Cosmic Gems - Otherworldly Patron

by Kovaud

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The Cosmic Gems

The patron that you are beholden to is highly unusual in nature. Rather than a specific entity, you are granted power from a cluster of sentient cosmic crystals that travels throughout the universe. These cosmic gems embody the forces that drive the very fabric of the universe such as space, time, gravity, etc.

Cosmic Gems Expanded Spell List
Spell Level Spells
1st Absorb Elements, Burning Hands
2nd Scorching Ray, Moonbeam
3rd Protection from Energy, Lightning Bolt
4th Fabricate, Dimension Door
5th Teleportation Circle, Seeming

Universal Channel

1st-level Cosmic Gems feature

The cosmic gems allow you tap into a fraction of a fraction of their immense power. Whenever you expend a spell slot, you can choose to deal force damage equal to the level of the expended spell slot to a creature within 5 feet of you.

Additionally, when you reach 10th level you may add your Charisma modifier to the additional force damage.

Art by OrionJoe0916

Celestial Retribution

6th-level Cosmic Gems feature

Whenever a creature succeeds on a saving throw against a spell you cast using a warlock spell slot, you can as a reaction cause that creature to take force damage equal to the difference between their successful roll and you Spell Save DC and be pushed back up to 15 feet.

Instrument of the Cosmos

10th-level Cosmic Gems feature

As you come closer and closer to becoming a conduit of the cosmic energy of the gems. Your body strengthens and is better able to withstand their power. You gain resistance to force damage and are immune to the ill effects of extreme environmental cold and heat, and the vacuum of space. Additionally, you no longer need to breathe.

Cosmic Overlord

14th-level Cosmic Gems feature

You have finally become a perfect channel for the great power that the cosmic gems have bestowed upon you. You no longer age and cannot be magically aged.

Additionally, as an action you can summon forth a hail of jagged, crystal shards to strike a 30-foot radius centered on a point you can see within 60 feet of you. All creatures within this radius must make a Dexterity saving throw taking 15d6 force damage and being knocked prone on a failed save, and taking half as much damage and not being knocked prone on a successful save. Objects and structures in the area automatically fail this save and take double damage from this feature.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.