Ettea: Intro

by Litcandle1

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Ettea: The Known World

The World of Ettea

Welcome to the world of Ettea. This world is a series of different regions, separated enough geographically from it's neighbors that the societies of the world rarely interact, and know only which cardinal direction off of each others maps they reside. There is much un-explored and un-mapped in these in between lands, with some scarce, brave pioneers attempting to settle the land.

The Known World

This region is one that is finally pulling up from a civilization collapsing apocalypse of unknown cause in an event known as The Calamity. In this event a Portal to the Demon world opened and swallowed the region's center of knowledge causing the collapse of it's greatest civilization. Many centuries later the Demon Portal lies dormant and the details of the Calamity and it's immediate fallout have been all but forgotten. The world is slowly returning to normal, albeit a bit demon infested. Recently the church of Erathus has begun to retake the demon infested landscape.

The Known World region is comprised of three main regions, separated by the great sea. The great sea is comparable in size to the real world Mediterranean. The known world is all that has been thoroughly explored and mapped by scholars of the region but it is known that the world extends beyond the maps. A people live far north in the Razorback mountains that tell stories of visitors from the other side of the impassable range, and before the calamity trade routes stretched further south. Things from beyond the map are generally referred to as “The Wild Unknown” or simply “The Wild.”


The Northern Landmass of Ettea is named Nordheim after the kingdom that ruled here before the calamity, though now it is more of a collection of city states. It is a mostly temperate climate but as you get closer to the Razorback mountains in the north the elevation rises and there is sub-alpine and alpine terrain. There are several small towns tucked away in the hills forests and mountains, and 5 Large city states or fortresses.

Diamond Throne

The old seat of power of the dwarf kings of Nordheim. The throne is made of literal diamond and the fortress is a tall crystal fortress. next to the fortress stands a tall crystal spire that houses the crystal library, the center of knowledge in the modern world, and also serves as an HQ for the mages of the Crystal Spire. The direct road to the diamond mines in the mountains give this city it’s wealth. There was once a mine both filled with riches and magic controlled by the dwarf kings, and used to build the fortress. This mine has been lost and fallen to myth. Many dwarfs still search for it.

Sword Crest

An adventurer’s city trough and through. Whether you are going to tackle the Mountains to the north or the harsh rain forest and the demon wastes beyond to the south this is probably where you’ll set out from more or less. A main feature of the city is it’s colosseum where weekly gladiator games are held (Only one death match weekly generally).

Three rivers

The second largest and also probably the least extravagant city in Nordheim. The city was somewhat accidental and really just began to grow as this is the only place to cross the rivers with cargo. There is one other river crossing to the north but it is not largely used because you cannot get a wagon across it. This city feels the pulse of Nordheim as it is the main trading crossroads and provides access to the sea for trade with Yangar.

Razorback Mountains

The impassable mountain range that sits atop the continent. They are not truly impassable however as there are stories told of what lies beyond by some brave, highly skilled adventures who tackled the range and returned. Several dwarven mining towns rest in the mountains ranging all the way up to the tree line.

Nordheim's Gate

An Island fortress that is home to Diamond Throne's large navy, and protects the city from attack by sea. A moderately sized military town bustles inside the fortress.


The city of refugees. Where survivors of the calamity fled to in the days and months and years after. Land east of the river was given to the refugees to begin to rebuild their kingdom. It is known as “The Gift.” In recent years it served as the staging ground for the establishment of Aelor’s Hope. Largest city in the world (the remnants of an entire kingdom live here).

Maribor Swamp

The swamp swallows the south west peninsula of Nordheim. Due to the nutrients provided by being at the delta of the rust river, the forms of life here are abundant. Some travelers tell stories of communities of sentient mushrooms that help lost and hungry adventures.

The Shattered Isles

The South-East region of the Known World is the shattered isles. The Land was broken to pieces in the calamity. It is a largely Mediterranean climate and nearly all of the islands are over run with demons and at the center is the demon portal. The four guard pillars, and the Isle of Aelor’s Hope are the only islands that have thus far been reclaimed. The pillars surround the dormant demon portal that was the source of the calamity.

The Demon Portal

The epicenter of the calamity. The portal is dormant now. Demons still escape from time to time, however it is nothing like the hordes that poured out during the calamity. It is theorized that something in The Cradle (capital city of the ancient kingdom of Erathus) must have begun the calamity, as the portal opened up where this mighty city once stood and swallowed it whole.

The Isles

The portion of land ripped apart in the calamity. Many towns from the kingdom of Erathus are scattered amongst the isles and many have roads that lead to nowhere (right off cliff edges and into the ocean.)

Aelor's Hope

The first, and thus far successful, attempt to begin retaking the Shattered Isles. The church of Aelor sent hundreds of paladins to storm the Island and establish a fortress. Since then the city has grown around the business of artifact hunting. Many powerful magical artifacts were left behind in the calamity and a man can get rich. A frontier town.

The Ruins

Strewn across the isles and the continent to the south are the ruins of the greatest kingdom ever known. The people of Erathus were able to build such a great civilization thanks to their advanced knowledge of magic, most of which was lost in the calamity. The situation being as it is, magical artifacts and tomes of knowledge that can be found throughout the ruins can fetch a high price to the right buyer.

The Tainted

Commonly found squatting in ruins, are the tainted. The taint is a highly contageous disease that arose after the calamity. It occurs when a creature of the material plane is infused with too much chaos essence. Some have been know to survive for decades while other's die within days. Some lucky (or unlucky) souls outlast the disease. These dark individuals come out of the ordeal far more powerful, but changed...

PCs, Heros, and The Taint

Player Characters with Good or Neutral alignment cannot be affected by the taint. They have hero's souls so it takes far more chaotic essence to taint them. Evil players may accept the taint and be transformed into a minion of < REDACTED >. (Futher rules for tainted TBD)

The Watch Towers

Established immediately after the Portal went dormant. Four salvaged watchtowers from The Cradle’s walls serve as a lookout for the paladins of Erathus to watch and warn the realm should the Demon Portal become active once again.


In the southwest lies the lands of Yangar. The northernmost section of Yangar is dominated by rain forest, and the south is a vast desert. The two drastically different climates are separated by the high mountains of the Barrier mountain range. During the calamity, Demons ran rampant across the desert but were able to be stopped at the natural bottleneck made by the mountain passes.

The Rainforest

Even at the height of civilization before the calamity these lands were wild. There is no formal rule of law in the Yangar rain forest. The majority population in the rain forest are reptilian races, Dragonborn tend to be Warchiefs and Generals. The dense vegetation and treacherous wildlife make travel without a native guide near impossible.

The Rivers

The slow flat rivers that snake through the rain forest allow a way for the free settlements to trade, and provide a means of travel for adventures that do not have access to a guide.

Free Settlements

Settlements of like minded people who wish to live free of law and rule have popped up here and there in the depths of the rain forest. Each has its own individual customs and values but tend to be fairly safe places for adventurers who are exploring the jungle to rest.

Yangar's Tip

At the natural landing point for intrepid explorers a large city has grown. The entry and exit point for all goods that move in and out of Yangar, as well as most people (though it is not impossible to get a brave captain to drop you somewhere else). The only legitimately recognized settlement by the rest of the worlds civilization. Some wealthy people even vacation here (for gambling, brothels, slavery, etc).

The Barrier Mountains

This high mountain range stretches across the middle of Yangar separating the jungle from the desert. The mountains are inhospitable, and must be passed through quickly if you are to survive. It is thanks to the natural bottleneck provided by the mountain passes that the denizens of Yangar held the line.

The Demon Wastes

The vast desert of Yangar was once the territory of a civilization that rivaled that of the Kingdom of Erathus. The difference however is that the calamity consumed all of the desert and there were no known survivors from there. Now, the deserts are a wild safari for demons of all kinds.

The Warring Tribes

Control of different regions of the rainforest change hands between warring tribes constantly. It is very difficult for adventures to keep track of whose territory they are in at any given moment, and it is not uncommon to accidentally stumble into a full on battle in the jungle. The tribes only came together once in known history to fend off the demons of the calamity.


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