Spelljammer, Other Races

by Kamebit

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Dwarves, Asteroid

Many consider the sturdy crafts and repair work of Dwarves to be the best and most reliable in Wildspace, so many of these citadels become active trading points.

Asteroid dwarves carve and live inside of great stone citadels carved into their asteroids they are mining.

Dwarves will normally abandon their citadels and create new ones after all natural mineral resources of the asteroid are depleted. This has left thousands of these abandoned citadels across wildspace, many repurposed by all sorts of new tenants.

New Racial Feat

Gravitational Mastery

Prerequisite: Dwarf

You gain the following benefits:

  • Mineral Scent. You can smell out metals and gems. This does not allow you to pinpoint metals any more than normal sense of smell.

  • Gravity Control. While conscious, you can reduce or increase your relative weight 10 fold. As a reaction you can decrease your weight to gain resistance against bludgeoning damage caused by falling; or increase your weight to stop any forced movement, except for free falling, and become considered large when being grappled, until the start of your next turn.

  • Anti-gravity Touch. You can cast the levitate spell with a range of touch once with this trait, requiring no material components, you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Elves, Stellar

Thanks to their long lifespans they have adapted especially well to life in wildspace, and have perfected the art of spelljamming.

The star elves live in a very meritocratic military society, where rank, and formalities are of utmost importance, and things like race and religion are not even considered. Unless expelled by military court, are all stellar elves considered to be members of the Great Elven Armada from the day they are born.

The elven armada is a loose confederacy of fleets lead by grand captains that patrol most of known wild space. They strive to maintain the peace and order across space, many times even against the will of the locals. The armada has very sophisticated spelljamming that uses life-shaped plants to create living ships and weapons.


New Racial Feat

Stellar Mastery

Prerequisite: Elf

You gain the following benefits:

Racial traits

As a Stellar elf replace your Keen Senses trait with the following racial traits:

Star gazers. Stellar elves can apply their proficiency bonus while navigating, even without navigator's tools, as long as they can see the stars or other astral bodies.

History Scholarship. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the history of elves and the elven armada, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Sun Elf Training. You gain proficiency with the rapier, longbow, firearms and hand crossbows. You learn a new proficiency, a choice of one Vehicles, Navigator's tools, Cartographer tools, Shipwright, or Siege weapons proficiency.

Genasi, Phlogiston

Are rare humanoids touched by Phlogiston.

Their hair is a dazzling array of flashing, colored lights, and they can create small dazzling lights at will.

Extremely bright and optimistic, even against crazy odds the phlogiston genasi love spacefaring and grow unsettled when docked or stuck on planets.


Subracial traits

As an phlogiston genasi you gain the following subracial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 2, and your Charisma increases by 1.

Phlogiston Resistance. You have resistance to radiant damage.

Dazzling Colors. You know the dancing lights cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the color spray spell once with this trait as a 1st-level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


Githyanki and Githzerai are common in Wildspace, however most are outcasts of their respective societies, and many dedicate themselves to Piracy and Bounty Hunting, setting aside their differences.

Gnomes, Tinker

Tinker Gnomes are always creating new inventions that people don't always think are really necessary. However despite what most people want to believe, many of the small commodities spelljamming crews enjoy today actually started out as failed gnomish inventions that lacked the flair their creators were aiming for. One such commodity, spaham, a canned meat made from tinker gnome's giant space hamsters that can actually be preserved for years is considered a staple by many spelljamming cooks and their crews.

To the dismay and great worry of most other races the Arcane and Reigar oddly seem welcoming to tinker gnomes and their "masterpieces."


Lizardlords, are what spaceborn lizardfolk call themselves. Lizardlords are smarter and way more clever than their groundling brethern, however this is apparently an result of lizardfolk eggs hatched in space near suns. There is no racial divergence besides the rearing aspect of eggs among lizardlords and lizardfolks.

For the lizardlords charity and compassion for the weak is not known, or expected, in their culture. A lizardlord that can no longer provide for themselves will hold a funeral ceremony, give up their name, loses all social rights, and will likely live the rest of it's days at the fringes of their society.

Lizardlords are exceptional hunters, and many become bounty hunters.

Racial traits

As a lizardlord replace cunning artisan with the following trait:

Tireless Precision. You are proficient in one of the following skills of your choice: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Performance, or Sleight of Hand. You are also proficient with one tool of your choice. Whenever you make an ability check with the chosen skill or tool, roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the check's total.


Once said to have ruled wildspace far and wide, the Yuan-ti, like the Huwaeti, lost much of their influence to the beholders, and subsequent elven armada. Now they have a hand in many of the blackmarkets, and serve as spies trying to hamper the efforts of other civilizations, weakening them from within, so when eventually the Yuan-ti are ready to rise again these weak societies will easy prey, and servants for the Yuan-ti expansion.

Yuan-ti Variant

For a more balanced Yuan-ti replace magic resistance trait with the following traits:

Inscrutable. Other's have disadvantage on Wisdom (Sense Motive), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks against you. You also have advantage on saves against effects that would divine your motivations.

Poison Mastery. You are proficient with the Poisoner's Kit.

Other uncommon races

Firbolgs, Halflings, Dragonborn, and other uncommon races are not frequently found among spelljammers, but that does not stop the occasional individuals to be take up a life of spelljamming. In particular many of the uncommon races that tend to be outcasts on groundling worlds usually find a place among the cosmopolitan spelljamming crews and hubs.

Brewed by Jay, a.k.a. u/KameBit and @KameBit

Find more brews and ideas at KameGames.com

Special Thanks to my fellow brewers of the Discord of Many Things

Art Credits: Front cover art from Pathfinder rule books, Copyright of Paizo.