 | 15 gp | 150 gp - robbery of a struggling merchant |
|15 | 25 gp | 250 gp - robbery of a prosperous merchant |
|20 | 50 gp | 500 gp - robbery of a noble |
|25 | 100 gp| 1,000 gp - robbery of one of the riches figures in town |
To attempt the crime, the character makes three checks: Dexterity (Stealth); Charisma (Deception); and the player’s choice of Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception). The player can also choose to replace one of these skill checks with a tool check using either thieves’ tools, disguise kit, or forgery kit.
* If none of the checks are successful (0 of 3), the character is caught and jailed. The character must spend a number of downtime days in jail equal to the DC. If after subtracting this downtime penalty from your downtime counter, the number is negative you cannot utilize downtime until your downtime counter is positive. At the player’s discretion, such a failure could involve additional forms of restitution or penance. Ask a DM!
* If only one check is successful (1 of 3), the heist fails, but the character escapes.
* If two checks are successful (2 of 3), the heist is a partial success, netting the character half the payout.
* If all three checks are successful (3 of 3), the character earns the full value listed.

### Tinkering
**Requirements:** null
**Resources:** null
**Resolution:** null
**Contract Work:** null
**Prequest Action:** null
### Tool and Skill Training
Downtime can be spent putting in the time to learn a new language, trade, or skill that you are partial to or think you'll need later. You may even fine tune your skills to an even more skilled state.
**Resources:** Learning a skill, language, or tool proficiency costs 30 days of downtime and 1,000 gp. Learning a standard language, an instrument, or gaming set costs half the downtime and gold. As a standard language, you can also learn a sign language for a language you know. Standard Languages (PHB P.123) | | | |:-:|:-:| | Common | Gnomish | | Dwarvish | Goblin | | Elvish | Halfling | | Giant | Orc | To gain expertise, you cannot have gained expertise through this activity before and must spend 45 days of downtime, and 1500gp. This is separate from any potential costs related to gaining proficiency in the skill.
**Resolution:** If learning a skill, select a skill from the starting skills of a class you have 3 or more levels in that you are not already proficient in. If learning a tool or language you are free to choose. You become proficient in the skill, language, or tool that you chose. Expertise may be gained in any skill, or tool with which you are already proficient regardless of class. However, once you gain expertise through downtime you may not do so again.
### Weaving
**Requirements:** null
**Resources:** null
**Resolution:** null
**Contract Work:** null
**Prequest Action:** null
### Woodcarving
**Requirements:** null
**Resources:** null
**Resolution:** null
**Contract Work:** null
**Prequest Action:** null
\columnbreak ### Work While not common, some adventurers enjoy a simple job to make a little extra gold. The work can vary widely but you can be sure of a paycheck in the end.
**Requirements:** Must understand Common.
**Resources:** You need a minimum of 5 downtime days to perform this activity.
**Resolution:** Choose up to 3 of your skills that you are proficient in and make a skill or tool check for each one. Add the totals together, divide by 3 and round down. Your character finds work doing a job that utilizes their skills and paying an amount of gold per day equal to the total.
### Versatility Training Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything grants the ability for classes to retrain certain abilities. Whenever you gain the benefits of an ASI or feat, you may retrain your abilities following the Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything guidelines. In addition, you may retrain your abilities at other times at an expense of 20 days of downtime.

**Requirements:** The character must have an honest will to serve or assist the temple. This requires levels in a faith based class or else a specific background reason for worship. **Resources:** Religious service requires 5 downtime days and no gold cost. **Resolution:** The character must make a Religion check using intelligence, wisdom, or charisma. The result of the check determines what favors they then receive from the temple or their god according to the table below. You may choose to take a lesser effect and may only have 1 favor of each type at a time. All spells and effects stay in effect until you complete your quest or are dispelled. The Natural 1 and 20 results cancel each other out and death saving throws for your next quest are rolled regularly.
**Prequest Action:** You may spend the day before a quest praying to your god to guide your path. You roll as normal but instead use the prequest column to determine the result. You may choose a lower effect if you desire.
###### PART IV, 13.51–13.59
“And Olvos said to them: “Why have you done this, my children? Why is the sky wreathed with smoke? Why have you made war in far places, and shed blood in strange lands?
And they said to Her: “You blessed us as Your people, and we rejoiced, and were happy. But we found those who were not Your people, and they would not become Your people, and they were willful and ignorant of You. They would not open their ears to Your songs, or lay Your words upon their tongues. So we dashed them upon the rocks and threw down their houses and shed their blood and scattered them to the winds, and we were right to do so. For we are Your people. We carry Your blessings. We are Yours, and so we are right. Is this not what You said?”
And Olvos was silent.”
*― Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs*
| Check Total | Standard Outcome | Prequest Outcome
| Nat 1 | Fated to die, you have aroused the ire of a rival god. For your next quest you have disadvantage on death saving throws | Same as Standard Outcome |
| 1-5 | The Gods are slient. No effect. | No effect. |
| 6-10 | You may ask the temple for assistance dealing with a problem or for political / social support | You receive the effects of the spell Sanctuary. |
| 11-15 | You receive DM inspiration. If you already have inspiration and this is a prequest activity you instead gain it at the end of the quest | Same as Standard Outcome |
| 16-20 | Blessing of Tongues, you have gained the honour of speaking your god's word. For the duration of your next quest your voice changes to be more like your gods and you are under the effect of the tongues spell. | Same as Standard Outcome |
| 21+ | You may reduce the cost of any cleric spellcasting by 50 percent. | You receive the effects of the Aid spell at a spell level equal to your level divided by 4 (minimum 2) |
| Nat 20 | Fated to live, you have gained the favour of your god. For your next quest you have advantage on death saving throws | Same as Standard Outcome |

### Avrae - D&D 5e utility bot * Avrae Tutorial - run !intro in the #general_bot * [Avrae Commands](https://avrae.io/commands/) * [Avrae Development Alias List](https://github.com/avrae/avrae-docs) * [Nadizak's Amazing Alias List](https://github.com/nadizak/avrae_aliases)
### Character Sheets * [DND Beyond Character Creator](https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/builder#/)
* [Google Sheets Character Sheet](https://gsheet2.avrae.io/) - make a copy of this in your own Google Drive folder and refer to the "?" tab to answer most questions.
* [Dicecloud Character Sheet](https://dicecloud.com/) * [Dicecloud Helper](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UfZ9e9Z9XFiZ7uapyDxrh9UskZSmPGa-nWr7mCqzevw/edit) * [Advanced Dicecloud Character Creation](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m0iAHPJKPZo0Ugim_c2iqznL8s7vwAX_/view?usp=sharing)
> If you need any help feel free to ping @Helper in the #questions channel.
### Server Documents * [Downtime Rules](https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LX_OTKbS5mc-IZmaOF0) * [DM Guide](https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LQokNspBPTPxkLrw1pZ) * [Player Registration](https://forms.gle/T3DrDRpx2w3LVaii8) * [Farwater Shops](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQsjguhyDZGbRUaCplfQ8fjDPjHda0F9L9vJWZGGrkBW4lNQN7IZbBv_XCzMQ-hboAy_nX42EP58pLx/pubhtml#)
### Additional links Few additional links can only be found in the pinned messages of the **#dm-discussions** channels pinned messages. These links will let you access the databases for character used on the server and DM feedback.

* 1/8/2019 * Added Masterwork text. * Removed percentage discount from Expertise (It was already accounted for). * Rage advantage is only usable if it is Persistent Rage. * Ported whole document to GMBinder. * Updated the table of contents to direct link to section.
* 1/15/2019 * Added Noble, Sage, and Soldier backgrounds. * Added the ability table for tool checks. * Removed the recombining portion of the alchemy prequest action. * Adjusted the calculation for how many days to craft a non-magic item (You now divide by a minimum of 5). * Added an example for magic item crafting.
* 2/3/2019 * Worship activity Aid reward changed from -5+roll/2 to roll-20. * Added text to prequest research to suggest that other checks (like charisma) are possible. * Masterworking a weapon reduced to 5 downtime days instead of normal calculation. \columnbreak * 3/25/2019 * Potion crafting is clearer. Add Poisons, Add Cooking, Add Pirate Background. * Nerfed **Magic Item Creation** by adding an addition tool and level requirement. * Nerfed aid under Worship
* 8/8/2019 * General Update: Updated the Downtime tracking command for Avrae; * **Intensive Training** simplified - table show required XP to begin training; * Added the Gladiator background feature; * Removed the gold reduction for the Researcher background; * Added the Peerless skill as an allowed class feature; * Modified when Barbarian Persistent Rage is allowed; * Reduced **Brewing** time by 2 days; * Added a limit to **Gambling**; * Reduced the DC of **Pit Fighting**; * Added **Poisoncraft**; * Minor editing.
* 4/22/2020. * Nerf to alchemy * **Magic item creation** and **Alchemy and Potion Crafting** now benefits from expertise. * Secondary characters may use gold instead of downtime to add books to their spellbook. * Ammo now comes in bundles. * Intensive training no longer has a level requirement.
* 12/09/2020. * Added Art to the Downtime Document * Moved Change Log to Appendix to fit.
* 17/01/2021. * Added additional art * Added in quotes and other fluff * Minor changes to the wording on worship
* 25/01/2021. * Added additional Background Features * Added in Building Downtime
* 17/08/2021. * Racial Features * Tireless Precision, Expert Forgery, Shapechanger, Powerful Build * Class Features - Umbral Sight. * Spell Book Duplication wording fix

* 14/11/2022. * Tools and Skill Training * Added sign language * Work * Changed requirement to understand Common

##### Last Updated
April, 2021
##### Art Credits Leather Texture: Texture Palace - [Link]( https://www.texturepalace.com/five-hq-vintage-book-paper-and-leather-cover-texture/) Wizards of the Coast * Dungeons & Dragons Artwork * Magic the Gathering Artwork * Used under the [Wizards of the Coast's Fan Content Policy](https://company.wizards.com/en/legal/fancontentpolicy) and Dungeons & Dragons [Systems Reference Document](https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/systems-reference-document-srd)
Komika Et Komishi * Twitter [@RobustaArt](https://twitter.com/RobustaArt) * Instagram [@RobustaArt](https://www.instagram.com/robustaart/) * Used for Non-commercial Purposes #####
##### Art Credits Leather Texture: Texture Palace - [Link]( https://www.texturepalace.com/five-hq-vintage-book-paper-and-leather-cover-texture/) Wizards of the Coast * Dungeons & Dragons Artwork * Magic the Gathering Artwork * Used under the [Wizards of the Coast's Fan Content Policy](https://company.wizards.com/en/legal/fancontentpolicy) and Dungeons & Dragons [Systems Reference Document](https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/systems-reference-document-srd)
Komika Et Komishi * Twitter [@RobustaArt](https://twitter.com/RobustaArt) * Instagram [@RobustaArt](https://www.instagram.com/robustaart/) * Used for Non-commercial Purposes #####