Vern's Guide to Warfare

by Kovaud

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Arcane War Machines

The machines presented here are the product of the mixing of engineering and magic. They are massive and complex magic items which were designed to level the battlefield.


Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This massive machine was dubbed the "Bulwark" by those who saw it. A near impervious hunk of metal which dealt out pain as much as it took. ~Vern

The bulwark is a Huge object with the following statistics:

Armor Class: 17

Hit Points: 250

Speed: 30 feet

Spell Save DC and Attack Modifier: 16, +4

Damage Immunities: Poison, psychic

The bulwark is a large rectangular metal crate fixed to a set of treaded wheels with a long, thin barrel extending from the front of it. On its top is a hatch which allows passage into and out of the interior of the machine. A creature near the hatch can open or close the hatch as a bonus action and enter or exit the bulwark by spending 15 feet of movement to do so.

While the bulwark's hatch is closed, the compartment is airtight and watertight. The compartment holds enough air for 6 hours of breathing, divided by the number of breathing creatures inside. The bulwark sinks in water.

The interior space contains enough space for 1 ton of cargo and is capable of comfortably fitting up to three Medium or smaller creatures. At the front of the interior is the pilots seat which has a crystalline projection allowing the attuned pilot to see outside of the bulwark in front of it. Behind the pilots seat, is a loading chamber where arcane charges can be loaded into the barrel of the bulwark by a creature within 5 feet of it spending their bonus action to do so. A creature within 5 feet of the loading chamber can take the Attack action to launch a loaded charge. The loading chamber can have up to three arcane charges loaded into it at a time.

When an arcane charge is fired, the creature firing the charge targets a point within 120 feet of the bulwark that the pilot can see. Each creature and object within 30 feet of that point must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. Taking 3d10 force damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a successful save, objects automatically fail this save.

While piloting the vehicle, the pilot can spend an action or a bonus action to move the bulwark up to 30 feet.

All creatures within the bulwark cannot be targeted by attacks, spell, or other effects that originate from outside of the bulwark.

The barrel of the bulwark is considered an arcane focus through which the pilot can cast spells. A spell cast this way that has a range of 30 feet or more, gains a minimum range of 120 feet.

The bulwark is vulnerable to dead magic zones, the spell antimagic field, and can be disabled by dispel magic cast as a 8th-level or higher spell for 24 hours. A creature that has a tinker's tools can as an action attempt to succeed on a check equal to the casters spell save DC to restore the bulwark to operation.

Iron Drake

Wondrous item, very rare (require attunement)

Throughout history mortalkind has sought to replicate the mighty dragon. The iron drake is a step closer towards that goeal. ~Vern

The iron drake is a Large object with the following statistics:

Armor Class: 18

Hit Points: 180

Speed: 20 feet, fly 80 feet

Spell Save DC and Attack Modifier: 16, +4

Damage Immunities: Poison, psychic

An iron drake is a machine with a long, metal body with a flat wing attached to each side. Near the front of the metal body is a seat positioned partially within. An attuned creature can operate the iron drake by sitting within this seat.

The iron drake posses a specialized magic engine which contains an ensnared air elemental allowing it to achieve flight. Additionally, it possesses a short, thin barrel which is considered an arcane focus through which the attuned pilot can cast spells. A spell cast this way that has a range of 30 feet or more, gains a minimum range of 120 feet. The iron drake has an internal chamber which holds 35 arcane charges which automatically load themselves. There is a small hatch which allows for the reloading of these arcane charges.

An attuned creature within the pilots seat can spend their action or bonus action to move the iron drake using its movement speed to do so. A piloting creature can also spend an action and an arcane charge to cast magic missile, scorching ray, or acid arrow.

If the iron drake is on the ground the pilot must move it 20 feet in one turn using its entire land speed in order to use its fly speed.

The iron drake is vulnerable to dead magic zones, the spell antimagic field, and can be disabled by the spell dispel magic cast as a 7th-level or higher spell for 24 hours. A creature that has a tinker's tools can as an action attempt to succeed on a check equal to the casters spell save DC to restore the bulwark to operation from the effects of dispel magic or earthbind.


Wondrous Item, very rare

The bombardier is a Large object with the following statistics:

Armor Class: 14

Hit Points: 100

Speed: 0 feet

Spell Save DC and Attack Modifier: 16, +4

Damage Immunities: Poison, psychic

With the rapid production of arcane charges nowadays, it was only a matter of time before we built something to take pot shots into the wind.

A bombardier is a large stationary metal cannon pointed vertically on a mobile axis and rotating stand which can be used as an arcane focus by its operator. A spell cast this way gains a minimum range of 500 feet. There is a seat built onto the back of it. The cannon of the bombardier is an arcane focus for the pilots spells. On the side of the bombardier is a loading chamber where arcane charges can be loaded into the barrel of the bombardier by a creature within 5 feet of it spending their action to do so. The chamber can hold up to six arcane charges.

A creature within the bombardiers seat can spend an action to use a loaded arcane charge to cast a spell they know or ice storm or earthbind. A spell cast this way must target a creature the operator can see within range or a point that the operator know the coordinates of within range.

The bombardier is vulnerable to dead magic zones, the spell antimagic field, and can be disabled by the spell dispel magic cast as a 6th-level or higher spell for 24 hours. A creature that has a tinker's tools can as an action attempt to succeed on a check equal to the casters spell save DC to restore the bulwark to operation.

Arcane Weaponry

Dragonwork Rifle

Weapon (rifle), very rare

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

The wielder of the rifle can as an action unleash a burst of dragon fire from the rifle in a 15 foot cone. All creatures in this cone must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save taking 3d6 fire damage, and half as much on a successful save. After using this property of the rifle the wielder cannot do so again for 24 hours.

Eldritch Revolver

Weapon (revolver), uncommon (requires attunement)

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

As an action, the wielder can make an attack roll against each creature they can see within 30 feet of them. On a hit, dealing damage as normal. This property cannot be used again for 24 hours.


Wondrous item, uncommon

A shatterbomb can be thrown out to a range of 60 feet. When a shatterbomb lands it activates and acts as if the spell Shatter was cast at the point it landed.


Weapon (heavy crossbow), rare

This weapon was created for the intent of being a mobile ballista, allowing the wielder to lay siege to demonic forces. It possesses the ability to hold up to three crowssbow bolts at a time before needing to be reloaded. The hellista has two modes that the wielder can switch between as a bonus action while wielding it.

  • Heavy Cannon. The hellista deals an additional 2d10 piercing damage on successful attacks made while in this mode.
  • Spreadshot. Whenever the wielder makes an attack roll, they can choose to make an attack roll against a number of creatures equal to the number of crossbow bolts loaded within range.
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Rifle 100 gp 2d8 piercing 6 lb. Ammunition (range 90/360), loading, two-handed
Revolver 40 gp 2d6 slashing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 60/240)
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